Braiding Long Natural Hair For Protective Styling

  • Posted on 13 October, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

Hey Beauties, here is a protective cornrow braided style done on long natural hair.

Channel New Growth nachos good morning good afternoon, good evening or good night, wherever you're watching from all over the world, welcome to another live stream, and today I'm braiding her here back. This is the braided cornrow protective Style. I expect the style to last for at least two weeks pronouns that I'm breathing with this time, I'm using the Eco black, castor oil conditioning styling Joe, not my favorite product, to use to braid with it's okay, because single braids and other styles, but for Carnival braids. I prefer to use shine and jam conditioning gel, but I'm out I can't seem to find it in the stories that I normally get them. So here we are hi, fitoor welcome to the live stream and thanks to the person that gave the live stream a thumbs up so far, you guys are super duper, awesome, hi, erla, hi, Yolanda hi viola. What have you guys been doing? Sorry for the noise, in the background, hi Coke for some person is, I wouldn't say it - helps with hair growth fatal. So the question Pathways asked and if those have twists does have interest in your hair, help the hair to grow. No protective styles don't help the hair to grow. What they do is protect the hair from damage from breakage and, from you know, the elements that will cause breakage, thereby you having longer hair by length retention, there's nothing much that you can do to influence the growth of your hair. Apart from eating healthy sleeping exercising, you know taking healthy supplements, you know massaging your scalp with stimulating oils, but even doing that there's a certain rate that you hear will grow bye and that's based on genetics. That'S based on standards. It'S like it's like, for example, a tomato plant, no matter how well you fertilize water it planted in good soil. Genetically the tomato tree can't grow like a mango tree. It won't ever get long as a mango tree or bigger as a mango tree. It will have the nature of a tomato tree, it will be healthy, it will produce healthy fat juicy Tomatoes, but it won't ever be like a mango tree with that said, your hair can grow healthily, but at a certain rate per month. Just the same. So your goal is to try and retain more length, not necessarily to you know, do styles to make your hair grow because, frankly, there's no style that make your hair grow quicker than others. There are styles that does retain more length than others, simply because they're low maintenance they'll last longer - and you know your hair - is more protected, while you're wearing those styles hi Jackie. I love you too, Coke good night Diana and thanks to the nine person that gave the live stream a thumbs up so far, you guys are super duper awesome. So I already started this bread and Midway decided to go live just because I thought about you guys. What time is it in your country by the way? Let me know thank you. Can you guys stand here mcmurity with that hi Cynthia, it's just 4 46 Jackie in your country, wow? Is the sun still out talk to me, hi Darby welcome back hi Denise. Where are you Diana okay, so Jackie said? Yes, the sun is still out. Thank you guys. So it's still afternoon for some of you and it's a good night for some of you, hi Diana you're you're in Grenada. Okay, for my hair, no I'll definitely give you a update on the products that I'm now using for my hair, hey Melissa, thanks for joining us, hi! Caroline welcome back my dear what time is it in your country, Caroline hello, at least 4 49 PM, so the sun is still out. Okay, did you guys just get a notification? Oh hi, Aquila, you're, seven years old? Where are you from hey Natalia? I have a question okay, so, besides all that you told me to use in my hair consider my hair situational. What else should I put in it to keep it like moisturized, it's not dry, because if I put oils along with that, the oils is for your scalp, because the problem that you're, having mostly is the excess, shading right, yeah yeah. So the oil is really to help with hair growth and to prevent you know excess shedding for moisturizer. Definitely you don't need your moisturizer here. You see that you're going to be in a protective cell. I recommend that you use a spritz bottle like one of those moisturizer. You can spray on condition that you want to put in a spray bottle with some water and some oil and light. Let me stay here with it. Every now and again, not too heavy like drenching, it just lightly miss those other water layers of his exposure. Looking so it's a moisture, you could do that and I guess I can do that every time I do myself yeah and you're only doing your scalp like twice for the week. You can do it at that time, but if you already have a good leaving conditioner, what you can do is just pour something about. You had a little water, add a little oil, so it's able to Spritz ee hi Orlando welcome to the live stream. My dear thanks to the 18th person that gave the live stream a thumbs up so far, you guys are super duper. Awesome, hair, restoration care who are you hi Carlene, welcome to the live stream so happy to see you guys. So it's 12 minutes into the live stream. What time it is in your country for those that have not responded so far by the way guys, can you still see and hear clearly, please, let me know because I know sometimes the internet does give a lot of stress. Stephen is doing good, hi, Denise Stephen, come and say: hi, okay, hi thanks Caroline thanks for super chatting me hi, Ashley, hi, Eleanor long time, no see how are you so it's still evening in Los Angeles. Indeed, so it has grown right before our eyes. I'M doing good Eleanor so happy to see you here. Yeah he's definitely growing really fast. I can't believe it is like six years old now, of course, our edges is gon na be okay. I don't do hair tight notice that she's not flinching her eyebrows are are squirting our face like making a frown. That'S because there is not a lot of tension on her edges. As a matter of fact, I choose a style to restore her edges because they have been thinning out. You must be new here. Are you new here? Welcome to the new growth Naturals family Ashley, I'm so sorry to hear that Darby, please pray for her brother guys. He has been missing. I hope you guys find him soon and that he's safe, okay, 7, 58 PM in Connecticut, but hi Zillow welcome to the live stream, hi Tanisha! How are you before that? Hey Marianne welcome to the live stream and thanks to the 30 person that gave the live stream a thumbs up so far, you guys are super duper awesome. So if you're in the chat - and you haven't yet given the likes from a thumbs up exit, the chat, give the live stream a thumbs up and then come back and chat me out or you can just watch and read, but just give the live stream a Thumbs up yes, Maria Marianne, her hair is really nice and it was nicer. She just having a little you see with hair, shedding which we're gon na work on. We have started working on so very soon. We won't have that issue foreign. So this is my last plan for the day and I'll be definitely heading home. I plan to wash my hair tonight, maybe early in the morning, but it needs to be washed. I may do a video for you guys to show you my wash day routine, but I've been using what I've been doing, maybe an hour also it depends on the size of the style and the type of style as well. We can. It varies. It'S one o'clock in the UK girl you're not going to bed. What do you want to ask Tanisha? Oh so it's after two in France girl. What are you doing up this time of the morning? What were you up doing before I came on? That should be the question. This is a style Ashley, she's gon na wear her hair, like this she's, not putting on any crochet or a wig. This is a style. Is your daughter here long Tanisha? Do you know her hair type? Does she have like fine strands or thick strand? Tell me about your daughter here? Also I'd like to know when you do shampoo her hair? Is it that the time when it's really matted or dream take down or protective styles? When do you find that it is mostly matted and hard to handle hi Khadijah welcome to the live stream, so tell me Tanisha tell me about your daughter's hair regimen. What do you normally do to her hair? How old is your daughter, Denise sounds like a fun person, hi Suzanne welcome to the live stream. That is the issue Tanisha if she doesn't like her hair comb and you're not doing much to her hair. That may be the reason why it's Matty done tangle to fix this issue. You need to get her on a routine, whether it's gon na be like do a protective style that will last her for at least two weeks, or at least a week once you take it down wash and deep conditioner here, because this is a thing that deep Conditioning does when you deep punish on your hair. It helps to keep the hair soft and it helps to prevent it from matting, because the deep conditioner helped to form a barrier over the hair cuticle and that element that normally cause. You know a lot of phrase. A lot of friction and stuff like that, hence cause a little math. You know it's someone suppressed when you do regular, deep conditioners, but protective styling, deep conditioners and also keeping the hair moisturized will help where Tangles are concerned. Also washing your hearing sections. I hope you can manage to get her on a routine whether or not she likes her hair comb just find something that will work. Do a project to style that will last her for a while hi Kathy. Sorry to hear that you have Lupus Kathy, that's not an easy thing. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, and it is why it's affecting your hair. More than anything else, you want to make sure that you're eating healthy, healthy, first and foremost you're eating a balanced diet, a diet rich in green leafy vegetables. You know rich in iron and stuff like that, and then you want to make sure if you're not eating healthy, make sure you take your vitamins that will help to strengthen your hair. So you attack the issue from inside out. There'S not much that you can do from the outside, but there's a lot that you can do from the inside, even though you're limited to some degree. But once you focus on your diet, exercising you know: eating healthy drinking lots of water that will help to strengthen the hair from inside once the hair is outside. You may want to focus on doing regular, deep conditioners being extra gentle with your hair. Do Styles, where you don't have to constantly manipulate your hair, that sort of thing will help but focus on the inside first and then, once your hair grows out, focus on baby in your hair, treat your hair like a newborn baby, treat it like a newborn baby And that will really help you to retain the length and that will help the health of your hair. Like I said sorry that you're experiencing you know lupus it's not easy. It'S not good, but there's a way to actually gain back. Some strengthen terms of the hair make sure you're getting enough sleep that is critical as well. I am Luis good night to you. Where are you watching from what time is it in your country? You'Re welcome Kathy I've talked hi Hawkins. How are you, or should I say, Eleanor, what protective style are you doing Ashley so Ashley's asking if it's bad to do a protista style for six months? What protective styles are you doing that will last you for six months? That'S the number one question: the most important question that I really do want to ask is: while doing that protective style, are you able to clean your scalp? Are you able to moisturize your hair in that protective Style? How is the health of your scalp once you can answer those two questions, then I'll get I'll, be better able to advise you, because the the whole point of a protective style is to protect the hair. In order for you to retain length, you know and help to you know, keep your hair moisturized and protected, but if, while wearing that protective Style, your scalp is not being taken care of and it's not been healthy, then you're going to cause more harm than good. Because you need just like the soil, the soil needs to be rich in nutrient, and you know healthy for the plant to grow healthily. Same thing, with your scalp for healthy hair to grow, you need a healthy base, so once you can gain access to your scalp, it is clean. It is healthy, then, why not, but the most important thing you just need to keep your scalp clean during that six months and you need to be able to access your hair to moisturize it, because moisture is important once you can do those two things and maintain The style and you're comfortable with it. Why not? Oh another thing to consider based on the protective style that you do when, when you're expected to take it down, will you cause a lot of breakage you're here because of the months of accumulated shredded here? Is it doing more harm than good that way, or it's a case where that protective style is done in such a way that even with the shedded here have been accumulated once you take down the style, they'll be easy to remove them. Hi Shantae some persons say that I have never had gray hair, so I have to listen to person that have experience. They do tell me that gray hair caused their hair to itch, which might be true, considering the fact that gray hair is not just a color. Being gray is the fact that the hair is basically like a shell, it is empty and because of that, it may have some irritating factors to it. I do not know for sure what caused it to really itch, but I do have a lot of my clients complain about that. Like I said, I don't have any gray hair, so I can't tell you from experience: try the Palmer's, coconut oil conditioning shampoo and conditioner for her sorry guys if you have typed your question and I haven't seen it because I'm mostly looking at the client's head and When I do look up, it's going, the messages are going so fast. It may be that I missed you, so you can go, go ahead and type over again. Okay, I understand once you're able to clean your scalp moisturizer here, underneath you should be good, but just pay attention to the fact that your scalp has been maintained in terms of health and your hair is kept moisturized and everything is all right. Thanks to the 48 person that gave the live stream a thumbs up so far, you guys are super duper awesome. So this is our final break guys and it's 31 minutes into the live stream. You guys can get it just continue. Following I'm doing a new series. I'Ve started it: have you guys, seen those videos for beginners? So if you just started your natural hair Journey or you have been natural forever, but your hair didn't seem to grow or you weren't taking care of your hair or you won't focus on healthy natural hair. You just did not know how to take care of your hair. Those videos are for you or, if you're, all natural, but you just want a little touch up. Some motivation to you know take better care of your hair, definitely check those videos out and I'll continue to post more so keep those notification Bell on whenever you subscribe. So whenever I do Post you guys will see the videos that I post. Thank you guys. So here we are, this is the Finish, so what it looks like the side that I did before y'all came on and the other side. As always guys. Thank you for coming to keep me company. Remember Jesus love, you so be very good. See you in another live stream or another video. If you have not yet followed me on tiktok, Instagram or Facebook go ahead and follow me at New Growth, Naturals right across all platform until next time, guys bye,

Island Girl Ruby: Beautiful hair beautiful woman, you did a great job Sam. I wish I had someone in Albany, NY to braid my hair like this.

Donnie Lindon: It looks amazing Great job.

Stacie Carter: Glad to be here as a new subscriber! ⭐️ You are very informative & a pleasure to watch!!! Blessings

Linda Hoskins: Love all the styles

Aniexo: WOW the braids are soo neat

chink meliana: How long do your clients keep their hair braided before they next appointment?

chink meliana: How long do your clients keep their hair braided before they next appointment?

THE MAD MILLIONAIRE: Hey Hair is so pretty! Good job

Michelle Jones: Could we see the view from the front also?

syl manyeki: Hi Samantha, I’ve only been able to find 2 jars of shine and jam but im determined to find more for u.

Aniexo: If someone were to moved to the grand cayman do you always take new clients?

MingToi Isaac: ❤️❤️

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