6 Quick Natural Hair Updos

This is a tutorial on 6 quick different natural hair updos.

#hair #naturalhair #updotutorial

Hi guys welcome to hi dad's world. Thank you so much guys for tuning in, if you guys are interested in the 4c hairstyles um in the title. Please stay tuned to my new subscribers. Welcome to our data's world on this channel. I teach people how to do. Hair and makeup for basically the stuff that i do on my channel, so please stay tuned and and just see what i'm all about to my old subscribers welcome back. Thank you so much guys for sticking by so please stay tuned and enjoy, and i hope you guys learned something and don't forget to hit the thumbs up. Button comment share and subscribe to the channel without further ado. Let'S just jump right into it. So first things. First, i am dividing my hair into three different sections. If you have 4c here and it's in its shrunken state, you might want to work with it in sections, rather than just tying it all at once. If it's long here so first things. First, i'm after dividing it into three different sections, i'm starting with the middle part, because that's where i want my updo to be so i if you guys observed, i first started off with spraying that particular section, and then you just want to make sure that it's Soft, so you make sure that the water spreads out and then you go ahead and add your gel. Whatever gel you prefer to use, then you're gon na brush it up and then tie it up. So i'm i am now doing the front section and i'm now going to tie that part together with the middle part, and i do the same also with the back part tied together with the rest of the hair, to make it one high puff. You might also want to take your time as you are dealing with your natural hair this. This video is fast-forwarded because um just for the sake of time, but if you're dealing with a natural hair, please take your time so that you don't break your hair. Remember this channel is all about growing your fussy, hair and i'm not encouraging you guys to be doing this to your hair every day. You do this once in a while. You know if you need to if you're going somewhere, so you don't have to do this. Every day, or else you're going to break your hair, this channel is all about. You know going off 4c hair, taking good care of it. So doing this every day is, is not good for your hair. I just thought i meant make mention of that. So now that i'm done, i'm just fluffing up my hair so that it's nice and it's soft and then i'm just gon na go ahead and divide it into three different sections so that i can nicely braid it up. So, okay, so i'm not even gon na lie. My hands were hurting. This just goes to show you that i don't do this every day. My hands were really hurting. I'M not used to this, but hey a girl's got ta. Do what a girl's got. Ta do so it once i was done braiding that part up. I just brushed my hair once more. My hair was already damp with water and i'd already put gel, so i'm not adding more gel. I'M just gon na do with my edges. So i'm not just trying to lay down my edges, you guys, you guys know me by now. If you know me, you know this is not my department, this whole laying of ages thing. I always struggle to do this. I'M still trying to learn that this is not my department and i've accepted it. So yeah, i'm just gon na, do what i managed to do and keep it moving. So so i'm just gon na go ahead and put on a head wrap to make sure that my hair is nice and sleek to make sure that my hair is nice and flat in the front. I'M gon na add that hair drop and then i'll go ahead and tie another hair drop from the back to the front to make sure that the back of my head is also just as nice and flat then i'll leave those hair drops on. While i do, i do my makeup. So if you want to see how i did my makeup be sure to just check the description box below i'll put the link down below for the makeup video, for you guys to check out so now that i'm done with my makeup, i'm just going to go Ahead and remove the hair drops, if you want your hair to be nicer, nicer and sleeker and flatter or whatever it is that you call it, you might want to leave the hair drops on for longer, but in this case i had left the hairdresser, for, i Think about an hour or a few minutes, while i was doing my makeup, so i'm just now going to go ahead and start styling, my hair in different updo hairstyles. These are just a few examples of what you would do to hair if you're going somewhere, and you have no idea what to do with your hair and you want your hair in an updo. So please just relax and observe so after tying that hair band around your braid, whatever braids you prefer to choose, you now just tie that around your braided hair, when you're choosing a braid to use always make sure that you choose something. That'S close to the texture of your hair. In this case i was just using what i had, but if you're going out somewhere, you might want to use something that is at least close to the texture of your hair. That way, it looks better and it actually looks like it's your own hair now just going around with a piece of the braid around that just to make sure it's nice and secure and secure that with a bobby pin just to make sure nothing falls off. So you can go ahead and comb that braid up and then, if you want, you can leave it like that. This is a nice updo. Anybody can do this and it's going to make you look nice and clean. So if you want, you can leave it like that, as you guys can see, i couldn't get enough of this hairstyle. It looks nice just as it is. That'S why it's important for you to always get the texture of something that's close to the texture of your hair, for it to look nice and natural. If you like, you can go ahead and turn that into a different hairstyle. This particular hairstyle, i'm using a few different headbands, i'm going to be leaving spaces in between and then i'm going to go ahead and tie those into small little sections like i'm doing so. I'M now gon na go ahead and then i'll just be pulling those sections out to make them a little bit more partier just to make it look nice and cute. You guys know this hairstyle. By now it looks it looks really nice if you get textural braids that are more fluffier there we go so that's another hairdo that you guys would do something. That'S just a little bit playful, something that's good, something that just gives you like: a young vibe type of a look. But if you like again, you can put that up into a different updo, something that would just be a little bit messy but funky. So because it's a little bit messy apple, you might want to add an accessory anything that you have i'm just going to put on what i have and that we just change the whole look. That makes you look pretty. That makes you look. It makes it look different there we go so i'm just gon na go ahead and remove those hair ties for a different something different that you would do to your hair. So please just sit back, relax and i hope you're learning something don't forget to hit the thumbs up. Button comment share and subscribe to the channel for more content like this. So now i'm just gon na go ahead and braid that hairpiece. I am braiding it together with my piece of the piece over here that i had braided up braiding it together with it so that doesn't move around, and you also just keep that in place. So take your time and braid it well, if you can't read on your own, ask somebody to do it for you. So after breading it up, you can either leave it like that. You can either just work it like that or you could turn that to a different updo. So please just stick around and see what i'm about to do. So there we go. So i just tied that up around and now i'm just going to secure that with bobby pins and yeah, just to make sure it doesn't fall off in case i go out so as if that's not enough, you can change that up and put it in a Different hair up too so i just tied that around, like i'm doing it right now, and then i'm just going to go ahead and put gold strings to just make it look. Different gold streams are, are a good and fancy hair accessories, so you might want to get yourself a few gold strings just to style your hair in different ways like i'm doing right now, so there we go guys. Those are a few hair updos that you might want to do if you have natural hair, so don't forget to click that notification there so that you guys are notified when i drop more videos and for my natural hair sisters that don't like gel. I have another video coming up for that, so please stay tuned and stick around. Thank you so much guys for watching goodbye.

KaySibo TV: Am enjoying this .... The hair already looks nice with the pony tail

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