Fashion Trends That Are Over In 2022 (Apparently)




Today we are taking a look at an article telling us what trends we SHOULD and SHOULDN'T wear in 2022! From throwing away our loafers to adding citrus orange! I want to give my perspective on the "wear this not that" concept with fashion because I think everybody should wear whatever makes them happy, trend or not! Although if you like a certain trend of course getting inspired and implementing it into your personal style to customize what works best for you is something I talk about all the time, but specifically shaming people for wearing something that "isn't trendy anything" just is kind of ridiculous! Even with the trends/fashion styles I don't like, I specifically don't like them on ME and truly don't care what other people wear and in most cases those trends I don't like on me, I actually LOVE on other people so I think focusing on ourselves and what WE like to wear versus forcing these fashion rules on others I think is important. I made a video at the beginning of 2021 talking about the fashion trends that are over and in that video I specifically said I didn't like the trends on me and so many took it to heart that I was saying they shouldn't wear it WHICH again is not what I was saying and I just wanted to note that (although I cannot deny in that video I was quite sassy).

ELLE Australia Article

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- What's the "83" mean? Is that your birth year? NO, the "83" is for 08/03 = 83 which is my birthday (August 3rd). Basically alexasunshine was taken

- Why do you thrift? To stop my consumption of fast fashion due to the horrible treatment of workers and the negative environmental impact of waste fast fashion produces. I recommend the documentary The True Cost

- Are your plants real? NO, all my plants are artificial!

-Are your candles real? No, they are flameless.

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Music by Mark Generous - Orange And Pomegranate -

Music by Ryan Little - Think About You -

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Oh, we got a controversial one. ♪ Alexa, Sunshine, 83, ♪ ♪. It'S always sunny here.BOP ♪, Hey sunshiners, Alexa, Sunshine, 83, right here., Hello, Hello., Happy sunny day. What is up So 2021 is coming to a close and during this time for a lot of people. It'S all about refreshing., And so I figured what better to have a little refresh than get rid of all the clothing. That'S not considered trendy anymore when it was literally trendy last year and you spent money on it, but now there's no reason to wear them, because the fashion industry is basically like. No, that was a stupid trend. You stopped wearing that. But just you wait like one or two years and it will come back into fashion and then you'll have to rebuy it. And the cycle will continue.. Obviously, the concept of being told not to wear, because it's out of trend is the silliest and most like infuriating thing. Ever.. Basically, in this video, I'm gon na be reacting, and I guess kind of giving my thoughts on this article that I found on Elle Australia, which is 14 fashion trends that you should retire and adopt in 2022.. I do have to say in the description right before kind of the list, they do say dress as you wish., But I guess this concept of like people telling you to stop wearing a certain style, because it's not trendy anymore, is something that a lot of people Will hold true. And I don't think that's the majority of people, especially everyone. That'S probably watching me., We kind of have the same agreement that you should dress. However, you want. And specifically when it comes to fashion trends, I like to get inspiration from them., And I have you know, opinions of trends and styles that I personally just don't like on me. I could care less what other people wear. Even low-rise jeans.. I have no problem with people wearing them.. What I do have a problem is the fashion industry telling me that high-waisted jeans are out of style and I should stop wearing them. And I should wear low-rise jeans., But I personally don't feel comfortable and I'm getting roasted because I'm wearing high rise jeans, like that's What I have a problem, with. So yeah, I honestly haven't really looked at this list.. I randomly found it when I was searching for winter, like 2021 fashion trends. - And I was like, oh my goodness. This would be such a fun video concept.. So hopefully you guys are as interested as I am in taking a look at again what we should and shouldn't wear for 2022.. I forgot to say it's funny too, because so many different websites have different things that are trends.. Sometimes they overlap, but sometimes they don't overlap., And I can already tell one of the trends that they say are out have been on 2022 predicted trends lists as being in., So it's just kind of funny as well.. The first thing that's in is dopamine dressing., So gone are the days of neutrals.. Essentially, the concept of dopamine dressing is a theory that wearing certain colors can elevate your mood, which, I would say, probably colorful colors in most cases make someone happy, but not always someone that really likes to wear all black maybe feels that, like dopamine, when they wear All black., It's fuchsias citrus oranges, electric blues., Whereas what is out our neutral notes., So off the back of dopamine dressing. Neutrals have had their time in the sun and now are in need of retirement., And I would say, neutrals are never not a trend because I think they're pretty basic in most people's wardrobe. With light academia and dark academia being kind of like booming and 2021. I feel like that's still going to carry over into 2022. And I feel like if you already wear neutrals, you aren't gon na stop wearing neutrals and in most cases, you're only gon na. Add pops of color here and there. You're, not gon na, be like a full colorful type of person.. So I feel like this in and out type of thing of like bring colors in and take neutrals out.. I feel like it's more like you should own both. If you want to obviously., Actually I feel like the end of 2021 is when I've really actually surprisingly, gotten into beiges and tans., Whereas before I would have never really worn like brown tones. For at least me, it's like the start of my neutral journey.. The next is gender neutral. Dressing. Are sweet feminine pieces, oh so fun to wear Yes, but they offer a little wiggle room.. As for neutral, we do approve of. Androgynous attire is designed to liberate fashion fanatics from the binary restraints of the fashion industry.. I personally love the gender neutral dressing, I'm all for that.. I think that should be again just a thing that like exists. Not like it's in now, but like next year, it's gon na be out, especially like androgynous attire.. I think it looks so beautiful and the people that rock it, but they look amazing., I'm also all for, like any gender wearing any type of clothing that they want., Whereas checkered everything is out, which I do also think it's interesting, that they say that checkered has Just broken in to the beauty market, but now is borderline passe., And I would have to agree that checkered really boomed this year., I feel like everyone in her mom's owns a checkered rug.. Personally, I wan na own a checkered rug., And I think it's just interesting with how you know recently it kind of came into being a popular thing that it's already like out of style, so soon. Personally, I think checkered is cool.. I'M not really like in love with checker clothing in general, for my personal style, but I feel like as a pattern. It should live on. It'S like the same thing with cow print.. I know a lot of people, probably don't think cow print is cute and is probably like out of style now.. But for me it's like a closet, staple forever. And I think for people that then wear checkered. It'S gon na be that as well. And also this photo that they use. I think this is so cute.. I love the yellow, like popping out looking at this outfit, the fact that somebody wouldn't wear it now, because it would be considered out of style, which, just like makes me angry.. The next is stacked up earrings an oldie, but a goodie. Stacked up earrings are climbing back into the limelight in 2022.. I didn't even know they were out of style. Was the idea of having a bunch of like piercings out of style. I feel like that's such a personal preference as to like how you want your ears to look., I mean I would love for my entire ear to be like fully pierced, but by ears are really sensitive and I'm going slow.. Also, I feel like piercings need to like slow down with being a trend, because getting your ears pierced number one is expensive. If you actually go to a good place. - And I think this idea of it being a trend - is a bunch of people just going to like a random piercing place with just like a gun and getting a bunch of piercings. Just because it's trendy and then give it like two months and their ears get infected. And then it like comes out and they just wasted that money. When it comes a piercings, that's like a long-term type of thing.. So I do think it's interesting that it would be kind of considered having a bunch of piercings being a trend. This one hurts.. I mean I'm not even like super into this, but I think the style is beautiful. Like I think I only own one pair of loafers.. I don't really like wear them often, but I think the style is so cute. Loafers have had their moment and it's time to let them go., But it literally says it tends to give off high school student in 2006. Energy. - I don't remember people in 2006 wearing loafers.. I remember them wearing like Oxfords.. Was that the hipster age - I don't, I don't remember. So loafers are out, but Y2K throwback is still in which you're gon na say no to loafers, but keep Y2K a thing, Not that I have anything wrong with anyone wearing any Y2K.. I'M just saying I think it will be interesting going into the new year and honestly, the next like two years to see kind of where that goes and what, like the next big era of fashion, that comes back because, okay, if we have the early 2000s, then Like 2010s fashion, I guess. Okay, this is another one where it's literally, I think personal preference which is loose fitting denim.. At the moment, the trend is already on thin ice. Saturating, our Instagram feeds for the past year., Okay, the concept of like people being over trends because everyone is wearing them like is exactly what the fashion industry and like trends, want to happen. Like they want everyone To wear it., Not only is it overdone, but the trend seems to be only worn by certain body types, which I believe anyone should wear any type of trend. No matter what your body type, which I totally get so many fashion trends, are specifically catered towards. A certain body type - and that should not be the case, but I feel like anyone, can appreciate a good pair of jeans that are really comfy and possibly loose.. Ooh interesting. 2022s color of the year is very peri.. I would say that color is very beautiful. And the cool part about specifically colors being a trend, is you can take that color and then implement it? If you want to like, if you like that color and you get inspired by it, you can implement it into any type of like clothing.. You can really make it customized for your personal style.. I like the openness of that kind of trend.. This one is a lux: sportswear is out. Again. I don't necessarily like gravitate towards this style in general, so it doesn't really do anything for me.. What'S in is glamor grunge.. So if we're taking away sportswear and we're adding glamor grunge honestly, I don't really mind. That. Grunge is itching it's way: back. Leather, biker, boots, sharp silhouettes and all black everything which I'm totally down with. I mean, I would say I have a lot of those pieces. Just in general, but as a concept of being like a thing I'm down with that., But I also would say you know: styles like grunge and goth. Those are like trends that come in and out. People that follow that type of style. It'S usually like a lifetime. Style., Like that's just them, Oh we got a controversial one. Out is fast fashion.. The decline of fast fashion is a no brainer, with sustainable fashion becoming more prominent as the days go. By. There's little room or tolerance left for unethical practices and garments. That won't stand. The test of time., Which I mean I would agree, obviously the unethical practices and that kind of thing, but also I don't put that on the consumer. - I put it on the actual, like company, that's doing all the horrible things. Again it's a positive that there's. You know more sustainable options, a lot more expensive, obviously, that's completely a different argument for a different day., But I think the concept of being aware of fast fashion and kind of what entails, whether you buy it or not, I think, is an important thing.. But again, I think we all need to make sure that we aren't judging someone, because we also have no idea like what kind of like finances or like so many different things.'Cause. I know when it comes to plus-size fashion shopping sustainably is quite difficult. And I think remembering that perfection doesn't exist. And I think somebody that maybe thrifts all their clothes, 60 % of the time but buys fast fashion, 40 % of the time is doing amazing. Heck. Somebody that even thrifts, like 10 % of the time or buys sustainably like I think, making sure that we aren't trying to create this, like perfection, mindset and shaming anyone that isn't perfect. And I think just focusing on ourselves to do the best that we can.. Oh, I love this one. Y'all know I love a good slip dress., So I need all those slip dresses I own. I will continue to wear. And this dress that this person is wearing, I think, is so beautiful.. I would totally wear that.. The last thing. That is out is fur which I would have to agree.. I don't think, there's any reason for designers to use real for when there's faux fur.. So I don't have too much to say about this because I do agree, but also, I would say if you do want a fur coat, but obviously you don't want to buy like a brand new fur coat.. The thrift store has so many and personally again this could be a controversial statement.. I don't have anything wrong with buying real fur jackets at the thrift store.. So I would say if you see someone wearing real fur and they thrift, I think making sure that you don't like jump to conclusions when maybe they got it second hand. Maybe it was their grandmas and their grandma passed it down to them.. I'Ve heard that from a lot of people, you know older generations wearing fur was kind of a big thing. And also just if you live somewhere cold as well. Probably a lot of like grandparents and stuff had real fur and again thrift stores and that kind of thing., So just wan na say that. Alrighty, honestly that one wasn't that bad., I thought it was gon na be like filled with so much more. Again. I didn't really look at it before doing this video. And obviously there were some things that I disagreed with, but I also have to say the like notes on like fast fashion, unethical practices and just like for the environment and that type of thing like yeah. But then you're also talking about things that people shouldn't wear anymore, because it's not trendy, which I do wan na say I have nothing against like Elle or the person that wrote this article. Speaking on trends is quite fun sometimes. And I think again I like to Go from it as like, this could be inspiration not really like. Let me follow this to a tee., Which I would be curious. What are your thoughts on kind of stuff like this, that it's like this trend is out and this trend is in.? I think that's. Why I really enjoy doing the videos where I try to like thrift trends because a lot of people bought stuff'cause? They were trendy and then they weren't trendy anymore, and then they donated them. So they're, most likely at the thrift stores.. So there's positive and negatives for that., But if you like thrifting and secondhand fashion, then make sure to subscribe right down below and hit that little bell to be notified. Every time I make a new video. And also don't forget, to follow me on Instagram, which is alexasunshine83., And I will see you guys in my next video.. I hope you have a super sunny day. Enjoy life, be happy and love. You lots. Bye. (, upbeat music, ),

Alexa Sunshine83: Hey friends, so there's been a lot of debate over real fur versus faux fur and I appreciate the comments sharing the negative environmental impacts of faux fur since it's usually made out of plastic. I still stand that if I were to buy real fur or faux fur that it would be secondhand, but everyone is different and this is just a reminder that this is just for me personally. There's a lot of layers to this discussion, but I wanted to acknowledge that I shouldn't have made it so one sided in the video.

o h h t a e: It’s funny that the article declares that fast fashion is “out”, but telling people what is in style which will encourage people to go and buy new things.

Petite Madeline: While i also don't like the idea of constant trend chasing, i do think that trends can give people room to explore new ideas for their own personal style. I wish that rather than "you have to stop wearing that and start wearing this" that the fashion industry could be more like "here's a new twist you might be interested in." I've been part of a few alt fashion communities and i love trying to incorporate some trends into what i already love to wear. It gives me new ideas and keeps what seems like a static style fun and interesting!

Anabel Hadad: I’m sorry, I hate that gender neutral automatically means not feminine. Gender neutral clothing tends to still lean masculine even though it’s saying that it’s neutral. Why can’t a dress or a skirt technically be gender neutral?

Nancy Nolan: As an old person, I am amused by the idea of following trends. Let's face it. Most of us have a limited amount to spend on clothing. We also face limitations based on weather, size, fit, and whether we like something and look good in it. Those are the factors that determine what I wear, regardless of whether the fashion industry and influences think it's in or not.

Chloe Thean: About the androgynous dressing: I love androgynous dressing and I even feel like at this point I'm just dressing how I want my non-existent boyfriend to dress (but in the best way possible ofc)

Oli Noel: tbh i'm nonbinary and i think all clothes are gender neutral. the idea of assigning gender to clothes at all is just weird to me and i hope we'll all move past that soon. like with trends in general - we should all be able to wear what we want!

Teresa Enright: I don't think loose denim is going anywhere, this article's opinions are no more valid than any consumer's in my opinion. I love looser slightly below waist style jeans and straight leg style. These are staples in my wardrobe and I love hearing other opinions but I'm not substituting it for my own. Hugs from central Ontario Canada

iris olympia: lmao to say androgyny is “in” and encourage it as a trend is hilarious to me. it has literally always been “in” in alternative communities and queer communities

payge j: The hypocrisy of this list lol how the heck are they going to say fast fashion is out and sustainability is in but then they'll push articles like, "where to get 2022 fashion trends at an affordable price" and insert a fast fashion brand lol

Natatata: I think trends are fun. I have a baseline style that isn't necessarily "trendy", but I like to bring in new elements if a new trend catches my eye. As long as it isn't a super specific look, it can survive in my wardrobe for a long time.

Cailey Pawlowski: I don't like following trends because I feel like it stops me from being creative/finding my personal style at the moment. I think they are great for inspiration but I think it can take away from our individuality!

Perverted Reflection: My trend forecasting for 2022: it's going to become increasingly cool for people to have their own thing that they really commit to. I see it in all kinds of subcultures, especially on youtube. I predict a move away from uniforms of "essentials" with trends sprinkled in, toward a very individualized "uniform". Like, "I wear cream white and jewel tones, pencil skirts, v neck sweaters, and moto jackets" or "I wear bold colored vintage dresses and knee high boots" or "I wear form fitting black and purple with accents of leather and lace" - and people will choose pieces from trends that fall into their own personal categories.

Fashionista Ballerina: I agree with you Alexa. I've never really understood the concept of "trends" and how you have to adopt trends or else your "not trendy". I honestly don't really follow trends because I would rather just wear whatever I want and what makes me feel confident and comfortable. Plus, something that is considered trendy now is probably not going to be trendy anymore say, 2 months from now. I feel like its too much work to try and stick to whats trendy and popular.

Emmy: Honestly I find that a lot of editorial fashion trends are about pushing women to less comfort, whereas true street/home style is trending to more comfort. I think the latter is going to keep winning out. Great intro to the topic! Isn’t your new vintage leather jacket periwinkle?

Katie: I’m absolutely convinced that they come up with these lists by sticking the past year’s trends on a dartboard and seeing what they hit.

Natalie Bober: Not only do I like to think of trends as inspirations, but ad reflections of what's currently happening in the world. Especially with trends that have been inspired by or heightened by COVID (like cottage core, nostalgic fashion, tie dye, etc.), I think it's so beautiful to think about how so many people are enjoying the same thing at once. Also, I hate that this article referred to gender neutral dressing as "trendy" and feminine dressing as "passe". Elements of some people's gender expression shouldn't ever be in or out.

Echo the Saving Sorceress: I love your take on this! When I go thrifting, I get whatever I like, not necessarily what's in style, but I do enjoy using trend lists like these for inspiration. Lately, I've been transforming my wardrobe into a witchy sort of style that fits my tastes better, so it's cool to hear that grunge glam is coming back in. I can't wait to take inspiration from more of those looks. My black clothes are so ready for this!

Maya Kiruluta: Trends always come back around so if you like something out of style you’re technically ahead of the curve. But it does make me happy that androgynous fashion is so popular these days . I’ve shopped in the “boys” section since I was a kid because I was tall and lanky with broad shoulders. (( and someone tell my why their sweatshirts are always thicker it’s so unfair ))

Geertje Hoogenboom: Often what people mean with 'gender-neutral/androgynous clothing' is just men's wear. It means women wearing suits and trousers, but it rarely means men wearing dresses and skirts. This kind of gender-neutral clothing just feels lazy to me; a woman wearing a suit isn't exactly new.

sarah knowlton: the way i look at trends is that it just makes it easier to buy things i already like. i usually wear more 60s and 70s clothing, so when bell bottoms were trendy for a while, i bought a bunch because they go with my personal style even though they’re probably considered “out” now

katie o: the irony of a fashion magazine saying out with fast fashion while literally contributing to the fast fashion industry by telling people what people should and shouldn’t wear anymore within a couple month time line

Lauryn Amini: I like that this is more like a conversation and less of a "do this not that" kind of thing because you're right, we can wear what we want when we want and dip into and out of trends when they are appealing to us. ✨

cari genX: I'm 49 and if I listen to all those what not to wear over 40 articles I would literally be running around in my underwear.

Debbie McBee: I know skinny jeans are out, but sweaters and skinny jeans tucked into knee boots is my winter staple. I do wear other things, of course.

Sixth Sense: Color comment. I have never been any sort of Paris Hilton fan. HOWEVER she changed my fashion life for the better when she gave a tour of her closet. She explained that when she wakes up in the morning, she asks herself, "what color do I feel like wearing today?" I now ask myself that each morning. I love wearing the color I feel like wearing daily!!

Alana Maria: “out is fast fashion” as they describe the trends that are “in” and “out” alright… def agree with you about wearing whatever you’re comfy in and what you like

Sonia: In Europe I feel like low rise jeans were fashionable till 2014-15... And we lost 2 years to pandemic... So now the dictatorship of low rise jeans is starting again for maybe another 10-15 years like last time?!? After only 5 years of reprise??? It was so beautiful to go to shops and be able to try on various sizes of high rise jeans that fit on my body shape...

Hannah Donor: I love following what trends are considered “out of style” because then I know what I can hunt for when thrifting ;)

Mel S: As an Australian, trends always seem kinda hard to follow as it's almost as if the northern hemisphere is 'one step ahead'. When I went to Sweden what I thought was trendy in Australia wasn't and vice versa. Unsure if this plays into the article, as I know they usually follow what's on the runway - but I know that's why I struggle to adopt trends.

Rebecca Durston: I really feel like these fashion industries are becoming irrelevant with the internet generation getting bigger. It feels like an older generation who are trying to hold on. (I say this as a 31 year old). Also as a former highschool student in Australia in 2006 we wore converse, doc martens or skate shoes

Ana Silva: Alexa thank you so much for continuing to talk about the trend cycle and how fast it is and encouraging us to wear whatever we want.

Kit YK: the fur one is interesting bc faux fur is just plastic. it’s much more sustainable and eco friendly to be buying real fur secondhand. so it seems contradictory for the article to mention fast fashion and sustainability in one section when they promote more plastic production in another. ps thank u for mentioning how we shouldn’t strive for perfectionism, but just the act of trying. that’s missing in a lot of conversations about sustainability/zero-waste/etc.

Rebecca Jones: If I wear low rise jeans, I will get roasted anyway. I'm a pudgy middle aged woman. I was thin in the 90s, and I would have looked good in them, but purity culture ruined that for me. I buy whatever rise the thrift store sells in a size 16.

kate mae: I loved this video! You made so many points I agree with completely. I too use trends as inspo not as something to closely follow. I also really liked how u said that it's not about being perfect, and if we all minimize fast fashion/do what we can, that's the best solution! I also thrift all my coats (and almost everything else I buy) and I think bringing up secondhand fur options is a great point!!! Same goes for leather items! Fur/down and leather are high quality, long lasting materials but I personally prefer not to buy them new.

Candace Pearn: Just on the loafers being 2006, I was in grade 8 in Australia then and because we have to wear uniforms with black lace up shoes, the "cool" shoe if you were trying to avoid a black polished lace up, was a black suede loafer style lace up from Colorado that was the first year I had a pair and let me tell you, I felt baller

yaryarbanarnar: 10:53 my hot take is that bitching about fur is out ‍♀️ faux fur and "vegan" leather were the first two major forms of greenwashing in the fashion industry. an item of clothing that comes from an animal and lasts in your closet forever(like you stated being passed down for generations) is so much more sustainable than polyester fiber which is killing the planet. additionally, much more ethical than regularly eating meat which is a one time use for slaughter. im not particularly against either but i think it's ridicolous to turn a blind eye to the meat market which is mass producing meat food products at insane rates daily(just think about how many people eat mcdonalds in a day) but then act like purchasing a refined, well made garment that lasts multiple lifetimes is a sin. and the whole concept of "vegan" clothing is just an excuse for companies to put out crap products that are bad for the environment and fall off within a few wears yet retain their original sticker price(*cough, cough* doc martens) but thats just my take. ‍♀️

Angie: I will never put low rise jeans on this pear shaped body again! Trends just make me laugh!!

Layer Cake Arts: I love these videos, so much fun but yeah we have trend-whiplash the cycles are just ridiculously fast now, but maybe it gives us permission to just do whatever we please now! Thank gawd for thrifting, my wallet couldn’t keep up otherwise! I’m excited to try culottes and knee high boots and Celine and Chloe vibes.

MissCarreautee: I think trends as a "natural process" (coming from youth who want to explore new styles and then spread) is perfectly normal and fine, but when it's coming from large publications like this who dictate what WILL happen based on what the industry is producing feels very disingenuous and as just a marketing scheme. So it's kind of sad IMO that people just fall for it and take it as word :/

Zoë: Your videos make my endlessly dull and boring days bright and sparkly. Thank you for that

Ximena Espitia: My problem with fast fashion is not that people with limited budgets buy it, but that there is overconsumption. Sure, we should blame the companies because an individual or individuals could never do as much damage as the fast fashion industry does but I think it also dangerous to not take into consideration our involvement in it. It's just about being more conscious about not necessarily what but Joe much we consume.

Vanessa Fairbanks: Functionally I feel like trends make sense as a way of exploring style. I feel like as I've gotten older I've amassed a collection of past trends that work well for me and it's sort of amalgamated into my personal style.

Fablousangel100: in 2022 my main focus is how the actual clothing piece fits and makes me feel. If I find a cute checkered top that fits like a dream and I can style it a few ways im not, not gonna buy it cause its "out of style". Ive purchased so much clothes to fit & be trendy in that didnt even flatter my fav features and wasted so much money that way!

Claire Woerner: I have the same pair of velvet leggings from 2010 that every time I think “maybe this is really out of fashion now” somebody somewhere is like “velvet leggings are in!” Personally, I think they’re pretty comfy cozy, but they do attract lint and animal hair like crazy.

Maria: I don't think the loose denim trend is going anywhere, a thing like the style of jeans is way less likely to go out of style that quickly. I personally don´t think that the people like me that wear baggy jeans will stop wearing them and start wearing tight or slim-fitting jeans. IMO skinny or slim jeans wouldn´t go well with all of the new trends this article says are in style.

Pamela Shametaj: I think telling people what is in and out is very out ! I have really enjoyed the explosion of expressive clothing and subcultures changing from being thought of as weird to cool. In general this ability to experiment and wear whatever you want, calling it wtvr-core and making it your own personal aesthetic is very much appreciated !!

Lea Harlev: It's so hypocritical for this article to say fast fashion is out when this article encourages the support of fast fashion because of the insanely fast trend cycle that they are promoting, so unaware!!

Tianna Ouellette: I keep a minimal clothing wardrobe, so when I go shopping I buy what I know I will love and be comfortable in. Im from Canada so I try to buy pieces I can wear multiple seasons as well. I think fashion should be about wearing what makes you feel good/ confident and comfortable

Thrift Queen 16: It’s like the fashion industry just wants us to drop what we love to wear all of the sudden now that it’s a new year and wear something completely different. Like, huh? I’m not going to get rid of everything have and love just to be “trendy”

Julia Wilson: honestly didn't have a problem with any of these trends (in or out) - i still think if something speaks to you, makes you comfortable and expresses your personality, you should wear it regardless of other people's standards. we are so tied to marketing and consumerism in this world and trends do not particularly help the situation.

Mave Lavorante: i love your videos! you always seem so positive and make my day way better!

Jae Pennington: As an Australian who graduated high school in 2006, I don't remember anyone wearing loafers.

Grims: The first one being "neutral is out" and then later "but it's OK to wear all black if it's grunge" lmao what XD I've been in my high school grunge/goth "phase" for 10 years so I guess I'm back in style hahaha

Diane: Living in a cold climate, I get trend envy (trendvy?) when I’m wearing boots and a parka while the fashion industry wants me to buy a crop top.

Madeline Raine: Thank you for posting new videos when everyone else is taking time off. Currently in isolation after testing positive on Christmas Day and grateful for your content.

_ dansyyy: Love your opinion! You did amazing expressing yourself ✨

Alexandra De Martini: Jean trends should be banned. You should wear what works for your body type and makes you feel good.

Refuge of thoughts: Make me happy I don’t follow trends like that. I’m not buying something and getting rid of it just because it’s not trendy. I’m wearing what I want when I want. Always have. Just another way to make more money for these companies and most of these clothes are cheap and don’t even last. Also, you wouldn’t catch me in low rise jeans. My body has changed as well as my style. They aren’t comfortable or flattering on me. I prefer high rise jeans. More comfortable and flattering on me. I did wear low rise in my younger days when I was skinnier.

DeerHaven: FYI if you're in a hurry: she gets to the meat and potatoes of this at 2:33. IMHO forget about trendy. Timeless has always been and will continue to be where it's at. Bottom line: wear what you're comfortable wearing....take it from a 66-year-old who's been through decades of this BS from the fashion industry.

Victoria Wang: The pure irony of a listicle about trend cycles and being like "this is passé now" while also pushing for sustainability

Leslie Grady: I love how you stress that you should dress the way it makes you feel good about yourself.

Marlon r vlogs: in Belgium everyone still wears clothes from the early 2000s that has never really gone out of style in Belgium all girls and boys bin Belgium wears bucket hats and cargo pants and shorts typically early 2000s t-shirts in h&m in Belgium there were t-shirts from boy bands from the early 2000s and also Britney Spears t-shirts in 2021 was the most common words in Belgium was nostalgia in 2021 you could buy clothes that people wore in the year 2002.and I think the early 2000s trends will continue to be trends in Belgium in 2022 like the 80s trends that started in spring 2019 and continued into the year 2020 and the 80s trends was over in early 2021 so the early 2000s trends are going to be over in early 2023 in Belgium. Ps there are even Flemish radio stations that do the top 1000s of 2000s song from Flemish 2000s songs to American 2000s songs and a big part of that is nostalgia.☎️

Jessie Neilan: I love your stance with second hand and fast fashion. As a person with a bigger hip size, pants and jeans are almost never available in my size, which isn't that big. Inget all my jeans new from fast fashion. But do my best in other areas.

Lilac Mood: I've always disliked the "trend" of anything, I'm always wearing & buying literally the opposite things lol I don't like anyone to tell what to wear or how to decorate my place according to "something IN" ......... I like hand picking the cute & reasonable trend or doing my own thing ! Like capsule wardrobe palette is always neutral tones , so I just made a colorful palette & picked my clothes according to that & what I actually would wear & slowly added the fun pieces! And i didnt stick to a set of numbers , i just added until i got satisfied with mine , when academia style was in I liked certain aspects of that & finally excepted the neutral tones in that case & even then I've added some romantic touches to it lol still didn't get the loafers of my dream yet!!! I'm also thinking of adding more romantic pieces to my wardrobe to make it "larger" & more like sections of styles & then I can mix & match literally forever ! I'm the happiest with my wardrobe tbh & don't care about the trends , as you said it fun to get inspired by them !

EB Terrell: I am sort of calling BS on fast fashion being out. Too, too many people casually shop Shein and the like.

Laura K: I wear classic neutrals that never go out of style. By buying a new pair of shoes (on sale of course), my wardrobe is easily updated. Plus, I really dont care what people think of my clothes. I dress for me

Mel90212: I am WAITING for more viscose(rayon) faux fur being sold on the market! (maybe lyocell...? would be best). I have already seen one before and it may be more delicate but its not plastic, so it would be a step forward! Because I endlessly hate not only the fact that there is plastic in faux fur, but also the feel of the fabric brrr. So I am left with no fur for the time being

Kate W.: One of favorite things is my grandma would always say is "Just because a piece is not on trend doesn't mean it's not stylish".

Maria Moller: the loafers was definitely a school thing here in australia, back to school was always advertising these shoes just for school

Denise Oates: The word trend needs to be out. lol! Turning 60, January 8 and I have seen fashion change and revert back, and I learn if you like something you wear it and that if you got the space and you are not confident enough to go against what on the runway, box it up because you can be sure that some kind of version of it will show up on a designer's clipboard and sent down the runway. If anyone seen the movie The Wiz, there a scene that people are walking around a rotating runway and other are circling it and then you would hear the announcer say the color is green and everyone garments would turn green, and they sing about it "don't be seen unless you wearing green (something like that) and then you will hear a blare of a horn and then the announcer will say the color is yellow and everyone's clothing turns to yellow and this repeated. It was a funny scene because that is exactly what has been happening thru the years. Elle/Vogue/Essence will announce the color of the season but unless that your favorite color I would not make a large investment because next year it going to change child. It might just be me I think this is the best of time of self-expression of what one wear. Putting an outfit together is like a temporary tattoo, your canvas to cover your body with what expresses your vibe for the day. This is why I am so in love with thrifting, and I am a hoarder of what I already possess. There is not too much new that designers can put on the runway that not a version been a thing before. I do have some thrifted furs (they are so warm), saving them from the land fields, is how I see it. I had been wearing my son's wide leg and straight leg cargo pants/shorts that he had outgrown/or over it during his high school's years (he is now in his mid 30s) because I like the carefree vibe of them, utility flare and I always love pockets and I wore Timberlands or if I am working the yard black work boots (now call combat boots). My son came back from college and was like mom are those my old pants/jacket/pullover sweater and I am like yelp. He now will box up things from his closets (things bought from girlfriend's past, needs repair or that does not fit in his lifestyle now) and give them to me. My daughter left high school clothing off to college, but I could only fit a few that was an oversize fit for her then (now early 30's). But she knows mom got a problem and just donate things from her household to friends, relatives, or local charity drives. Its, amazing watching how your vibe has evolved. You would not wear skirts and we had conversations about reason behind it but look at you. I even tried to trick you on having your friends/boyfriend dress you, but they would sometime pick what they felt you would wear. So, you just needed to do you and now your scope of styling has expanded. Happy Holiday! Thanks for sharing and blessing to you and all in the days to come.

Dani Combs: Here’s my biggest tip: Wear what the heck you want.

darniella dd: Once I figured out what colours look good on me, having certain colours be trendy or outdated just seems so weird to me. Same thing with high waisted vs low waisted. I have a small waist and large hips/thighs and if I try to wear jeans that don't fit on my waist, they just never look good. I will never give up high-waisted bottoms.

Emma Nagy: ❤❤Love you! So happy that someone is talking about this, FINALLY!

R J: I wore loafers like every day in 1999... when I was 11... with sweatpants and big ol' cotton socks in 90s colors like acid teal, magenta and grape-soda purple. No, nobody else was dressing like that and no I have never had much in the way of a fashion sense

Virginia Krueger: I'm not crazy about loafers, but aren't they a classic?

Nicole: I just started wearing neutrals as well and literally just thrifted somethese trend predictions were clearly a personal attack

Laseine: I think glam rock is going to make a comeback instead of grunge. Grunge style already had a revival with loose fitting clothes, flannels, and thrifting becoming mainstream.

eleanor eyers: On the loafers, in Australia we wear a school uniform and so certain school shoe styles come in and out of trend I believe the mid 2000s was the time of loafers which is perhaps what they're referring to I wasn't at high school so ‍♀️

Johanna Peralta: I wear loafers all the time because it just goes well with everything loafers is a staple piece and timeless. Low rise are not for me and they never were I remember in the early 2000s I call it the Christina Aguilera , Britney Spears and Mandy Moore pop era I was fourteen years old (in 2000) and that was the trend the low rise was really huge . I never really liked it for me Christina and Britney rocked it.

Klara: honestly, i believe that people should wear whatever they want, and sure use some trends as inspiration, but don't let them force you into harmful overconsumption of fast fashion pieces that aren't even true to you. i found that when i looked at pinterest and always pinned the latest trend, i felt exhausted and frustrated. they were always changing, so i felt like i just didn't have enough money to dress 'cool'. but then i started trying to dig up my own style, thinking about what i would buy before i looked at trends and what felt true to me. it's hard at first, but trust me, its worth it!

Kodie Trahan-Guay: I work in jewelry and one thing we’ve found people are doing are ear cuffs. You don’t need to pierce the ear for those and you can stack them for a look of more earrings without as much of a price and healing commitment.

Eva Rando: I feel like loafers are coming in not going out... I'm done with trend forecasts lol I will be dressing in my regular chaotic style for as long as it feels right.

Sixth Sense: In this exhaustive covid 19 controversial world, what could be more fun than controversial FASHION!! I have probably 20 pair of thrifted low rise jeans. Was I EVER annoyed when high rise jeans came into fashion. Luckily I was too lazy to update my jeans collection into HIGHRISE jeans.... And even more luckily low rise are coming back and I'm all ready for it!!!

Kailey Rushton: I just discovered your channel this month and I love your videos ❤️

Tori: I just want to add my opinion about sustainable fashion. First up I have to disagree with your point of "blaming" the companies for their bad ethics, instead of the consumer. Maybe you expressed yourself a little clumsy there, but consumers play a huge role in companies ethics. They want to make money and as long as people buy their clothes, they will not likely change any of their actions. Why should they? Clearly they can make a lot of money that way. Of course you should hold them accountable for their actions but the easiest and most effective way to do that is to simply not buy their stuff. In most countries, the market is regulated by demand. So if people keep buying from companies with poor ethics, they will keep producing that way. However if more people try to buy second hand or get clothes from sustainable brands, other companies will have to try and change something so that they won't go bankrupt. The problem is that many dont know about the horrible ethics. Others that are aware dont really care that much or they find other excuses. You dont have to buy expensive, ethical, slow fashion all the time. As you said, you dont need to be perfect and we should not demand that of other people. But I believe that the majority have access to thrift stores, family and friends, facebook or other ways to get clothes their size a little more sustainably and for a rather cheap price. Many believe that buying sustainable clothing is very expensive, but in reality it isn't. Second hand clothing comes at a very very cheap price and you can find good quality items there. But even if you buy clothes from expensive brands, there is a high chance you won't spend more money in the long run. From my experience, these items last me a lot longer (years longer!). Because they are a higher quality and because these brands tend to try to make "time less" and basic pieces. I did a self experiment a while ago. I bought a black tshirt from a fast fashion brand for 5€. It lasted me about 4 months before it started ripping on the seams. (You could repair that but for the experiment I decided to buy new ones). In total I had to buy 3 shirts and ended up spending around 20€. The next year, I bought a black shirt for 50€ from a sustainable brand. I tried to wear it as often as I did the other three and I still have it to this day - 2 years later and it will probably last through next year as well. So if my expectation turns out to be true: I would have spent 50€ on one black shirt in 3 years. However, if I kept buying fast fashion, I would have spent 60€ in 3 years. So in the long run, investing in pieces like this is probably cheaper than buying new ones every few months. If course that should be pieces that you will actually wear for a few years. You should also try to repair your clothes or reuse them and not throw them away when they have a little hole or stain. Many charity organisations will still accept mildly damaged clothes. I understand that not everyone has the resources to be a 100% sustainable and we are still humans. But there are a million ways to take toward a better future (not just in relation to fashion). No matter your situation.

Jenna Losch McCallister: No one tell my extensive collection of Vans that checkerboard is out…

R S: Some thriftstores over here actually donate the money they get from real fur products to animal protection :)

Aalia Rebekah Graham: You’re so right about the piercings, that’s exactly what happened to me!

Noemi De La Torre: I think it’s interesting that piercings is a trend bc I have my ears all done up and I’m getting ready to get 2 more when I can get a appointment. Like I feel so cool and I wanted to do it for so long, I didn’t even think about a trend

PernelleVL: Am I the only one seeing a paradoxe : they are « outing » fast fashion but promoting new styles that are catered to fast fashion shops ? Like deciding what’s in and out so basically trends is kind of encouraging fast fashion right ?!

Ellashae M: These are my big problems with the list so far. First they say you need to wear bright colored clothing and then they say grunge is coming back wearing all black. Sorry I didn’t know black was colorful. Next speaking of androgynous clothing is kind of stupid. It’s moving away from what we’re trying to do which is D gender clothing. Wearing a dress is not feminine even if it’s lace pink and has ruffles. That does not mean it’s a girl dress.

Mela P: oh I will NOT let go of my chunky loafers!!! I refuse! :D I love those things. Comfortable AF. I will also not let go of my high raise relaxed fit jeans. They are too cool, sorry. Lists like these are one of the reason I don't "do" trends. I just buy what I like and combine will the stuff I already have.

Shawna Nenni: I love your videos and think you’re adorable. The first thing I noticed with this video is that your list is from Elle Australia and I wanted to (with love and kindness) point out that style is different across continents so your list might be out of date for the US as Australia is usually behind us.

ritalyn b: Never been a trend chaser I don't actually pay any attention. I thrift my clothes based on what I enjoy wearing, what is comfortable and often what is vintage. I wear what I like regardless of what gender it was designed for (specifically enjoy men's suiting).

Nicole Mallari: Great video! Question, where do you find inspiration for trends? :) currently trying to expand my closet but have no idea where to go from there! Please let us know!

bby bby: okay, i definitely agree with fur (and leather). that should be gone, it’s so cruel ): poor animals.

E J: Honestly I just don’t care too much about what people think about what I wear. I just think it’s a waste of time to do that especially if people can’t afford the trends nowadays I just glad people are wearing clothes and can afford them.

Annie B.: Thanks for your input!! In my opinion, LOAFERS are one of the most GENDER NEURTAL shoes there are, so????

Brandon Padilla: I work In a fast retail store that had a very terrible 2018/2019 but 2020/2021 business has been booming. After quarantine we have had a full 180 in customers and sales. So idk what they taking about with fast fashion going out. Like there’s always talk about being against fast fashion but it hasn’t really died. if anything it has a had a resurgence due to TikTok and people getting the chance to go out and do things after being stuck at home for 2 months.

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