Hair Growth Tips For Thicker & Healthier Hair | Dr Mona Vand

This video focuses all on HAIR. Natural ways to make it thicker, stronger and healthier :) please leave any questions below!

*Link to shower filter:

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How To Get Thicker Hair Naturally

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If you're, looking for fuller, thicker, healthier hair watch this video and I'm gon na give you my top three tips for hair hair: hey guys it's Mona, and in today's video I want to talk about how to get healthier, thicker hair. This is something that we all really strive for: men and women. I think this is one thing that we can all agree on, that we want to just figure out how to really master. Let'S go through some of the causes of what makes our hair damaged. What makes it thin out and just the most common things that really happen throughout life? First of all, aging, as you age, your hair gets a little bit thinner, you can lose your hair. Obviously we all know this is a part of life. I mean this can even start to happen as soon as you hit 30. I know that when I was a kid my hair was even thicker, it was shinier, thicker, healthier and you know just certain things happen in life as much as I try to eat healthy and live a really healthy life. There'S that, like I said, there's environmental pollutant so just being outside certain weather conditions, if you're around, like smog, just different things that can cause your hair and your scalp to not be as healthy. The next thing. That'S a culprit is products. So, if you're, using a product that makes your hair look really amazing in the moment, it does not always mean that it's good for you long term. In fact, sometimes let's go hand-in-hand, the better it can make you look really quick, the worse it can be. For you long term, especially if you're overusing product constantly spraying and not really letting your hair breathe and have a chance to grow, that also comes with over styling. I know when I go get my hair blow-dried or done, and it looks so like smooth and soft and pretty you almost think that it's healthier then because it looks really great but the more heat you apply to it, the more product and more tools, the more You'Re going to damage it, this doesn't mean you can't ever do it, but just something to be mindful of like. If you are just kind of running around the house. Maybe it's just day-to-day I'd recommend taking it a little bit easy on the blow-drying, but we'll get to that so over styling overuse of products, environmental pollutants, those are all things that can damage your hair. Okay and now. Let'S talk about nutrition. Nutrition is something that we have to pay attention to, no matter what the instance, if it's our energy fitness levels, how you maybe want your body to look skin health hair health, all of it, what we? Basically, what we're eating is fuel to our body. It'S meant to literally make us and thrive. So if you're not getting the right nutrition, your hair and your skin will suffer. We'Ll ask what supplement should I take me recommending a vitamin, even though I'm a pharmacist me recommending a vitamin is difficult. When I don't know what you're deficient in what your diets like - and I just want to be super ethical on anything that I would recommend so my number one recommendation is to go - ask a doctor or nutritionist for a micronutrient test. This is different than an actual blood test, because the micronutrient test checks the levels in your cells, not just in your blood. Sometimes your blood can have certain levels of vitamins or minerals from things you eat, but how much you absorb into your cells is what actually matters, because, if we're not utilizing it, it doesn't matter so make sure you're asking for a micronutrient test. If you are going to get one and the next thing could be water quality, so if you are, let's say you're at home and you have a water filter, the water might not be healthy enough for you to drink. So why do we think it's healthy enough for us to put on our hair? So I really want to go over some solutions for all of these for the nutrition, for the products for the water quality, and hopefully we can try to battle this okay. So now, let's talk about how to fix the problem and I actually want to start with scalp health, because this is something that's so overlooked. It sounds really weird, I know, but I think it's something that anyone can do it's inexpensive. You can do at home and it'll be really helpful. Your scalp is the home and the hub of where your hair grows out of this is where your hair follicles are, so we think about it. It'S actually really important we're constantly thinking about like masks that we can put on our hair or shampoos or conditioners, but we're not thinking about where the hair actually grows out of so just like a pore on your face can get clogged up with oil. So can the hair follicles on your head and think about what an ingrown hair looks like or like if a hair, follicle anywhere else in your body gets clogged up, it's not pretty, and obviously the hair can't grow out of it. You know and you've an ingrown hair and it's like stuck, it looks kind of gross, and it's like stuck in there. Well, if you have hair follicles that are clogged, they can kind of be the same thing, and not only can it be clogged up by oil, but it can be clogged up by like shampoo byproducts. Obviously, a little bit of oil is good for your hair. Some oil, it's healthy, but too much oil is bad. So you want to make sure that you find that balance because, like I said too much, oil can end up clogging it. I really want you to take a minute and think about products, because I know we're always told it's not good to wash your hair too many days a week and you should take breaks so a lot of us using dry shampoo. However, dry shampoo can be a huge culprit here because think about you just constantly spraying product on your hair without actually washing it and cleaning out those hair follicles. So it's almost like, if you woke up every day and instead of washing your face and washing the makeup off, you just kept reapplying it over with like this special makeup that didn't need. I don't, I don't even know how do the analogy, but you get what I'm saying imagine just applying makeup over and over again, without actually washing your face and giving a clean surface. It'S not the best idea. Sometimes dry shampoo can be a total lifesaver. My rule is use it once maybe twice and that's it only in emergencies. You'Re like really rushing out the door to something important I've been there too. We want to make sure that we are giving our hair follicles and our scalp a little bit of a chance to breathe when you shampoo make sure that you're really shampooing in here and scrubbing. We'Re gon na talk about exfoliating, your scalp and I've got a brush here. It is an example. It'S actually better brushes, you could use, but these are the bristles. I like these soft bristles. That'S why I'm using this brush as an example. This is the one I use exfoliating. Your scalp is a much different than shampooing. If you shampoo, you're, not gon na get the same effect like your fingers. Just kind of scrubbing isn't actually gon na get this off, so this is kind of like exfoliating, your skin. When you're, using like microbeads or anything little or even like a washcloth you're, just gon na take this and go section by section and kind of just go in circular motions like this and just really honestly go through your entire head. One thing you can do is to kind of like use a comb, put it in two sections and just go through and do it. What I like to do is really really exfoliate it right before I shampoo, then I can make sure the water and the shampoo gets everything done and it's really clean. I actually learned this from my hairdresser. I could on 9:01 salon in LA and my hairdresser. Did it one day and she was like? Oh, your scalp looks so much better and I was like what was wrong with my scalp before no it'll look like before, but ever since she said that I've started doing it and the last time I went to see her, she told me my hair was the Healthiest and thickest, it's ever looked so it's obviously working okay, so that's tip number one is to exfoliate yourself. Tip number two is having a shower filter, so I don't know if you guys have ever tried putting in a shower filter into your shower. It'S honestly one of the most amazing things I never did it before, because I felt like just sounded like too much work honestly, and I just I guess it wasn't talked about enough, so I didn't realize the importance of it, but when I really started paying attention To all the like dirt and debris and environmental pollutants, and then I really was thinking about the quality of water, that I was drinking and don't forget that your skin is an organ everything you put on to your body can get absorbed into your body. So if we don't want to drink this water because it's got harsh chemicals, it's got like mineral build-up. If it's just not safe for us to drink, I don't think it should be that safe for us to put on our head. I tried using the shower, filter and instantly notice a difference. I actually go to drive our a lot to get my hair blown out and I really wanted to try the shower filter, so I used it and then went to drive her after and just pre washed. My hair, which I don't have anyone, does that, but I tried it and the girl blow-drying my hair was like. Oh, my god, your hair is so soft like she complimented it. So much like the actual texture and quality of my hair just from using it. I noticed a huge difference I felt like when I blow dried it. It was just like fluffier, but when it comes to hair, thinning or hair loss or just hair health, one of the biggest culprits is all the stuff like. I said that gets built up onto our scalp, so a lot of this can be the minerals found in hard water and water. That'S not super high quality, so things like calcium, magnesium, silica iron, it's funny because we actually want these in our diets. But when they're built up minerals in the water, we don't want them. Not only are they getting clogged up into our hair follicles, which is making the hair not grow as well? It'S also stopping actual good things. You want to go into our hair, it's stopping the necessary oils, ooh-la or let's say you have products that are really gon na help and conditioners, and shampoos. They'Re not gon na be able to get washed up in there as much because they're getting blocked by these buildup minerals. So a really good solution to this is to just use a shower filter. You can get rid of these minerals. These deposit build ups. You can get rid of chlorine, it helps if you have hard water, I mean know certain cities are worse than others, so this is something I'd really look into. I love my shower filter. The brand I use is bye-bye to clean. I can link it below this. Video, it also has essential oils built into the shower filter. So you can choose a scent like you can have citrus or vanilla. I really like the citrus one. You turn on your shower and it smells like citrusy. It sounds really good and fresh, so I'll link that below, if you guys want to try that, if you want some tips on my top foods that I would recommend for healthy hair, I can list them here and just give you some things that you can add Into your diet, I would recommend dark leafy greens, tons of iron. That'S gon na help. You nuts and seeds, make sure they're raw and unsalted. That'S gon na give you healthy fats. Avocado for vitamin E. Vitamin E is super moisturizing. It'S gon na be really helpful for hair softness, sweet potatoes, carrots. All of these have vitamin A which is really good for strengthening your hair. So those are my top tips on hair strength. Let me know what you guys think with this video. I think this is a topic that everyone wants. More of so, if there's something specific, you want me to dive into. Let me know, and I can try to kind of focus each video towards that. Also, if you guys, like those food recommendations - and you want a list of foods that I just always keep in my kitchen, like my go-to Beauty foods, you can go to get hot and healthy calm. I can link it below this video and I have a free video there where I just share my go-to, like must-have food items. We know what questions you have please like comment and subscribe. If you like this video and I'll, see you guys next time, you

Dania Fermin: I think a lot of teens (myself included!) are suffering from hair thinning and I believe it caused by stressed. A video of what TEENS can do to grow healthier, thicker, fuller, longer hair would be so so so helpful!!!! Thx

vianca♡: My hair is naturally soft and straight, the only thing I hate is that it has no volume and it looks dry.

Beverley Roberts: I struggled with my hair through 20's, 30's and most of my 40's. It never grew, it was dry, dull and broken and in really poor condition. When I changed my diet and ate nuts, eggs, fish, all vegetables especially green veg and fruits. It took six months before I started to notice it was growing thicker. Now after a couple of years I have thick, long, shiny hair like never before. It's so true what they say you are what you eat and everything starts with good nutrition

iiMxntyLeaf: As you age, your hair gets thinner. I’M FREAKING 11 YEARS OLD

SB: Using a sulfate free shampoo and a hot oil treatment once a week has completely changed my hair !! It’s no longer frizzy if I don’t style it, instead it’s smooth and shiny so has prevented me from using heat on my hair. Would recommend to anyone

Amritha R: Must Try: In equal portions - Sesame oil + Castor oil + Coconut oil + Curry Leaves - heat in a double boiler. Apply on roots overnight. Results: Frizz free fast growing hair

Kate Marie: This is such a good video, I watch alot of these videos for fun and also to learn little things here and there. She has pointed out alot of very useful tips that I've actually tried and they make a huge difference.

Jenny M: I love how you mentioned a shower filter. I just bought one recently and its something people don't really think about but im hoping it makes a difference in my hair :)

Sunflower Love: She actually pointed out a lot of things that took me years to figure out.

Adriana Sotelo: I believe that it all affects out body and for the hair I think it’s a lot of small factors, eating healthy, taking MACA, scalp scrub with honey, sugar and coconut oil, eating healthy, tons of alkaline water, scalp massage. This are a few of the things I’ve incorporated to my hair routine.

Jean Lang: Re water: I use a Travel Berkey to filter my tap water. The 2 large filters in the top chamber removes all toxins and the other two filters removes the fluoride out of the water. Anyone with thyroid issues should not be drinking fluoride; actually no one should. Love your videos Dr. Mona, they are so helpful as I begin my Vegan lifestyle. Thank you so much

Wadud Khan: I'm a guy Hair started falling out in highschool, dampered my self confidence Started working out during college, gained confidence but hair was still falling and life still felt empty Started to seek spiritual improvement Realized people will worry more about how they look than how you look Ended up shaving my head and decided to go bald, still working out, eating well, developing career skills for my feild life is good now

Sia Achillia: Hi, Mona! Thank you for the lovely tips. I've always felt that a filter in the shower would make a difference in hair care and health and hearing you confirm it makes me want to buy one asap Quick question: some years ago I was diagnosed with androgenic alopecia after I'd lost half of my hair. Been using minoxidil ever since and I am kinda used to it. What I can't get used to is this itch on my scalp which actually preceded my hair loss. Any ideas as to what the cause of the itch might be and how I could alleviate it? Some days I am really struggling. Thank you for your time. Hugs from Athens, Greece

Fioneenacockeen: Thank you Mona. Yes, a shower filter was what made a huge difference to me too. So much so that I rarely use conditioner now, whereas pre filter whatever conditioning mask I used my hair felt crispy due to the hard London water . Another great thing is diluted raw apple cider vinegar for the final rinse. It'll help with scalp exfoliation too. If you want to step that up a notch, infuse the vinegar with rosemary for even better hair health. Flax gel is also good as a treatment and as a styling product. Oh, and Rosemary oil (diluted) is as effective as minoxidil according to research. All natural, cruelty-free and economical I also recommend using shampoos that are fragrance-free, sulphate free and SLS free. Faith In Nature do good ones and are at a great price too. Even their fragranced ones are good as they're fragranced with essential oils so not overpowering for those of us who are fragrance- sensitive .

Paola Coccioli: Wow, someone giving beauty advice who actually knows what they're talking about? I'm impressed. <3

Ashley: The shower filter you recommended has mostly vitamin c. This is often used to strip hair dyes and is very drying. Wouldn’t this filter be damaging to the hair then?

Shari Dalal: Thank you for these tips. I feel I have hormonal imbalance since my skin is breaking out. I’m losing so much hair and it’s thinning. I believe the root cause is from taking birth control. I haven’t taken it in over a year.

Andréa Piazza: I love all of your videos, you are so knowledgeable, helpful, and offer insight and advice that I didn't know I needed! I learn so much from you and every single video you've made. You help me be a better, and more healthy person. I appreciate you so much! Can you please link your brush?

Rachel v Rose: Do you exfoliate your scalp with it dry or wet? Thanks for this video and all your other videos for that matter, I always enjoy your content :)

ritza_beauty: We moved in to a house that already had a shower filter and I didn’t know what it was and never questioned it. Recently when we had to change it we got it again just because it was what was there and we thought it was just how this particular shower head was. It’s so crazy to think we took this extra step without even knowing Thank you for your informational videos, love them all!

Rhea Rajaratnam: Dude I’m 14 and my hair is thinning out so much

Khaiah Mann: Ugh yes! My mother and I was just talking about changing the whole water system in our home. Since we drink alkaline and spring water it would make sense to bathe in it or just use better quality compared to tap. I think you have to find what works for you. I personally dont like to do over do with anything. So I keep product use to the minimum. I cleanse my hair, I moisturize with jamaican black castor oil cause I have thick hair. Then I'll deep condition when I feel I need it.

Ashley B.: I appreciate so much that you are educated! There are too many people who pose as authority figures when they haven’t put the work in. Thanks for the informed perspective xoxo

just me I am: Finally somebody who actually knows what they talking about.I have the same view at dry shampoo as you.Thank you, blessings!!

Thatanonymousidiot Kaur: my hair is very wavy-straight if that makes sense, there's a lot of it so it seems thicker but the individual hairs are very fine, I want thicker and longer and shiner hair

Carla Steinberg: Finally ordered the shower head, I cannot wait for it to arrive! thank you thank you. <3

itssandrav: Thank you Dr. Vand. Your positive energy and sweetness, along with knowledge makes you not only credible but watchable. Keep making videos.

Alex Mojica: A video on all about the shower filter would be awesome

raavenmaden: I have long hair too and would love to know how you comb it out after the shower. I put my hair in a towel for about 2 minutes just to get the majority of water out. When I take my hair down to comb it out with wet brush it is so matted. How do you comb it out? What products do you use to help with tangles? Do you get a lot of hair in brush when you are done?

Rachel Michel: Can you do a video on the details of micronutrient testing? I am very interested and have not heard of that type of test before. Thank you for this video!!!

Lotsoflove53: im 14 and my hair has always grown slow since i was a baby and its always very thin i never blowdry or use heat products i use a good shampoo and conditioner yes i dye my hair but it actually looks thicker after i do it every few months i wash my hair every 5 or more days and sometimes dry shampoo but not much i might use it 1 time a month and i use a bamboo brush with bamboo bristles i use hair masks from shea moisture and sometimes i do my own with almond milk avocado and honey it makes it soft and before i wash my hair i even use an oil treatment i make with jojoba oil almond oil and 1 drop of lavender oil and 1 drop of tea tree oil i just dont know why its so thin and takes forever to grow please help me

Abc 123: Can you make a video all about affordable hair products ? Btw love this video ❤️

Joshua Nuss: Spinach, broccoli, and quinoa also have decent amounts of vitamin E! :)

Andrea Bott: do you ever use a hair rinse like with apple cider vinegar to remove the build up on your scalp?

h-r Iqbal: Dr Mona love your videos!! Which sulfate free shampoo would you recommend for dry hair that falls out

Christina Dittmar: Such a great video! Thank you for talking about build up and not allowing your follicles to breathe, people swear by dry shampoo and don't know how that in excess is doing more harm than good. So informative, I'd love to see a haircare routine or a video on your shower head filter!

Andrea Bott: any recommendations on how to darken your hair naturally? I have alopecia so I don't want to damage my hair by using hair dyes.

Josefina Gomez: Thank you for your tips really helpful. Love you, you’re amazing

Estefania: i loved your video i also do everything you said in this video except the water filter and my hair used to be a lot thicker and now it’s thinning out and it’s driving me insane, i even went out to purchase biotin gummies and collagen powder in my shakes for over a month or two now and still don’t see much improvement, i also do hair mask at home once a week and i have even bought different shampoos and leave in conditioners and nothing .. i eat super healthy and excercise everyday .. i massage my scalp and i am very consistent and even went to the dermatologist to see what was going on and he said i am okay it’s a shedding phase but it passes .. my hair does fall out a lot but idk what else to do. can you PLEASE help me? idk if it’s due to the products i switched too. What shampoo and conditioners do you recommend that i can buy at the drug store? and is there a similar wafter filter to purchase on Amazon? i’m scared to buy on the other website you linked below.

Ciara Cleo Roggen: I have very thick, wavy/curly hair and I love my hair. I don’t want to loose hair when I age☹️

whitetiger0802: Any opinions on collagen improving hair quality?

SunshineandSand88: Why doesn't this have a million views? Such amazing content! Your hair is dreamyyyyyy

Angelica Guerino: I have an awesome scalp massager/ exfoliating brush by briogeo I got from Sephora. It was like $8 and well worth it. It instructs to use on your scalp before your shower, all reviews stated that their hair felt cleaner than ever after, I agree and it feels nice. I used a toothbrush once before I bought it and that did pretty well too, just took longer.

Sayra Lorena Serrato Lozano: Dr. Mona could you please do a video on organic hair dye to know which one is better to use, thanks!

Monique C.: Thank you for telling us about the micronutrient test. I have PCOS so I really think thins will be a life changer for me.

JustHereToHear: I especially like the suggestion of exfoliating the scalp. Gonna do this by combing with a boar bristle brush. Let me know what you think!

MELLY DEE: Do you exfoliate it while dry before having a shower? Or when its wet?

Malena Espino: Do you use a hair iron, and which one would recommend for someone to with super fine and bristle hair? I have been searching for one of the best one in the market but still haven’t found the ideal one. My hair is really fine and I don’t want to damage it/burn it with an iron as the one I was previously using. I am trying to let my hair grown and get thicker. Since about 8 months ago I don’t use any heat in my hair and I definitely can see a huge improvement. However I would like to do my hair at least once a week or in special occasions.

NHA: im 20 and my hair got progressivly thin for the past 2 years. i used to have REALLY thick hair. its thinner now, and it's not that BAD but it is noticeable and i do not know why

chloe fostin: Thankyou for the video, it is super helpful!! ❤ have a wonderful day!

Callum Croft: When Your 14 Have A Receding Hairline And Thin Hair :/

Arielle Dalia: I eat lots of veggies, don't use heat to style my hair and don't use any products on the scalp like dry shampoo, but my scalp gets extremely itchy and irritated if I don't wash my hair at least every other day. Any tips on what can help with this?

Deepali Sharma: Guys try onion juice with garlic juice(optional) on your hair.I know it will be smelly but it works.I do this once a week since june 2019 and till now it has made my hair thick i was getting a lil bald from the left side and it seriously grew my hair there too 2)Always braid your hair when you sleep.Do not make high ponytails or buns PLEASE .3)Never apply oil to your hair overnight just put it for 1 or 2 hours or lil more then wash 4)Herbal shampoo 5)Massage massage massage it doesn’t matter you apply oil or not but just massage your hair atleast once a day or more.Preferably at night.And please believe me you will get result if you do it consistently❤️

Fay Aziz: Always enjoy watching your videos and learn great tips as usual thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jess Vera: Amazing Vid,. Thank you! (Weird thing in my case, My hair is getting thicker as I go, not the reverse. I had super fine hair when i was a teenager., during my 20's and into my early thirties.. Decided to go 180 and hack it all off. It then grew from getting it cut in January 2012.. complete square-back cut, to 27" long, between 2012 (and until it reached 27 Inches in March 2016). No trims, no split ends, No heat use. I needed two hair clips to keep it up. Only thing I changed up in mid 2015 was exercised moderately, but consistently. 5x per week, (good cardio, moderate weight), For lunch it was Salad bar time: Spinach greens, chick peas, white rice, Premier strawberry protein shakes, chicken breast, electrolyte water (just Gatorade for hydration for exercise and in general ;), tomatoes , avocado... Still had Latte's and not-sugarless coffee cake for breakfast.. no crazy diets. . and (funny enough) was using Pantene shampoo\conditioner. I realize genetics and other factors are different for everyone, but NEVER in my life did I think my hair would Ever be Rope-thick and 6 inches past my belt line. I had wanted this hair since 9th grade!! Lol.., and then it just finally happened. SO, There is hope. Don't hear 'age' and freak out. Not saying this isn't perhaps the norm for some or a lot of people, but really, other than the above, I kept it under a hat in a loose bun during the winter months. No idea...maybe i'm just a space alien. I'm also a boy (singer/drums/piano - fun fact ;).. . Hope this helps someone! :) Cheers all and Stay safe!

O: Any tips on helping to remove mineral build up on the scalp??

we are the creators of our destiny: hi ,I massage my hairs with onion oil( 20 ml) BEFORE hair wash. Is it important to condition my hair after hair wash, i just apply 4 to 5 drops of coconut oil after hair wash to my scalp to moisten it again. MALE- age 26

Clarissa Peper: I love this video <33 In an older video you mentioned the shower filters as well.. if only they weren't that expensive! But it's going to me on my wish list as soon as I have a place of my own. Really like these kind of videos. You should do a video where you present your styling products (what brand of curling iron, heat protectant, fix spray,..)

Heather Chinoski: I definitely need to try exfoliating and a shower filter. Thanks for the tips!

Blossom Reinhart: Hey doctor, I've been suffering with pcos for a long time now and it's caused me immense hairfall. I'm starting to see baldness clearly now and I'm really worried. Please suggest food that can reduce pcod and grow my hair back. Please

Katie Eileen: My parents live away out in the country side and their water is sourced from the mountains. It just runs straight off the foothills into their home and undergoes a treatment process to make it drinkable. Every single time I arrive home the first thing I do is have a shower and wash my hair. Literally my hair flows like silk after using this water. It feels soft like velvet and is so deliciously lustrous! Imagine what that type of water is doing to my body when drinking it too!

Salina: Do you still recommend the shower filter? Does it actually work?

BANGTANLAND ARMERRY: I have genetically thick smooth soft hair so thankful to my parents and God for this

A K: thanks for the tips!! :) my hair has been driving me crazy after covid.

Jazmin Bermudez: And ive been looking into how i can recover it my hair feels so dry and not even thick anymore, i just feel our frizz. Used to not have broken hair and now theres little pieces of hair everywhere. My hairline area feels sore and tender :(

Katrina Wall: I only use dry shampoo maybe every month or two. If I need a little refresher on my hair I usually just rinse it with warm water, scrub the scalp a little with my fingers, and apply conditioner as I normally would.

bob rossy mossy: I’m 14 and my hair is nearly as thin as my mom’s. It’s probably genetics, but it still makes me super depressed

Lily Sanders: Which shower filter do you use? There are many options on vitaclean.

Kimberly Cortez: Thank you you have the best advice ever

P K: Awesome video, thanks Mona!

irock: What about hair loss? What if you’re experiencing hair loss even if you are taking vitamins, doing hot oil treatments, good nutrient/exercise? Any tips or advice?

Sable Amanda: Would also love to know what nuts and seeds you eat or recommend, and if you are knowledgeable/experienced in, and can share about “seed cycling”? Thanks Dr. Mona

Kenisha Hammond: Awesome tips. Thank you.

Jennifer Castro: So what kind of exfoliating brush do you recommend? Thanks

Lindsay Riding: Need a shower filter! Your hair is goals!!

Celeste Amour: I'm a hairdressing student and I can't believe I had 13 year old client with the worst head of hair I've ever seen and that's saying a lot considering I work at a barber shop with men that spend over $100 to get their hair done and to hide things like receding hairlines.I feel bad for the girl, she'll probably be bald before she's legal. I can only imagine what her wig wearing mothers head looks like if that's who she's learning from, she probably looks like a cue ball up under that wig.

Jan Ressl: What about PRP? You’ve shown videos of the procedure but haven’t talked much about it.

Fairy Cindy: I like this tips, thank you. I do not now if you ever try hydrosol (flower water) as tonic for scalp - i have amazing results in hair growth with them (sage and tea tre oil, and in future I want to try witch hazel) kisses from Croatia xoxo

Tracie O'Grady: does the shower filter slow down the pressure of water?

Elliot Trotta: What’s your thoughts on leave in conditioner?

Josefina Cruz: Love the comb exfoliation tip!

Dorothy Z.: my hair is perfect right after it dries: shiny, smooth, soft (can’t stop touching it) and 2 days after: oily, disgusting, ugly. i hate having to wash my hair every other day. BUT my hair is medium thickness (not thin, not thick) so i can’t do a lot of hairstyles. i have only ever used shampoos and conditioners from brands like pantene, dove, and shea moisture that my parents buy from costco. i have never used a hair mask. i wash my hair every other day. i don’t use dry shampoo or conditioner. i have black straight hair. its so obvious if my hair is oily. (also im 12 smh) please help meee

Bharati Manmode: Hii Dr Mona Vand.. i am suffering from Frizzy and brittle hair from past 3 yrs. I did a lot of home remedies and treatments. But nothing worked. Please suggest me some solution or home remedy.

Amy Woolsey: Love this! Thank you.

Ala Vidlak: Finally, thank you

Shrey Jaiswal: I apply onion juice to my hair!! It really helps.. Yeah it smells bad but it’s totally worth it in the long run.

Razia Miah: Hi Dr Vand, please can you do a video on explains how to increase hair growth as I have been experiencing a lot of hair fall out. Products, hot oil treatments etc I live in UK so can’t access USA products

Aleshia Scheer: I love this, thank you!!!! <3

La Reine Rose: What a great video! You covered so many angles! Good work. L

u dumb: I searched for this because my parents don't want me to have a long hair with ends that are sooo thin and wanted me to cut it, but thank god i found this. gotta tryyy

KimMe Wyatt: Mix some castor oil/wheat germ oil (both unrefined, if possible) via a 1 to 1 ratio (same amount each). Both are extremely fortified with protein. Apply to scalp/hair after every shampooing and daily as needed. The protein will thicken your hair... Allow 2-3 months BUT you will see results within 4-5 weeks, depending on your hair type, etc. Continue use 'til you die (LOL)! Additionally, add more protein to your diet. Look on the web for protein enriched foods. Hope this helps! NOTE: Also, stop washing your hair so often. Almost all shampoos have sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate as a 2nd ingredient, behind water/aqa, which equates to...THERE'S ALOT IN THERE. These chemicals over time can do more damage than good. Wash your hair every 8-14 days. Drink plenty of water and no stress. Be sure to shake the oils before application, as unrefined wheat germ has an abundance of waxes/phospholipids, which will separate. You can also buy a messager for your scalp to get the blood flowing in those areas. This is help your blood circulate, which will help your tresses. If you have any questions, contact me.

Elusive Illusion: Omg I never even heard of a micro nutrient test. So going to ask for one. Thank u

Ivona Tunkevic: I would suggest switching to wooden brushes/combs. They are gentlier on hair and help with shine by distributing natural oils. Using gentlier natural shampoos and other products is also a better option.

Ryan Dela Cruz: I use WD40 everyday, works great for me

dll dll: Thank you Dr. Mona!

Rose AndCore: How often would you recommend washing the hair?

MomoiroRabbit: No one understands of psychologically damaging it is to have thin hair. I used to have a full head of black shiny hair as a child. After many years of poor eating habits and obsessive hair picking, It's really thin. I've quit sugar permanently and I have begun eating fruits and vegetables as well as nuts but it has been two years and it still is thin. I don't know what to do.

RITESH KANTHAMANI: Can you make a video about protein treatment and keratin treatment for hair..... Your views and what do you suggest.... Are these treatments good or bad. And to whom are these treatments applicable? (eg-hair loss person, hair thinning guys, rough hair etc etc)

nu tran: Dr. Mona thank you for the informational tips on healthy hair and scalp. Can I ask what brand or where can you purchase that exfoliating brush. I look but can’t find it online.

Jes Jacob: Where did u study pharmacy? Also what shampoo and conditioner do you recommend?

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