How The Perfect "Hairdresser Blowout" Is Achieved! Try At Home!

Today, I teach you all my blow-dry tricks I've learned from 10 years of experience! I'll tell you the tools I like to use, the products and of course the techniques!

Coloring hair with my mouth:


will update soon!

ceramic brush:

boar bristle brush:

flat brush:


















What'S up my beautiful babes, you are looking so gorgeous today. There'S always one question I get asked after I'm fully done: styling cutting and coloring my clients, hair, and that question is: how did you do that? How did you style my hair, like that people think it's some kind of crazy voodoo magic about all of us, hair styles have that we can blow out the hair beautifully and get rid of all of your frizz and make those perfect beautiful beach, wave or straighten That till it's silky, soft and smooth and shiny, it's no voodoo magic girl. It'S just good technique. Okay, and if you just watch today's video and follow along with me, you will learn how to give yourself a perfect, flawless professional, looking glow at home to yourself. It is not that hard. You just need to put the right skills in place in order to get the correct results that you want. So today, I'm going to teach you all the techniques that I have learned throughout the past. Almost I'm gon na say like ten years of doing blow dries. I also worked in a blow-dry salon briefly like five years ago and working there and doing 10 to 15 blow today, really really taught me how to do the perfect load on any hair, texture or hair type. So I'm going to teach you what the kinds of brush that I like to use the kinds of products I like to use the kind of sectioning that I like to use when doing a blowout and a bunch more. So if you guys want to learn how to do the perfect blow it on yourself at home, then stay tuned and let's get it started all right. So here is my model for today say what she's ready to get her hair done. Her name is viola. Bye, though you guys, everything I'm using in today's video is gon na be linked below. So let me go over the supplies. Real quick before I start we're gon na need a comb just like any kind of column, but like the combs, closer bristles on this side and then the farther away ones on this side for nice sectioning. Then I have some Clips like this. These are really good for when we set the blowout that way, you don't get any creases on the hair when you put the clips in it. So these are amazing. These are by Kerry Josh and then, if you don't have those you don't wan na spend the money on them they're kind of expensive. You can also use like a dumbbell clip just a regular like clip like this. They make creases in the hair, but they work, and then we have Rush's. You have like three options. Really, you have a brush like this: a flat brush, you have a ceramic brush and you have a boar, bristle and natural brush. The differences between all of these are, I usually use a flat brush and try to do a very flat laid silky, smooth straight look with no frizz best, because they are better for smoothing out frizz. But I find that these are it's a lot easier to use. In general, because they are ceramic, they heat up. That way, you can make a nice wave or curl in the hair and have some nice body and really really really straight in a hair out and pull out that wave. This is definitely my favorite. Then we have a natural boar, bristle brush, which is great, like I keep saying to get rid of frizz, but this does take a lot more work and you have to really pull up the hair and keep going and keep going and keep going. But the end result is definitely definitely beautiful. So if you have a lot of frizz in your hair, the boar bristle would be great for you. But if not, I think this is universally great for 90 % of people out there and then, of course you can also have a brush that has the ceramic bristles and the boar bristles combined. But I don't know, I just haven't really found that those really worked out. Well, they me just me, I don't know, I don't really love them and the longer your hair is the shorter. Your hair is the bigger or the smaller the brush you want to use. Is you guys know the deal if you use a big brush, will give you less of a curl? That'S basically a okay! That'S just like the real basics. I could keep going and going about this, but I'm not gon na bore. You probably already am so yeah and then, of course, we're gon na need a blow dryer, I'm gon na use the Dyson. I'Ve talked about this many times in many videos. It is expensive, but it works amazingly and never breaks and it's very lightweight and then I will show you guys the products I'm using as I go along. So I definitely recommend, if you're doing this at home to yourself and you're getting on the shower or whatever you wash. Your hair definitely keep it wrapped in the towel for at least 10 15 20 minutes or as long as you possibly can, because you really want to get that excess moisture out before you blow-dry it. That'S gon na really cut down on the time it takes to blow-dry your hair, so I'm gon na just let her down today and so after we have that wet or decently. Towel dried, if you're getting out of the shower. The first step, we're gon na do, is put some product in okay. So generally, I across-the-board like to use some kind of smoothing product from just doing a nice blowout, because you know girls, your girls out there, you, like your hair stuff, that sounds kind of obvious, but a lot of products. Do you put a lot of hold in the hair and it feels kind of gel like so? I just use a nice smoothing product this Kerastase product that is like my Holy Grail called discipline, fluid Azim, it's just a spray smoothing serum you're actually supposed to spray. It in your hands, but I don't do that if you want to do that, you can, but I just do look very like spray like this on all the hair done and then I brush it through, so it gets everywhere. Thank you guys. If you're wondering, what's going on with this color yeah, I colored her hair, pink ombre using only my mouth cuz, that's my life and you can see the video linked below and then on her and I'm gon na put a little bit of serum just because usually People just have really dry ends if your hair is long and all your ends are probably crusty. So I'm gon na use a new treaty Olay or relax just a very little amount of this, because a little goes a long way with this product. It'S very heavy. It'S gon na rubber on my hands and focus just on the ends like this work it around the front of her hairline because, usually blow a lot of phrase up here. The hairline is very important to get a lot of product on just don't overdo it, because it can easily get greasy okay and now I'm gon na do something a little bit weird and different. I am gon na use invisible dry shampoo by igk that way. She'S, a little bit of product on her root and it'll, give her nice volume and texture when the blow is done, but you do not want any volume or texturizer roots just skip this step, but it's good if your hair is extra flat and they never get Spotty or volume in it, this will work out for you very, very well random sections just going across and you like one or two passes just dry shampoo, don't put too much volume, especially right here at the crown. It'S very important to put this done done and next step. This step is really important. This is the stuff that I see people missing out on a lot and it's gon na really speed up the time it takes for you to blow out your hair. You'Re gon na want to get 90 to 95 % of the moisture out of your hair. Before you even start using the round brush okay, this is gon na depend a little bit on your hair textures. That'S like super super curly you're gon na want to get out like 80 % of the moisture. Definitely don't do a hundred because you won't be able to get that curl out when you start to pull it with the round brush. So University I'd recommend just doing like 90 percent dry. That'S a very important tip right there to save a lot of time on your blog at home to get volume in her hair, we're gon na blow dry in the opposite direction. The way her hair grows so we're gon na blow dry. This way rough dry. This way rough dry, this way rough dry, the hair forward. Okay, let's do it! You can also at home just flip your head upside down and start blow drying it that's also an easy way to do it perfect, so she is now 90 % dry already and they're gon na give her another brush just that all those tangles go away. Her hair is a very, very gentle, a thumb, and here is the next most important part. I'M looking to section her hair doesn't need to be perfect. Just just working a section now girl, she's tangled you're, wondering if I'm this rough with actual clients. The answer is yes, you're gon na pick your desired part, I'm gon na do the middle, but this will work anyway. So the most important thing is to start around the hairline, because that is where most of the phrasing curl is, and that is where most of the hair shows. So what we're gon na do is called a halo section. It'S literally just a circle around your entire head. That gives you a halo not too too much hair. I'D say like an inch and all the way around you can keep going, doesn't need to be perfect once again and then you can just brush, and that is a halo section. Okay, this is gon na, be really good for you, guys with curly hair out there or wavy hair or any hair at all, so we're gon na start right in the front over here, because she has kind of like the situation where her hair wants to go. This way, I'm gon na blow dry, her hair with her part there, but if you really want a lot of volume and right in the front of your hair, I would blow dried this section up like this and set up out like this. I'M gon na go out today, but you can do that one at home and before we start, let's just do the basics of blow-drying, always keep your blow-dryer on the back of your brush like this in the direction of the way your hair grows, you're always gon Na want to follow the brush with the blow-dryer, like this, don't put it like this or you're gon na get frizz everywhere. Okay, so I'm just going to show you guys how I'm gon na blow this out right here and then I will explain after how I did it. So what I just did first was get all of that frizz out of the top section of her hair and make sure that our hair is going in the right direction. So I literally put the blow-dryer almost on her scalp towards the bottom of our hair and just really went up close to that scalp. That'S super important to get all that frizz out and then you put the blow-dryer behind the brush like this and you rock it out this technique rocking. It is gon na create an amazing, beautiful bouncy wave like this, and you can Ravel it back up. Blow-Dry it Ravel it out blow-dry or a backpack blow-dry alrighty. Let'S do it one other thing: that's super important is to really pull prize the end, because that is where a lot of that moisture sit and a lot of that frizz will stay in it if you're not smoothies out enough you'll. Just you won't have that perfect. Polish blog, that is the difference between a professional blow and person doing at home, was no idea. What they're doing is those ends. They have to be beautiful and smooth, so just keep on working on until they are really really smooth and get all the way. All right now that we're done with that. I have it all rattled up like that. We'Re gon na gently pull it out and then I'm gon na with your hands a little bit not too much because you voice chirring your hands. You don't wan na pull up the curl too much you're gon na rabble it back up the same way. It was on the brush all right and then we're gon na set it like this and again. If you don't want to be blowing your hair or curls, you don't have to do this part. This is optional and then I plug that clip right in the front right there. Alright, that is our first section done. I'M gon na repeat that on both sides, all around your head and then I'll show you guys what our next step is and over here super important part again. Pull this hair super taut. Okay really really put tension on that and then get really close to her hairline and put a lot of heat right there to get all that wave and kinky curly nasty mess out of the front hairline and I like to alternate the curl direction. So this one is going forward and the one on top is going backwards. That'S gon na make it so the curls don't attach to each other. When you let it all down, you don't want a big clumpy curl, it's just not you alternating. The curl is gon na, give you more body there we go. That is the first two. It'S done! Look at those beautiful little pink roll set gorgeous. Okay, we're gon na keep going. I like to do three on each side should be enough and really cut down on your time. Not doing too many sections, don't overdo. It definitely make sure you work the hair. Slowly too. I think people really go fast too much just go. Slow, slow and steady wins the race another way of releasing. The hair is going like this wrapping it out and then you can leave it like this just set on its own, but I'm not gon na do that today. We'Re gon na pin this up and hair actually takes about 20 minutes to completely cool off BAM. Okay, so that is the pelo section all finished now. Moving on to the top of our hair, we are going to section it out yeah. What are we gon na? Do work in a section out a little square up here, and this is the crown section that's gon na have all the volume in it. That is the crown section we're gon na pimp everything else around it so get that upper away. Just like that and we're gon na take these exact sections that way when you release the hair out of these clips, you don't have any harsh lines, so just a lightness, exact, parson, exact, whatever you want to do whatever you're feeling that day, all right, my judgement And then we're just gon na make sure we blow the hair up straight and do the same kind of curl thing and then set the curl again and definitely make sure you are blow drying at the root on every different side. So we're gon na get the front and we get the sides we're gon na get the other side and we're gon na do the back. This is easier to do. One apply it, so you don't really have to do that on yourself. Mainly the Friday's was important, leaving a little bit of frizz in the back of the hair is actually not a bad thing. It ends up getting you more volume and it doesn't go down during the day, because you've had that little bit of phrase underneath protecting your hair from going flat, but the front of it is smooth. That'S all that really matters. That is the top all done now. I'M moving on to the last three sections: there's mean one on this side. You can always do like zigzag sections one over here, one on the other side and then one directly down the back. That is the next section right in the back, and these are the two otherwise they're, not I'm gon na. Do this back one off-camera except don't believe any way of showing you. So it's just the same as other a few sections. We already did alright, so there we are. The finished set, there's one two, three, four: five, six, seven, eight nine ten eleven sections. There are eleven sections in total on our head. You do not have two eleven sections at home. You can do like six. This is how I like to do a nice blow out and now I just do a light, light coating of hairspray and then we'll release all of the curls and we'll shake it out and then I'll show you guys how we style it up. It definitely make sure you let this cool down before you take it out. You can leave it in as long as you want. You can sleep in this, at least, if you're, in a hurry, let it cool down for five to ten minutes. That is very important because the curl is not gon na form. Unless you let it sit for a little bit or you can take a blow dryer on the cool setting and just do a blast air real, quick. Just to get this really really setting quick and then let me get the hairspray just a very, very light mist of hairspray just like that. Alright now comes my favorite part of all. Releasing these curls so we're just gon na take them all out one by one. It'S pretty self-explanatory and just let them go over. They want there's no better feeling like taking a set out like this look at those beautiful soft waves with no frizz baby. That'S just how we like it stunning. You can transform any hair, no matter how damaged it is. If you do this set correctly, it's maybe gorgeous gorgeous fabulous collagen. Now, a little trick I like to do before, I really rig, threw up my hands, put just a little bit more oil on hands. That way, it goes to the hair while you're raking it out. If you're doing this on your own head, I would just flip your head upside down and shake it, but otherwise, if you're doing on a client, you can just like this. Yes, the sound effects are necessary. You definitely do the HUD okay. This is just breaking up and we're gon na reform, all the curls, but you don't want any lines showing. Where are you sections a hair where you get oh, this is super important part. Don'T be scared to do this, can leave it like this? It'S awesome, it's a very light. Tousle wave has some volume up there. In the crown I mean we can flip. Her looks a little ridiculous and you know guys this is. This is a mannequin. So it's not really like, what's gon na happen totally in real life, you're, not gon na get these harsh lines like she has. She does have a plastic scale, don't tell her why she does, but that's why you've got these really really harsh lines right here. You know you can always just comb these bangs down nice if you want, like a perfect, perfect blow, you're just gon na take these sections do a little tiny comb action and just reform the wave with your hands just like that. All the ways are going in different directions: we're not really gon na hold you tightly give a nice little tease. The crown danger inherent like that whole meadow reform that wave, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a blowout. That is how you properly do want this nice little crown area of volume. She has beautiful check out what material goddess she looks like now so fab and let me tell you she has some hair, so there you guys go. That is the majority of the techniques. I have to share with you today hope you guys enjoyed this video and found it very informative, and I hope you guys can take these practices home with you. You probably already are home, so maybe not take them home with you, but use them at home. Definitely check out my latest merchandise collection, the I'm extra collection available at that complex crap that'll also be linked below for you and give this video like and subscribe. If you enjoyed it. Thank you guys so much for watching today. Don'T forget to leave your extra life and I will see you next time. Peace,

Brad Mondo: Are you good at blowing out your own hair?

Noemi Mühlhaus: Am I the only one afraid of round brushes because I had them stuck in my head as a kid, more than once

X -tina: My hair would look bomb if i could detatch my head

Meg Weiss: Watches through the video twice: I can totally handle this, I got this Goes into bathroom and tries to section hair: Let’s go for a natural, towel dry wave today

Trev O Donnell: She was speechless throughout her blowout, she was shook

Jane Liu: Okay but how do I detach my head so I can do the back

CZ4E: Your small teaching moments throughout help so much! “Don’t hold it this way” or an adequate description of how much product to actually use & where. So sweet! Love your vids ❤️

Erin Elizabeth: Can you bring the camera to the salon so we can see you do your actually clients???? I would love that !!!!!

Atia Janssens: I literally just did this with my hair and it looks great. I'm such a newbie in all these beauty things and just following these instructions one by one got me a very satisfying result - obviously not as great as him, but way better than the crap I was doing before :D So thanks

Marmalade House: One of my “lottery win” dreams is a professional wash and blowout 1-2 times a week. (Basically never wash and fix my own hair again!) I have crazy thick, coarse, frizzy, fluffy, wavy hair. It’s a drag, especially in Texas heat, but after a blowout, it’s gorgeous!

Clare Vela: Screw makeup guru channels.. We need some more hair styling gurus like you!!! Ive always told myself.. If my hair looks perfect then i dont need makeup! My hair is the main attraction!!

Jessica Lehner: Brad this was so great! I’m a cosmetology student and you just make me so motivated and inspired to improve every day!! Keep up with these technique videos please!!❤️❤️

Kathleen Malloy: Thanks Brad for an interesting and well presented video. These are professional blow-dry techniques but they are also adaptable for home use. It is difficult to achieve the same result at home as a professional stylists in a salon which is why you pay us to do your hair! However, the information Brad shares regarding the brushes, the products he uses, his sectioning techniques, clipping sections to cool, and MOST IMPORTANTLY rough drying, will help you achieve better results at home. The biggest mistake most women make is starting to style while the hair is soaking wet which is just an exercise in futility. Even if you do get it to look good eventually, if the slightest bit of dampness remains your hairstyle will fall apart within an hour. Fine hair will go flat and curly hair will frizz. Rough drying will also save you SO much time on your finish, especially if you have medium to thick and/or curly hair. Clipping the hair and allowing the hair to cool down adequately is also very important for keeping body, volume and/or curl. These two tips alone will improve your results a thousand fold! I like the tip about the dry shampoo at the roots for volume, although heed his warning about less is more, and the KÉRASTASE DISCIPLINE is the crème de la crème of blow-dry sprays... expensive but worth every penny! As for your boo-hooers on the comment page... no YouTube video will give you the skills of a professional hairstylist, but Brad clearly shares some excellent tools and techniques that will help you achieve more professional results at home. Thanks again Brad... I look forward to seeing more of your videos!

Shannon Crabill: I'd love to see a tutorial like this for naturally curly hair

gabipaff: These tips are so, so helpful I now realize I've been drying my hair all wrong. Thank you for the very helpful video

Deborah Pender: This is a phenomenal demonstration! I have watched my stylist for years, but never really understood until today! Thank you!

Rose Lamb:!! This tutorial was literally life changing! The detailed instruction is so thorough and easily understandable and I cannot wait to try this technique! I have liked and subscribed based on this only video that I've viewed so far. Can't wait to watch your other videos! If you are not an educator, you should be <3

Tyler Richards: I’m living for this. Like seriously. As a stylist it irks me to see someone do a horrible blow out. This blowout is perfect.

Adnarim: you make this look so easy! i have such a hard time getting the round brush to go through the hair smoothly

The Perfectly Imperfect Mom: Ive never be able to have my hair professionally done like that. I would feel like a princess for sure. Thank you for the tips ans tricks. I will have to try this at home

Juliet Leon: Thank you for this video!!! I followed all your tips and IM SHOOK by how nice it came out! The only thing I didn’t do was the sectioning I just did a middle part and went ham but it turned out great! It was the first time I EVER blowed dried my own hair :)

Maryann Leonard: This is so helpful, I'm in cosmetology school now, and I'm trying "master" roller brush blow outs because I've noticed that a lot of my peers don't know how to and I want to give clients EXACTLY what they want! Thanks!!

RoseRed Goddess: Thanks. I tried this with the concentrator attachment and my boar bristle roundbrush. I also used rose water instead of regular water to wet my hair. It turned out perfect without any frizz. Love your work, Brad.

Soph Xx: Brad: “you look so gorgeous today” Me: *sat in bed eating a whole dominos pizza to myself and bed hair* “oh brad stawp”

Annie Gerard: Thank you for this! Lovely. I use this sectioning technique for curling my hair. I’ll first blow dry it the best I can and then instead of round brushing it, I’ll use the curling iron. Much much easier if blow drying isn’t your expertise.

Mary Chovancova: This video was actually very helpful, I have naturally very curly/wavy hair witch mean a lot of frizz, without ironing is basically impossible to brush, I try this blowout and my hair look amazing no frizz and nice soft curls, like form a saloon. Thank you Brad :)

Ellie Monroe: I love this technique❤️made a difference on my client made a difference on her 3A hair texture. I always felt like I was using too much heat doing a regular blow dry

Fairymoon71: I so do a “follow brad tutorial “ I can totally follow this, until he rolls hair back on the round brush, my hair ALWAYS gets tangled when I try. I have spent 20 min trying to get my hair untangled from the round brush.. maybe tension issue. But it’s hard to hold a blow dryer and round brush. Lol I think I might need a 3rd arm

Lilith: Me: wow he’s being a little rough with her. Brad: if you’re wondering if I’m this rough with actual people the answer is yes Lmaoooooo

Krys Na’Jhae: These tips are bomb... I’m in cosmetology school and I used these tips on one of my clients, it was so much easier and the blowout was flawless... Thanks Brad

Alicia Kolehmainen: I bought a really nice Babyliss blow dryer January of 2019 and I watched this video. Through practice, I’ve been able to achieve the perfect blow out! Thank you for this!!

Emalinomi: Very informative! Thank you SO much!! Your great! Fun to watch, fun to listen, and the tips and tricks shared..(smh) I so needed this in my life right now!Finally going to tame my long loc’s today!

Roxana: When you wet her hair, she looked like a wet rat but you actually managed to make her hair super voluminous at the end. I'm impressed! Edit: Thank you for showing this on a thin haired model instead of thick-haired model!

Evelyn Lietz: "if you have longer hair you ends are probably crusty" ... Okay first of all I feel personally attacked

Hilda Castro: That’s so pretty!! That’s how I want my hair to look everyday I’m gonna master this one day.

Violetta Terzi: This is the only blowout tutorial I watched on youtube that I actually think will work and looks amazing!

Urvi Arora: Tried using some of the techniques you taught on my mom's hair. Her hair actually look so much better!!! Now I've shared this vid with her so that she can blow dry my hair Awesome work!!!

Dandruff Queen: So helpful! So glad I found your channel, I work at Sally Beauty so I will use all your awesome tips and knowledge to help customers! You are so fabulous BTW!

Emily Philpott: Her hair looked better than mine before you even started

Jenna Greer: I have literally never once blow dried my hair because I didn't know how and what I tried didn't work! Thank you so much, now I'm going to try again!!! ❤️❤️❤️

SoFloSiren: I’ve been able to give myself the best blowouts EVER since this vid oh & I’m sure upgrading from a $12 Revlon blow dryer to a $200 Croc blow dryer helps too‍♀️

Emma Shaw: I’m a trainee hairdresser and this video really helped, thank you!

North Caroline: You are so talented! Thank you for showing your superhuman blowout skills. I needed to see this, it turned out gorgeous

Anne Elizabeth: oh my gosh. this is amazing. thank you for actually showing how long/how many times you actually run the dryer thru the hair, most youtubers are like 1 run down the hair, and you're done! lol thank you for sharing!

Ashley Nicole: Great tutorial, there is literally no greater feeling than walking out of a salon fresh cut maybe color; and a nice blowout will have to try this at home !! But to the people who are offended . In his defense he most likely didn’t mean it the way you think it was directed because don’t get me wrong when my hair natural curls it’s a frizzy mess . But did I take any offense to it no .... so with that said don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya ...bye Felicia ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

Kyra Renee T: The number one and two product I use... A must is a thickening spray or serum, then a texturizer spray. You mentioned neither. That rocks my hair to full volume!! !!

SocialSapient: I have watched a ton of these tutorials, but never one this detailed and helpful! Thank you so much, Brad. I'm a new subscriber and loving your channel. I have a question for you- what about heat protectant? Also, there is a Revlon blowdrying brush device that is oval-shaped and blows hot air- it's amazing! I'm going to use it incorporating your advice here.

DollfaceVanilla: OMG I can't believe it, I used to do nearly all of this and my hair still sucked, turns out the only thing I was missing was the proper direction technique for the blow dryer and it made an EXTREME difference!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Hamil Fever: Wow that looks amazing! The girl who does mine at the salon does it exactly like this and it comes out gorgeous. Can’t for the life of me get it like this at home.

Zahara Higurashi: Soooooo, glad to find this video! Just did, a blowout on, my own hair, and it looks, way better, than when I usually blow dry, my hair.

Mary Hatonek: THANKFUL!!! A hair school student here and our teacher told us to do this and you helped immensely!!

Audj S: I feel like Brad could walk me through anything and I still wouldnt have the skill to do it on my own hair. I respect the artist!

Liz J: “You’re looking so gorgeous today” As I’m looking down with a double chin hair in a messy bun eating chipotle Oh. Thank you

ni ki: I’m in love with thisso informative and also can you please do a tutorial with flat brush!?

Justbell: I just came across your videos and I love it ! The way you explain and talk is so nice and easy to listen to, it not like others who are really over the top now a days with the way they talk. You're so nice and calm and really informative and I feel like I can definitely pull off a damn good blow out now !

victoria a: Thanks Brad!! I’m so-so at blowing out my hair. I keep coming back to this tutorial.

siobhan douglas: i'll definitely have give this ago, im currently doing my level 3 hairdressing qualification and its always good to know new curly blow dry methods

overlee: I could probably do this if my head was also removable and able to be attached to a table with a vice. Otherwise, probably not.

Samira Caruso: “Use dry shampoo if your hair is very flat and you need volume” Staring at my hair looking like a wild lion in rehab: I think I’m all set.

ZANA ROSE: Amazing video. Thank you. Just to point out if you’re going to towel dry your hair and keep your hair wrapped in it, it’s best not to turban twist as it can over time pull on hairs and they may stop growing near the front of your scalp. I pat my hair dry with a towel and leave it sparkles out on my shoulders with a towel laid out on my shoulders for 15 mins prior to blow drying.

Kendra: That was so enjoyable to watch! I’m so excited to try on my thin bleached hair lol

Amy L.: My blow dry is alright, it gets the curls out but it’s not smooth so I’ll definitely be trying this out! I can’t do pincurls though so that part will be interesting! Thanks Brad!

StrawbunnyMilk: I'm having flashbacks to when I was 12 and had to cut a barrel brush out of my hair with scissors

M: I'm shook, I do a blowout on my hair every week and love voluminous locks but never set the curls on the top of my head (And I own the clips too *facepalm*). I will do this tonight and see how it turns out! P.S. I now know I need a new hairstylist, because she never showed me or did any of this for my hair. I feel like her version is very low effort in comparison, and she's not cheap either.

Karla Araujo: I seriously love you and have much respect for you!! I love your personality and all that charisma you show in every video! Hugs from El Salvador! :)

Zethany: HOLY CRAP! I never knew how many things I was doing CORRECT! I was honestly winging it the entire time!! LOL The dry shampoo, the pulling the hair forward thing, the moisturizer at the tips, the 90% dry rule... I never knew that was ACTUALLY the technique! I guess that's why I'm never satisfied if my hair stylist doesn't do all of those steps in the blowout.

Jannika Gröndahl: Thanks Brad! I'm a student and this was very educational and useful

xXVoodooDollyXx: I found some comedy in your description for the all purpose comb but you explained everything else so in depth and it was really great and super informative thank you brad ~EBC Cosmo Student

Mama Fernando: I actually put on makeup and did my hair this morning so when he said “you are looking gorgeous today” I actually believed he was talking to me. Lol

Katia Kot: I appreciate it so much! Oh, your video was simply a straight instruction with every useful tip possible! I loved it

Tainah Costa Ungierowicz: Wow I’ve learned so much for this tutorial! Thanks a million!

MissJessyeNorman: Can you make this a series?! Can you do this on perhaps a) Asian hair that is thick, course and resistant to heat, b) on African American/Mixed hair 3b or 3c curls, and c) on 4b or 4c curls ?! I can understand how to get from the point that you are able to work with the hair at the halo parting. I just don't understand how you expect 3b or higher curls, to be workable, and not a bird's nest of knots, after having been left in a towel for 20 minutes without any oils--let alone after having been blown dry without having been put into carefully conditioned and brushed sections first. I'm just confused. I must be doing something very wrong, but my head would be a rats nest, that would require scissors be taken to it, lol ;)

Lyssa Niznak: Cannot wait to practice this! Thank you so much!

Aysha Amin: Blow dry always gives me goosebumps! When I first tried to blowout my hair the brush got stuck in my hair and I had to cut my front hair to lose the brush! I was going to a wedding and I was looking so weird with that bad haircut!!

Truthful22: This is the best video on a perfect blow out I’ve ever seen on YouTube. Thank you so much!

purplepeaches: would love to see this tutorial for short hair, like a pixie or a short bob or so it's so hard to tame my short hair with that big of a brush

Savemebiatch: Me: sits with incredibly frizzy hair watching this video Me: goes and does this Me ten hundred million hours later: still hair incredibly frizzy and my arms have literally collapsed and I’m thinking about what went so incredibly wrong

Abbey Pettis: Brad's really nailing the hot version of Joe Exotic today

Katherine Margeson: A video on turning 3a curls into looser curls/waves would be great! Maybe a twist out or curler set?

Mariah Kemp: It blows my mind HOW MANY stylists are not trained to do proper blowouts . When a proper blowout is achieved there is no need for hot tools OTHER than a blowdryer and round brush

Rebecca Newton: Love the how to videos!!

Stephanie Heather: I’m a trainee hairdresser in the uk, this information is everything

Katy J Lewis: Brad, I love watching your videos!! You are such a cutie and your work is so absolutely amazing! I want blonde highlights ( no yellow!) all over but every time I've paid to get it done in a salon it never comes out like the blonde I want! Ever!! What are they doing wrong and why does this always seem to happen? Are they just lazy? Lol. love you! Your the best!!!

Stephanie Sasso: Wow, thanks for going over the brush tips! Did not know how to use the blow dry blush properly! She Looks Fabulous! Gotta try this too!! ❤️❤️

Danielle Kelly: I really really appreciated this video I’m in beauty school and I love doing hair with different textures whether I’m working on Native American hair that’s very straight or African hair I love doing blowouts since I started school I hate blow drying my hair any other way

kmarshirley: You said a lot that you thought this was boring. This is actually one of my favorites of your videos. Just like how people like to watch makeup tutorials it is nice to see a video that I can follow along with to attempt to do my hair. I would love to see more videos like this. I like any video you do really but maybe someday I'll actually try to do a blowout lol. My hair has a lot of volume and its naturally wavy to curly. I love my hair it is actually really easy to make do what I want.

Kenzie La Costa: I am not good at blow drying my hair. It ends up huge and fluffy. Lol I have learned so much from your channel! Thank you Brad! Amazing! You are so funny, beautiful and all around one of a kind unique and amazing! Xoxo babe ♥️

J-Hoss: Love this tutorial! I am looking to change the way to round brush for more volume and this is helpful. Just have to say, wow, those eyes! It was difficult to focus on your tutorial at times. I was mesmerized.

Lissy London: I wish brad would do more famous hair styles through the ages Ex. Rita Hayworth- Gilda Marilyn Monroe Amy from Evanescence -Call Me When Your Sober Elizabeth Bennet - Pride and Prejudice etc

MrDovaiv: I never manage to blow out my hair! Im 183cm high and my hair is down to my ass, and also thick! I can Imagine how amazing my hair would look with a blowout like this, but I feel like it is impossible! x_x And this here looks amazing! Definitely will try blowing out next time in this way and hope for the best!

K A: He literally did one curl and I was like "No. Too much work"

Yadit Daza: loved this brad, I really learned a lot

ldgonzales1: I can't get enough of Brad... he has a fantastic personality.

Hibett Palomino: You're a life saver Brad! Thank you sooooo much. <3

Lillie Nguyen: It looks so good!!! I want to try it out but i know for a fact that its going to look like crap. BTW, you're so amazing at doing hair!!! ❤❤❤

Martha Mathieson: This video popped in my recommended videos. Love it. Learned alot. I will be trying these techniques and replaying video while I try. A kind and honest personality radiated.

Katta Bolt: I officially love you, you've helped me with the frizziest hair imaginable! now It looks really nice. Thank you! and blessings from NZ

Athena Kohrmann: I feel like everything I've ever done to my hair has been a mistake after watching Brad do them correctly

Ashley K: I'm watching this but I know deep down inside I'll be too lazy to do this

Patrina: Stumble on your page and I am so in love with your work!. Thank you so much for the tips. Keep more greatness coming.

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