The Best Wigs for Swimming and Sports

  • Posted on 29 October, 2020
  • Hot Topic
  • By wigs@Blog

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise. Did you know that, “swimming fires up more of your body’s major muscle groups than other forms of cardio exercise”? As a low-intensity sport, you can do it until very late in your life without the risk of hurting yourself.

As you get older, high impact sports like running can often result in injuries like shin splints or knee or foot pain- so swimming is a great way to stay active whilst avoiding developing any nasty injuries.

The only problem is that it can be a tricky sport to do whilst wearing a wig, in fact wearing a wig when you are exercising can be problematic full stop.

That’s why at Wigs4U HQ, we have decided to help you stay fit and active by putting together our advice on how to manage wig wearing and exercising.

The good news is that as long as your wig is properly secured (more on that later!), you can actually go swimming quite comfortably. While we wouldn’t advise you to go diving into the water from the highest diving board – doing lengths in your wig shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Another option of course, if you are going swimming solo is to buy a swim cap and change into that in the changing room and vice versa after swimming once you’re clean and dry. Securing your wig so that you can go swimming, or participate in any sports activity is very simple.

How To Secure a Wig So You Can Go Swimming

We recommend stocking up on plenty of waterproof wig glue like Mity Tite wig glue, wig tape, wig liners and straps. This is because swimming will stretch the hairnet that the hairs are attached to.

There are a lot of Youtube videos that go through this in detail, so it is worth watching a few of those ‘How-To videos’ before you set off to the swimming pool to make sure you have applied the wig properly. This is also a reason that we would recommend that you do NOT wear your favourite wig to go swimming in it.  As with any other aspects of wig-wearing, contact us if there is anything you would like to know or ask about your wig, we are always happy to help.

We know that it is important that your wig fits in with your lifestyle and that you can live life to the fullest. Speak to Wigs4U today on 01945 587584 to find out how we can help you.

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