Why we love hair systems – and you should too!

  • Posted on 27 October, 2021
  • Hot Topic
  • By wigs@Blog

Losing your hair doesn’t just have an impact on your appearance, it can seriously knock your confidence. Whatever the underlying cause of your hair loss, however, it’s important to state that you’re not alone.

According to the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD), male pattern hair loss affects around 50% of men over the age of 50. This is just one condition that causes hair loss and thinning, and a large proportion of men under this age bracket also experience some form of hair loss or thinning.

Luckily, we have the solution that will give you luscious locks once more. Here we take a closer look at hair systems to explain why we love them and why you should too!

They look better than ever

Hair loss solutions have evolved dramatically in recent years. The industry now uses better quality hair than ever before and the results can be seen (or not!) in the natural-looking hair systems that so many men are discreetly sporting these days.

Modern-day hair systems give wearers the natural appearance they love. As well as being made with the best quality hair, they can be purchased in a wide range of colours, shapes and sizes to guarantee the perfect fit and a seamless look.

They’re kind to your body

When researching hair loss solutions, you’re certain to have come across a number of techniques, some more expensive and invasive than others.

Investing in a hair system however provides an affordable and non-invasive solution that delivers results right away, especially when compared to riskier, more painful surgical alternatives. Hair systems are also kind to your scalp, especially if you use a scalp protector to up your comfort when wearing a hair system for the long term.

They’ll boost your confidence no-end

The link between hair and confidence is undeniable, and there is in fact more to those good hair days than many people think.

Throughout history it’s been the same story, particularly for men, as general practitioner and medical advisor Nikola Djordjevic MD details:

“Hair loss has been affecting men’s self-esteem for centuries, if not longer. Long thick hair during ancient times was a symbol of masculinity and vitality, so it makes sense that men are psychologically affected by hair loss nowadays as well. Hair loss symbolizes ageing and debility, which is why I think that men start feeling more depressed as their hair starts falling out.”

By restoring your hair, you can take steps to rebuild your confidence. A men’s hair system is an easy and affordable way to do just that – you can even attach your own hair system for ultimate convenience.

They’re made for everyday life

When wearing a hair system or wig, particularly during those early days, you’re likely to face many challenges.

Making the transition from baldness or thinning hair to a full head of hair, showering, swimming, and even doing your daily workout are just some of the difficulties first-time hair system wearers encounter but with experience comes confident wear.

With the right advice, hair system, adhesives and care, you can go about your daily life as normal. Hair systems are made for everyday wear meaning you get to enjoy a natural, attractive and healthy look for longer, whatever your hair loss issues.

Experience the benefits of a hair system for yourself by shopping our men’s hair systems today.

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