Beautiful Textures “Texture Manageability System" Review

Beautiful Textures Texture Manageability System Review

Natural hair is great in it’s versatility, from ultra short curly fro to mid back length sleek tresses in a couple of hours. But us curly girls know that the results of flat ironing our curls and kinks only lasts a couple of days (or a couple of hours for some of us). And truth be told, the reason why many of us don’t bother, aside from being in love with our natural texture of course, is because knowing the amount of effort it takes to straighten our hair, the too quick reversion and risk of heat damage means that the payoff isn’t worth it.

I tend not to pay attention to product reviews unless it’s a product that I am looking to purchase. So when these reviews made an appearance in my Youtube feed, I was totally about to ignore them when I noticed that it was one of my favorite vloggers MoKnowsHair who was reviewing the product. Shortly later I came across Chime’s (Haircrush) video also reviewing the Beautiful Textures TMS system so of course I had no choice but to grab that dangling carrot and watch the videos.

In essence the texture manageability system serves to give us a solution mainly to keeping our straightened hair straight for longer. It allows naturals to flat iron* their hair and wear it straight for longer without reversion through rain, humidity and workouts and the system is designed to stay in your hair for up to six weeks. When you want your natural texture back, all you have to do is wash your hair with the a clarifying shampoo* after which the hair snaps back to its original curl pattern.

I know what you are thinking, how is this different from the Braziilan Keratin Treatments we have all heard about? Well, without stepping on the toes of Mo who will explain all to you, although this treatment contains keratin amino acids they only bind with the temporary salt bonds in your hair which means that there is no permanent change in your hair texture as a result of using the system.

Below, Mo Knows Hair shows us the results of the system on her 3a hair after which she had full reversion of her curls. Next she did the treatment on her friend with 4a hair and a week and a half later her friend came back for a wash and although I personally see that her naturally tight curls look slightly different, for the most part, they sprung back into place.

Chime Edwards getting the texture manageability system

And now on to mine and hundreds of thousands of other natural women’s haircrush Chime Edwards. Below is Chime (Haircrush on YouTube) who also shows us her full experience with the Texture Manageability System on her natural hair. The video shared by Beautiful Textures shows that she too enjoyed straight sleek hair which fully reverted at the first time of asking without damage.

My Concerns

► Of course using any system that involves the use of heat is likely to be a risk to your curls. While it is clear that the TMS in and of itself cannot alter your texture, the heat from a flat iron* certainly can! Picking the best temperature for your hair type then has to be your primary focus in ensuring that you get a seamless treatment and that your hiatus from your curls is only temporary. This means choosing a lower temperature that works for your hair in spite of what the instructions on any product says.

► It should also be clear that if your hair is already suffering from some damage, heat or chemical or mechanical, using this system is unlikely to make things better so steer clear unless your hair is currently healthy.

► It is unclear how the system would perform in those who are protein sensitive being so heavy in protein as it is.

► It is equally unclear how the system holds up to repeated use. As we all know, you are just as likely to get progressive heat damage from multiple heat styling session as from one single session.


The system may be a good solution for those naturals who want to switch things up with a straight sleek style every now and then without risking damage to their natural curls, coils and kinks. *But I would be very wary of going all in.* Only time and more reviews will tell if the system holds up to the claim of absolutely no damage in the long run.

What say you? Will you be trying it?

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