5 Tips for Getting a Style Transformation

Getting a complete style transformation can be an exciting yet scary thing. Especially when you are doing something
dramatic that’s on the opposite end of the entire spectrum of a vibrant color change or a bold cut. Can you imagine going in for a make-over only to walk out completely hating your new look and regretting your decision?

Unfortunately, this is the case for far too many women because they didn’t make the proper preparations ahead of time. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, here are 5 tips you can follow!

1. Have a plan, or don’t…

You first have to define why you are even doing a style transformation, and what exactly do you want. Whether you’re going through a quarter-life crisis, just getting over a bad break-up, or even just to randomly shake things up, determine why you feel the “need” to do a big change.

Once that is pinpointed, you want to develop a plan. What change are you going for? Do you want to cut your long flowing locks into a short pixie cut? Do you want to dye your hair an ash blonde or a bold deep purple? What do you want to do?!

You could very well go in without a plan at all, which some choose to do. The risk in doing this is that you’re putting all of your trust into your stylist to execute whatever they think will look best on you. If you really want to shock yourself, go for it!

2. Research

If you’re taking the route to go in with a plan, research is vital. Just as I mentioned earlier about determining what exact look you are going for, make sure you’re doing the proper research behind it.

This includes finding the style you wish to mimic. You also want to make sure that you will be able to maintain your natural hair health with the change. Meaning, if you’re doing a drastic short pixie cut, do you have the proper tools to style it? Will you be able to afford to return to the salon to get it cut and styled on a regular?

Or if you’re doing a color such as blonde, will you be able to take the extra steps to keep your hair moisturized and conditioned?

style seat3. Select a stylist

Once you have a plan and your style set, you’ll want to select a good stylist to properly execute the style. Maybe you already have a set stylist that you love and that can accomplish just about anything. However, in the case that you don’t, I recommend doing a lot of research prior to jumping in the chair. Like I mentioned earlier, your hair will be in the hands of that stylist and once it’s done, it’s done.

One of the best ways of selecting a stylist is by word of mouth. Talk to your friends or coworkers and see who styles their hair. This also goes for when you’re out and about and see another woman with a fierce cut you would love on yourself, don’t be afraid to compliment her and ask who does her hair!

Another form of selecting a stylist that has become popular is on Instagram. There are tons of hair-spiration pages that do stylist features such as @VoiceofHair. You can be directed to a stylist in your area and see the work she has done.

4. Take a photo or two

Once you have selected your stylist and booked your appointment, make sure you have a photo or two to bring in that will clearly detail to the stylist the look you are going for. I made the mistake the first time I was getting my hair cut to bring in a photo that wasn’t at a great angle and so the stylist wasn’t exactly sure of the look I was shooting for and kind of just free-styled it. It came out looking nothing like I wanted and I had no one to blame but myself.

So don’t be afraid to browse a few Instagram hair pages or Pinterest for hair spiration and screenshot the look you want.

5. Be prepared to be shocked!

So you have a plan, know exactly what style you want, and have selected the best stylist for the job. No matter how prepared you are, doing a drastic style transformation will lead to some serious shock.

It’s possible that the stylist executed the look to perfection, but once you see it on yourself you absolutely hate it! It’s different, yes. And it will take some getting used to, of course! But that’s what you were going for right? A shock. A complete style transformation.

Embrace the new you and grow to love her. Be proud of yourself for being bold enough to do something different!

Are you due for your next style transformation? Comment below!

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