5 All Natural Remedies For An Itchy Scalp

There’s nothing sexy about a dry, itchy, flaky scalp, but it’s a condition many face on a regular basis, myself included. Once you have eliminated the possibility of the condition being something a little more serious like psoriasis, you may just be dealing with a dry scalp and need to switch up your regimen a bit.

For me, I notice my scalp getting a little itchy towards the end of the month and throughout the colder months of winter. It’s possibly due to the fact I tend to take more care of my scalp and hair towards the beginning of the month and on the other hand it could possibly be related to hormones.

At any rate, I’ve found a few successful at home all natural hair and scalp remedies that solves my problems and clears everything up!

If you struggle with similar problems, why not give one or two of these a try your next wash day. With continued use you’ll be sure to keep the itchiness at bay.

ACV Rinse

My all time favorite is a good ole apple cider vinegar* rinse. ACV is nature’s gold as it serves so many great purposes. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of this amazing mixture has the power to solve your dandruff problems. It is great for clarifying, it soothes the itchiness, and leaves your hair feeling soft and looking shiny.

All you need to do is mix one part ACV and one part water (a cup of each will do the job), add a little jojoba oil* which is a great moisturizing treatment, and mix well.

Pour the mixture over your scalp and hair and gently massage for a few minutes. I like to put a towel around my neck and let it sit for about 20 minutes to allow it to do its job and then I shampoo as usual.

I do these rinses about once or twice a month and this alone has worked wonders for my scalp.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is also a great natural remedy for dry, itchy scalps. The gel has moisturizing properties which can relieve the discomfort you are experiencing. You can grab an aloe vera plant for about $5. I like to take a leaf straight from the plant, cut it open, and apply the gel directly to my scalp.

If you would rather just purchase the pure gel form you can often find a bottle at your local grocer or drug store. Let the gel set for about 15-20 minutes on your scalp and then you can continue to shampoo/co-wash as usual.

hot oil treatment
Hot Oil Treatments

Hot oil treatments are another great way to soothe your scalp. Coconut oil* and jojoba oil*, in particular, are great for keeping your hair and scalp moisturized, so I like to complete the treatment with these oils* for that purpose.

All you have to do is set the jar in hot water for about 5 minutes. Test the temperature of the oil on the back of your hand to ensure you don’t burn and further damage your scalp. Apply the oil directly to your scalp and hair, cover and set for about 30 minutes, and continue your wash day as usual.

Tea Tree* Treatment

Try saying that three times! This treatment is one that definitely packs a mighty punch. Tea tree oil* has great anti-fungal, anti-inflammation, and anti-bacterial properties that can be used to treat an itchy scalp.

Because this oil is so concentrated, you will want to mix it with a carrier oil such as Argan or coconut oil*. Add about two or three drops to a tablespoon of the carrier oil and massage the mixture directly on to your scalp daily.

I love the cool, tingly sensation you get from tea tree oil*, and with regular use, you will notice a difference.

Banana Avocado Mask

Lastly, there’s this simple banana avocado mask that is super conditioning and works as the perfect pre-poo. What’s better is that you can whip it up right in your kitchen.

Bananas are capable of treating your itchy scalp while also conditioning your hair. The moisturizing properties this fruit hold will help reduce dandruff and inflammation of your scalp.

Combining this lovely fruit with avocado is key. Avocado is rich in fatty acids and produces an oil that can take moisturizing to another level.

All you need to do is take two bananas and one ripe avocado. Mash and mix the two together in a small bowl and apply the mixture to your scalp and hair. Allow the mixture to sit for about 20 minutes to work its magic and then continue your wash day as normal.

There you have it. 5 easy ways to combat your dry and itchy scalp with all natural components you can find in your home.

How do you combat your scalp when it gets itchy and flaky?

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