Why You Should Include Scalp Massages In Your Regimen

scalp massageEveryone wants to increase their hair growth and hair health.. And many will spend a lot of money for products that claim they can.. when.. the answer to these problems is to follow simple biological principles.

The blood is our bodies source of energy. It is what brings oxygen and nutrients to every organ and every area of our bodies. It should come as no surprise then, that our scalp will get last preference to a rich blood supply.

What does this all mean? Well.. If our hair follicles receive only a minimal amount of oxygen and nutrients they will grow only… minimally… Logical right? So how do we correct this problem? Scalp Massages!

Many ladies with APL and beyond length hair have admitted to frequent scalp massages in their hair regimen. So there must be something to it.

So how does it work?

Blood flows where it is needed. So when you massage your scalp you are essentially simulating more blood to flow to the area! For the newbies you maybe confused on how to get the maximum results from scalp massages so here are a few tips to get you those results you want!.

1. Massage you scalp using the pads of your fingertips NOT your fingernails. Using your fingernails will cause bruises to the scalp and the body’s response to any cut to the skin is to STOP blood flow to the area. This would be doing the opposite to what you are trying to achieve.

2. Massage your scalp in sections. This ensures all areas of your scalp are covered equally.

3. Do you scalp massages with or without oils. It is good to alternate because while it is beneficial to use oils, too much oils will clog your pores and prevent growth. You can use any oils you like. For thick oils like castor oil* try thinning it out using oils like jojoba oil* or coconut oil*. For essential oils* like peppermint oil* PLEASE mix them with carrier oils like jojoba oil* or olive oil* to prevent excessively drying out of the scalp and possible burning.

Flowing oil

4.  This may sound strange but try doing scalp massages with your head turned upside down. THIS WORKS! As you have the blood rushing to your head while stimulating the area. HOWEVER DO NOT do this for over 3-5 mins as this may cause you to feel dizzy or possibly faint.

5. Try to do your scalp massages as often as you can where ever you can! So whether watching tv or even shampooing your hair, massage your scalp. This just causes more blood stimulation and more nutrients to  reach to your hair follicles.

6. Try to have your scalp massaging session last for at least 10 mins. Just to allow sufficient time for the blood to flow to the area.

Remember as beneficial as scalp massages are to healthy, quick hair growth they are also VERY RELAXING after a long day of work. SO ENJOY IT!!!!

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