A-Z of Hair Growth Vitamins And Their Natural Alternatives

A-Z of Hair Growth Vitamins And Their Natural Alternatives

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Recently I introduced the idea of juicing as a way to improve your nutrition without having to resort to supplements*.

I have been juicing myself for a while now and honestly I can say that nothing is more delicious than a freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juice to start the day. It gives you an instant boost of energy and somehow you feel like you are doing your body good!

Well, the first step to beginning to put together some wonderful juices is to figure out the particular vitamins that are involved in hair growth and how they can be incorporated into your regimen from a natural source.

The best place to start of course would be with the hair growth supplements* themselves. You can bet that majority of the large supplement companies have paid to have some good research done that speak to the effectiveness of their products. Based on this, all we have to do is piggyback on their research to create a list of all the food products you need to support your hair growth efforts naturally. Yes I know it’s cheeky but it doesn’t encroach on anyone’s patent!

Remember that by utilizing the fresh fruits and vegetables in juice form, we are getting vitamins and trace minerals in the right combinations and concentrations as they are found in nature. This is something that no supplement can claim.

So here is a list of the most common vitamins/minerals found in hair supplements*, why they are important for hair growth and their food sources. Where possible, I have included fresh & dried produce rather than meat or processed enriched food products.

Vitamin A* – Contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and also helps your hair grow thicker and stronger. Food Sources – Carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes, paprika, dark leafy greens, butternut squash.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Part of the B vitamin complex group. They work together to reduce hair loss, increase hair growth rate and prevent hair from graying too early. Food Sources – Sunflower seeds, navy beans, black beans, dry peas, lentils.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – Riboflavin plays a crucial role in hair growth by working in conjunction with vitamin B6 and B3 which are also key to hair growth and development. Food Sources – Soybeans, mushrooms, spinach, tempeh, almonds.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin*) – Niacin* famously increases circulation to the skin which helps to increase hair growth rate. Food Sources – Rice bran, paprika, peanuts, sundried tomatoes.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – Another member of the B vitamin family which in conjunction with other vitamins helps prevent hair loss. Food Sources – Avocado, yogurt, corn, broccoli, sweet potato, cauliflower, collard greens.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) – Works in conjunction with other B vitamins to help regrow hair. Food Sources – Rice and wheat bran, dried herbs and spices, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin*) – Another B vitamin that stimulates follicles and makes the hair grow in thicker and healthier. Food Sources – Swiss chard, carrots, onions, cucumber, strawberries, raspberries.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) – A B12 deficiency may occur in avid vegetarians, vegans or those on birth control pills. Deficiency causes hair loss among other symptoms. Food Sources – Mussels & oysters, beef, eggs, fish, liver.

Vitamin C* – A potent antioxidant that fights free radicles that may be contributing to brittle hair. Also helps with hair loss. Food Sources – Papaya, bell peppers, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple.

Vitamin D3 – We have written before about the importance of Vitamin D in hair care, it prevents hair thinning and loss. Food Sources – Shitake mushrooms, mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines.

Vitamin E* – Stimulates circulation to the skin and scalp which leads to healthier less frizzy hair. Food Sources – Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, turnip greens, papaya, bell peppers.

MSM (Sulfur*) – This mineral promotes circulation and decrease inflammation thus increasing hair growth. Food Sources – Cabbage, pak choi, mustard greens, flaxseed, raw nuts.

Calcium – It doesn’t do much regarding hair growth on it’s own but it plays a role in the big picture of ideal nutrition towards your hair growth journey. Food Sources – Sesame seeds, yogurt, tofu, spinach, collard greens.

Folic Acid – Another vitamin that prevents grays and makes your hair thicker and shinier. Food Sources – Dark Leafy greens, asparagus, citrus fruit, avocado, beets.

Iron* – Iron* deficiency causes Anemia. A diet rich in iron helps improve circulation thus decreasing hair loss and regrowing hair. Food Sources – Soybeans, lentils, spinach, sesame seeds, olives, garbanzo beans.

Iodine – Deficiency leads to weak brittle hair and hair loss. It works with other vitamins* to help hair remain strong and healthy. Food Sources – Strawberries, yogurt, milk, eggs.

Zinc – This is a very good vitamin for those who have hair loss and thinning. It helps stop the thinning and regrows lost hair. Food Sources – Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, yogurt.

Manganese* – Deficiency is associated with loss of hair color so adequate levels of this mineral helps you keep your color longer. Food Sources – Spinach, pineapple, pumpkin seeds, oats, soybeans.

Choline & Inositol – Part of the B vitamin complex, they help prevent hair loss. Food Sources – Choline can be found in collard greens, swiss chard, cauliflower and Inositol can be found in wheatgerm, citrus fruits, nuts, rice and legumes.

You can also take our specifically formulated Elongtress Hair Vitamins. They are a high strengh supplement that help nourish your hair from within which could help you achieve faster, healthier growing hair.

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