5 Reasons To Rock A Wash And Go Over A Twist Out

5 Reasons To Rock A Wash And Go Over A Twist Out

Natural hair is versatile. We can achieve styles that range from straight to curly, wavy, braided, twisted and puffed and with such uniqueness to make any woman feel special. Despite all the occasional trash we hear in the news about our natural tresses, we know how amazing it truly is. Our kinks and curls are beautiful and sexy all the while being chic and fashionable.

With that being said not every style is for everybody. Even if you disagree with that statement, you should at least know that not every style will be the choice for everyone to wear. We are still unique despite our hair’s commonalities, which is so loved and coveted by others, but does it mean we all have to wear the same styles?

OK, I’m a Wash and Go queen, and although some find that a difficult style, I find it perfect for me. Even though there are many who swear it is not the style for them, I beg to differ.

Before we get into the reasons on why a natural may want to rock a Wash and Go over a Twist-Out, let’s debunk some of these myths flying around about them, shall we?

You cannot wear Wash and Go year round – this stems from the folks living in four seasons and have actual cold weather during the winter months. For many Black women, we have been raised to believe that going outside (in the cold) with a wet head will get you a good dose of pneumonia or death! I am here to tell you that could not be further from the truth.

“You’ll probably feel chilly if you skip the blow-dry on a cold day, but not much else will happen. Again, colds are caused by a virus. Unless you are so cold that you get hypothermia, which could make you susceptible to infection, wet hair or clothes won’t increase your vulnerability. ” Health.com 

I live in Denver, CO, and I rock the Wash and Go all year round, and only wear a hat when it gets below 20 degrees. I also have never had a cold as a result of this and never plan on getting one because of a wet head.


You can simply Wash and Go – No. Although it is called a Wash and Go, there are more steps involved; if you have tried just washing and going you probably hated the tangles you ended up with. Most Wash and Goers will wet their hair, seal in with an oil, apply leave in conditioner* and then top with a gel or butter.

Wash and Gos are only for Type 3 hair – Not so. Anyone can rock a Wash and Go, but if you are looking for defined curls, then you will be coming up short if you do not have them. A Wash and Go is allowing your own texture to be rocked, and no distinct or particular curl is required.

5 Reasons to Rock a Wash and Go

Easy Nighttime Routine – This is the biggest and best reasons by far. Many naturals who love rocking the Twists or Twist-Outs feel the need to redo them EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, and depending on how small they are, you can easily spend anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours redoing them! Who in the world has time for that? Not a Wash and Go diva for sure. What do we do at night? At the most, we may pineapple, and at the least we lay our happy heads on our satin pillowcases*.

How is that possible? Well, believe it or not, but many Wash and Goers will happily jump in the shower in the morning and re wet their hair, slap in some conditioner and gel and go. There are some who do not like going out with a wet head, but let me tell you the vasts majority have no qualms about it and even in the winter time.

Cannot Master A Twist-Out – *raises hand*. Yup, that is me, but I am far from alone. I know there are tons of naturals who have tried mastering a Twist-Out, Flat-Twisting or even a Braid-Out, and just cannot achieve the look they are going for. Is that you? Well, if so, then fret no more, and jump on the Wash and Go bandwagon with pride. I have tried for years to master a Twist-Out worth wearing longer than a day and failed miserably, as my ends are either frizzing up, or it turns into a tangled mess.

CaptureI have found that rocking a Wash and Go will give me many more days of happy hair than fiddling with a Twist-Out. Although it took some time getting used to the idea that I was unable to achieve a good one, it is no longer a concern of mine.

We all can’t rock every style, and if you just find twisting and braiding too difficult or not your ‘thang’, then retreat and work what you can.

Lazy Natural – I am that super lazy natural, and yes, there is a clan of us out here. Not everyone is up for daily styling and many Wash and Go wearers have to deal with that, but the quick nightly routine, the quicker washdays and the not sitting under dryers and/or working with heat styling tools make it downright attractive to a natural who ain’t about all that fuss.

You wanna just jump in the shower, fiddle with your hair and go. I so get that desire for quickness as well as less fuss. Rock the coils, kinks and curls you were born with and care not what others think.

Hair Craves Water – If you find that your hair craves the daily dose of water (since it is the best moisturizer around) then do not deprive your tresses of this treat. My hair loves being wet several times a week, and it seems to thrive as a result of the daily Co-Washes.

Quicker Wash Day – Outside of detangling, which is different for everybody, Wash and Go wash days are a breeze. For one, we are not creating intricate styles that require hours on end creating. We are air dryers (the vast majority anyway are) so after you have washed and conditioned, you are pretty much done.

Our showers are a tad bit longer during the daily rewetting of our tresses, but when it comes to washing our tresses, it’s not a chore when you learn how to deal with tangles. Now some naturals swear longer tresses are harder to deal with the Wash and Go, but there are naturals who manage, so it is a personal choice. Once you understand what your hair needs and get a routine down that works, whatever you choose to do with your tresses tends to become easier.

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