2 DIY Protein Conditioner Recipes You Can Make Right Now to Strengthen Your Hair

2 DIY protein conditioner recipes

Protein is my Ace boon coon, remember when Shanice did that? Well if you are too young to know what Ace boon coon means, I will shorten it for you. Protein is my Ace, my ride or die, my everything when it comes to keeping my hair shiny, healthy and strong.

My strands are fine, and they get damaged pretty easily even with the slightest manipulation, like detangling. Still regardless of what my hair thinks, I have to have detangle my strands regularly but I won’t stand for that poppin, and snappin. So what’s a girl to do?

Incorporating a good protein treatment to your regimen can be your saving grace if you have, fine strands, weak strands, protein deficient strands, heat damaged strands or relaxed strands.

In this post we want to help you a bit by offering two great DIY protein treatments you can try on the week you decide to do a protein treatment.

I promise you these treatments are everything your little heart will desire so with that said, here is the first one.

1. The Egg, Honey* and Oil Protein conditioner – We need a fancy name for this one but for now we will call it by it’s main ingredients. The cool thing about this conditioner is you have some moisturizing agents in it as well, the honey is the ultimate humectant that will attract moisture to your hair.

The olive oil* when mixed with your cheap moisture based conditioner enhances the properties of the conditioner making your mix even better.

The eggs are the main ingredient, they ass strength to the outer areas of the strand adding shine to your hair that no sheen spray can ever duplicate.

What you will need

1. One egg, two if you have a large brain like mine

2. honey*

3. Olive oil*

4. Cheap conditioner

How to mix

Notice I did not add any measurements, when you become a mixtress you have to learn to get in the habit of adding your ingredients according to what your hair needs.  The eggs are pretty runny so you want to add enough honey and conditioner to make the mix pliable. The oil will make the mix even more ‘liquid’ so you do not need a lot to accomplish what you need.

Mix your ingredients very well and add it to your hair root to tip, cover with a plastic cap and sit under a dryer or use your steam cap for deep conditioning*.

Condition for at least 20 minutes before washing out your mix. You can deep condition your hair dry, meaning before you shampoo because you will need a bit of shampoo to get the mix completely out of your hair.

We do not suggest leaving any remnants of eggs in your hair. Use a gentle shampoo to cleanse and a great conditioner to condition after your shampoo.

You will have stronger shinier hair almost immediately, but if you make this a staple you will really see the difference in your hair.


The second DIY protein conditioner is just as simple as the first and it involves full fat plain Greek Yogurt, it is called:

2. The Greek Yogurt Protein Deep Conditioner* – I love this conditioner because like the first it has properties that not only predominately promote strength but it adds a bit of moisture too. The shine and easy detangling are just added benefits for your enjoyment.

The Greek yogurt is high in protein and can be used to mend chemically processed or distressed hair making it perfect for those of us who need a bit of help in that area.

What you will need:

1 canister of Greek Yogurt

Yep, that’s it – all you need in order to condition your hair. Of course that might just be way too simple for you, so feel free to add some moisturizing things that you hair like. Aloe Vera juice* is a great addition, or olive oil* to amp up the benefits of the protein treatment.

Apply the conditioner from root to tip according to the length of your strands then cover with a plastic cap and you can leave the mix on for 20 minutes. Feel free to use a heat source to give things a boost as you deep condition.

Just like the conditioner before you can apply your yogurt mix before you shampoo or you can apply it after you shampoo your hair.

The key is to ensure that all of the yogurt is rinsed out of your hair completely because it can leave a bit of a smell that doesn’t do well in social situations.

If you want to recondition your hair with something that smells great, feel free to do that or you can use a great smelling leave in before styling your hair.

For either of these simple recipes, feel free to switch oils* around or even add something else that you know your hair likes, like mayonnaise for the first one or apple cider vinegar* for the second one.

Have you done a protein treatment lately?

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