5 Most Common Hairstyle Mistakes

My attempt today is to notify you of these hairstyle mistakes so that you never do these again. Seriously, if you actually do these mistakes after going through this video then know that you are absolutely killing your hair.

So, here are 5 very common hairstyle mistakes you may be doing that you need to stop right now

These hairstyle mistakes would make my hair look unflattering, nasty, greasy and overall horrible. Now, I cannot believe how I thought that these hairstyle mistakes are acceptable in the past. So, by a lot of trial and error I feel that I have finally come to a conclusion that there are hairstyle mistakes that are just terrible and a lot of people do including my past self.

One more thing that I didn't mention in the video. This is actually a personal pet peeve of mine. I have no scientific research to back it up. But I feel that people who don’t wash their head at night or use products everyday have a really greater chance of damaging their hair. I personally only use product when I have an event to go to. So, I always let my hair rest while keeping the previous hairstyle mistakes in mind. I believe that it made my hair look 10x better. But again I have no scientific reason to back that up.

Hi, I am Himel. I am a 16-year-old Men's Fashion Blogger based in Bangladesh. But I don't really focus only on men's fashion and lifestyle. I also am a sucker for all creative things like photography, videography, cinematography and stuff like that. With this YouTube channel, it is my goal to make you look better and feel confident. There is no real Men's Fashion Blogger in Bangladesh. So, join me on my journey to be the best fashion blogger in Bangladesh. And then the world. Getting a bit ahead of myself there.

A little bit about why I do what I do. In 2017, I was at rock bottom. I felt horrible. I hated myself. I didn't like the way I look and I had no self-belief. But a random spark came and men's style and fashion literally made me so much more confident and made me love myself even more. And I don't want you to go through that. So, if I can make even one of your days better. It's worth it for me =D

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The music used in this video is not mine. If you have any problem with me using the music or would like to take it down please personally contact me.

Music Used:-

Yoko Shimomura - Kingdom Hearts

Contact me if I didn't credit you

Hey good morning good morning, please help yourself to some beets, so it lets mother's day a few days ago and how does it feel to be an adopted child? So how can I help you well this about my hair. You know, I feel like it's just missing something yeah, it's like someone plucked out here from your nostrils and then loop them onto your head. You haven't even looked at it yet so you're saying so. If follow me on Instagram - and I saw that you have really really good here sort of jealous so won't be - maybe you could share some tips. I just want some advice on mistakes that I and other men make about the air styles sure. Why not Thanks. So I should my barber this picture and I told him that I want my hair cut like this, but he just cut it the same way he always did and no matter what I do. I just can't seem to cut my hair. That way, can you tell me what this is? It'S the string now tell me what this is a stick. What is the difference between used? Well, one is dark and the other is light wow racist much, I didn't mean it that way. What is the difference? I guess one is thick and the other one is thin exactly, and you are too much of a to understand that the guy who Victor has really thin hair when your hair is as thick as a really bad pizza crust. So what you're saying is, if I show my barber, a haircut that matches my hair density and face shape, you can be happier josh, brolin haircut, with an open face when his face is square. Oh and you also need to be careful of the hair type. No curly, hair, hair stud would work on your hair. There'S a straight as the pole. I saw your girlfriend dancing on that way. Oh I'm sorry. I forgot that you don't have perfect good luck with your boney lonely life. You know I get this little. Just tiny feeling that you're insulting me more than you're helping me yes, yes, I am so what I look for hairstyle inspirations. I should think of hair type here density and face strips, got it on the topic of haircuts. How often do you get your hair cut? Probably like I belong there, so I'm really curious. Does it feel nice? When you see little kids, calling you a creepy uncle? Why would they do that? You do know that hair grows right. So after you get your hair cut after a few weeks, the cut won't be the same. The hair will actually grow and, depending on your haircut you're, either look amazing with blown out here or they'll. Look like an inbred chimpanzee I. So how often should i cap a haircut two to three weeks and say you don't have to get a full cut, just trim it a bit. You could even do it yourself, but knowing you I'd get scared, if I'm being shaped by you, even when I'm already shaved great anything more, you want to answer that, what's more important, your self-esteem or your fake mother's, I was not at all. How do you sell you? I know where you're going with this you're gon na insult me, because you think that I use too much heat on my hair. Well, guess what I subscribe and put the belt on your channel after I saw the video where you show how you stand your hair without a hair dryer. That was not cool. Oh thank you and you should subscribe to. What are you doing? Don'T worry, just breaking a poor wall continues, so, as I've explained, using excessive heat on your hair dries out your hair, which makes it really rough and prone to hair loss. But it's the only way for someone to lose hair exactly. It also reduces melanin production, which is a fancy way to say that you're gon na get white hair or it will increase the chance of you getting my hair. Did you also know that using too much shampoo also dries out your hair yeah? I did, and it also removes the essential oils that are in your hair that are essential for your hair to stay strong and vibrant, see I do my research Wow. Let me go get the Nobel Prize here. I thought we were having a very, very good conversation. So you should use shampoo about two to three times a week, because, if you don't can your hair will be asked your meal as a sock you found after months of searching and no one likes studies by the way, do you have any pointers on how to Lose hair Clark properly, because every time I saw my hair like after 15 minutes, my hair just falls down and then I apply more product, but nothing really happens. It just stays down. That is the absolute best thing you to do genius. I know right, then wha and being sarcastic, then what should I do just think about it. Dude, dumb popular using more products with braids, your hair gel, which will result in your hair not being able to stand up products, should give your hair a bit of a helping hand. The styling is the main part. Now that you mention it, you did say something like that in your video about hairstyles, better, go watch it again, yeah you monix are there to supplement your hair and not be the foundation. Well, that was very insightful to hear. I know anything you want to add at the end. Actually I'm kind of guilty of this one too sure you should change up your hairstyle every like two years or so maybe of you so you're admitting that you're wrong. Well, it's only because you have a gun to my mom. Wait one get out of your comfort zone by changing up your hairstyle like every now and then then you'll be appreciative. You'Ll, love yourself, more and you'll be more confident that was very cheesy.

Rony Saha: Bro your videos are just awesome...

RAHEEM _468: Thanks bro

Rakzo: creative!

Asif Khandaker:

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