Ffxiv: New Hairstyle 5.45! "Early To Rise" Preview

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#FFXIV #Meoni #5.45

Music from https://filmmusic.io:

"Sincerely" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)

Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by...)

Hello and welcome back to another video with me, meoni for final fantasy 14. Continuing our look at patch 5.45. Goodness today we're looking at the brand new hairstyle added in the patch and well yeah. It'S called the modern aesthetics early to rise. You can actually obtain this in the game from inside uh delabrum raginay, which is the new 24 and 48 player savage version of the same thing from the bostia sort of content that was added and uh. Whilst it seems to be quite a taxing thing on savage, it's not too difficult on the normal mode and uh, if you're very, very lucky after the last boss in the chest there on your personal loot, you have a chance of getting this particular hairstyle. It'S called modern aesthetics early to rise. So that's what you should be searching for. If you want to know how much or what, if you want to get this on your own character from a market board and your rng sucks, you're, looking anywhere from 21 to 26 million gil at the time of recording, which is quite painful, i think you'll agree. It says the realms premiere publication on beauty and fashion. This specific copy of modern aesthetics covers in detail techniques for weaving a simple, yet elegant braid that can be employed by even those who are not yet fully awake and there we go. There'S 25 million gil of worth just evaporating to the fs, especially and if uh, if nobody ever said the final fantasy, 14 endgame was glamour and looking good, you know, and people wouldn't put kill into it. Then uh there we go. We we certainly do. We take pride over our characters and uh. Yes, we spend ludicrous amounts of kill on them, so let's go to the aesthetician and have a look at this new hairstyle. So in this video i will also look at the male version of this. The way we're going to do that is through the purchase of two fantasias and uh, basically fantasia to a male character and then that of a back to obviously mioni, which is a female character in here then, on the hairstyle menu. Let'S see if we can find it it's this one here we go early to rise right at the bottom: let's change the environment, so it's actually a little bit brighter. I don't think that's actually too bad, i'm not really a fan of short hairstyles, but that one isn't super short. Honestly, it's it's! Okay, it's actually the sort of thing i can imagine my girlfriend fran liking. You know it's that sort of like shoulder height. It'S very extent it's not quite as long as i would have hoped at the back, but the braid is really nice actually with a sort of blue ribbon on it and yeah. I think that's quite nice. Actually it looks pretty good. Obviously, let's have a look at that in different colors, because i always stick to white. Don'T i there's the black color, which i'm sure some of you will choose and, of course, with highlights uh, that's the way the highlights affect it. So it looks like the red goes onto: let's change the base, color back to something a bit brighter, uh, a blue that will work. Actually there we go so it's the very tips of the back of the hair, which is pretty cool as well as on the braid itself. You have this uh slight bits of red here and there, as you can see, and on the fringe. It'S actually not bad. Is it the highlights? Look pretty good on this one, not the worst thing in the universe, uh. Of course, many people will have different. You know wants from hairstyles. Personally i like the longer the better, but, as you know, short hairstyles go. I don't think this is really that bad in my opinion, so let's actually get out of here and go and look in some natural light, because the uh, the the window here in the esthetician does like to basically look nothing like the video game. All right, then, so here we are we're outside now and um yeah. Just on my blue mage outfit, then that i've put together with the omega jacket. I think this looks pretty good. This is in normal daylight in the mist pretty clear day. Usually it's raining and yeah with no highlights turned on and honestly this is quite nice. You can see i'm using quite a high colored outfit here and it's really not clipping so yeah. I mean there's a bit of clipping there, but it's not anything to write home about this is really nice. I actually really really like this hairstyle. It might be something i keep on my character for a while. I, like the fringe. I like well the bangs on this. I like the way it just flicks at the side. This is really really nice. I believe i believe this is actually a design contest winner well props, to that person for finally getting it in the game. Then, if that is the case, because this is this - is really really nice. You'Ve uh you've encouraged me to change my character's hair for a while, probably not permanently. I don't know how long i can go without having a long hair, but that looks pretty good. I think we should fantasia now and have a look as a male character. What this looks like yeah? Let'S do that all right, then, here we are post operation. This is us as a male version, then with exactly the same um setup. Basically, all it did was sort of change it to a male character and go with some of the defaults push a few things a different way, but you know what it doesn't. Look too bad. Does it i'm not a massive. You know fan of short hairstyles, but this one is actually you know quite long for a short hairstyle, so it looks really quite interesting on a male character. I mean you've got clipping issues at the back here with the adventurous jacket, but you're gon na get clipping on any of these hairstyles anyway. So that really shouldn't turn you off too much yeah. I think it looks pretty cool and the braid doesn't actually look that bad on a male character. I was a little bit fearful that the braid might be a bit much, but honestly, i don't think it looks out of place. I mean it could be better if uh, if, obviously the braid wasn't there, but at the same time it is identical to the female variant. It looks good from that angle. Wow, look at that! Imagine if the other side didn't have a braid on it very cool. You kind of look like um. Well, just a generic final fantasy main character. Don'T you to be perfectly honest, or this character does at least yeah the braid. Isn'T too bad? I'M not hating it. So there's that, obviously not as good as my female character, but yeah. Don'T know what do you guys think about the braid? Is that something that you're willing to put up with? Let me know below in the comment section yeah all in all this hair is pretty good. I really actually like it. I don't feel too bad about spending. All that gill, now honestly, i thought it would uh would be an instant regret, but i hadn't looked at any of the previews of it in the actual game. I hadn't seen anybody with it. Yet so i'm pleasantly surprised, and hopefully you are too, and hopefully this covered any questions you might have, of course, vieira rufgar you're missing out. Once again the system does suck, unfortunately, why there isn't just a variant created for you as well. I don't know i really have no idea, but it is unfortunately what it is for the current time of the game. Maybe they'll fix or address it in the future, but i very much doubt it sadly, but uh there we go. That'S what it looks like on conventional races, both the male and female version, i'm not going to spend any more money on fantasias to show on other races, because you should have got a fairly decent idea from this, but hopefully you've enjoyed this video. Thank you kindly for watching and i'll see you all next time. It really feels quite weird to bow as a male, not gon na lie. Bye, bye,

Peerawat Khampuang: Meoni: I'm not a fan of short hairstyle -> It's not bad for short hairstyle -> I'll keep this hairstyle for awhile

Kiana Kivanie: Not sure if you're already aware of it, but if you have a House you can easily make a Retainer, plant them in your garden and use all kinds of glam and hair stuff on them, so you don't have to waste IRL money on Fantasia from the Shop and you can easily change them with Retainer Fantasia which are much cheaper on the MB ^^

Youngimperialist Mk II: This is the first hairdo since Stormblood that I have had even the slightest interest in. Finally something that gives off a "cute" look

Matt G: My one issue with this hairstyle (and many shorter hairstyles they make) is that they keep making them a bit longer in the back effectively giving them a slight mullet-y look.

Fulbert Underhill: Another hairstyle to get months/years down the line when it's hopefully cheaper!

Cera the wolf: It's finally here and might as well wait weeks for it to be affordable bleh. I would like to see more long hairstyles in the future too though.

Tracey Kitty Neal: Love it! On both sexes I'm actually very impressed. Ty Meoni for buying the fantasia's. Really appreciate u!

Soge 01: *Sees thumbnail* Female Miqo'te: "How do I look?" Male Miqo'te: "Why do we live, just to suffer..."

Valerian: One good thing that has come out of farming for this hairstyle is that I'm going to get the 'Guardian Angel' title very quickly.

Varizen87: This is actually the FINAL Hairstyle Contest winner. They're fresh out of contest entries that were selected. Which means... They may be doing a new round (I hope) of contests soon.

Keiyan Goshin: Another hairstyle that will take me ages to get lol. It’s nice. Nothing to shout about but nice! Thank you for sharing Meoni. Stay safe. ❤️

Silioth: Hey that looks actually nice! Still hoping for more braidet hairstyles... like cornrows or dreadlocks.

Kaylaroo: Time to suffer trying to get this TnT (I adore the braid, I love braids in general, ahhhhh there's a lil bow!!!) Update: I FINALLY GOT IT! It never dropped for me so my friend bought it for me.

Sapphire Glade Comics: I want to get this because it looks cute and adorable for my Miqo'te. Just need to work on getting through Bozja Southern Front, do Castrum, and then hope for the best on DR.

Antonio Hernandez: I’ve been using rainmaker since it came out but this one is very tempting. If I get lucky I might have to switch. But 20mil Gil I just can’t justify it

puccawitch: i personally thought we would get this in yorha since Annog that female dwarf twin has that hair style. i realy like it though im gonna either wait for rnjesus to be mercifull wich he rarely is to me or if it drops in price

Laura Kane: Shag haircuts are the best. I used to do my own like that when I was much younger lol. Every length looks good in a shag. Even short because its always long around the face which removes the bluntness of shorter hair. It softens it.

Kehli Aliapoh: So glad I recently went back to Femroe after being a Viera for a little while. Now I can enjoy this new hair!

Yetimightis 957: I actually love the braid, I wish I could change the bow color on the tip but its alot like that other ala migen hairstyle without the ponytail, I used that one for a long time but switched to this one cause i wanted to show some weapons on some of my gear and the ponytail version clips alot

Jazzy Kun: We need more unique hairstyles! And goes to all races Square!! ‍♀️

Melanie Qaghou: Its a cute hairstyle but I can’t wait to see one with long hairs and that we can see clearly the two colors in it.

toychristopher: I wish there was a place in game that I could preview all the hairstyles available

Lithial: I might try that hairstyle whenever/if I get it, but goddamn I wish they'd add more long hair too :(

Tigre: Great. An amazing hairstyle that I’ll never get (since I’m wayyyy behind on Bozjan stuff) and will be too poor to ever afford (since I’m still trying to get my doh and dol to 80). This is another Gyr Abanian Plait situation, damn it.

Tats Sacs: I started doing the weapons quest and now i’m in delubrum. It drop on my first run. Didn’t realize how lucky that was until i read the comments.

Rune Vegard Berger: When I saw it the first time, I thought it was similar to the "Styled for Hire" hairstyle, only with the braid at the front instead of the rear.

Rohnan Riley: I’m obsessed with this hair but the grinding scares me XD

AM Allen: I'm not one for short hair unless there's a braid in this game so... Kinda fond of this one.

Alastor999: 72 runs of DR, finally got it. Had better luck with the mount (got it twice!). Going for all relics, so... we’ll see if I get it again after run 144 :D

King King: Really appreciate you showing on both genders thanks

(Old) Ronell Rayn: it's so cute!! I need to get my hands on this :o

The Cthuloser: I'd feel so conflicted if that dropped for me. On one hand, I'm sort of broke. I just managed to get a house and I've been sinking lots of gil into it... I could fully furnish it with the money that it'd get me. On the other hand... The hair style is absolutely perfect for my main. Which end game do I want? Glamour or housing?!

Blix_xo: My fc mate snagged it for 10mil. So far they the only one in group that has it. I'm not that impressed, while I have more than enough gil for the hair I'm not THAT desperate to pay someone for a hair costing a medium/mansion

TheDaxter11: The only thing I'm not a fan of is the little ribbon, other than that this looks great. Dunno if I'll replace my styled for hire hairstyle with it but I do really like it.

Alessandro Severino: Silly question, why not use retainers for check on the male versions? If it's just for showcase plus will safe some money but i guess that can be called an expense of the job

RosieWeasley: The braid is weird for me. Do you ever imagine the strange haircuts they’d need for these styles lol

Babbel: *cries in Viera main* this one would have looked so good! Q.Q

Ben Lev: As a Hrothgar main I forgot that this game has hairstyles. It looks ok, but would look better if it were longer on males.

Pichu: just give us the rainmaker hair already...

Jeremy Zak: This hairstyle works well with the Blackbosom dress, if you want to go for a gothic look.

Rainbow coffeequeen: I hate and despise this hairstyle right now. I've run this raid 25 times now and it has not dropped something like this should not be such a low drop rate.

Bharbara Wyrstwaemasyn: I want to see either a really short hairstyle or a really long hairstyle

Albert: Sheesh man the braid kills it on males I honestly constantly switch between genders for a different experience but male hairstyles are starting to get dull

Florence: For anyone curious it was 30 million in Aether: Siren

Battler Ushiromiya: Got the hair on my 5th run of Delubrum Sold it for 20mil on my marketboard Very satisfied with the investment uvu

Daniel Jones: Are we ever going to see new Viera/Hrothgar hairstyles? Please Meoni, ask them next time you can!

Anna Anderson: I wish you edit the color of the ribbon itself, but overall it is a cute hairstyle.

Mereru: I want this SO BAD!

Sj: You can use a retainer fantasia and try it out on other races that way.

Mark Hettenbach: I got it today, run 20. Happy.

Andrea Rush: I wish I could get a chance but I haven't been able to get into a castrum yet to proceed :(

Bob Noggets: It's nice, though I would love some curly hair that was ever so slightly longer than that.

Alex Waff: I want pretty hairstyles for my hrothie too ;-;

Gofr5: I like it. Looks nice. Think I'll see if I can grab it for my Viera....oh wait.

Ven Kitsune: Really disappointed that the bow colour can't be changed. Seems like it'd be easy to apply the highlight colour to it.

Ryan J Milner: Meoni, as much as i appreciate you showing this too me as i play a male Miqo'te and now really want this, since you have unlocked this hairstyle on your character you could have purchased a retainer fantasia which im sure you are all too aware only cost gil, and not a lot at that. and the hairstyle would have been unlocked for those retainers too, and you could show it off for all the races for everyone and i also don't think anyone has made that video yet so.

Daryl: I like the bangs, but I think it would look better if the hair was longer

Dynami Athena: When a hairstyle is so expensive, it’s cheaper to just buy fantasias off the mogstation. xD

Phantom Vox: Looks really good

Umbra Weiss: Forever the same hairstyle with my Viera=)) I don't even care about helmets and hir anymore =))

Death Boy: Still no new Viera hairstyles......*sigh*

ThatCanadianGamer: I am NOT doing delubrum a million times for this as much as I like it xD I'll wait for prices to drop

Masamune Date: Ugh I love how it looks but I can't help but wonder if this hairstyle would work for a femroe...

YEXIU: I'm still waiting for someone to show a video of the damn Cerberus mount.

Lahoma Kanaday-Creed: This reminds me of "The Rachel" (from the late 90's) with a braid on the side.

Kalina Anne: When will we finally get good hairstyles? This looks like some weird mullet. We keep getting the same shoulder length hairstyle over & over or the same short lengths over & over.

Weapons Primed: It's soooooo cute!

Ocean: First hairstyle that's been added to to game via modern aesthetics that I REALLY want. I think it's super cute and when I get it it'll be my main hair lol.

Gappy Higashikata: Another hairstyle that I like and will never be able to obtain.

Yris Miret-njer: How do you achieve to get everything as soon as it comes out??

Hiddly Piddly: Sweet, another hairstyle ill never get

GLG Unleashed HD: This shouldn't have been locked behind the southern front. A lot of players do not wish to deal with trying to reach max rank to unlock the southern front dungeon. I really question how SE distributes new cosmetics. It's not normal.

Waterscape: Wait a bit and the price will go down , it's not that rare

Purplebutterfly81: I like long hairstyles too, but I like this one

Shoobz Starwind: Thank you for always having up to date vids. Was wondering if you know anything about ffxiv sharlayan studies hairstyle .Ive looked everywhere and find nothing , is it fake ?

Holy Senpai: Oh look! Another hairstyle Viera's can't use!

ladwarcoffee: Great, saved 20+ million on switching to Viera... *sad bunny noise*

Kinako: I did 102 runs as of today and I still haven't gotten the hair or mount

Eclipse Highroller: “Looks great, let me just...” *remembering I’m a hrothgar “Oh, nvm, I forgot, square hates me”

Did_ Nothing_wrong: Wait so its guaranteed on savage and chance on regular version if i heard right?

Jenzk i: fantasia on retainer , and creation winddow , so no need to use real money for it :D , it looks amazing on females

ToeJam AndBeans: It looks terrible on anything but lalafell. I think if it were longer in the back it would be more along the lines of another mullet type hairstyle that enix loves.

Jupiter Three: People are actually paying 25 mil for a hairstyle, too. @_@

Takuya: The moment when you see the video and then you remember you play as viera and cant use it cause i dont know why pls SE do somthing after nearly 2 years

D W: put this on the marked board for 20mil and it was sold in 10 seconds, i still cant believe why people buy this for so much gil.

CrazyBirdLadyGaming: Damn...such a nice one but no way in hell I'm dropping 25m on it. ; ;

Viviane Laís: The glamour is on point

Riku Masamune: I can't believe you spent 20m+ Gil and 20 USD just for us to see it. Thank you very much for this showcase!

꧁Astraea Moonlight꧂: Sweet something to add to favorites on MB until it's reasonably priced

Kin: The fact that you can't dye the ribbon automatically makes this hair worthless. I don't want a cyan ribbon on everything I wear, it doesn't match. :/

Jamie Rose: It costs 25 million gil to look like you just got out of bed. XD

Kourtney Dixon: Yeah, I went ahead and bought mine since I know my luck with RNG is usually bad. (Good thing I saved enough gil for it lol).

Ink Mage: Would be nice to see more hairstyles from other FF games.. Would love to see Tina's haircut, or Mash's, or Basch, or Nyx.

Jonny Snipes: I see the hair and just think yuna lol

TheCrosshare: *looks at scrolling through all the hair options* *goes back to game to see the 12 or so viera options* I'd pay 50 million to have even the basic/reward hairstyles on viera XD

Gat the Man: Probably would use it if it wasn't for the braid, not that I'm saying the braid is bad I'm just really nit-picky.

thewok: I don’t mind that past hairstyles aren’t going to be updated for Viera and Hrothgar. But, honestly, all future hairstyles should be usable by these races.

MaddCat: imo it just looks like an amalgamation of already existing hairstyles, kinda mediocre but not bad

Naoki3732: 15M for a short haircut is nice but I prefer a long haircut...

Royal Edenian: Do you have to roll for this? Or is it just RNG based on your personal loot chest? BTW, don't like the braid. It would look so much better without it.

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