Is A 360 Lace Frontal Worth It Or Not? The Real Truth About Lace Frontals | Whitelabelhair

8 ways to style 360 lace frontal:

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Hey guys, it's so fresh, our welcome back. Today'S video is going to be the final review of this beautiful hair from white label hair. I'Ve had to tear installed in for about 3, almost 4 weeks before we actually next Friday. Yes, it is in 4 weeks next. Friday'S been wearing it every single day because it is a install, is sewn in and the frontal is glued down. So I just wanted to come on here. Talk to you guys about my opinion and thoughts on this hair and also some of the things I experienced when wearing a 360 late brunch. So to begin with, this hair is their resilient body ways. It is 224 in a 22 inch in a 360 frontal and when I say 30 60 front, so basically what that is is when you have lace all the way around and your tracks is sewn in the middle. So you have lace from ear to ear and then in the back you have lace. So let's go ahead and just talk about the hair I feel like. I need to take it down, so you guys can get it better. The dealings of it. This is pretty much what's in here. It looks like just on a brush it out and I didn't do some flexi rods that I put down this morning and I just actually put my hair in a ponytail, because I loved how my hair looks when it was in a pond tail. So this is pretty much just the curls. This hair holds a curl, so good is crazy, like I haven't had hair like this in a long time that you curl your hair and literally three days later, you still have some beautiful big loose curls. So that's a huge plus. Let me take this out, so you guys can see the frontal and then I want to talk a little bit about my frontal experience. This hair is really really soft, a little bit of shedding just a little bit, but no tangling in the back at all. One thing I really like about this hair too, is that it has the shine to it without putting any product in you know. Sometimes you get hair and, if very dull is very dry looking and in my opinion, when you get dr dull hair, that's the number one thing that can cause a lot more shedding and can also cause your hair. To get tangled. I, like the simple fact that this hair has flustered that's the work that I was looking for. It lustre it has a natural luster to it. It'S not too shiny, but it does look like it has life to it. So I really like the tip effect of this hair and with the natural shine and I didn't have to add any product to the hair and then also, let me say this: this hair still has a lot of shine, even after I got in here. I got this hair black and we all know sometimes when you add color or you process your hair, it definitely can change the texture or the look of the hair into me. When I got the hair, I think it made the luster shine even more so this shine that you're seeing is the natural shine of this hair. Now it's not shiny to the point where it looks like synthetic hair. No, no! No! It'S just a very natural Sheen to it looks very, very nice. I'Ve got a lot of compliments on this hair, especially the install because the install was dope. It still is dope. However, when it comes to front tools, I think there's a lot of things that we don't talk about, and I say like the youtubers who come on here and we do hair reviews. I rather wanted to talk about what we put my hair back in a ponytail, because I'm just feeling the ponytail, so it's nothing against this particular company frontal or anything like that. This is just general statement, general opinions about about the front tools that a lot of people don't talk about, so I just want to talk about it in this video heard. A lot of people here on YouTube talk about some of the times that come with the whole front tool and know people rave and myself included rave about frontals and love them, but there's times that come with frontal choose when you are wearing a frontal. Your frontal is going to fly back, whether you have it sold down whether it is glued down number one, because your hair will grow while you're wearing the frontal. So it's naturally going to make the frontal flat back when you have adhesive. It'S naturally going through flat back because you have hair, you have hair oils, you have oils on your face, that's making that glue become loose and very, very tacky on your playing. You are. I really Samoan. People are really about to get it right now, at frontal is going to move, is pretty much nothing that you can do about it. When that happens, you simply just have to get it reinstall, I'm just gon na use myself. For example, I've had this hair and for almost a month I've had to get my friend to reinstall one time I wear this thing on a ponytail, so naturally it's pulling on the lace to come back. If I was to wear my hair more down like I did at the beginning, the first two weeks, it probably would last a lot longer as far as the frontal not moving back, but because it's less three to four days, maybe longer I've been wearing my hair. In them, fat free tail back, ponytail, half-up, half-down, braid, I've been wearing all them style too. Of course. Naturally, it's pulling on something if you want to see any of my styling tutorials I'll, have that video linked below for you guys to check out. I also know that my frontal has moved back because the adhesive I can see it in my hairline, keep in mind that when you apply adhesive, it is to be around your hairline and not on your hair, and I don't hear edges so when that front foot Is moving back, the adhesive is still right there. So with that being said - and he says, is very very techie it's hard to get out of your hair, you really have to either take some alcohol to get it out or you have to take like from sport. Shampoo that can take it out also because the adhesive is sitting in the same spot, where your frontal one-lane. It also makes it very sticky in nasty-looking, for your baby hairs as well. That'S why I think it's really good to to reapply it, because you can wash everything and everything is just more fresh without any product being on it moment. If you try to split your baby hairs down with jail on top of adhesive, it will look a mess. Okay, it will have a hot mess. Cool install is not going to last long. I will be very surprised if you make it the entire install without having to reapply your frontal or unless your style is using some bomb and secure holding front so glue, something I can think of. The main reason why I get my installs with baby hair is because I feel like the baby hairs, covers up the lace and is not so noticeable. I mean it's noticeable anyways, like I hate when I see people say wet lace girl. We can see the lace in person, it's just not as visible when you have baby here is covering it up, but it is visible. That'S a few of the drawbacks when getting a special install. Basically, what I do is I take a flexi rod. I say submarine when I do have a tutorial on how I use these I'll have the link below, but I take three green flexi rods on one side and then I take a purple flexi rod for the top of my hair on one side. So I have a total of eight flexi rods, three green ones for one purple, one on each side, and I go to bed like that. Of course, I'll put a bonnet on and I'll also secure, my hairline down sitting on it I'll secure my hairline down with this little head scarf that I got from Walmart and I make sure it covers my hairline, my hairline, my baby hairs and everything, and I Just tie it like this, and I do it like this and then I'll just put a bonnet on so that's pretty much what I do at night when it comes to taking care of my install so yeah for me pretty much back to this hair. I have no issues with this hair. As you can see, it's really really soft. The shine on it is crazy love. It put nothing on this hair and it's so full of shine, and I think I'm going to take this out next week. I just really wanted to come to you guys and give you guys like the final thoughts on this hair and what I'm thinking, because you guys have been asking me on snap, how my life in the hair so far, I'm on a snap a lot more than I am on Instagram, so if you're not seeing much activity on Instagram definitely follow me on snap. I also love the layers and this hair, the guy that did my hair, really did his thing when it came to putting the layers and which gives me more of a voluminous full look which I'm so here for because when it comes to putting it in a Ponytail it's fairly erful, as you guys can see. I have no issues with the hair. I love the luster of this hair. I love that over everything definitely be reinstalling this hair again, just because I love the shine of it, and I also love the layers of it. It'S just. I love it. It'S very beautiful, full bouncy hair. It'S just really time for me to take my install out. I can't do it install longer than 4 weeks, like I just can't do it so so yeah. This was pretty much. My final take on my white-label hair. If you guys are interested in purchasing this hair I'll have all the purchasing information below for you guys to check out. This is pretty much. It guys hope you all enjoy this video, and I will talk to you guys later.

black12212: I'm a guy (straight) who cares absolutely nothing about hair, but just looking at your beautiful, baby doll face is well-worth the effort of having to listen about weave ! lol

ladyevenstar22: why does no one ever focus on the back of the hair isn't that the point of a 360 wig the front bla bla bla is same stuff as a lace frontal , put a camera on your edges at the back and zoom in so i can see ! what are you all hiding ? i want to buy one

OG MEME: Hey I thinking about ordering this hair for Christmas. Do you remember how long it took for the hair to come? Please let me know!! Thank you beautiful ♥️

Mika RenaY: Looking forward to a natural hair tutorial

エヌエー(ネフェル アズレさん): That's the case with most hair that has a natural type of wave to it. If you want a wig that holds curls really well, get a wig with a natural wave, whether it's body wave, deep wave, natural wave, etc. Those always hold curls well.

BeCreativeBeYou: I'm hoping you can answer a question I think a lot of ppl have. The hairstylist I currently use does an ok job when doing my installs. However prices have gone up recently and I'm wondering how much is too much. I could understand if I walked out feeling like my hair looks drop dead AMAZING, but I don't. And I don't get anything longer than 12 inches, using 2 packs of hair. Can you let me know how much you pay for your install and the length of hair used? I know it varies based on the area you are in, but I am in a small surburban area. I would really appreciate your input--- even if you gave a range, that would be helpful. Your hair & frontal looks great btw...

Nicki Nicole: love love love your videos.. I love frontals my stylist actually uses no glue what so ever she's a beast at frontal sew ins.. all sewing no glue and that helps your frontal last the whole install I'm terrified of glue lol

India Fowler: I love your honesty! you have gained a new sub!!

Rosa Hodge: Your video is really informative . Keep up the good work

Pretty_Jmarie IG: Very informative! Thank you!

Brandy Kenoly: very great video...informative...thanks for the real...ponytail on point. install still bomb even with cons

Cierra: I like your videos and your hair and makeup is Always on point!

Modest Royale: Thanks for the info its beautiful

Shantae Latrese: Your gorgeous doll. You make me want to try a lace lol

Elania Daniels: i love your videos, even though i am a white are so intelligent and awesome !!!!

0hxparis: Very informative!!!!

Kui Mwangi: The weave is beautiful. Kindly do a skincare routine.

Andrea Rachelle Life: That hair looks amazing. What do you do with all your hair? Is there a difference betweengreen and purple Flexi rods?

PRETTYBREEMUA: yessss sis i agree u are correct

tubes200708: Love this hair.

Rinara: how long has your 360 lace wig lasted?

cracl face: if you use concealer powder it blends it to make it look as if you dont have a lace on.

anika Maraj: Did the hair stay that good after a couple months????

Stacey Dash: Sooo we just gone act like we don’t see them baby hairs looking a mess ??

Nelmarrie HairSlayer: Hi I love this hair, where can I get it??


Nickx Brown: Your hair looks great! How often do you buy hair from white label hair

Deneice Price: When you take out do you keep it

Champagne 24: yasss do it gurl !

C S: Girl your skin

Mina Yates: I can never get my frontal or 360 to lay down

Aïsha Temfack: This video was life! But what was also life is your skin. What foundation is it? Are you even wearing fondation? Pleaseeee I need to know!

THATPLASTICBRAT: Can you use 2 bundles

Kimberly Brown: Yup u keep it real

Khaleesi: What length is the frontal

Precious Gonzalez: so u can buy the wig already like that???? no need to add any bundles or clips right?

TheePracticalBeauty: you are beautiful lady! however that lace front does not look natural.

Shaneque Williamson: not a good job ,edges look plaster down

MsShayelove: Great vid doll..

LINDA SMITH: Beautiful

goddessqueen: I love the hair

D Mason: What kind of hair do you have?? what website did you order frm??

Youcrave Ma: So real

Keep The Faith with Tori : Gorgeous....You look beautiful

Nana W: Do you mind sharing the information of your ATL stylist please. Thanks

Nelmarrie HairSlayer: Oh I see the link thanks

Liza Pimble: What is the name of the nail polish ur wearing please let me know

vibinwith lay: does white label hair sell bundles with a 360 frontal ? because thats what im looking for & so far i haven't found any deals or bundle deals like it .. if you know any can you recommend them to me .

Delphine w.: Goodness will you get to the point!?

Leisa's Squad 9: Can you please tell me what lengths you wearing

Deanna Pearson: 'what lace, girrlll' lmfao

Blackpink Lisa: What is the name of the hair pieace wig pliz..

Vanity Watson: that wig not installed right. change the beautician

Draya’s Life: Lmao at the lawnmower sound anyways I love ur teeth #RandomorNah lol

XclusiveChiq: I can't believe you saw your edges and still chose to upload this video

triciapooh09: blush ?

Kimiah Cargill: Why does it look like a white castle around your head no shade but I see your tutorials all the time on your wigs in things and it don’t have no white case you could’ve did it yourself

Jasmine C: Yo baby hair look bad

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