When They Know What You Like

Sprinkle Sprinkles!

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Hey hi, everyone welcome to the channel struggle sprinkle it's still morning where i am so good morning to y'all who are still in the a.m. Y'All click the like button as you enter, and we are going to be speaking on some stuff today and this one's going to be funny. If i'm going to be serious, i'm going to go deep, you all know how i always do so get ready and um. The title of the video is basically saying you know when they know what you like it can go either way. Are they trying to get you um to notice them? Are they trying to get you to like them more? Are they just making sure that you know you like them? Is it a way to um show that they think about you when they remember what you like and things like that, so we're gon na get into that anybody who's been in a relationship, marriage or just a really close friendship will probably have you know some examples And things to share as well, so i'm going to let y'all get in here and click that like button before i really get into you know what i want to talk about, so you guys go ahead and do that if y'all are new subscribe hit that subscribe Button so that you can get more of my videos and notifications and all that kind of good stuff um. You can even be a member, because y'all get uh some special privileges. I see y'all's names better. You can shout you out faster, but okay, so, let's get into what we were discussing so when he knows what you like this is. This is really a lot of women's um pet peeve or you know, um. They also like to congratulate me who actually pay attention. So when someone that you're with knows what you like - and they continuously show you that they're listening to you and that they are doing those things that you like, it's almost like a silent way of complimenting you or giving you exactly what you want without you having To ask because they actually pay attention, you know, and so these are the best types um. So a lot of times. You, ladies ask me: well what, if i do this and they don't respond or what, if i ask for this and they you know they act like they don't understand, or i have to beg. If you have someone, that's definitely wanting to do whatever it is you're watching them to do. They are going to play, pay very close attention and they're going to get those things done, just how you like them. So that's how you also know that that person is really. You know um trying to impress you in some sort of way, because, if they're trying to impress you it's going to go deeper than just some surface words that you spoke, it's going to turn into actions and a lifestyle and a way to communicate as well. So make sure you know that when you start to see those things you're like oh okay, they're, serious or okay, they really want my attention. Okay, they're, you know they. They mean business and so look a little bit deeper, sometimes because, if you don't and you're so worried about, you know um how you gon na get five dollars for gas. You know, that's petty! That'S pity. You know the bigger the bigger picture has to do with how they feel about you and how they see you and how special they make. You feel on a daily basis. That'S it if you can't feel that or get that you probably don't really need to end up with that type of person, and you need like a lot of a lot of girls. I always say: oh, we don't catch feelings for these type of people and this type of guy and a lot of women always catch feelings for the wrong type of man, but also um. They catch feelings when um they're not paying attention to what someone else is actually doing um who may have caught feelings for them. So sometimes you miss the one who gets feelings for you, because you got feelings for someone else. So make sure you see that make sure you look deeper um, especially if you're dating like um and you're young you're out there and you've got multiple. You know options and things like that, make sure you pay attention where, wherever you're dating you're, always asking yourself this question: does he adore you, okay, yeah, so you'll be able to tell the difference about how people treat you you don't need to beg to be treated A certain type of way just be observant of how people are responding to you, how they're reacting to you and what you want. Sorry to turn light up and how much you're having to do in order to get the things that you know accomplish that you're trying to get accomplished with this certain particular you know person and that's a better way to make decisions and choices of who you should Be spending your time with okay um, but you know don't always depend on a lot of you know people to be the exact same. Everyone is different and have different ways of expressing themselves and doing things, but the best ones are the ones that observe how you observe, and then they speak your language, whatever that is, you know uh. It could be through them. Listening to a conversation and list picking up on the things that you like and you're, not even realizing that uh they're, you know taking those notes but later on down the line there. You know a lot of the stuff that you discuss may be presented to you in a different way to prove that this person actually listens to you so and sometimes it's nice to have to know that you know someone is like okay, well, i've. I'Ve observed, i know what you like: i've been paying attention because i really uh like you, because that is how much you mean: okay, so um, and it's even better when they have money. Okay, it's even better. When you know uh, there's not gon na be no struggle and you know making life decisions at the gas station. Okay, there's going to be a lot of relief when it comes to you know, knowing that your standards are on a certain level, so we don't have to deal with no dust anymore and it's not even an issue in your mind. So when you get to that level, you know, then you're really going to be able to attract and work with a lot of the types of relationships or friendships or companionships that are on a better um. You know or higher level when you have to deal with. No dust anymore, okay, so get y'all need to get to that level fast, as you can, and no i mean no rush but get out of the desert zones and like leave the dusty dust in the past and allow things to uh evolve. How you're leveling up you know the dusty shearer. I'Ve never had a man casually, give you money or put me on a direct deposit. I want to experience it, but i don't want to act awkward about it. Then act like you are used to it. Whenever things are awkward to someone it's because they're not used to it, you know they're not used to it. It'S kind of like you know you go it's not like you. The first time you go to a very nice, expensive, hotel and you're not used to people. You know carrying your bags to the room and you know making sure you have. You know some cucumber water when you walk in because you might be parched from walking to your car to the front desk. You know if you, if you walk in there like you're used to that, and you know that you don't skip a beat. You know you get treated this way in that way. Like you're, you know looking around people can tell if what you're used to and what you're not, and they can tell how much you value yourself and how valuable you are so act like you're already used to it. It'S not awkward, if you think you're already like. If you act like you already have it, you know, that's just the way it is like whoever you dated before. Had you on direct deposit, whoever you were with before gave you money with no issue. So when you move from relationship to relationship you're less afraid to voice whatever it is or expect whatever it is that you had in your last relationship because you knew you could have it and it was no big deal. Okay. So when you are afraid to ask when you don't want to mention stuff, it's because you have never had it and they can tell, and why would they give it to you if they don't even feel like you know, that's something that is necessary, so you can't Have nothing you can't miss anything. You'Ve never had so you, you know act like you already had it. So it's no big deal to ask or to mention or to expect no big deal at all. Okay, um. You said this guy tried to buy you. Instead of investing after you rejected him and his money, he came back and asked me on a date. I told him i'll think about it. How can i use this to my advantage? I don't know like: do you really want to be with that person? Do you want to date that person? If so, then um figure out how you want to um benefit from that and then move forward? You know whatever it is. Is there a place? You would like to go that you've never been? Is there a certain amount of time you would like to spend with that person? Is there a certain place you want to you know, meet up, then definitely write all that stuff down and see what you can get. Okay, if there's a plate, you know there's some clothes or shops. You'Ve been wanting to visit, write that down food, put all of them on the list. If you want be extra, um sure this guy okay, i already read that one. I have so much patience. Okay, you said treat them like a job. You expect to get paid right and it's more than that. It'S like you, expect people go in expecting the best and you they get something good. But if you go on expecting the worst chances are you're not going to get nothing good. You know you're going to get something mediocre or bad. Well, it's not as bad as i thought it would be, but if you're going there expecting the best, you won't get something good or you may get the best. So go in there expecting the most. And if you come out with the least oh well, you didn't lose anything you still gained because you got something going to expecting the most, so you can come out with some something better than the least that's all. I can say um when asking for money. Do i speak with the baby? I always say you know it. When you ask, are you straight up say, can i have or i need you already have to know the answer before you speak baby? You already got to know they're going to say yes before you open their mouth. Otherwise, you just mention things that cost money until they offer you mention things that you need, or that has to be done or that are you know, standing in your way from from being closer to this person or whatever or making your life more difficult, you mention Those things and if they don't offer to pay, they don't care. You know what i'm saying the whole point is to get them to care and once they start to care more, you don't have to ask no more okay. So you think, like that, the more you get them to care the more you get them to invest in you to care about what happens in your life. You don't have to ask. So if you already know they're going to say yes because they're so into you and they can't tell you no, then you ask and if you ask to get on that direct deposit you don't have to ask over and over and over and over and over and Over and over each month you just gon na have it all right, so you know when they know what you like, they're gon na, make sure they continue to do that, so that your you know, fondness of them will grow because they're paying attention to you. So the more they pay attention to what you like, and they continue to do, those things the more you're going to you know, grow fond of them, and so it works in both directions. Oh he paying attention. Oh, he knows what i like. Oh, i don't have to ask him for nothing. You see all these, ladies in here bragging about what they mean doing, and it's so much better than going and reading a bunch of excuses of what they mean ain't doing in the comm comments. So when a man pays attention to you and knows what you like and does those things and you can brag on him and you can feel some sort of way about him and you could say all that so and you can feel like. Oh, that's so sweet they were listening or they paid attention or they know what i like, or they know what turned me on or they know it, then that is more intimate than you asking for something or for them, giving you something very generic and blonde saying. Well, you do this or you do that and when they pay attention it's like dang, either they real good or they really care. I don't care which one it is keep it coming. You know what i'm saying um and that's what that's. How a lot of men feel too, like when i talk when i taught y'all to listen to all the things that they're saying to pay close attention to the details and the stuff that they're speaking when you talk about certain things, and they realize that you've been Listening and you're picking up on a lot of stuff that they're saying they feel special too, and they want to get to know you more too and they feel more of a bond with you too, because they know you're, not just blah or you don't see them In a way that most people see them, you see the more intricate details which most people miss you know. So it's kind of like reading the fine print of something or appreciating something um for it. It'S value that is most unknown and most people will be drawn more to that. So that's why they pay attention, be very observant, know what people like, especially men, men, don't really do this a lot, and so the ones that do probably have the better relationships and the most luck with women, and they can probably they'll, probably more likely be able To find someone that does the same in return um, if, if that's what they're looking for, i don't know so like when they know what you like, you can get more out of the relationship and they can feel more fulfilled. You know how y'all are always talking about all these guys say i don't give them enough affection or attention. They want that superficial um, normal blah, fake attention and affection that they still won't fulfill them. I think a lot of people want to feel known and a lot of people want to feel that intimate closeness with people who pay attention. So that's why i always see y'all better write down details, y'all better make mental notes about what these people are talking about. We all have this on well, how am i going to ask him for some gas or i'm going to ask him to pay for my uber you're, not even really listening to anything, you know what i'm saying so make sure you're listening and you won't have to Ask no for no money, sprinkle sprinkle, how to have patience during the talking stage. He seems like a high earner and he's attracted to me. Just be just be observant. You know what i'm saying um and although a lot of young women don't know how to do this, because they're not prepared so prepare before you meet that person prepare of what you're going to pay attention to prepare of things to look out for. In the conversation prepare on what to talk about, prepare how you're going to react or just if you're, a natural and you work on your feet, like you know, you're good on your feet, that's what i'm saying like you know. You can respond to anything and still feel good about your response, then do that, if that's what works best for you, but if you are unable to do that, you need to plan write down stuff, make sure that you uh stay in control and stay observant. You know, because it's not going to work for everyone, because everyone is not the same. You have to know your strengths of weaknesses in conversation, and then you know make sure that your conversation is strong in the parts where they're weak, but most people just want you to pay attention to them. The conversation really doesn't matter as long as you remember what they're saying, you're interested in what they're saying, and you can say something back later on further down the line, to make sure that they know that you remember and was paying attention to every detail, because you Actually care and like them as a human being, okay, so that's what you see you do more. Listening to anything, i listen to i'm listening like looking and listening like observing super observant, and sometimes i'm too observant. I'M, like i'm sus the only two of their observant to where you become suspicious of everything, but just enough to know you know what you need to know. She would tell us some mistakes. You'Ve learned from while dating um. Well, i always say: don't drink so much. If you're drinking and you're on a date, don't don't drink, don't get drunk unless you're on a drunk date. You know unless you're on that date to get drunk because there's different types of dates. You know a lot of people think there's only one type of date. No there's several types of dates: um back in the old days like before the internet and all that stuff and leveled up movement and all that kind of stuff. I was free to do what i wanted, or even afterwards, and even just my mental of thinking, different different dates are for different things. You know what i'm saying. So if your date, if you want a drinking date, because you want a drink, then by all means drink um, if you're on a date and you're trying to you, know, have fun and you know let loose and be and be who you are and drink and Do that because obviously you're very comfortable there, but if you're really trying to do something like bag, somebody get the money get their bag. You know make sure you act 100, correct, so that you don't come off a certain way that then, then you got to stay sober um, so i would say drinking probably for the most part be careful of that um. But if you feel comfortable enough with someone - and you already um, you know, know them and stuff like that, then drinking is probably not gon na be a big deal, but for someone that you've never met, and you don't know i don't know, watch out. How can we prepare mentally and physically to be girlfriend or wife y'all act like this is hard or something you just be, what they, what they dream of like okay, um and you and you don't aim for somebody who's gon na have too many high expectations for You like, for example, um most people would cherish and want a girlfriend or a wife who you know they feel lucky to have, whether it be for their looks their personality, their style, their way of reacting to that person, whatever all the above um. You can't make this so hard because it is so simple. You know if you're trying to find the perfect man and the perfect this and the perfect that, and how do you be this and how you prepare to be a girlfriend or a wife. You already prepared, because you're a woman, okay, you're already prepared because you're one everything else will fall in place naturally and whatever your standards are, make sure you stay and stick with those standards and that's how you prepare to be a girlfriend or wife keep your standards. Whatever your standards are as a girlfriend or a friend and a girlfriend and a wife, keep them don't change them, keep them. Okay, you don't have to do anything to prepare mentally. You just have to mentally prepare to keep your standards. Okay, sprinkle sprinkle. So did i write details about them in a notebook, so you know how to act or change your behavior uh. Should you write details in them in a notebook, so you're gon na change, your behavior around different men? If, if you're really into this and you're trying to do the most in the least amount of time, it is very good to do those things, but if you got a good photogenic memory like i do you ain't got to write it down. Just remember oh yeah. I remember i knew what to do uh if you can't remember that yeah write it down girl, uh and you can write it down in you're. She was seven, a level up journal, write it down here or safe, and you can replace the book when it get full put the cover on another journal, the same size. So just get that don't tell me you like or what you like or what you're looking for, because that's how and you know exactly don't tell them they should observe it. They should already know from the type of woman. You are the type of things that you speak on and um what they notice that you are impressed by when they can gather those details and information and present to you something that you're impressed with. That'S. That'S really good! Okay, if you keep, if you tell them and give them a list of stuff and they barely even you know, pay attention and meet that list is the couch it don't count. It has to almost feel like natural. Like you know, it almost has to feel supernatural. I would say, and that's how you know sure you appreciate the depth and the maturation and night content for these last months. You have continued to level and it's awesome. Ah, thank you. Oh sprinkle sprinkler appreciate that um. Let'S see you turn men off. Oh, it turns you off when a man is trying to get so much information off of me, but i trigger them and talk about things about myself. They don't want to hear. Should we just control our emotions to always make sure our spouse love us much more than we love them? When i love someone, i feel like i lose control and become insecure, um, honestly, the best the best way i can answer that question is when you love someone so much you supposed to love yourself even more, because you can't love someone else so much. If you don't love yourself - and i know that sounds cheesy and corny, but listen if you are going to put that much energy and that much effort into loving someone that much they have to also see that you put the same amount of energy or even more Into yourself to even want to love you back the same exact amount. Okay, it is psychological at that point. If they see you being insecure and all this kind of stuff, because you love them so much, they don't want someone that vulnerable, weak and unable to even love themselves like they don't see your value anymore after that, so you can't and you can, you can be You can be um, you can act, humble um, you can um do all those things in a relationship in order to avoid like certain arguments or things like that. But what you can't do is ever become insecure. You can't because that is what keeps all that stuff going and it's the biggest turn off. Insecurity is one of the top. I would say top two turn offs in any type of relationships. When someone is insecure, like look you can you don't have no other options? You'Re afraid to lose me, because why a lot of times, if it's coming from men, insecurity from men is because they feel like they can't control or they can't control the situation or their relationship, and they don't want to end up looking stupid and with women. A lot of the insecurity comes from um feeling like they're, not the only option, or they don't want to come across as a picnic or whatever so lose all those insecurities and stop caring like be exactly who you are and stay very secure within yourself, and that Is enough, i promise you all that insecurity crap is disgusting like i can't even stand when people are insecure yeah, i don't care if they're a man or a woman, it's disgusting, it's like for like for me. I feel like it's. It'S kind of like why girl you better boost that self-esteem up and not care. You don't feel like. You have trouble getting a man to love you more than i love him, but i think it is very intimidating. I want to learn to get what i want without being intimidated act like you already. Have it act like you deserve it act like it's the norm. Okay, it's not hard! Okay! Let me ask you a question: is it hard to get a man to take you to a restaurant to go eat if he likes you? No, it's not. Now. If the woman had never been on a date with a man, who's never asked her to go to a decent restaurant and went through the drive-through. Every time asked her to pay. She would be intimidated to ask a man or to even suggest or even feel guilty for wanting to go to a restaurant where they have cloth napkins, because she's never had it before she's not used to it. You know so you just act like that's what it is that you are used to and you accept nothing less. There is no other option. Okay, because there are some women around here who feel guilty when the bill comes. Who feels like an expensive restaurant is too much for them to even ask or expect to go to even on their birthday, and things like that. You have women that actually walk around feeling like they don't deserve the basic crap, and so they walk around feeling insecure to eat to get to go eat at where most people get to go eat all the time on dates. They walk around feeling insecurity for not wanting to go through a drive-through with a dusty. They feel bad when they even think about opening their mouths to suggest something with a waiter. So, yes, people walk around here, insecure because they're not used to having what they are wanting so act like you already. Have it act like you expected act like you, don't even know. Act like drive-thru is for children baby and when you late somewhere and can't stop to go eat and you, when you are by yourself or with some kids in the backseat of your car or something drive-through, is not for no date. Okay, so that's why i'm saying you have to pay attention, also pay attention to other women and how they act and when they expect stuff they're, not gon na sit there and battle themselves in the mind as to what they deserve. They already know they deserve what they want period and that's why a lot of women get what they want because they know they deserve it. They don't have this conversation about any type of insecurity. They already know what they want, and they already know that they don't get it and it's just a matter of time and that's it think like that and get throw a lot of insecurities in the trash. How to stop yourself from caring too much about how random men view me on the outside. I act not a lot and not caring but mentally. I care and hate feeling like um. I wouldn't really like honestly. Do those men even have enough money to pay your bills, because i'm not worried about when anybody think i look like unless they got enough money in their bank account to do what i need them to do? Okay, that's how i do it. You ain't got enough money for me to care about what you think about me. That'S keep it like that. Okay, sprinkle sprinkle! Why does your ex who cheated on you still ask me still talk to me, even though his girl finds it offensive, because he, like you, girl, sprinkle sprinkle, you can't help that some people just got it like that. You know it will always be looking back, because you know you might be that one that got away baby all right, sprinkle sprinkle, your husband doesn't pursue you anymore, so i stopped doing many things for him as well, but it doesn't seem to bother him, including so Good now you can pursue something else: frank sprinkle, pursue your push, pursue what you like pursue the things that you like to do, and you know be who you are be your best self pursue life and do all the things that you like to do and somebody's Going to notice that - and you know they may start pursuing you and you may start feeling wow somebody's pursuing me because i'm just being me wow and they will take um, whatever all those things that you're doing as a way to say. Oh my gosh. I really like and admire this person and um like how they you know, live and operate each day and if your husband or your spouse doesn't recognize that, then you don't recognize it, but somebody else will sprinkle sprinkle. Okay, i say thank you. First, and then i say i know you're the best, that's exactly what has been happening exactly do what you got to do. Somebody else is always going to recognize the goodness of you uh, even if it's your mama, your sister, your brother, your cousin, your best friend whoever, but at the same time as long as you are confident within yourself. Sometimes you don't need people to notice you. Sometimes it doesn't matter and if it doesn't matter, then you're not missing anything. When you feel like it matters, the other person should pick up on it and you know, especially if you're married a while. They should pick up on that and begin to do those things again for you and if not, then you know, somebody else definitely will and that's just what it is. Okay, you said your ex cheated on you and chose the other girl, but still talks to me. While being with his girl, she will help. You understand girl. If you want to go kid, you know, you know how easy it is to steal a man this day and age. I did it back in the day. You could do it. You seen it you can't. You can't do what i did you better stop carrying and go get what you want. If that's what you want, if you don't want him, then that's his problem. It ain't! Yours. If you don't want him, then that's his problem. It ain't yours, maybe maybe he just likes complimenting you, maybe he's just like making. You feel some sort of way it don't matter as long as you're getting what you want out of the situation. That'S all. If you want that person, then go he better be giving you money or paying for those calls. What how do you do? How do you deal with a clingy van pull out your laptop and go shopping online and ask for his wallet while he's sitting next to you, pull out your phone, your tablet and start shopping every time he's sitting next to you. So, every time it's going to condition him every time he wants some love and efficiency break sprinkle. Even if you got to go on door dash to order a bunch of food, you still got ta pay something you're gon na get up and like i'll go find something to do. You never found a man with or stealing okay. She would texting. Men makes you tired, and you accidentally ghost them how to improve texting game um, make sure whoever you're texting is someone that is that makes you feel good. Okay, because that way, it becomes more of a like um. Given like response thing, you know if they don't. If they don't make, you feel how you like to feel when you're texting someone, then it's naturally that you're going to ghost so um. Those guys need to be paying attention as to what you like, so that they can cater more to you or you know. If you just talk to a bunch of guys, you don't like what they're saying anymore: it's because they don't make you feel that certainly anymore, so you got to be gone. Don'T waste time texting when you don't want to be there. Okay, you're! In a brand new connection, how do you prep him before we actually start dating to keep your standards high and make sure he meet them or wants to meet them or actively meeting them? Does that mean men don't like to pay things for us? No, it doesn't mean that it means that if someone's going to cling on to you to where you can't even have your own space to breathe, then they need to pay for that and if they don't want to pay for that, every single time it will condition Them to find something else for them to do in their own free time. You know what i'm saying and give you your space that you need. What, if you only text after meeting, i don't know what that means. Like you meet them, and then they text you and then they don't text you anymore, then don't meet them. No more first impressions are important. Okay, yeah! Some of this is common sense. It sure is if he offers you to stay at his place. Does that mean he's serious about you? No, i mean unless he offers you to move in and he paying all the meals yeah. Okay, he off to buy you things sometimes, but you think it's a test to see if i'm interested in only his money how to get things without looking interested in his gifts and money, um say things you like and if he offers to buy them accept them. That'S it! Oh, i really like that. That'S really pretty don't ask for him to buy it if he offers to buy it. Oh thank you so much you're, so sweet! It'S that easy. If you don't end up getting nothing, because you don't mention that he wants to buy it for you, then maybe the next time ask for it every other time girl if he says, he's crazy, believe him, but also buy yourself stuff. So he knows you don't need his money um. You know what that's also a thing but like don't don't get into the habit of doing that because then you're gon na be like not wanting to pay for stuff. If you're gon na do that by the smallest thing in there, but pick up the biggest thing or the thing that you want most put it back, so he notices that you don't want to buy it with your own money, pick up the little cheapest smallest thing And go to the counter after shopping around for a long time he's gon na be like that's all. You want. That'S all yeah, because i'm gon na pay this time well go get what you want i'll pay. I mean you sit in here for an hour. Maybe walk around and suffer for a whole hour. You'Re gon na come up here and get a pair of ring that you know that ain't even real go get what you want. I saw you looking at that dress. I saw you looking at that purse. Go get it that's real man, they be paying attention, they know you looked at that dress. You know they tried on that dress and you're gon na come to the counter, with a little pair of five dollar earrings ten dollar earrings, twenty dollar earrings, whatever they gon na they gon na, be mad that they spent all that time in that store, walking around Listening to you talk about this, this is that you come up there with a pair of rings. They gon na tell you to go, get what you want and they gon na pay for it. So that's like you got ta use common sense and a lot of y'all y'all can't think like that on your toes, you know so y'all need to get my elixir i'm putting that in the description bar right here. So y'all can be thinking good. Like me, y'all know like a lot of people, they don't get enough minerals and nutrients in their body. Their brain neurons can't be connected, left and right forwards and backwards. They can't see the end before the beginning, so you know y'all need to get that elixir baby. It will help you get to that next level, mentally. It will up your game mentally. I promise you um get that okay sprinkle sprinkle. What if he does not take you shopping yes, but gave you his credit card on the second date for me to shop with it wrong girl make sure that card ain't stolen, broke, sprinkle check the limit on the color number one who's from go to atm with It first wear your mask: i'm not gon na do all of that. Go grocery shopping. Try to get cash back. I don't know where your mask anyway see i'm a little bit suspicious, unless i know that that's his credit card, like i seen that name on many things like driver's license mail, you know gym membership whatever. I need to see that name at least five six times somewhere else before i even take that credit card and try to use it. If that checks out then go buy what you want girl all right. You say your husband got a joint account. You want off, you, try to tell him, but he doesn't agree. I'Ve already transferred money to your savings, but i don't want to pay for anything. Then don't deposit your chick in that account. No more sprinkle sprinkle i mean. Don'T you have an option? Don'T you have free will if you are on direct deposit, then switch it to your savings account or open your own account like. I don't see why you can't walk down to the bank. Drive down to the bank. Take a uber down to the bank fill out the little form. Wait open your own account. Don'T see why you can't do that. I don't care what somebody think. If i want to do something, i'm gon na go, do it period? Okay! He can't stop you from opening your own account. What are you gon na do? Have i tried any of this with dreams i'll get whatever i want for drinking? I just have to ask: he was dating a married pastor. He was investing money, then his wife died and stopped investing. He stopped investing and said she wants to sow his oats. He wants him to show his oats he's old by the way how to get him investing again. What girl, his wife dying or something you slow. Your war, oats girl, i don't know i mean, can he sell his war oats? I don't know, do he want to? Is he? Is he confident enough too? I don't know what would a man i haven't slept with say he? Why would a man they have a set? Let'S say he loves you too soon to get you to sleep with him soon, probably, when i hear the word love, i hear the word chichi. I don't hear the word. I don't hear no underwear coming off. I hear chachin, you love me. Are you gon na love these bills, you gon na love. This shopping cart check out. Okay, when somebody says love that means money. They don't mean sex, because if they love you they'll do whatever you ask. If you have sex with somebody that you love or um, that's different, because you know they gon na, do what you got ta do when you ask them, but if you have okay well, i need this find a way to get it to me, or i want This and find a way to get it to me. That'S look you're trying to get asked for some money shopping and then bill's paid how to make him marry you. You we've been a couple for nine months. I think i love him. He pays for everything. Nine months, eh, are you already thinking about marriage? So that's a little bit too silly um. I think you should wait a little bit longer to see if he's in it, for the long run. If you love me, you will do whatever. I ask okay: how to respond to a man who says i can buy you something better um send them the link of what you want. That'S better! Okay, bye! Prove it do it. If a man can't, if i can't get money, i assume they don't even like me, if you can't get money, are you are you asking? Are you suggesting in the correct way you know and if they're still unresponsive yeah they don't they don't want to give you any money so move on? It doesn't mean they don't like you they. Maybe they can't give you any money? Maybe their money is going to another woman, maybe their money is not able to be. You know spread around like that, because it's in savings that doesn't mean they don't like you. It just means they can't afford you at the moment. Okay, just move it on see a lot of women like to put themselves like down. So, for example, it's up to you. If that man likes you or not, i'm gon na tell y'all one thing and y'all don't ever realize this, but it's up to you. If that man likes you or not, okay - and i'm gon na tell you how this is done in your mind, how you feel about yourself is your business. Okay, if someone doesn't respond to you, how you think they should, it doesn't mean they don't like you. It simply means that they couldn't respond to you, how you wanted them to okay, everybody's taking so many things. So personally, these days like it's, not because i don't like you, it's just that, you can't respond to me that i need the way that you know. I need you to that's it. That'S all it is. If someone doesn't like you, they're, not even going to be bothered with you they're, not even going to care they're going to remember you they're, going to try to forget you as quickly as possible. Okay um! It doesn't mean they don't like you. It just means they're not able to respond to you. The way that you want to be responded to they're not able to meet your standards, they're, not able to do all those things that you need to be done so they're going to definitely just stop wasting your time. That'S all just they're, not they're, not gon na waste. Your time anymore, okay and and a lot of women will self. You know i don't suffer. A lot of women will suffer on purpose because, oh they don't like me and when i jokingly say oh, if they can't, if they're not getting you no money, they don't like you like that. It simply means that they can't give you they can't meet your standards. You'Re, not the woman that will push them to meet your standards. There'S another woman out there that may be able to push them to meet her standards, but you ain't her. It doesn't mean they don't like you. It just means they're not able to respond to you. The way that you want to be responded to it means that it may take a different type of woman to get them to do that task. That'S it saying they don't like you. They don't know you don't not like you, so stop using that type of self. You know defeating language um, because you you don't even realize that making you feel worse and worse and insecure each time you um decide that you want to you, know, maybe date or get a relationship, stop thinking they don't like you. They can't respond to you the way you want them to respond to you and that's it. No personal, don't take nothing personal. What sugar daddy! What, if sugar, daddy, who being with you, makes me want to level make him want to level himself up in terms of the way he looks dresses? What does that mean? I always look and dress better than him, which is good. That means he's trying to look good for you, girls, bro sprinkle, because he feels stupid sitting next to you, and sometimes men don't want other men to know that you're only with them for their money. If you dressed impeccable and they said they're dressed like a bone, they know you ain't with him for the right reason anyway, so they want to look like y'all together for the right reason. Okay, that could just be it um like if somebody, if a guy dressed really well and they you know they liked you, because you know you do that thing real good in the bed, but you dress, like you know who did it and why? Even though they will take you out in public, people are gon na know, oh and they're gon na think certain things, so he she probably good to me. She probably do whatever he wants. She probably could clean flip it over um. You know and feel lucky to be with him, but if you don't want to feel like that, then you're going to go in there and you're going to level yourself up to look like you belong with that person. Okay, no question, maybe a little question but not know you know pick misha stuff. Okay, so a lot of men will dress. So they don't look like you know they just hired a hooker or they just would go digger sprint, sparkle, um. It says you always dress nicely: you're 28 he's 41 girl. He probably used to dating people that don't dress nice. Okay, you say we both look good. When we go up wonderful, you dress, like a lady. Sometimes, should i go out also more sporty. I don't like sport club girl, i'm not dressing up, i don't play sports, so i don't know. I'M not gon na go out nothing sporty. If i ain't playing no sport and i don't play sports, thank you. Qs mimi sprinkle sprinkle, better to go out alone or with friends to find sugar, daddy girl alone spring sprinkle, or go out with friends but set yourself apart far apart. So they don't even know you out with friends, you can go. You can arrive with friends and leave your friends. You know what i'm saying but walk around move around um. That'S how i feel about it. Walk around move around. If you go with people, but don't stay in a group and tell us time to leave okay, that's my best advice. You said you love dressing sexy, but as a new mom, it feels weird yeah. Wait till that child grow up a little bit older. You won't feel as weird um how much money, how many thousands he needs to spend on us before they get the cookie. However, many you think is necessary baby um. That is, if that's the deal, you know what i'm saying because sometimes that's not deal. Sometimes people want more than that less than that, whatever your personal preference is, i would definitely say if you know um, that they want it, and you know the whole thing. Is you know how much you can get then as long as you? As long as you can hold out as long as they keep spending and depending on how much money they have like a lot of women are sitting here, expecting men to give them thousands of dollars when they can't even afford that, so make sure they can afford. What you're expecting you know because, like you know they take you out to dinner, they spend money on you. They take you shopping. They date you they court, you. They pay attention to what you like. They bring some flowers and do all these nice things and, if you feel like they deserve it, give it to them right, especially if you're not attracted to them in any type of way. The longer the they got. Ta wait the more they're gon na be willing to spend okay done mm-hmm. Is it a cultural thing very surprising, one minute super spoiled in the next minute a lecture you're, letting people talk. Ain'T got nobody else to listen to them spring. Sprinkle part. Part of being in those type of relationships is that you got ta, listen to them, talk, uh, huh, all right, so yeah and uh. When they, you know when they know what you like, you have to do less, you got to do way less and they know what you like. They know what you want. They know everything how you like it, because they've been paying attention, you don't feel as stressed and you have you have less to do and it's kind of a relief and you don't feel like a lot of pressure and you don't feel a lot of those things. All you feel is it's so nice they they. You know you giving them points and there's not even a point system, but you you may want just to give them okay spring spring. Ae sprinkle sprinkle appreciate that. So when you find yourself giving points to someone - and you don't even know, y'all in a point system - that's how you know that they're paying attention and doing the things that you like and it's very impressive and if you can brag on them, um thing even better And even if you feel like um in your mind, this is a you know. This is so great that you don't have to tell nobody, because some people don't tell people because they don't want everybody in their business. But if you, if you feel like that to yourself like that's even better, oh darling, dolls for the sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle give that money best advice to get a high value man. I don't. I don't label men as high value. That'S that's one thing i don't know. I don't like that it's kind of stupid, because that means it can go down valuable. I ain't period, ain't, no high or low and say no scale. You either are or you ain't make up your mind. You know what i'm saying: if it's high it can go low. I don't even want that option. Just give me value. Give me valuable. Okay, give me a valuable man, because that value is based on me and what i think value is not hi hi to hoot baby, because how do somebody is not out of me how to pick me? She ain't how to me, so we can't we can't use that skill. I don't use that scale, you you valuable or you ain't, so how to get a valuable man, be a valuable woman yeah, it's like who can say that it's like so hi low. You know sprinkle sprinkles, sumptuous, sprinkle sprinkle, you said best advice to get a valuable man with options to commit. I hate those words why those words are a set up for failure, how to attract a valuable man who will commit change it. Y'All are defeating yourself if we all even speak, y'all typing out the wrong crap, how to find a valuable man who will commit. That'S the question, not that other crap, that other crap is set up for failure, how to find a high which can go low or medium value. Man who no, who wants to commit. Is that what you ask i mean he got options. Take the option word out. Baby, you, the only option. Words are powerful: how to attract a valuable man who will commit only say and ask for what you want only deal only think only feel what you want. You all have too many options for insecurity to sneak into there. That'S why? I don't use those words, that's the difference. That'S why i get what i want. Okay, remember not. Everyone is for you when you, when you uh and when you start to sound like you know, carbon copies of other people, you're, not personalizing, you're, not personalizing. Your own life you're, not creating the life that you want, you're, you're, regurgitating other words that may not be good for you. Okay, so use words that only bring benefit that do not take away from you, and you will always win what about you. You say it's pr: it's prize fighting prize okay, so people do change and grow if they don't they stagnate exactly, but they have to want to change, not because they have to want to change, and it's not something that you can make them do it's something that They will do because of how you are either reacting or because of how you're moving in your life. You know, you said it's better to trust your good or your mind, um. I think it's better to trust how you feel first, because that is probably gon na get you further and then your mind. They need to have a meeting and figure out um the best move they need to compromise and they need to figure out how they're going to benefit either way. Okay, is it dumb to settle on one man at a young age? Give them your best use, not if you're getting everything you want, because, honestly, if you're getting everything you want, you're, not really settling um. If you, if there's more, that you want in life after a long time, then um there are several ways to get it. So, if you're not getting everything you want as a young woman, then by all means do not settle, but if you are getting everything that you want then and then you're good thanks for this journey, we've been following you from france, rwanda. Thank you. Goddess michael sprinkle check your life. Oh sprinkle sparkle got some international monies, some pounds. Okay, um! You can't get your cousin to stop wearing with leggings. I told her. You attract what you are girl after college or high school, get retired in leggings. Unless y'all go into the gym or on a hike somewhere, i don't know um, you can't get people to stop doing what they're doing you just got. Ta show them by example: some men love leggings, especially if you have nice legs, okay. Well, if you're um, if you like, leggings and you think men like leggings and you get um quality men, um, noticing you and approaching you in leggings, then by all means, wear your leggings. But when i was younger and also now like, i, i need to dress for the lifestyle that i like and want to be in and sometimes leggings don't go in that lifestyle. So it just depends on where you're going. What you plan to do on that day, can you be spontaneous in leggings? You know, can you just go you're just driving and all of a sudden you know it hits you that you want to go somewhere, but you look down you got on leggings. Are you going to be welcomed? Are you going to be feeling like your best, so i i like to say that you know it's okay to wear leggings if you're not planning on going anywhere and you're, just like running an errand and you are young, i don't think old people should be walking Around in leggings um, unless they're at the gym, i think it's young people like if you're under 25, where did leggings chime wearing wherever you need to go, do what you got ta do with it after you, after you, when you start hitting the 30, throw them Leggings or in the in a drawer and don't take them out until it's time to work out or get comfortable and don't leave your house or something because for me i feel that um, you know, dress for the lifestyle that you want. If you like, a legging lifestyle, then dress dress for a lifestyle. That'S all i can tell you dress for the legging lifestyle baby and sometimes the legging lifestyle is what people want. Some people just lounge around in leggings go shopping. Go home. You know go to dinner. I don't know like for me, i'm i don't see when i when i when i see myself, i don't want to see a movie of myself going all these places doing all these things wearing leggings. I want to see some something else.

Roxanne C: Bagged me 2 Suga Daddies I’m 40 and they are in their 60’s

TIAOFNEBULA💫: I actually think my boyfriend fell for me from our first date because I actively listened to him, I was observant, I let him lead completely in ordering drinks and talking and I released him from the shackles of a interview date lol

kwc love: @Angel Starfire Come back with a slam. Example: A man told me I had old looking hands from washing dishes without gloves. I told him “ You should have worn sunscreen on your face too”.

Maricel Gundayao: Dress for the lifestyle. Yes Shera

Curly Q: Oh noooooooo!! She said Morse Code!! I am on the floor ladies please stop doing this to yourself. You will only attract broke ratchet men with 3 inch nails & 4 inch lashes… You get what you give honey!!

LaDemon Hunter: You are too hilarious…. Love your subtle humor rappy tappy…

Charlotte Djossou: Girl you are too funny tapping that phone lol

T•livinlavida: u must be tired of Reading this type of comments but u looking really good idk if thats ur natural hair but it looks really good

NINA WESTLAKE: Some of these ladies need acting classess. With me it comes naturally. Fake it until it becomes you. Never let anyone know wether you're used to good treatments, things etc or not. Just act. And practice different scenarios anc responses at home to the point you become so good practice won't be a neccessity anymore.

Kirsten: Making life decisions at the gas station lord help us all!

Uppity 🦄: Been watching from the clouds, sprinkle sprinkle

PanAfrican BMGTOW A1blkman: Show Her the Money, BAG Gender..

Calm Calm: musical texting hahah why ya so funny girl! Do U like playing instruments as a hobby?

Era Moi: You look gorgeous

Veronica😘TLC: I got the best typePraise Jesus!

Elle Blue: I usually hate wigs but you really make them look so good.

Elizabeth Dalgliesh:

Ms Moon: Aunt Shera.. How do I book private consult

Chanel Chanel: Thank you


Tere 09: Hello Ladies. I need your help. I am going to register my trucking business my fiance invest in me. Any company name suggestion please.

James Black: Women would do much better watching Kevin samuels . More chance to find a man

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