How To Restore A Dry, Stiff Synthetic Wig

  • Posted on 07 November, 2018
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous

I really hope this helps someone out!

Thank you guys for tuning in!

Insta: jada_laughoutloud

You yagyuu I'm talking to you you with the very stiff weave on your head on koma Bowl untamable. Are you planning on wearing that very cheap wig out, but it won't look. Fly yeah. I see your struggle, but I've got a solution for you yeah. I got your attention right if you want to know how to revive that wig keep on watching. I just want to give her another try. So, as you guys can see, it is definitely synthetic. I just sewed a band on to it because it was those combs know so, like you guys can see like it's very stiff. It has no life, no body, I mean it does kind of have a little bit of a flow, but it's pretty stiff and it has a bang, but the hair is just like really dry and stiff. So for this video I'm gon na try and revive this hair. So, let's see if it works, so hey guys welcome back to the voice-over portion. So for this part of the video I just put warm water in a bowl or any container, and I put the synthetic trashy finger, cutting wig in the water, and so then I'm just putting a little bit of shampoo in there. Ideally, you want to use like a wig shampoo, but I'm not that invested. So I'm just gon na move the hair around a bit. You know how to wash things guys. It'S really easy. You don't want to really scrub it cuz. It is plastic. So I just moved it around until all the dirt and grime comes out of it, so I attempted to brush through this plastic bob, and that was a fail because the brush didn't even like get through there so but guys look at that water. Oh my god! It'S so dirty! That'S what's been sitting in this hair. To be honest, I haven't worn this wig for like a good seven months, so I'm not surprised and the reason why I stopped wearing it is because, like the volume and bounce was gone, so I'm not gon na go outside with the stiffest thing on my head. So with, if, when my neck moves, it moves with it like no you so now, we've come to the very interesting part of the video where we put fabric softener into the warm water, and this is what I saw this on. The glam fans youtube channel guys check him out he's like phenomenal, especially if you have like curly wiggle anyways. Let me get back on topic, so just check him out. For this part, you just put a little bit of fabric softener and guys, if you have one with a little bit of scent, that's preferable, because this one was very. The scent is amazing. Yes, on my clothes, but on a wig I was at work, and I just like the scent was so strong that I got a headache, but it was good though people were like. Oh my god, your hair smells so good. I'M like yeah. Thank you, my hair, but just submerge the wig in the water and do what you did the last time. You guys immediately, I kind of felt a change. It'S it am i guessing. No, I'm not. I kind of felt a teen. It felt softer so that all I'm gon na be doing for this portion of the video just submerging it um until I feel like I'm tired, so keep watching you and guys, please remember to wash that liquid out of the wig after you use the soft the Fabric softener, because it's just the right thing to do remember to wash it out because I almost forgot so now, all guys. I set it up in my room on a mannequin head, this one's a foam one attached to a clamp on my desk and I'm just gon na brush you that hair to get rid of any tangled that it obviously has and just keep brushing to get rid Of them and then eventually, I'm gon na blow dry, the hair, as you guys, will see in the next scene, so guys now, I'm gon na go in and blow-dry this um wig and also a key tip is if you wanted a more curl in the hair. You'D use a round brush one with like harder bristles so that when you blow-dry and you curl it under that it automatically gets like a curl, but I'm just using a regular brush. So it's just gon na be straight after so that's just like a tip for anyone who wants a little bit of a bump at the ends, but guys I'm blow-drying the hair, and it's coming out very nicely for a second. I thought it was human. Let me stop, but you know seriously for a second I was like. Is this human hair, but it really is it but guys. Look at this look how flowy this hair is blow-drying it. I was shocked, OMG. This is ridiculous, but guys this was a really cool idea, very cool tip and I'm just gon na continue blow-drying and I'm gon na skip to the end, because you guys already know how to blow-dry. So that's what you're gon na do so guys. Now I'm gon na straighten this hair and I was so nervous, but I took my flat iron and used the lowest heat that it would allow me, which was 307 degrees, 708 pause. What I mean 370 degrees - and I took it in like small sections and I used the comb method and I just went through it and actually it's trained really nicely and I'm just going to speed through this part. So you guys could just see the end results. Cuz, I know that I hate to see the process you so guys. I already straightened the entire wig and guys look at this end result. It'S moving guys. It'S moving! Oh my goodness! This is what I was going for it it's fully restored. It feels like when I just got it initially, it's like so amazing, yet the ends are a bit like matted still because like it will forever be like that. But the hair itself is like amazing, like you: can comb through it properly and it just feels great. Hey guys, so I'm completely finished with my wig, and can you believe this is synthetic and I've had it for over a year yo guys this method is like so good. I'M not gon na lie. It'S like! Oh, my god, and like I haven't worn this wig and so long because of how trashy and stiff it was, but like and guys when I flatiron this, I did it on the lowest heat on my flat iron, which is 370 and it didn't burn or anything. I actually went over at multiple times. It does have a little bit of like um matted ends, because it's synthetic and it will always have matted ends unless it's like brand-new for like one day but like for right now. This wig is looking fierce and it smells good because of the softener. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. Thank you for clicking and subscribing and liking, and commenting also, I want a shout out to glam fam on YouTube. I watched his video on how to revive synthetic wigs and I did everything he did and I also use a softener of fabric softener in it, and it worked perfectly guys. It'S like amazing, so just follow that and I your guys are good amazing, so check his channel out for more videos. He has a variety of videos and I'll see you guys in my next video bye,

Through the Telescope!: WOW that looks to good. I hope my wig ends up the same!

Angela Wood: That looks so amazing!

2lia 2saucy: "I'm not that invested" lmao this thr video for me

Angie Cameron: Love this thank you so much also you're adorable/fun <3

Judy Anne: How long did you soak in fabric softener? And can you use fabric softener on heat defiant wigs?

cessily skansi: I never make comments on videos like this, but you were making me laugh so I had to! Keep being you

Rafael Esparza: Won’t ur wig get heat damage from the straightener and blow dryer?

Lerrischa A: When you dont have softener at Home can you use just the shampoo to get this flawless result?? Ant thanks for the video❤

Wavanie Henry: Do you think if you trim the edges that would help keep the matting down?

The Heart: You're so funny- synthetic wigs are painfully hard to maintain

αndrσmєdα: lol the intro was HILARIOUS!

Lucy Kabu: Intro

Mona Iana Rivera: 370 on a synthetic wig girrrrrl lmao i’m too scared to try my straightener is HOT on 370 must be half synthetic half real not all synthetic it would melt

Kjirsten Berg: I'm gonna try this. Also, you're sooo friggin cute.

Esethu Ntloko: Stiff there to stiff where

highly favored: 30 secs in _SUBSCRIBED_

Shanalee Stanley: Dwl intro thou

livindeadgurll87: Lifesaver

Favored Hustle Kai: Instantly thought of Wanda on that bike I hade yo click and watch lol

Phillippa Doyley:

GaymerGirl 1986x: Lmmfao omfg

Tama: Have faith in JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR for HE SAVES from hell❗️ *What is the Gospel?* The true gospel is the good news that God saves sinners. Man is by nature sinful and separated from God with no hope of remedying that situation. But God, by His power, provided the means of man’s redemption in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of GOD, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Romans 10:9 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. JESUS CHRIST can come anytime! Just Believe ❤️ Love you and GOD BLESS

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