Hairdo Layered Bob Wig With Side Bang With Jennifer Coffey

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Have it available on easy pay at one point, we did not have all the shades available because they sold so quickly, but more of them are back in stock in time for our presentation, it's a gorgeous bob, but when you think about bob, i don't think you Think of something as modern, multi-layered voluminous as this with the sexy side, sweat, bang and i really got ta tell you. I mean as soon as i popped it on. I was like completely transformed my look. I went with a more adventurous color. I love. I missed the old days of being as blonde as i was back in texas, so i kind of revisit it sometimes and that's what i'm doing right now, but it's another story of that expensive, difficult to execute and master cut. Of course, the colors as well and such a, i think it's flattering to everybody: let's pause for a second and take a look at how difficult it would be to execute this perfect graduation, look at how it just hugs the nape, it's so soft, it's so gentle! You have these gorgeous pieces, um that are layered perfectly to create lift and definition. You know that side swept bang, that's just kind of ever so gently blending over not only in cut but also in color, a little darker to lighter we've thought of absolutely everything. Here. Love this and we said we were going to be honest right at the top of the show. I absolutely play favorites. This is my favorite. Is your favorite hands down my favorite wig say it all the time our guests don't usually commit, so i'm pretty i'm committed. That'S it i'm totally committing this is happening because here's the thing this is that classic look that i've cut my hair to this haircut a million times. I did it as a teenager. I did in my 20s in my 30s, we'll see what happens in the 40s but um. So this is this is a lovely, lovely haircut? It really is it's a classic classic look and you know i want the option of having my natural hair a little longer. I want it there, it's, you know called security blanket i don't know, i don't want to commit to a short shirt. I'M the same way you know but or like i said before, maybe you've tried to cut like this and as great as it looks in the wig. It doesn't look like that on you, that's the story for me right here, so i'm able to get the look as it looks in the magazines and, as i said in my head, so true not on my head, because sometimes women, you know, let's face it. You have enough hair, but a lot of women don't have enough hair to complete this look so they're like. Why does it look like the picture? You know things like that. So here, let's talk about the construction of a wig, real, quick okay. So we have a you know this velvet patch right at the base. This is like really makes things just extra comfortable, but even though this stretch lace, construction is really nice and soft. This is a luxurious feeling like i'm, i'm really enjoying just sort of like touching it right. You have a lot of it's a stretch, lace, so look at that give this is never going to squeeze. If you think, oh my head's too big, i thought the same thing. Trust me: okay, my head's pretty big, so it fits mine. It will fit yours right again, so we have these these hook and loop tabs right at the base. The tag means that you're right at the bottom, these hook and loop tabs, can be used to create an extra sort of tightness at the bottom or loosen it up a little bit. Most people will never ever use that okay and then the last thing and super important to note are these: this triangular shape on either side. Okay, these are flexible, ear, tabs you'll see that they kind of move bend back and forth, and we have two of them. One on either side right in the temple area: okay, that becomes important um. You know, as i show you step by step, how to get this done, don't be afraid if you've never worn a wig before super easy super super simple to do. Let'S take a quick, quick look right before i show you how to do this at the colors that we have available lots of beautiful blonde shades here, light golden blonde medium golden blonde, medium red with ginger. Then we move into light brown just over here medium. Sorry, i'm looking at the wrong okay, so medium brown with gold, which is a medium brown color with golden highlights, and then we have i'm sorry. You know i think i i was using the she's using the price i was using. Okay, i got a little confused. Um so medium red, with ginger, medium brown, with ginger black, with burgundy, dark, dark brown, and also the true black. The thing to note about black, the hairdo wigs, unlike any other brand, unlike any other brand, have a true beautiful black color. It'S not blue black. It'S not green black, it's just a really believable super shiny. Clearly, that's synthetic black, yes yeah. So these are great, really perfect executions of the darker tones, which are tough to do that. Black is the most limited of our color choices. So keep that in mind, as it took us a while to get all of them back in stock. For this presentation i know sorry, okay, so what do we have now? So we have the step by step on how to get this done. Don'T be discouraged, you don't have to make all those little tiny, pin curls the way you've seen it in the movies, the way that women used to do on broadway. They don't do that on broadway anymore. More, i work with a lot of those people. Nobody wants to sit there with elaborate hair wrap. So how do you do it just get your hair out of the way all you do is take these sort of pins. I use large bobby pins if you want to use small up to you and move your hair up away from your face. If you have bangs or shorter pieces use an extra bobby pin, you know right at the front and you can get your hair. You want to have everything lifted up off your face. That'S the name of the game! Now you want to divide. If you have long hair in the back, you want to divide it in two sections and then you'll see. I give it an ever so gentle little twist, so you can keep the hair collected and it's not flopping all over the place. And then i secure it down again with another pen right on the side. If you have little extra pieces that are coming out of it, it doesn't matter because you'll never ever see that all you want to do is make sure it's nice and tight flat to the head, no bumpy areas and kind of keep it nice and secure. If you want i've done it with four bobby pins, maybe you'll need five, maybe you'll need something. This is ten same thing that was done to me, and i've got hair down to here so and it's thicker. So if you've got a lot of hair trust me it'll fit once you've done this a couple of times you you could do it without a mirror like you. Never, you know absolutely okay, so you dive in like a swim cap, you want to use your forehead. Just to kind of hold this in place just right at that velvet patch right at the front and give it a big big stretch, come all the way over and just kind of bring make sure everything's, nice and tucked in you want to bring your ears out Of the wig and then find those triangular ear tabs remember those they were on either side. It'S telling me that my wig is off center, that i need to move it completely. Okay, and then you want to secure those into place very important. Is you don't want to keep the you know the wig on the wrong hairline, because it's not going to be believable? People put it on like wigs are not for me. This looks awful. Just just got to adjust match it up to your hairline. Pull your ears out, use those ear tabs, give it a big big shake and then like there's, no work. There is no wrong way for this to fall. It'S done! That'S all there is oh, i couldn't wait to see it in the different shades, so that is the oh, that is vavav and i kind of took a little bit put behind my ear right there to kind of change with it. Twinkies twinning love it. It'S so fun. This is what i tell people when it comes to the wigs. This is great because you're not in a salon or at a store and you're trying them on you're like oh, i don't like that. One get it off. You know. Oh, i put it on wrong. Nobody look at me like it's it to me. It can be as uncomfortable as trying on a swimsuit or something else if you're doing it with other people watching you get to do this in the comfort of your own home, you can do it as many times as you need to before you get comfortable with It and then, when you do you're at home - and you can kind of like you, don't feel bad getting it out of the package like you know like. Oh i'm, sorry i didn't want to try to no take it. Try it wear it around the house for 20 minutes. You will forget it's even there you're going to fall in love and you kind of build that confidence and then really honestly, like once you get out of the house, you get the compliments from your friends you're like well, i am living it. This is look at this. This is the most beautiful. This is great, like polish up lift up clean up, you know what i mean. This is such an easy way. Even if you have a shorter style, maybe your shorter style grows out way too quickly. Right, maybe you want to kind of have the option of you know having it ready to go with perfect hair color that don't have gray roots. You know, maybe you have longer hair like jennifer and i you know, and you just kind of don't want to commit to that shorter haircut. This is a beautiful way again. Look at that black color. I love it. I love this. It'S supe, you know it's shiny without being fake, shiny, the hair moves nice and flexible. It just looks like healthy hair, exactly right, perfectly 20, give it a try. You know we don't always have this on easy pay. In fact, this is the only day this month that will be available on easy pay and more than 22 000 orders have already been placed for this. I suspect that a lot of you have made this your second or third hairdo purchase, because once you try, when you go, these aren't wigs like i remembered it or has, as i've heard them like, not the ones from the halloween store, not the ones that people Wear for that, you know that type of a holiday or a costume event. These are quality quality, wigs true to life fibers, the true-to-life fibers have seven to 11 different shades in every single piece. That'S what makes it believable! That'S why it doesn't look like shoe polish or like hay, or any of that. Really i like it. You know you touch these and they're just luxurious. It feels like beautiful, healthy silky, natural hair like golden blonde medium golden blonde, this one's our most popular right. Okay, all right, it's it's! You know and again all the blonde colors have the rooted base. You don't find blonde wigs that have that perfect rooted base. So this is a great execution. We also have medium red with ginger. It'S a medium red color with those beautiful ginger highlights light brown. Is it? Is it neutral brown? It'S a perfect little light brown, the kinds that you see on children like out in the park. You know it's really just anti-aging for hair too right exactly and then a medium brown with the golden highlights. So this has a lot more dimension in it. If you want that high and low color, and then we have what is medium, medium brown with ginger and again medium brown base with ginger highlights the other one was a golden highlight. This gives you a different option, so medium red, color, uh, medium red brown? That'S the color that i have on when people ask. What'S the difference between medium brown and medium red brown, it's a little warmer. You know that's the difference, and then we have dark brown, beautiful, dark brown and black with burgundy, perfect blah that beautiful black base with a great execution of a burgundy highlight. Is there any way to get closer on this color? In particular? I feel like this one. More than any other has kind of like a secret to tell like, as you look into it, and the secret is to give a perfect burgundy highlight you see that it's a flicker of burgundy highlights people mess this up all the time they make it too chunky Or it looks too like much like a like a doorknob color brassy, it's so difficult to get a perfect burgundy highlight on black tones and it's a great way to change up your hair without committing to the harsh color yeah. Of course, if you want to talk about difficult to get and have look, natural, you've got the black too. So keep that in mind and the kind i love this. This is. Is this medium? Is this the ginger color right, ginger, medium red ginger? I love that now think about that. You think medium red with ginger. Maybe that's not for me, i'm not a redhead, but this is soft. Look at how soft that is. It'S got that medium red base with those beautiful flicker of ginger highlights, and let me ask you this like: is that a cut you would ever do in real life like for me? I don't know that i would gamble and try that cut that commitment to my own, my own hair, because then you really are committed right. Well, here's or maybe you love it, but you don't want it every single day like for me. I love this, but i'm not doing it every single day and then you know people think, like oh short, hair, easier, quicker, no short hair, you have to style it. You have to blow it out or it just doesn't look good side. Swept bang. There'S no hard edges in this there's no hard lines, everything's softening to the face it lifts up and elongates your neck. It'S such a it's such a pick-me-up. You know that's why they say, like oh girls go out and you know cut their hair when they end a relationship or something like that, because short hair makes you feel like licorice, it's a lift up. It'S a pick me up shows off your shoulders. You know i mean there's a lot to be said for it or you know. Let'S talk about what a lot of you come to hairdo about hair, you wear because of your own personal struggles, either with hair loss or hormonal changes or medication that you're on you didn't have the hair that you used to. Have i mean it's about just more than just changing? If you look for fun for some of you, this is a very serious issue and one that is so easily solved. Affordably, true genuine human hair, wigs you know like you're, never going to get it for this value. It'S not it's not going to happen. You know people as an extension specialist and working in this industry a long time on movies with actors. You know people send me every single product, that's out there they're like love this use. This tell people about it, you're not going to get this quality for this value period. We have close to 500 orders already placed on this. My pick of the show more are back in stock and we brought them back in stock on a little something we called easy pay, but that easy pay goes away at the end of the day. Here'S a great way to give hairdo a try, we're going to go through your shades one more time if you're, just starting out in the wig world pick one that's kind of closer to your collar, seem more comfortable and then really just kind of get to love. The cut again light golden blonde medium golden blonde light, brown, medium brown, golden medium, red brown, i'm wearing medium red with ginger, medium brown, with ginger black with burgundy love, love, love that color the black and then the dark brown fun stuff and remember. You'Ve got 30 days to try it out. If you don't love it send it back. No questions asked 19.80 is what's going to bring it home, 822. 7046.. So if you're just waking up rising and shining good morning, and thank you for joining us

beryl bishop: Wish uk sold these wigs

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