Dye Your Wig Jet Black Without Dying The Lace | How To Get A Blunt Cut Bob

  • Posted on 14 March, 2020
  • Bob Wig
  • By Anonymous

Dying Hair Jet Black ; Cutting a Blunt Cut Bob

Shop Natalie Virgin Bundles

180% Density Wig | 12 Inches

Tic Toc - Jackie_Starr

I can do it you things right, hey yeah! If should girl Natalie back at it again with another video, I'm not gon na drag this video out. I just want to show you guys how I got this jet black pop, but my customer so stay tuned. Alright, so I went in with my jet black add or die in number 121 and I literally used the whole bottle like I just squeezed a whole bottle and I did the water color message. So I got boiling hot water and just put it on the stove. I'M not gon na hide a lot. I put it on flex, five minutes what got really hot and I just stirred that die in. I got it like five dollars to be spiced or five six dollars. So the reason why the hip-hop Chris - because I put got to be on that lease like at least three or four time cuz I did not want to die to go in my legs. Like that's the last thing you wanted, so I just stuck everything in and I had it and I think the water it turned black and literally less than like two minutes like didn't even take long, so I just kept checking on it every 10 seconds after I, Like left on, the stove kept checking on it. Finally, I took it out and I left I left out to dry and not gon na see ya all right, so I shampoo condition it let it out to dry and me personally, I like to mold my wigs, like I like to do baby hair customize, the Hairline everything before I even start customizing everything else. So I got some citizens from Amazon and I went to cutting so you're gon na see that I'm old at the top, because I just fun easier. So I wet my wigs when I cut it like I feel, like it's easier. That'S just my opinion. I'M not a professional but I like to wet my wigs like not dripping dripping but like 80 % wet, because I just find it easier to cut that way. So I got some little misfiled. I got some Sally's and I just filled up with water and just started spraying the hair just spraying it spring it spring it alright. So I just I it like when I'm cutting, I just comb all the hair piece in the back like in the pointer and I just pretty much cut, and I use that first cut to just do the rest of the box to make sure everything's. Even so, I literally cut little by little cuz. You know it was always good to cut less before you cut more cuz. You know you don't want to cut more, and then you can't get that hair back like you've got less. You could just keep cutting to get the desired look, so I was literally being sold. I was being a punk and I was kind of little by little cuz. I know I needed a bob, but I didn't know how I was looking. It was dry, so I wanted to like keep cutting, so I live at least like five times starting over starting over, so no, but just to get the desired look, but it did come out looking nice and my customer loves it. So it's a plus. So I lived just kept going around the circle's kept cutting Tuckerton, and so it was good and then I let that out to edge Rolly and after that edge ride, I explained it and I cut again cuz. I was not playing by the way guys. This is a wig from my hair company, Natalie's virgin bundles. This was a 12 inch on natural black wig and I believe 180 density or 150 density. I will double check and let you guys know, but I made 90 %. She was on charity, but um. The hair came natural black and I got it jet black, so yeah. If you guys want this, wig are interested in buying this away. Please contact me or go on my website, Natalie's virgin bundles calm, or I leave my contact information in the description box below, as you guys already Sheena. Oh alright. So this is how it came out looking when it was air dry and I still like it was long. It was too long, so I just went in and I wind it up ended up and the flying it are you. Some law really get spray for some heat protectant and I ended up flying the whole thing went in and I cut it again because I feel like it was too long, but I didn't even realize that my camera died so didn't even record myself cutting it. But I did cut it at least like another inch off, but you guys are gon na see the ending result. So yeah just take some guys. Oh by the way, did you guys see my take back video in the beginning. Follow me on tick-tock guys, Jackie underscores star. I will leave that in. I just made it exciting and it's really addicting like oh, my gosh. It'S really addicting low-key, like I'm not gon na lie like I wanted more than Instagram snapchat face, but anything else like tick-tock is where it's at right now, but that's the time for another day, but yeah i'ma just flying it and you guys are gon na walk And flying it and then I cut it a little bit and I thought was it: I use my Remington things just like one and a half inch flat iron. I got it for like $ 35. That target, I believe, but listen this flying, but holding me down like this, is like better than my baby bliss flying my honest opinion. I like it better, maybe because this is a one and a half and chocolate more done than my one inspiring so yeah. I like this one better, but this is my go-to flooring because I feel like it just flies. My hair way faster and I guess it was bigger, but yeah, so I just find it cut it and you guys are gon na see my final results when I'm done. This is the way when it was done. Black cut Bob twelve inches. I cut it until about me brother, ten inch or 8 inch, my customer loved it and that's pretty much it for this video guys. So you liked this video. Please give it a thumbs up and subscribe, and I will see you guys next time enjoy. You

Tamara: This is bomb sis

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