Botw Link Wig Tutorial

Wig styling tutorial for Link from Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild!

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Hey everybody welcome back to cosplay University, I'm a Daleks cosplay and today we're gon na teach. You guys how to style a wig, specifically a long wig, more specifically leg swing from breadth of the wild, so I'm gon na walk you through how to cut it. How to style it, how we're gon na do it, how to make it not look like this straight out of the box. This wig is called an ego by Artur. Wigs and its color is ginger blonde. The things you're going to need for this are obviously a wig. Hopefully you can see through it. You already need some scissors, don't really matter what kind they are. These are just cheap generic scissors. You can buy this and for his wig, specifically we're gon na need a hair tie. This is just a blonde. Hair tie picked up with the pharmacy. Alright, let's dial this thing, let's go over. What you're going to need for this first thing I would recommend, is a big hit. As you can see, my way is sitting on that wig head, you can get yourself a wig stand or you can cut it on yourself or on a friend, but I would recommend a flick. Hang because just going to make things a whole lot easier from you. I'D also recommend, obviously having a good pair of sharp scissors. We talked about that hairband earlier and having a good set of reference. Pictures makes everything a whole lot easier as well. So, as you can see, I found some pictures of Blink from breath of the wild. This is actually off of a figure that's coming out for him, and it was the best quality pictures of close-up with his hair that I could find, and I took it and we're gon na run with it. We'Re gon na make it look as close to business. We can I try to grab a few different angles. As you see, we have the front a little bit of the side and then mainly in the back. That'S gon na really help us keep this together his hair. Is it super complicated, but it's got a lot of funny pieces like his ponytail and his sideburn kind of hair things that hang down to the sides. I don't know what you really call that, but overall this should be a pretty easy way to style as because he already put some ties in the wig, where I wanted his sideburns pieces to go. We'Re just gon na call him sideburns. You know a better name for them, but I put the wig on I've kind of separated the hair. I want it and I tie both these up so now I know they're in the right spot and they're not gon na get in our way. It'S also a good idea. Everybody before you get start is to put something down on whatever table you're working on it's just a trash bag, it'll help with cleaning up the hair later on and keep you from having a big mess. Alright, so the first thing I'm going to show you guys how to do is to do the ponytail. I have my link here. It'S on the wig stand. I already tied off the hair for the sideburns, where I'm turning around. This is a lot of hair work with he's got a lot of a ponytail, but if you notice, if you look at some reference pictures the bottom right here, I guess it would be underneath here, hangs down a little bit. He'S got a lot of hair. A little bit of hair left over so we're gon na grab a lot of hair from my hair, starting on both sides. You can kind of even fish your fingers through to get the same amount on each side or to stay at the same line in the wig, and by that by that I mean I'm only pulling hair from one spot. So all this is on the same line. So I grabbed all this hair from one end to the other and make sure you have enough left over that you're happy with it, and then it matches your reference, pictures and you're going to go ahead and put a hair tie in this part and there it Is a nice little ponytail we've pulled hair from both sides. I'Ve left this underneath part right here, so we're going to cut that later and then we've got this in the bag. This is a little bit too long. This is obviously a lot too long. So we're going to trim that up and I'm going to show you guys how to do that in just a second okay, guys, grab your scissors, we're gon na go ahead and start cutting on this wig now thinks hair in the back is probably about half. As long as its wig is so, this needs to be trimmed up too round here all around the bottom, but one thing you don't want to do and you never want to really do this was with wigs, is cut straight across so cutting across like this. That'S no good, especially for wigs. It'S not going to look realistic and most anime or video game characters. Their hair is spiky and it's got a lot of texture and you can really see the definition and unless their hair is cut straight across straight across is not what you want to do. So I'm going to teach you guys how to do this real, quick! It'S going to be pretty easy, you're going to take a chunk of hair that you want to cut and you're going to start by cutting straight forward at the hair. So if I want the hair to in right here, I'm going to cut up it until I get to that height. So you see him cutting straight into the hair, and this we can move that out of the way, leaves a more jagged edge to your hair or to your wig now. Obviously, this is not perfect, and this is not what we wanted to leave it at. So we're going to continue to keep cutting into it, keep adding that texture until we get a nice tapered look, you can vary the differences, so I can cut small. I can cut really deep in some parts and that's going to make our hair look a lot better. We'Re going to go ahead and do this all the way around the bottom and I'm going to show you guys what the end result is real, quick! Don'T forget, you can always cut more hair off, but you can't add it back on so cut longer. First, and if it's not where you want it to be, you can always cut shorter, but make sure you don't cut too short on the first try. Alright, we've done half of the bottom of the hair so far and as you can see, I've actually kind of put two layers in this. We have this top layer right here, which has these two spikes roughly again we're just kind of shaping it right now, and then we have this under layer here layering your wig is going to give you a much more realistic look, so you want to do this. All the way across the bottom, so you don't look like a flat cartoon. Alright guys I thought I'd go ahead and show you how I specifically cut one of these lengths of hair. So I have all the rest of the back pretty much cut. It'S not perfect. I'M definitely gon na go over the second time, but I wanted to show you exactly how I do it in case. You guys have never seen this before. So this is about the length that I'm starting as or that I'm wanting my hair to be so. I'M gon na cut it. I'M just gon na get rid of this, so I said, don't cut across it earlier, but if you know you're taking chunks out of the hair go ahead and cut across. So I don't want this much. It'S just gon na make my life a lot easier. If I just take that off so now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to chop into this hair to make it less flat. So we said we don't want flat, so we're gon na cut right into it. So just take my scissors and cut straight up into the hair: I'm not going a ton, I'm not trying to cut the hair shorter a lot or that much just because I already cut a lot off that I already or that I want to go on. But what I am going to do is I'm going to kind of taper the sides. So right now it's choppy, but it's all about the same length when you're dealing with points in wigs you're going to want to taper the length from shorter up top here. So longer towards the bottom and you're going to either do one side or both sides, I'm gon na show you what I mean by that make sure, and I just hold my hair, the hair between my fingers, like this, make it easier for me so right here. I want this hair to stop on the edge right it right here. So I'm going to cut high up everybody see that this one's way shorter now, but now I'm gon na cut next to it a little bit closer to the bottom, a little bit closer to the bottom. Until I kind of make my way down - and you see I'm going back and forth with my scissors to give it more of like a jagged edge, so you're gon na do that on both sides or like I say you can give one side and then you Are your set? That'S it you can keep playing with it until you like it. That'S it. You'Ve got yourself some hair, that's gon na look pretty good! Now, like I said these are not done, I'm definitely gon na cut on them. Some more give them more. Texture. Do that same tapering effect, you can do it to the front, as well as the sides, to give it more more texture and then you're good to go. I would recommend trying the wig on occasionally, so you know it fits nice and good. So you know where you're cutting it so sometimes wig heads like this when I head back here, that's not the same size as my head, so imma put the wig on to make sure I like how I'm cutting it. We finished the bottom part at least so. Yeah, this is about how I wanted it. You can see it's pretty choppy, there's definitely some layers in there and it sits right. Underneath this point tail, I think it looks pretty good we're gon na go with this. We'Re going to style it later, but for now we're gon na continue to cut the rest of this wig and you may be asking Adonis. Why did you start with the back? Why didn't you start with the front? Well, I like to start with the back, because if I am having a bad day with haircutting or just not feeling it, you see less mistakes in the back. So it kind of gets your bearings starting back here and then you can work away to the stuff that people see like the bangs and the sides and parts you don't want to mess up. Next. Is the ponytail I'm gon na give this baby a good old chop-chop same rules? Apply you guys give it layers, give us some depth cut it the exact same way. We try to cut the last one and then just use your reference. Pictures that I have over here, so I'm looking that way, use your reference pictures and try to get as close as you can. Okay guys, we just finished up cutting the ponytail, as you can see, we've added! Quite let's look there. It is quite a few layers into here: it tapers off longer at the bottom shorter at the top shorter underneath here and then a short on the sides as well. So it kind of spin around kind of got this overall shape. That leads to a point at the bottom again, I just looked at some reference pictures and cut it. How I see fit. This is obviously not how it's going to look at the end, because we still have to style it, but you've got your ponytail cut. You'Ve got half a hamster over here and we're gon na go ahead and move on to the top of the head over, probably the bangs, so we'll do the bangs. First, okay, everybody we're going to do the bangs next four links way and I'll business, showing you the right thing, but this is the left side of his head. This side is the left. So this is a left part and it's going to be right over his eye. Basically yep. This is over his left eye and so we're going to get started on that. Let me show you again the reference pictures and we can kind of compare and contrast the wig and see what we're going to do. Okay, so, as you can see again, this wig is parted on his left side here and the reference pictures we're using. It shows the same, so that's what we want to do we're going to try to make this nice and piece so we're cutting dividual strands as well as some that are deeper in to the wig hand and say get up here. So we want to cut more layers up here, not just the front big mistake that some people make is they only cut around the outside of the wig without actually cutting into the body of the wig? And that's going to leave you looking like a bowl head. So let's go ahead and cut this and we'll get it started. We'Ll use these pictures, hopefully it'll. Look good, okay, guys we're over the bangs now and before we get started. I'M cutting these. I wanted to show you you can see in the reference picture. I have right here his hair kind of all the way down the sides. We parted it initially right here, but I wanted to pull some of the hair over to kind of make that part line so initially you'll have, with one spot at the top. This wig that all of the hair comes from just take some of the strands they go off to the side and then pull them over here. So you can see. I have his part line going all the way over here. You actually have to pull something them back to the front. So just do that and then we'll go ahead and get cutting on the top of the wig in the bangs and it'll. Give a more realistic look like he has an actual hairline, rather than all of his hair sprouting from the top of his head. Like a radish, okay, we've essentially got the bangs done in by bangs it's the front part and come out on both sides. It doesn't look like much right now, which is like 99 % of the time. You do a wig and you cut it and it doesn't look like much. It'S cuz you've only done half the job, so we're gon na go in and start styling this and then the only other part we haven't cut are the sides these pieces right. Here, though, we called sideburns and we're going to do that after we start styling. So we're gon na get this kind of put together, so it's not so messy we'll take the hair back and the ponytail will tie it back and we'll get everything out of the way and we'll get it styled, and this is the fun part. Thank you. A the hard part not really cutting some part, all right to be the way to ask um. It doesn't really matter what kind of hair spray you use to style. Your wig and yeah we're gon na be using hair spray to style. Are we? This is what I have on hand and a lot of people swear by this. I don't think it's a huge deal, what kind of use - but I mean you know you do you know that's whatever, but this has got to be glued freezing blast spray ice pick. Whatever I don't know, um screaming hold for hair screaming wild hair. Alright, so that's what I'm going to be using it's like six dollars for this bottle. I don't know but again, if you have hairspray it's gon na work, it's not a big deal. Just remember that the more hairs where you use in your wig, the harder your wig is going to be, and you don't really want hard hard wit pieces with link, because his hair is more natural and less anime style less spiky. So we want to use kind of wisp like spritzes, with spritzes, to make his hair with normal I'll, give you a demonstration and we'll go from there. Okay, here's the method I use to style spikes in my hair. It'S pretty easy! You do a little bit of spray and you kind of shape it with your fingers and if you have a hair dryer, you can use a hairdryer to make it go faster to make it freeze in place faster. But it's not going to really make a difference because we're not using a whole lot of hairspray, so you can either just wait or blow on it and it'll it'll stay in place, so we're just gon na. Do this front piece right here again, I'm just kind of grouping it with my fingers. Nothing major! It'S not gon na be a hard spike because you don't want that in the front of your head, especially for links. Go look funny, so we do just a little bit on the top and on the bottom, you can kind of move around your fingers. There'S a little piece out to the side here. So we're gon na split it and again look right there boom. It'S nothing too! Crazy, it's not in-your-face and obnoxious how hard it is, and you're gon na go ahead and do that for a bunch of these pieces and it's going to separate them enough to make it look normal without looking like he's an anime character, which is what we're going For so, do this to the bangs to the parts on the back behind the neck and on the bits in the ponytail and you'll be good to go and then we'll go ahead and and walk you through the sideburn pieces. Okay, guys, this is the sideburn and in the last parts that we're gon na do for this wig. It is split into five pieces. So if you have your sideburn hanging out right here, there's one piece: that's split off that comes off about half way down, and then this is split into four pieces. Two in the back or I'm sorry, I've won the front one in the back and then two in the middle that are kind of connected. The one in is a little bit longer than the one in the front, and then the two in the middle are the longest, so it's gon na go longest, second longest shortest of all shorter and then shortest. This one's about half now so cut those the right length make sure that this brush is about or just barely touches your shoulders, and you should be good to go continue. Styling your wig and then we'll see the finished product and we are finished pretty much. So we go around again: we we fix the bangs. You can tell that part that we did earlier is showing right through here. It'S going back after this here is going this way. The other half was going. This way he's got his side, burrs hanging that sideburns hanging out on the shorter pieces on each side he's got his ponytail and you can obviously tighten in style this ponytail a little bit better, which I haven't done yet, but I'm going to redo this. So the only difference between this and the finished one is going to be. I'M gon na tighten this up and then I will do to this. What I did to the front so we'll spray the banks, the back, is nice and put together, but also messy. Looking just like regular hair would be on the back and that's it guys. You styled Lynx hair awesome job. What I do whenever I'm styling lace is typically, I will keep working on them. So I'm not 100 % happy with this right now, but it's late and I'm come on in a day, but my convention isn't for a while. So I will continue to work on it and continue to tweak it and make sure I get it to a point where I really love it and then I'll work on it from there or we'll go from there. My Kakashi wig that I did I've styled two or three times so I assume I'll do the same with this one. So thank you guys for watching and we'll finish up the rest of this series by making everything else. So I hope you guys are excited to wear your bread of the wild cosplay, starting with the link leg. Thank you guys for watching see you next time, one of the best part about wig styling. You get to create your own guinea pig when you're done. Look at this - oh, my goodness, that's so much hair gross and that my friends is why we put a trash bag down easy cleanup.

Cato: Lowkey just want this as my actual hairstyle.

Z Toxic: Literally grew out my hair for this. Screw the wig, I want the style! Lol

Codename: Pantera: You can imagine people watching and using this for cutting wigs but I'm watching this to cut my boyfriend's hair... He likes BotW Link's style so... here I am

Diana Whitcomb: oh my gosh thank you for this tutorial!! I got this wig for my own BoTW Link cosplay but I had no idea how to cut it!! Thank you!!

TheLionNeverRoars: I watch wig cutting tutorials all because I cut my Edward Eric wig too short lol. Thank, this video is really helpful

quafritooeyodem: Very helpful tutorial! You explained everything that I've been needing to know all in one convenient video!

AJ Link: Thank you so much for making this! I'm not very experienced in wig styling and cutting and this helped a lot, I can't wait to put together my gerudo link now that I have a bit of a guide for styling Link's hair, again thank you so much!

DeathToTheseWalls: Wow, you did such a great job.

danny: words cannot express how much i want this as a haircut

Naël Cuenin: Amazing !! Thank you so much

Alex Wat: Thank you, this will definitely be useful !!

LeiFlux07: Is it wrong to want to grow out my actual hair to have it cut like this? .... I wish ^^;

Gamehedgehog: I wonder if it’s possible to actually grow sideburns as long as the ones Link has, looks so epic

Hero Draws: Would it be possible to have this style without it being a wig? And have it look good when it's not up?

Draiden: Okay does Link’s style have a proper name or is it just what it is?

Alan Brito Animations: Oooo gracias man, ahora en adelante voy así peinado a la escuela, Igual ya practique una forma para peinarme así de manera rápida XD

Frosted Flakes: Gonna ask my stylist for this hair thank you ^~^

Abracadabruz: Wow top job. Looks sick

Chad Chungus: Yes, because I toooootally want a wig and I toooootally don't wanna make this my actual hairstyle

Link Shirley: I am currently growing my hair out so I can use this video to style my hair. I know how to get my hair to the same length as the wig, but how can I get my hair to be as thick and as full as the wig?

Horse: I'm growing my hair out so I can cut it like this-

Kishuro: Hi ! Where did you buy your wig ? And I don’t understand the name of the colour as well ;-; (as expected for a french lmao ) Thank you for your video it’s gonna be reeeeeelly helpfull

Puppy: I want a hairstyle similar to this

Brenbar: God I hate curly hair, I want this as my hair style so much but my hair is just so damn fluffy without loads of product after wetting it.

Koko: Lowkey learning things because despite having cut my own hair, at least it can grow back XD

Moony: I want my hair kinda like this but would it be possible to do the hairstyle from the stealth set with the bun? And if so how, I need to grow my hair a lot longer first but I think it would be cool when I do

LeiFlux07: Could I like... fly over, and have you cut my hair. I've been to three different places and they refuse to cut layers deep into my hair. They give no reason, and I'm not one to push and more to accept and moan to myself afterwards. I just want to grow my hair out, how hard is that? I want lots of layers, and I'll style it close to this, or close to Koyomi Araragi from Monogatari. Honestly, just makes me want to stay indoors 'til its about 3 feet long, maybe they can layer that.

Arn von Salzburg: Some years too late, but I was wondering, was it some "official Link wig" you changed, or just some blonde wig? Which one?

HadesTrashCorner: I always call th elf side burns cause all of the elves I know have em

Dog lover: There are probably a lot of people with links hair now lol i want this hair cut

Josh Sanchez: nice!

coffee leijon: Do you think you could use this as a actual hairstyle?

Smooshy: What if I showed this video to my hairdresser

Silver Dragon: Gonna show this to my barbar

Doonkey Korng: what would you even call that haircut? And what is that ponytail style called? I’m really curious cuz i’m growing out my hair, and zelda is my favorite thing ever, so i’m super curious if a real human could pull that off with real hair??

Laula programmiert: 03:13 Then you're gonna go aHEAD

Strawberry Winter: Link to the wig?

Anthony Krug: doing this to my actual head

Miguel Contreras: Does anyone know the name of that kind of hairstyle?

💥evit-mei cofee TV💥: Yeah is perfect for my brother

ビート: Ok but can you cut my hair like this ?

Rroxo: ok, but how I cut my neck?

Poly: What is this hairstyle calledddd

Te de arroz: Aquí esta el comentario en español que tanto eaperavas (Usenme como caja de comentarios en español)

Christian Salmans: I don’t even need a wig

dimi: Gross

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