Full Transformation | Cut Crease With Rhinestones And 40" Box Braid Unit Install

Foreign, I know y'all been telling me to slow down, so this video is going to be a little bit longer because we're covering everything that I like to cover. So, let's get to it. Okay, so first we gon na go in with my eyebrows um. This is my brow pen, so a regular dollar eyebrow pencil from the beauty supply store nothing major first we're gon na just go in by outlining the bottom. I always outline about them and just help get my Arch better. I don't know it works best for me. Just doing a bottom first, then I'm gon na go in and outline the top once you outline it. We'Re gon na fill in the middle a little bit not too much and then we're gon na go in and just with a smoothie and just kind of make it look a little. You know a little gradient, a little more natural. You know what I'm saying yeah once we got it, you know the outline and it's filled into our liking. We'Re gon na go in and clean up the brow, I'm using La girl, concealer um yeah, just outline it and bring the product down and going with a dense brush and Pat it out just Pat Pat Pat um, and once I'm done padding. I also go back in with the pencil and make sure I didn't blend too much and just touch up areas that need to be touched up. I always clean the top. Once I'm doing my Foundation, you know so, let's move on to the eyeshadow okay. So I'm going in with my morphe X9 beers fairy tale palette. This is the shade baby bear it's a darker brown, I'm using it as the transition color. So I'm like packing it on heavy I'm blending, I'm blending I'm going in with a little more and I'm blending I'm doing those small circles, but I'm definitely trying to make sure I pack it on there, because this is what's going to be. What helps like create that crease? You know, I mean really Define that crease. You know what I'm saying with, I feel like the key to doing eyeshadow is packing that on there, in definition, I don't know if you guys know this but me bringing that concealer down. I low-key use that, as like eyeshadow primer too, you know what I'm saying some yeah here, I'm going in with the juice baby Grill, which is this Bright, Beautiful orange and I'm just blending that right on top of the transition color. So this is the color. That'S going to be coming up after the brown, I'm not really picking where the brown is, I'm putting it on top of that. If that makes sense, you know what I'm saying you got to make it fade. Y'All you got ta make your thing: yeah, foreign, okay. So, as I was doing the eye, I realized it wasn't as dark as I wanted it to be in the crease. So I went in with my Sour Patch Kids morphe eyeshadow palette, and this color is the color serving looks it's like a darker brown and, as you guys can see it's bringing in more definition. So you can really see like a better transition from the brown to the orange. You know, I'm seeing you know, I wanted a little more drama in it yeah I was so focused on this eyeshadow. I didn't notice that little piece of hair on my head, but anyways, so I'm going in with a morphe brush. Of course I love the brushes. I went in with some of my concealer the same concealer. I used to clean up my eyebrow and now we're just carving out the cut crease. You know what I'm saying we're making sure we go from that tear deck. We opened it out to the top. I like to mark it at the top. So I know where I'm going and then once I got a good Mark at the top, I go for my tear deck back up to the top. Just as y'all see me doom and then we just gon na blend out that you know that corner at the end a little bit. You know what I'm saying. I'M not gon na worry about that like that right now, because I also use eye shadow to help me blend the outer Corner. We just need that tear duct that line. We need that Precision. We need all that intact, we're just really focusing on the Precision right now yeah. Thank you. Once we got the cut crease outlined to our liking, we're going to go in with that same brush that we used our um serving looks from the sour patch palette. We'Re going to go in we're just going to buff out the outer, normally that outer little piece or whatever you know, okay. So now I'm going in with Boo and B, and I'm just packing that on this is the gold color that is on the outer part of this cut crease and we're just gon na Pat Pat Pat Pat. I do not hold back on my eyeshadow when I'm padding, okay yeah the next cut I'm going in is geyser or goza. I don't know how to pronounce it. Y'All know how to read, sometimes just sometimes because I've been trying to read a lot, but just be sometimes but yeah, I'm going in with guys that goes there, and then I I went in with that that lighter yellow and I kind of buff it out a Little bit and I'm going it in with it again: listen Kita, doing eyeshadow girl, you're gon na have to apply it blend. It out apply some old girl blend it out again and you might have to apply some milk because, as you can see, I'm building and as I'm busting, I like my eyeshadow to blend y'all. So I don't do this type of eyeshadow. Unless I got time no Tino Kino shade um, I slowed it down a lot in this video, but this eyeshadow Loki took me like 25 minutes each eye. You know what I'm saying so like yo girl. Like take your time with this, you know bro, you a good one. Have you a good cocktail extra? I enjoy the process because it's definitely a princess yeah, foreign, okay, so right here, I'm going in with this gold eyeshadow called shape. Shifter in this silver one Co-op binge and I'm just using both of those shimmers to highlight my tear duct. You know I mean I didn't want it too silver. I didn't wanted to go. That'S why I went in with both I love mixing eyeshadows um, but yeah um, just Y'all Gon na notice. The highlight more once I put glitter on top um, I'm going in with my NYX eyeliner. I love NYX eyeliner. Oh, my gosh um again just an easy eyeliner and you know what I'm seeing you know what I'm saying the beat speaking for herself in them: yeah get it okay. So here I'm going in with a tad bit of my lace. Glue! Yes, but it's glue in the end, I'm gon na go in with some fluorescent glitter just to make it pop. You see it. You see it yeah get in somewhere um, so I'm actually going in with my lace, glue and a dotting tool which is a nail tool or you can use a like eyeliner brush. So I'm going in and I'm making all the dots where I want my rhinestones to be and of course, we're using swarovski's yeah, get it all right, so I'm gon na throw the stones on there and it's pretty much the same thing for the other eye. Of course, we're gon na slap a contact in there in an eyelash yeah, and then I yeah, I'm gon na try just a watch and enjoy um yeah. I know me the most extra is mutually. I'Ve had to do some eyelashes with some rhinestones in them, too. Yeah the compliment the ones in the cut crease and then I went in with the juice baby girl. Under my um water line, as y'all can see, I went in with some white. I love white eyeliner in my like water line, yeah, it's called water line. I love it in my water line. It just gives Barbie doll, baby doll Vibes. Yes, I just you know, put some eyeshadow up under it, so I can give it a little more depth. Sometimes I don't do eyeshadow under it. I love them more. You know just White against my skin color, but I want it to look be today like y'all. Have you on the eyeshadow under my eye, water line yeah touch up the brow. If you need to make sure your lash just you know, on air um, I hate when you like, really don't get into your last she's, not on there all the way. You realize that when you in the club so yeah make sure your lashes on there all the way until I did choose to go in with some bottom lashes. I put these on with hair glue, yeah um, but yeah yeah yeah. You only use hair glue that don't use it, but that's what I use: yeah foreign foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, okay. So moving on to my face, I'm going in with my NYX shine killer as well as my professional primers blending. Those in this is what's going to give me that poreless, oh just um, get the skin together. If you know what I mean, if you know you know, if you don't yeah, you need to get into it and what is what it's given yeah so and after that, I'm going with my foundation for this bead. I believe I used my NYX Foundation. Yes, this is my Nyx in deep, rich Foundation, liquid foundation um. It'S not like my perfect, perfect color, but it it. I like the other tone. You know what I'm saying and I know, but how to even contouring, I'm gon na get it together. You know if you know what you're doing and you know what you're doing and um yeah yeah. When I do liquid foundation, I like to Pat her on, like I told y'all, I didn't do my under eye on the left eye. Yet I just wanted to get all my makeup done. First, because I hate doing my under eye, I didn't get messed up. You know I just wanted to show y'all what it was gon na look like you know, I mean because I know I know how to trust the process, but I just need to show y'all for a quick little. Second, you know what I'm saying: yeah foreign Jane about the situation I'm going in with the LA girl concealer the Highlight, then I'm going to use my Fenty concealer to contour and then I'm going to set my you know my um I'm gon na set my face For the powder, I always use Black Radiance I get, which I get from Walmart one of my favorite setting powders yeah. It really kind of speaks for yourself enjoy um, and this is my Scentsy concealer stick and caviar. I love how dark it is in a deep Brown. You know, being a dark girl, it's so hard to find a contour color concealer that you know gives what it needs to go, and this definitely gives it so shout out to Rihanna. You know what I'm saying for holding it down for the girls. You know all the shades. You know what I'm saying, because it'd be so hard to find a concealer. That'S dark enough to Contour with, but I love it so yeah I am going in and I'm going to use a dent brush the same brush. I used to blend out my eye Brow concealer, but I'm going to blend in my Contour first I like to blend in the darker color. I don't know why I like to play it in a darker color first and to make sure that I keep it in place, because once I go in and I blend in my highlight color anywhere, where I mess up with the dark color, you could kind of Clean up on, if that makes sense, you know what I'm saying but yeah. You know - and it also gives yourself time to let your highlight concealer warm up, because a little birdie told me that when you highlight and you're using your La girl concealer it's good when you like, put it on your face and let it sit. So it can kind of warm up. You know what I'm saying so, when I'm blending in my Contour you let that highlight warm up. Yes, yeah a little two for one illusion. Oh thank you! Foreign dense brush, as I get closer to my nose Contour, I just blend it out with my pinky um. I don't know why. After all these years, I still feel like I do my nose Contour best with my pinky. I, like my finger, like I, don't use my fingers to really do my makeup much. I don't like doing that. I don't know why I'll be seeing people use their fingers of mine, but I'm like I like doing that, but for my nose girl, I'm telling you it's the best blender for my nose Contour as y'all can see I'm blending everything out um as you blend your Face makeup make sure you blend your Contour first and then do all of your highlight and then Pat all over your face. Don'T go back and forth from your Contour to your highlight to your Contour, to your highlight it's just gon na make your money and yeah as y'all can see. I'M blending out my um nose, Contour. All with my finger first, I bleed out my Contour first. So that way my highlight can still pop and then I'm gon na go down very softly and blend out my highlight yeah as y'all. So I was very sorry for the eye. We do not want to blend out too much of the Highlight yeah, because if you've been were good enough to highlight on Papa, I need to pump yeah. You need her to sit there. Yeah get act like if you're gon na be beat just be beat, don't be scared of the beat. If you know what I'm saying get it yeah - and here I am going in with my black radiant setting powder - that I get from Walmart - and this is in the shade honeymoon. Oh my God, I love the setting powder it. I just like the shade just goes so well for my skin. You know what I'm saying um again just go in just let her sit then we're going in with the unit, and you know what I'm saying this beat did take me a little minute, but just as she bake you gon na see her come to life. I'M going in with this um a thin angle brush and I'm highlighting um. What setting I should say. I'M setting my highlight um on my nose. You know what I'm saying this dude helps in the long run, especially like over your beat when you start sweating and stuff, because I used to then set my notes too, but I started noticing the difference when I started going to the club so yeah make sure I set your nose. You already know um, I'm gon na go in depth with this wigging storm, but this wig is really not too much details. It'S a pretty simple install shout out to here hair trap. I'M gon na put that information down below she braided the unit. For me, the install was pretty simple um. If anything, I spend more time on the baby hairs, but just as y'all can see beautifully braided unit - oh my God, she's long, I'm so mad. I didn't get no footage of how long the unit was. I was so in the rest trying to do this Freestyle Friday, um with this freestyle challenge or whatever that I can get like footage of how long it is, but it's a 40 inch unit. I'M definitely gon na put her on soon again so comment below. If you want me to put this unit on again and do some more tutorials, but I'm definitely gon na. Do some more looks with this unit. So don't worry but um yeah, it's very simple. Through the cap on two layers of glue, um swoopy do for the baby hairs, I'm really not the best baby here, but I was being bold with this one. You know I was being bowed and you know we got to step it up. I do want to step up some little teas in my glams and you know really try more than I normally would so. With these baby hairs, I wanted to um, you know, give slay, but I wanted them to kind of look like not messy but kind of like looser than what I normally do them, because I normally do a real. You know my baby hairs because I'm trying to like step it up a little bit and sometimes I'll be noticing, like some baby, has me looking soft, so I already went in with a lot of moves. I didn't go in with no edge control actually and on this install Y'all Gon na See I'm just explaining it to you. Um, like I said two layers of glue tied it down. I did go in with that that ebn um Hair lace spray to kind of help to cure the lace as well, but other than that, not too many products was used in installing this unit yeah. Thank you. Thank you, okay. So I'm only going in with two layers but make sure you go in and put your lace down along the line or a little bit in front of that lace glue. You do not want to put your legs behind the glue. It'S just it's gon na be too much to clean up, whereas if you got a little lace that needs a little more glue laid on it. It'S easy to just throw a little dab of glue yeah, but just be real precise when you pressing them in there. But once she in there and she needs to be there pressed do your big one secure her. You can see I'm going in with that comb. You know I mean I'm padding, I'm using my finger, I'm really pad and I'm getting pad pad. Paddle like you know what I'm saying, and sometimes you can't be afraid of that lace glue or that lace you got to. Let them know you in charge like no. Ladies, you, no no, we got ta adhere y'all. No! No! No! I know you want to be. I know you. No! No! I know you want to kind of snag and pull, but no you're about to stick. No from you. This guy I've been New York. Wonder lace plan I was talking about this is the adhesive spray. This is the active firm hold um, so it's fast drying um. I love putting that down like you know, spread her and then tying it down. She really gon na help it here. However, you do got ta move fast with her, because if you spray her and then her sit too long, she will make your lace glue kind of lift. But if you spray her, you do your big one. You move quick. You cut her down. Oh yeah, yeah yeah, we don't use, got to be no more to to help adhere her, but you got ta move quick with her, though yeah okay. So this is what it gives once you untied. I left it tie down for like 30 minutes and, as you can see, she's laid I'm feeling it. Oh my God, okay, so I just cut my lace, zigzag it um. You know I could I take my time when I cut my legs. I cut piece by piece to go in and go in and really cut her um with these baby hairs. I'M not even finna break them down like I'm about to teach y'all too much. Look I'm going in with a little bit of moose a a brush and Faith y'all like I pray that work out for y'all. Hopefully the visual help you, because if the visual don't help, I don't even know how to break it down baby girl, because I was just going there like just with a little faithful ski like I don't even usually be doing the overly swoopy. But I just knew that this is what the baby hairs was needed. This is what the assignment was, because you know I'll be doing braids. You know I mean I'm real middle part bust down swoop swoop, BM, okay cute, but I just wanted to give a real Janae. I ain't go like a Bohemian fish. You know what I'm saying so but like I didn't wanted them to look too sleek. So I didn't use no edge control or nothing just yeah. I hope you rocking with it, because I did it in a game. So yeah foreign foreign, like I said, a little bit of mousse a brush in faith. I foreign different from what I normally would do is normally. I would just use the mousse to mold the shape, and once I got the shape, how I got like the first one. I would then just go in with a little product and then bow just a little bit perfect, but then it's just gon na be really stuck, which is not bad. However, like I said, I wanted these to look a little softer, I'm trying a different technique and I just wanted to just mousse it really good and then tie the mousse down and just see if it just give real soft baby hair. So let me know if y'all like the soft baby hair illusion I gave because I really tried to give a soft wispy, but still like you know, you know what I'm saying. Let me know I'm trying to think. Like you know what I'm saying be be honest in the comments you don't got. Tough skin, keep it 100 with me, yeah you it and thank you, foreign, it's giving oh yeah. What I did do I forgot to tell y'all when I cut my baby ears I curled before I had like before I cut them. I had already curled them with a small. I did it off camera. I curled it with a small little wand. It'S like not even a half inches like that little mine that little mini wine little mini one. I curled it with that because it's just once you curl it and then cut it as y'all can see. It'S like really easy to smooth it's just already falling into that curled shape versus having to make that from scratch. I'M sure some of y'all could do it from scratch, but I got thin girl a little moves. A brush and faith foreign keep that between us, though I mean I'm already doing a deep side. Part anybody gon na really know it like that. Yeah, as y'all can see, I'm going in with a dense brush and I'm just patting out the setting powder and yeah as y'all can see my baby hairs. I didn't tie them down, I just kind of let them moisturize them and just wanted to see what it gives just letting them just kind of exist. You know what I'm saying: instead of tying them down and going in with additional products, it no shade once you just get your beat together and you ain't got to move your hair, no more, it gives it. You know what I'm saying so like you can see. I'M brushing out all of the powder I went in with my NYX matte, not flat, setting spray. Once I spread I like to Pat it in some more, I went in with the same eyeshadow palette, I selected beautiful, hot, pink um, and I went in and used her as a blush that is gorgeous Gangsta. By the way, then I went in again with shape. Shifter and used her as a highlight so yeah as you can see, I used to hate doing blush, but that pink really helps my skin and that highlighting that Contour look more fleshy, which makes it look more. You know reddish more skin. I have a red undertone. So I don't want just a bunch of news on my face and you ain't got no redness on your face girl, but everything else on your body is red. You know, but yeah as y'all can see. I highlighted my nose as well with my finger. I really wish I could package up my finger as the nose brush and sell it. Yeah I mean okay, so I'm going in with that same eyebrow pencil using it as a lip liner. Then I'm going to go in with my L'Oreal 800 Ferris nude, lipstick um. After that, I'm gon na pat pat, you know, then I'm going in with a little Hair beauty supply store, um lip gloss, because I love a glossy lip. I'M just kind of helping um blend that lip liner and lip stick with the gloss. If that makes sense, and plus it makes it look a little shinier, you know, I love a shiny lip, I'm not really that type of a Mac girl, but as y'all can see, this is a finished result. Foreign. I really wanted to see if I did better with like explaining my eye makeup, because y'all always ask me about my eyes, so I really want to focus on my eyes and my install. I did my nails as well. Tell me if y'all want me to include a little nail tutorial next time, but over uh. I hope y'all guys really like this transformation. I'M getting to work comment below. I'M definitely going to read the comments and respond and my favorite comment is going to be mentioned in the next tutorial. I promise so yeah and I'ma shout out the commenter. Okay make sure y'all like comment subscribe and all that you ain't knows: foreign

Michele Garris: Thanks. Now this is the real definition of " DETAIL ".I am a beginner. Absolutely beautiful!

Living life with Tia: Everything turned out beautiful. I enjoyed watching.

Galaxia: I love the look! And I def want to try this eye look! So cute

Bre The Beautician: I love everything from start to finish I love this makeup look definitely trying it out. As a hairstylist I would recommend you to apply your wig first so you don’t mess up your makeup. Tie it down and everything will be laid into place by time your done with your makeup✨ Beautiful work

Sharon Howard: Thanks for sharing, you made everything look so easy and the finish was beautiful !!

Dominica DCP Divinely: This is now my tutorial. I clicked more with this one than any other. Thanks boo

Tonii.1208: This whole look really came together at the end. I love it ❤

Olivia G: Thank you for sharing with us, you look amazing. I love your look

It’s Kayki Babe: It’s really giving sexy ❤️ I’m loving the braces as well ❤️❤️❤️ swooped them baby hairs so damn good too!!


SHAKE 22: Amazing

Melissa Watson: I ABSOLUTELY love this look. It’s givin EVERYTHING huntyyy! I wanna try the hair install . Where did you get it?

Latoya Brackett: Beautiful ❤️

Samdra Young: I just love it


Jazlyn Wells: Love it beautiful you did a good job

lindacantonlc: Love this

Maddyisweird: GORGEOUS

Tykesha Perkins: I like your show and your family is so blessed

jb is always a lady: I love the video. this is how it should be very detailed. for me I’m a beginner in make up. but I think I’m just gonna take a class . I love the Bambi eye look. I think the baby hair technique is good however all the hair have to go in the same direction because you could see a little bit of that stray hairs not lined up., but that’s OK nobody’s gonna be looking that close , but because of camera you were up on camera that’s the only way you could see it., no worries it was good You did a live one time in May 2022 you worked with this tie-dye color eyeshadow but it came out like a pretty peacock color then you made your cheeks just pop because you already have like little apple cheeks already and it was something you use just made a Cheeks pop and then slept in make up and make up look so perfect steel. you always do an awesome job and I always trust the process when you’re doing your make up. I wish I could do my make up like that but like I said I’m a just take a class. you make yourself look like a different person that’s the trip part. When other people wear make up the person just looks like they got make up on. You made a touchdown on that make up doodle bug

Stormy Hayes: Jay bay show how you put your Rhinestones on with your dark,gorgeous self.

Nikki Curtis: hi, where did you purchase this unit

Tanya Critten: I love it! I watch to see what color and products you use because ima dark girl too...yaaaaaayyyy

Jean Pickett: Love watching you ❤ you look Gorgeous, make up

Deborah A: You always do a beautiful job with your hair and makeup keep up the amazing work

Rhondisa Cotton: ⚘ Queen, hats off... and two thumbs up⚘ "You did Dat, Diva"⚘ Yessss Queen

Camilla Hall: I absolutely love you're makeup... Definitely popping!!!

Bridget Sipp: ♥️

MUD BABY LEO ♌️ GODDESS 11:11: Love the look you did a great job tip just put a lil powder or concealer through the wig scalp because you see the cap on the side of the braid hanging

Mary Lovett: You look gorgeous !!! LOVE IT.

ALC production: Where have u been I miss the videos the way the wigs look I'm learning I don't wear lace but now I want to try it...

Crystalprettydiva4💖💖: Pretty soft baby hairs

Smithy: Parents must be proud

Miss Houston: What colour contacts and where from

Meech & Bo:

Tiffany Young:

Adrian Curiel: U DID THAT LIKE ALWAYS #StraightStunnaShowStoppa

Nina Adaway: Beautiful ❤️

Tyrah Taylor: Lord how much u charge for a face ❤

Chris Hordge: Wow beautiful beautiful girlfriend you need to be on somebody's magazine you are beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Shantel Headlam: I just love u bruh ❤

Meech & Bo: Baby stopping you cold and cute with it pooh you got me

MS.007💕DOLT: Cut to the Chase….. love it

Samantha Joseph: No sir' makeup needs blending.

l3eautyy: Thanks for the makeup idea cause imma try this myself . I don’t use brushes Fr even tho I know i should but i use my fingers.

Gie Murphy: Love you JayWill

Pierrea Harris: ILY & I'm pissed thought I been subscribed new subbie but not really

Kashmere Majesty:

Jaqieta Rogers: u did that luv it yessss

777 kim: Is this daily make up? I love it . I want to copy cat like you but peoples think too much What do you think of people's judge and think?

Lamar Thompson: Somebody told me they were going to a event and they needed a glam squad. And i told them no you don't you need kandi.

Beautyunparelle: This look is giving what tf it shoulda gave

Keke Petti3: Ty Ty Ty!!! This was so Easy to understand. Straight to the point

Smooth Morrison: Enjoyed watching. ✌️❤️

veehobbs: YOU DID THAT BABY....XOXO ❤

Tashonda McCray: Link for the braid unit plz

wvrthy!: it’s givin real sunset, late evening beach vibess

Rhonda Neal: Ok candy

Latora Johnson: Yessss baby ❤❤❤

Regine Peoples:

Homo habilis 🧞‍♀️: Ufff slayyy

nolasownuptown: ☄️☄️

Nae Nae:

Andrea: i love you and your videos

Teah Miller:

kd alwayslive:

k grace: I luv me some Jay Will eat Kandi!!

lovely r: Hey BishI'm taking notes

Melted dark chocolate: Everything cute but the foundation is too light on your face. You need to settle with the dark foundation. Like maybe Conag noga for example

AOK123AOK123: this Crush instrumental is crazyy

Gabrielle Duarte: Whoa

Boxing Guy:



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