Trying On Wigs I Bought From Amazon!

I actually had a change of heart on the blue wig as I was editing this video and realized it wasn't that bad lol

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Purple wig

Blue wig

pink wig

This is my box of wigs literally, I have the best time by myself. It'S crazy, hey guys. It'S Judy welcome back to my channel if you're new, here hi my name is Judy. Welcome to my channel. You know like when you have baby fever and you keep saying like all these cute babies everywhere and then you finally get around a baby, and then you play with that baby or you hold that baby and then the next day, you're like oh okay, I'm over Right now, that's what I'm hoping these wigs do for me today, because I recently told myself I was gon na go on this curly hair journey. I cut off all my hair, I'm like! Let me start fresh. Let me get my curls back. Let me get rid of a lot of the damage and not dye. My hair not straighten my hair until my hair gets healthy again, so we're about two weeks into that journey and my hair's a mess and I'm over it. If you guys don't know me, then you guys don't know that I am the most impatient person that ever met in my life. So the fact that it's only been two weeks and my hair is literally not down. My back already is like a mind, blown right now, so I decided I was gon na, be buying some wigs off of Amazon and trying them on today. I love Amazon, shout out to my sister for having Amazon Prime. I buy everything off of Amazon Prime, so I have high hopes for these wigs Amazon don't fail me. Let'S just go from the top, let's just grab from the top and go and see I'm gon na pull up Amazon. So I can kind of give you guys. The info on the wig, as I am holding it up so in case you guys happen to love it or you want to try it out. I can have all the info for you so now. I think the link that I bought I got these are so freakin cute. This bad boy right here is called The Crying Lin short bob colorful wig wavy. This was $ 15 for this, and the color that I got says pink, but the top this purple, let's open this up and see okay, so it comes in this cute little bag right here it has a wig cap and then here she goes right here. I'M gon na go ahead and take it out of everything and show you guys, like the full effect of what it looks like and we're just gon na go ahead and plop this thing on my head and see what happens? Oh she's cute. Look at that. So it is purple at the top with like some pink streaks. If you can see that and then it just hombres all the way down to like a pretty pink color and it's wavy. So I'm gon na go ahead and put my hair in a little bun and then put the wig cap on and we're gon na put miss crying Lynne on and see what she looks like. Okay, I poured my hair back just so I can put this little cap on these instructions are too funny. Look what he wants me to do to put this little wig cap on alrighty, so we're gon na. Do it just like it tells me to look at me. I think this is right. Cap secured now we're gon na go on to miss crying Lynne here, see what she Tom about. Oh you guys literally, I have the best time by myself. It'S crazy! Oh, I think my head is too big for this. Should I push her back to my normal hair line or what oh? This is actually stuff? Okay, okay, the first negative that I'm gon na point out is that there's no way I'm hiding ten head. This thing is out there: okay, this is it from the side. Do you guys love her? I love her so much. Oh, let's see if we could do some hairstyles with them, because I got a lot of time in quarantine and, oh that can't be right. Let'S say I want to go out in public and my hair is still looking the way I got it. Looking we want have to get creative all right, we're gon na try to do a hairstyle with her today I got my daughter's little clips right here. So we're going to use them we're gon na use pink to go on theme. I'M gon na take one of these little pink clips and just take her and pin her back. Oh, this is so cute. We'Re gon na go, get Joey's opinion you guys and see what he says about my wig, maybe actually the front you guys for $ 15. This isn't bad. What do you guys think? Do you guys think it looks good? Does it look like my real here? This is what it looks like at the top. Oh my god, my forehead is so freakin big, oh my god that is so embarrassing. Okay, you guys, honestly, I freaking love this wig. This is like I'm feeling, like a whole new person right now. I love this. So much maybe like I can cover this with like a hat or something I can't tell if it looks that bad on camera as it does like in person in the mirror, but I am like living right now. I don't even know who I think I am miss crying Lana right now she gets a I'm gon na give her an 8 out of 10. I really want to give her a 10 out of 10, but we got to figure out this situation because I don't know how I could ever wear this just outside like this and people not know it's a wig or like do I even care we're gon na Get Joey's opinion on all of these at the end, for now we're gon na go on to the next one, so I'm just gon na. Oh okay, let me pull this one up and see what the heck I ordered this one is called one: u star! Women'S light blue wig 18 inch long, wavy, curly, wig, cosplay party sky, blue wig, boom, okay, Amazon. This one was seventeen dollars, so this one was a little more expensive than the one I have on now, but she comes in a bag like this. I also see a little wig cap, which we already got one on, so we're just gon na use that one opener refill. Let'S open this thing up, okay and they actually feel really good like I'm just so surprised right now, I didn't think it was gon na. Be this good okay, so, just by looking at this week, let me zoom in too you guys can see this one is like literally all hair. You don't see the cap, but on this one it's like a little thin up there. You definitely see that cap up top, but maybe that'll, make it look a little more natural, so we're gon na go ahead and put this one on and see what it looks like. I wonder if I got all of them wavy, I should have got some different styles if I did oops, but I really love the color so far yeah. I see me in the grocery store with these things on alright, let's go ahead and put this one on. Hmm, okay, it's not bad, it's not bad y'all. Is it? Do you think it's back? Maybe I got ta brush it out a little bit, maybe cuz it was all confined in the bag. I kind of give it some life back. Oh wow, okay, note to self and never go this color cuz boy. This one is not what's hot. For me, it feels really good um. The color is pretty, but the color is not for me. Oh, I'm gon na give it like a three because it might be cute on someone else. It'S just not cute on me. So, like I feel like this one will be cuter. I see everybody looks cuter and a half up half down, but you can literally see all my hair plus this little band right here. So what's going on with this one y'all see it could be so cute, but it's just so ugly. I'M not a fan of this one, we'll see what Joey thinks at the end, but I might give her a three. She. She gets a solid three, not my favorite, we're gon na move on to the next one she's, like all in my eyelashes look. Okay. This is the last one that I have here. This one is pink. This one looks cute. Let'S see what this one is. Oh you guys this one has a bang. This one is caught. Varane 14 inch short curly, womens girls, charming synthetic wig with err. Bangs wig cap included, lovely pink, okay. This one was $ 15 as well. So so far the was the most expensive 417 and then the first one and then last one are $ 15 each. So let's go ahead and get rid of this one. I had high hopes for you, girl put her over there and let's go ahead and try this one on here. Stop when you open this one up, Oh stuff is flying everywhere. It has this little border thingy and let's go ahead and see what this one looks like when I take it out. I don't even know where the top is for this one, because I had the bangs I'm so lost. Let'S shake this thing out. This is a very cute color, okay, so I found the top. I found the front. This is the front for this one. So the one good thing about this one is at least it's gon na cover my forehead. Alright, let's try to put this one on this way, so I don't get my bangs all in my face. Okay, first of all, okay, so that's like right on these days looks so freakin homemade! Look at them! Oh, my goodness. I can't even like barely see because I feel like they're touching my eyelashes, so it's just like bothering me hon. Let me put my mirror up here, so I can kind of comb through this one and see so the front is longer than the back this one. Also feels really good you guys, let's give this side some loving kind of loosen these curls up a little bit um. Maybe let's move the bank? No, when you move the bank, it's hideous, it's the bang! That'S throwing me off you guys, maybe because I don't ever have bangs that I'm just like what is going on right now: okay, I'm just gon na brush my bangs here, yo, okay, it's not the worst one. I still think the blue one was worse than this. One, the only thing that's throwing me off is like, because I hear y'all, the only thing that's throwing me off, I would say, are these bangs, but again I don't have bangs. So I think it's just like a shock of seeing myself with bangs. That'S throwing me off or that they're like cut super uneven, because I don't know, but at least on the positive note you can't see my forehead you and see my little wig cap. You can't see anything else. Still can't pick this one up. How do you put a wig on you guys? What am I doing wrong, or is that just how they are um? I would give this one. These bangs are like annoying me. I'M gon na give this one a 5 out of 10 only because the bangs are like really throwing me off. Maybe I got it. Maybe I need to push this one back. This is my fiancee Joey we're gon na get his reactions to all of the wigs right now. So I'm gon na ask you to close your eyes and I'll put the wig on, and I want to ask you to open then take a look. Okay, but all right close your eyes, okay hold on baby cuz. I got ta figure out how to wear this one. Oh okay, ready open your eyes, got a Madonna thing going on huh. What do you think? I want you to tell me like what you think about it and then rate it one through ten. I think it's nice, it looks good. What do you think about the color? It'S a little risque. What do you think about the length I like should I, like short hair, so I'm okay with the link, it's a perfect length actually, and what do you think about the banks? They'Re, not bad? No, no! Okay! 1! Through 10. What do you give it? A 7 solid, solid, solid 7 because it looks good on you. I think the bangs are throwing me off just because I don't have bangs so I'm like. Why are they just sitting like that? And I keep feeling like I have to go like this, but then, if I pull the wig back, oh that is too woody. Okay, so we're gon na go on to the next one right. Ah, wait! Don'T open your eyes it! I didn't even think about putting this thing to the side. Would they have been cute? Probably not. Let'S go back to the front, okay open. Why are you laughing? You got like a Kim K thing going on right there, a little fun, swags uh-huh, you see. Okay, do you like it? It'S not it's not bad. I mean you could tell this one, that it's fake for sure. That'S what I said for sure to like a great leg is like with the bangs it covers it. So you can't really see. I'M gon na have to figure out how long I mean like you just tell like that's a wig, Oh like that one is like more like Wiggy. Yes, okay, what do you think about the color? It'S it? Oh, you got a pink bag here. It'S not bad. Do this here, why? I can't? Oh you see a little man. I just gave you a. We got a whole bunch of flair Wow. I love it. I'M not lame all women, so he comes with that part. Okay. What do you give it overall? What do you rate it? I'M have to go to another seven, because I don't dislike it all right, close your eyes. For the last one and you're gon na hear Nana mm-hmm stay protected at all times baby. These things shed, though, look at that open yours and the blue yeah. Honestly, I see bad my favorite color. Do you think I would do a flip with this one? We can't be in public and you're doing that they see that I'll, be like sorry, yeah. Look! This it is like this fall. I like her really here. This doesn't flip is good. No thanks is like a six. Maybe I think we're on the same page. They don't about. The two were better. I did my favorite color, but this it just it don't go with your face, alrighty guys. That was all for today's video. Thank you so much for watching. If you like this video, please go ahead and give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to. My channel, thank you guys so much for watching. I appreciate all the support and I'll see you guys next time.

Judy G: I called the first wig “crying Lin” the entire video and it’s called “cying Lin” oops

Kristen Nicolosi: LOL this is such a fun video!! my friends and I had a wig party once, it was amazing. subbed <3

Rad_Cass: I love your energy and camera presence awesome video!!

AlexandriaASMR: your laugh is so contagious hahaha i love this video!!!!

Harika: you're so cool girl keep doing these ❤️ i just subbed lets stay connected

Hemu Art World: *Nice video and great Haul, thanks for sharing, new fnd here just clicked the button *

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