“Hidden Heart” Peekaboo Haircolor Tutorial

Stela wants her hair done and I can’t let her big sister’s fancy new unicorn hair upstage! So I’m pulling out al the stops for this unique peekaboo color I created just for my little heart stopper!

Would you hey guys today we're doing my hair, my hair? That'S why I look so crazy right now on eyes, the apron on we didn't bleach, my hair soon. Actually, meat we're doing bleaching my hair, so it can be blonde. So my hair is not that blonde. My mom made this cute thing in the back of my hair. Did you see it it's a heart in the back and I'm wearing jeans and a green shirt? So that's what I have to wear just this. Everyone has to wear that because so they don't get their stuff dirty all right. That'S enough! Hi! Everybody today we're doing Stella's hair, I'm gon na show them honey. Relax big sister got her hair done and because big sister is a little bigger, I let the neighbor do her hair. So earlier not earlier yesterday I bleached out pieces of gingers hair and then our sweet neighbour Courtney gave her this really pretty kind of hot relax. So I'm going to show you I'm doing stalls hair today what we've done. I have a couple, little tips for you about doing this kind of hair and I'm gon na show you really quick. Do your hairdresser style, so Stella is only six. So I don't like to do she's almost six. You act sick. Sometimes you act like you're thirty. I just did a fun little heart section right here, so this is under the round of Stella's head, which means that when this hair falls on top of it, it's not gon na be very obvious right there. But if she wears her hair and a part split down the middle here, we'll get a big piece of red it'll show in a ponytail and it'll show down here. So what I'm gon na? Do I section these out of the way so that I don't get any color on them? Cuz, I'm gon na bleach out this whole thing right here and to protect this hair. I am going to put a a bit of gel, are kind of like Vaseline on that to see, hopefully, the color won't bleed. Let me see: here's Ginger's hair, so shriek, a blue, beautiful wowzers October colors from gingers hair just recently hi we're trying to use some of these. That'S kind of what made me think of the heart was all these reds and Pink's that we have okay. Here we go so I have four different mixtures here and I can't tell you all my secrets, but two of them are bleach and this is conditioner that I'm gon na use around the heart shape and I'll. Just let you know that I use different formulas, because I'm gon na do sort of a color melting situation, so I don't need it to get as bright up at the top, as I do at the bottom, working on our smoothie mmm. All right, we're back with Stella mom, is finished, washing it out umm. What I did is I kept all her partings in and now I'm just gon na dry this, because when I color it I don't want to have to go and resection everything. So you can see we got it really gold and light on the bottom, because our colors have a little more depth to them. It'S okay, that our blonde that isn't white blonde, because hopefully that means the colors are going to hang on a little bit better. This relaxed we've got to wait about 20 minutes now. Can you sit here watching TV for 20 minutes? You

Redmonroe5: I love this good work ❤️

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