Coloring In New Bennett Klein And Ribbon Haul

New #ColorBook by Bennett Klein, #Gardens

and a HL #Ribbon Haul #ideas

Scott Serkland YT Channel:

Okay, i think we're live there. Let'S see, let me fix my camera a little bit straight. I hear you malibu, oh my gosh. There we go so i think that's straight we'll zoom in when we do stuff, but so give everybody a minute to get in hope. Everybody'S having a wonderful wednesday as julie would say, we got our uh asmr lemon water for rachel, who can't be here by the way, hi jason you're so funny. If y'all don't follow jason and jiminy cricket he's on illustrations by design um his youtube channel. Oh my gosh you're, so funny um good morning i see mitzi hi back hudson um. I don't know if i know you hudson good morning. Anybody else coming in yeah, darn, lemon water. I drink my coffee first thing. So that's already, you know, consumed by the time. I stream at 8 30 i'm into the lemon water or sometimes cranberry juice, whichever pamela so uh hi. I lurk welcome a little lurker, hudson good to have you and uh, so i'm almost finished with um. This double page spread out of pop manga dragons. So we did this a couple weeks ago. I'M almost done with it i'll post it on instagram. When i'm done and uh, i got uh some happy mail. I got some ribbon haul from hobby lobby and some yarns and i started working on a little little thing. Hi julianne, linda linda, i did send out uh timothy's uh moose. It should be getting there like by now or today. So hopefully, he'll get his moose trying uh. Let'S see julianne maverick joining the lurkers, all right maverick! Thank you for being here. I got janet nash. Tommy joe ck uh welcome welcome from mexico uh b. Let'S see so, are you on vacay or are you do you live in mexico ck or are you on vacay uh? Let'S see, melissa g melody loves her hobbies. Oh, he got it. Okay, he got the moves. Oh good, i'm so glad i hope he put a smile on his face, linda i'm glad hi little red wagon melissa g. Who else am i missing anyway, thanks everybody for being here, i don't know why i wore i should fold up my sleeves uh. Let'S see yes, it's a little rug, i'm making a little rug, but here's the thing janet. I don't really you know i don't do. I did a couple of things i'm going to show y'all. So i started to i started to sew this around and around, and i said why am i doing that i just needed. Four barbies photo shoot, so, let's just roll it around like this. Let'S just roll it and take a picture of her, which i did do. Let me show you um, i have her sewing it and i'll, probably post this later today, too y'all. Let me know what you think um. Let me go to my photos here. Let'S see album, see all to do so. Yeah look she's holding a little needle and thread what so i don't i like it. I don't know her eyes got glared on this one. So, but i like the background, but i don't know if i like this one better. I kind of like this one better. So it's either between this one or that one. What do y'all think i kind of like her in one, but i like the whole scene in two, so i might go with one. I think i kind of like her better in this one, one or two. So i kind of like i kind of like uh kind of like that with women, i'm gon na text - you i think denise has texted me so uh hi, mark wood, dab, hedgie, eddie, you've been getting your uh happy mail, hi, angie, angie, look you're inspiring me, But it only inspired me to sew this much. I got tired of it by that and i said oh, let's just wrap it. Let'S just wrap the rest of it. The rest is just going so yeah, so i got her um yeah. She got her. This is this: this is the yoga i didn't get her because of the yoga. I got it because she's posable, so i wanted to get some posables. You know where they have the jointed, because a lot of the barbies are not jointed and you're stuck with whatever but um yeah. She uh she's the yoga barbie. Oh here we go so look. How are you feeling use your voice with me? Look at malibu, so i don't know how to make her stop. It has to kind of run a course of like three or four things all right. Oh my gosh, oh baby, you can't go over there. You'Re gon na have to you have to okay. Let'S get it come on so anyway yeah, so i just started rolling the rug around just so i could take a picture you like that. Dolly face hi janet good morning, so i did that and, like i said i i got this far of sewing it down and i said uh i don't need to do that. Let'S just go ahead and roll it take our picture, but this stuff is expensive. I got it in the hobby. Lobby has a ribbon had a ribbon clearance, i'm going to show you all that in a minute and we're going to color in this today, so they had um. This is what it looks like look, i'm going to show it to you first. So it comes like this and these big giant skeins and you know how much these things cut. They was in the clearance i would not have bought it. Otherwise, um you're going to try to make some placemats. Oh good, angie i'll, buy some so look. Normally the price is i'll cover. 39.99. I got it for well, you can't say it's orange, it's 9.99. So i got two different skeins for 9.99 and then of course, after i used this one, i i rolled this up. You know i rolled this one up so yeah. I said oh, my gosh. I can't believe how expensive that stuff is so hi tina good morning. Thanks for all the good mornings to everybody tina good morning, my little snapdragon pacola tina's clicking on everybody to say good morning to them hello, brenda, a um setting up for zoom. Okay, all right go charge your macbook brenda thanks for stopping in, let's see kimberly b, who else i know, i'm probably missing maseki? Who else am i missing deb? I think i said hi to deb e um, so anyway, yeah and it looks way brighter on camera because it just wants to you know, pull that color up and then all the other yarn, all the other yarn was uh 30 or 40 off. So i got these two skeins um thinking. I was going to use this to sew with to sew these together and i said no, let's just use some. Let'S just use some floss, so i just started sewing with floss um, but i got these two skeins were on on a sale for 30 off, so look they're just so pretty i'm going to make some stuff well, i did make something with this. I feel like they're going to laugh at me. Hi scrap girl. They all go so laugh at me with my barbie stuff, but i'm having so much fun. Denise and i are having so much fun with the barbie shoots. Look at that looks like a smile, we're having so much fun with the barbie uh photo shoots so anyway, i took um as you pull this out of the middle first. It was all blue, and then you know it's like at all: it's not really ombre, because it changes colors, but not in a dramatic way, there's a whole bunch of blue all a bunch of pink a whole bunch of green. So i i made this don't laugh at me and aunt beck's gon na laugh at me, because i do not. I mean i crochet like scarves that's about as much as i don't make me pants with that. I'M gon na knit you some pants uh janet. No, i don't knit i mean, i know i know how to do just basic knitting, but i haven't done it in years and same thing for crochet i've crocheted scarves. You know i just you know plain old, crochet, scarfs, nothing, fancy so amp back. I don't know. If she's still here she's going to love this, so i made her, i made her a little vast and she's holding and i put little beads on and i did put fringe. I made fringe individual individual little pieces of fringe to tie on the end so yeah. I made a little vest. Oh my gosh, you like it piccola. So yeah, it's nothing fancy! You know it's just a plain crochet, you know, look see it's, but i did put the i did put fringe on it. She'S on her stand, so it's kind of getting caught up on the stand, but uh yeah. I thought i thought that was kind of pretty and that's all i got for uh. That'S all i got for the barbies right now, let's make my eyes water laughing. I do have some new friends, but i'm not going to show you to them because i want them to be introduced as we you know as i as i set them up um. I will show you this. Let'S see if y'all can kind of guess you know we're. Do i'm trying to do a few fairy tale ones because i'm doing the fairytale zine swap with janet, so i am going to do some um photography. I already did peter piper and the peppers. I did that with uh my barbie photography. So can y'all guess now. If you, if you don't like spiders, look away, it's not a real spider. It'S a plastic spider. I got it on clearance at michaels, but if you are uh an acrophobic, then just look away. Okay, but can you guess what fairy tale i'm gon na do with this i'm gon na do another little fairy tale photo shoot. So i got that uh. Let'S see oh hi arlene, who else am i missing um? I had a barbie growing up in my first barbie at 58, when my former girl scout - oh that's so fun i mean i did have barbies when i was little you know and um yeah. I don't have those anymore uh. What happened was is uh. Well i don't want to. I don't want to blame anybody, but one of my daughters went to her friend's house and and spent the night and came home the next day. Without my barbies i said you could take them and play with them, but bring them back when you come back and spend the night well, she came back and she didn't bring him back and the people moved never saw my barbies again so um yeah. So now i'm recreating my childhood. Well, i don't blame you there tina. I don't blame you there so anyway, i did make this. I did make it for my little yoga girl to sit on she. She was making this rug. She was actually sewing this rug and that's what the photo's gon na show. So you got ta have some fun people you got. Ta have some fun um? Okay! So let me move this and again i rolled up this game. This is what's left from doing this. Little little rug: this is how big they are when they come in this game. But again i would not have bought this for 40 bucks. I mean i'd have to have something real special to make for that, not just a barbie rug, but because it was nine bucks. I got it so all right. Let me move this off the table here and my little yarn that i got for 30 30 or it was you had 30 or 40 percent off. So then i got um. Some ribbon was on clearance: let's go ahead and zoom in let's go ahead and zoom in a little um. They had ribbon on clearance, not all the hobby lobby ribbon, but a lot of the ribbon was on sale for 40 off i mean i'm sorry clearance um. I think it was uh like 40 or 50 off last week or the week before they had a sale, but they had they marked all it'll all down in clearance. So let me show you what i got for clearance. There were 99 cents. Some of them were like this either 74 cents or 90 cents. So let me show you what i got here and we will we will unbox, though i mean we will take them out. I need something to hold this: let's get yoga girl to hold them yeah. You hold those for me, so these were all 99 cents or 74 cents. This is it so uh yeah, let's see what there's some 80s since i was started again. My mom gave away. I know i know ck and yeah. You know they're real expensive. Now you know you got ta, go look on yard sales and garage sales and, of course, probably facebook marketplace and all that so um okay. So we are going to open on these and look at them, so they were marked down like this. One was 74 cents. Normally, normally let me see hang on, let's get this, this one was normally 2.99 and they got the pen. So you know you got extra pins too. I'M gon na save the pins and i will take them off of these and put them on other rolls, because these rolls are take up a lot of room and if you flatten them out and fold them. So this is a nice edge trim either. For my uh prayer scrolls or my prayer pouches, this is what i'm thinking on some of these like this. This is a good one for the prayer scroll or the prayer pouch. So there's that one and the same one in blue and it's this week. So if you all have a hobby lobby, it's going on now. Well, i don't know if it's all hobby lobbies, i can't you know who knows because it might might not be all hobby lobbies, but so then there's this one and again 74 cents. Okay, then, let's see what something is saying this one's this was 74 cents and there's some black lace um this one was 99 cents, and i'm thinking you know something barbie with this. Of course this has got to be some she's going to need. She knows she's going to be a ballerina princess fairy. We denise and i i made her a wig. We made a barbie wig like a rapunzel wig. We made her a barbie. This will be good for, like a fairy princess, you know rapunzel something like that. It'S normally 399 for 99 cents and then these pearls these now these are the most expensive. They were a dollar, for they were reduced to 1.49, normally 3.99. So these were um there we go so it's just strands of pearls. Well, you know fake pearls, so there's that i'm going now because i went yesterday and guys, oh, you got some of the of the uh clearanced out ribbon. It was a good deal. Wasn'T it? There was like three people in there over there with me like looking at it all right, yeah. We know a good deal when it when it comes. This was 99 cents and again it's um. It'S a tool or netting with uh daisies on it's pink. It'S pink! You can't tell right here, but it's pink with daisies 99 cents. This was regularly 3.99. Then we got these three, these uh. Let'S see this oh wait! These are all the same here this one all right, this one was 74 cents and it's a very um like velvety, like very soft, so there's that one trims and paper studios on clint, some beautiful. I know right right, pacola. I hear you girl it's nice to get those red. You look for those red labels at hobby lobby. I do. I just came up okay, so i got. Let me just show you i'll just take the plastic off and show you one of these are all the same, just different colors, and this is like um. What'S that bathrobe material, you know it's that bathrobe material. What am i thinking? You know this stuff like what bathrobes are made out of it's kind of like that. It'S like cording, but it's uh. What am i thinking? What'S that fabric where's, that back? What'S that fabric, that's like uh like a bathrobe fabric, but it's on a cord. It'S like corden. You could make some rugs with these, but again, i'm not making the rugs anymore, because it's just going to be for a photo shoot we're going to go with uh. Let me get a pen here. Um terry cloth is what i'm thinking terry cloth. It'S like terry cloth, but if i'm gon na make a rug just for a barbie shoot, it's just gon na be a faux yeah. Thank you. Julianne! It'S going to be a faux rug. Angie can make angie could make um bowls out of this and and things, but now, if i'm going to make a rug or something out of this, it's just gon na be um. This way, let me unroll the whole thing here for a photo shoot. You know. I don't need a bunch of barbie rugs sitting around my house, but i love them. I love doing the photo shoots with them. So look how quick we can roll out a rug. We can roll out a rug, really quick chenille, maybe i'm thinking of chenille. No, that's the bed spread linda the chenille. Is the bed spreads with those little bumpy, flowers and stuff? That'S what i would think of as chenille. This would be more terry cloth yeah. This isn't as quite as soft as chenille. I don't think, but uh but yeah. There is that there is chenille, linda everybody's grandmother, had a chenille bedspread at one time, didn't they hi, kathy, burke, okay, so there's that see how quick you can make a brug and all she needs. You know it's just for um just for sitting. There photo shoot and we're done we're done. Oh kathy, you missed the pretty bright pink rug. You'Ll have to go back and look okay. So oh there's that there's those uh those ribbons, then the only other thing i got ta. No, i got two more things. I got the paper studio. I left it in the box just to show it to you, but now that i'm you know i'm unboxing it. I always unbox it. I don't keep all this packaging, but it's normally 12.99 and it was 324.. So it's um how many envelopes 5x7 50. 50 envelopes 50 cards for 324. - they had and they were almost wiped out. They had a couple of these and the white ones, i think, were all gone i'll, just put a rubber band around that way. I can access them quicker, so yeah, but these are good for drawing on. If you just if you like to uh uh, do you know um tone tan paper sketches? You got 50 of them here and if you want to send to somebody, you got 50 envelopes. So yeah three bucks for those all right. So, let's see oh, i got one more thing on clearance, all the um. What do you call it? The uh um springline, the spring homeline was 75 off and i got one thing because y'all know we're the society of idea collectors here. So i got and let me tell y'all it's set on the little tag. There'S an on off switch and it's solar powered. So there's no batteries, it's solar powered right, so i've got a little solar panel panel here and i'm going like this where's that on off switch where's the on off switch. So finally, finally, i found it on the inside of the bulb now you're, probably not going to be able to see. Let'S see, let me see if i can get a dark paper or something it's not a lot of filament. It'S only like three or four filaments. In there and you're going to see the glare from the lights there, we go see the lights inside. It'S only like a little tiny fairy light wire with about four lights on it see. So so i thought maybe i'd do something with it. I don't know but uh it was like a dollar, so i said: hey i'll get me a society of idea. Collector light bulb for a buck, so there's that and it's solar powered. So if i want to charge it up, i'll just sit it in the window. All right, hi adam so who decided? I know right tina. I don't know who designed it. Let'S put her right over here so um i got the new been a client now i've show on monday. I showed you another one of his books. This one is like two books in one, so it's twice the price on amazon and if anybody wants to put a link in feel free, i already picked out a page, but i'm going to be honest with you: it's they're small. They are small. So what i'm gon na do with it is, i will pro and y'all know when i color in bennett klein, i probably have 15 of his books. I have all tons of his books and uh and i love them and they are on the create space paper. The thin amazon paper they are on that tina, just just settle down tina and uh and uh. So a lot of people have issues coloring on this, but i am i'm not going to uh. Let i'm not going to be defeated by a piece of paper, so we will. I haven't decided if i want to do pan pastels. If i want to do watered-down, acrylic paint with pencil. Of course everything gets penciled at the end. Do i want to do alcohol markers? Do i want to do a do? Let'S maybe use a couple sheets just to try to test, but what i thought i would do - and i know you're gon na think. Oh, my god, you spend 25 on that book and you're gon na cut it up and give it away well, yeah! So uh, i'm gon na give pages away out of this so stick around. If you want a couple of pages out of this um, i don't know if i just want to cut it, and i mean fold it. Let me see if one would fold in half, let me see what this is we're doing. If i have to send it in a in a white, you know the let me grab the other kind of envelope, so, of course i could send it in this for like two dollars: 1.90, whatever it is, i could send two sheets in this or i could Send it in this and cut one out, and i think i could get one see if i fold it in half, would it bother anybody if i folded it in half or do i need to send it in this i'll have to send less i'm going to Send less if i send them in this, if i send it in this, i can fold it in half and you'll get a crease, but i can send out more so what do y'all think? What do y'all want to do? Yeah, i could do one or the other so um anyway, so i'm going to cut this book up, i'm going to keep me a couple pages, i'm not going to give them all away today, there's 57 of them! How many are there? There are and see this double page spread, there's 115 but divide that by half now, let's see one two, three four: five: six: seven: eight nine 10, 11, 12, 28, 28, 28, 16. 56, there's 57, there's 57 pages to color. You know see it starts out being with number five because of the you know the content page. The thank you page all that so it starts out with page number five, so there's 57 or the other option would be ah thanks system good morning by the way, um oh you're welcome, becky kalor, so um she's she's casting a shadow. There we go um, i'm gon na have to write i'll change up the lighting once we um once we start, because it's got a little dark after we did the yarn. I mean the ribbon and the yarn so uh. I love that arlene so anyway, i'm going to cut this down, i'm going to cut it. Of course. Now i don't know about the names of each one. He has a name for everyone. Do i want to spend you know a minute penciling, the title of all 57, because they're, not all that has on the back, is his logo right. It doesn't have the name of the of the piece uh, but once uh well they're numbered. So you know what they're numbered, so i i'll keep the content page and that way, i can tell you what it is when i send it to you, because they are numbered. A lot of his books are not numbered with content pages um. Let'S see if i don't give away, i want to color that for me, oh, my gosh, janet so anyway, because if i just can put them and that way, international people can participate too. So i can just put one stamp on this and i could give you two could probably give everybody that wins two pages and uh one stamp. I can do that and, and the thing is, they are very tiny, i'm not going to lie. This is very detailed. A lot of people are not going to like or enjoy coloring this small, a lot of his pages like, let me get, i grabbed. I showed one of his books on monday, so um, look how big these pages are. Look compare you know compared this to this. Look look at the detail that you have to work with here. This is a lot of work here, um yeah, i don't know i could just tell if you want it i'll. Just tell you're gon na write it down all right so kathy. If you win number five, it is light landing, write it down kathy, i'm teasing you kathy so uh anyway, uh yeah, i don't want to post. I don't want to post his his uh. You know pages like that. So anyway, this is uh. This is the kind of difference that you're getting um in detail. You know comparatively speaking of the the detail right, so it's very, very small. So what i want to do first, is you know i want to. I did pick out a page that i want to do and i'll keep one. I think what i should do is go ahead and i think can i tear them out, or am i going to need to? I think i'm going to need to cut them. Our angie look away, i'm going to be cutting. This is show it's not for children. These color books are adult coloring books, just saying um. Let me get a cutting mat here to put under the cut with, so i'm going to cut them out, and this is the one i want to do. I want to color this one, the turtle and the little fairy, and again i haven't decided if i want to do and y'all can help me try to figure out which one i want to do. Do i want to do um. Do i want to do alcohol, markers, pan, pastels or acrylic, watered down acrylic paint and all three any of those three will have pencil on top of it? So do i want a base of pan pastel alcohol, markers or acrylic paint? Those are the three choices i have to do this in what do y'all think what would y'all like to because y'all see me do all three. You see me: do all three acrylic paint pan pastel alcohol markers i've done all three now i i will um. Oh i froze am, i froze oh, my gosh. What happened? I'M throwing my froze for you guys. Can you hear me? Oh there it goes. I don't know why it does that every now and then i think when it tells you, oh, you got an update coming. We'Re going to freeze you until you acknowledge that now that jasper, they'll all have color pencil, all of them will have color pencil. But i start with the base of one of the three um tina. I wouldn't mind patent pastels but i'll i'll go with whatever all right. So let me look, let me go back uh, but tina did uh, let's see um and good morning, jasper by the way, barbara anybody else maverick markers the pages are thin. Yes, the pages are very thin, but that's the thing. That'S why i want to show you other things, maybe i'll i'll work on two at a time, i'll work on two at a time, maybe one with markers and one with either alcohol. I mean um alcohol markers on one and either pan pastel or acrylic paint on the other. So i'm looking looking, i got a lot of alcohol markers and then acrylic paint um. No, i don't use it a lot b, so i don't run out very often every couple of years i run out of fixatives, so i have not run out of. I don't use it a lot. You know i i just whoosh it like that with the whoosh and you know: that's it, i'm just one whoosh, i'm a one-wish gal b so because i'm a one-wish cow i'll run out very often okay. So, let's see all right thanks, tina uh, let's see all right, so it looks like i only have one pan pastel, so i guess we're gon na have to go with alcohol, markers and acrylic paint. Okay, so we're going to do two all right. So, first let me cut the book out. Let me cut it all apart all right, so let me get down to the you know, anytime. You want to cut down anything with a knife. You want to use a metal ruler, do not use a plastic ruler. Come back to your account, if you can hear me, you want to use a metal ruler, not a plastic one. Don'T ask me how i know well, you can ask, but i got ta turn it like this to do it this way, so it's gon na be upside down. So you want to try to get as close to the spine as you can and uh there. We go and if you know, if i send you one of these pages and it's the paper's too thin for you, then make a copy of it for yourself on um on what do you call it? A card - okay, cardstock, and if you like his i mean i haven't, looked to see if he has. Let me look at if he's got other of his books still available, hang on. Let me go over here to amazon. Let me see if he's got other books. I mean because you know i have like 15 of his books. We were all we were all over been at klein for a while uh. Let'S see um yeah, we were, we were all over his books, okay, so all right, i'm seeing i'm just seeing the garden. Let me go to the bottom. Let me see i'm not seeing bennett. Let me put in a coin color books, oh well, okay yeah! He does have some. He does have other ones available, not a lot. I don't think he doesn't have them all. Oh, that one's out of print there's one that's out of print there's a couple that you can still get not a lot of them, not the 15 or, however many books i have of his, but you probably had to get it um. No, i know b he uh they've, never he's never been at hobby lobby or joanne and he's never been in the stores. It'S his books have always been on. Amazon he's always sold his books on amazon. He did do a digi download with a couple two or three pdfs of a few. I don't know if he did pdfs of all of them. I don't think i i think i only got one of his pdfs um, but uh yeah. Let me get. Let me get crack-a-lacking here so and i'm gon na kind of pay attention. Okay, so let's get those! However many that's made flip them over, so uh yeah, so i'll i'll do some giveaways i'll i'll give two two at a time away. How about that? I don't know if we're gon na give away all i'm not gon na give away 25 packs today, but we will eventually get get to the mall. Just like the napkin decorative napkins uh, i gave all those away except the holiday ones and we're gon na wait for the holidays for those but yeah, ben and pine's heart is amazing. He um he uh. He and his daughter. May she did a couple books as well made she did maydella's instead, like mandela's, she didn't maydella's. Okay, i think i'm through the whole thing. Let me see here and when i color these y'all see my notebook when i do these thin page books uh after i color them. I mount them on a piece of card stock and put them in a binder. So all right, so there we go so we'll keep the you know. So we can look at the cover and also all right, this all the way, pile that up behind me all right. So, let's see so i'm going. This is the one i want to do and i have to decide do i want to do. I don't know how alcohol markers are going to work on this tiny. Here'S the thing about the alcohol markers you know they will, they will feather and usually it's not a problem to me to have them feather. Oh - and i almost am finished with this, so as soon as i finish this i'll post, this paint this book - i mean this page on instagram as well. Let me get one of these pages here, content page so like in this book here. Let me find one that has like a bigger, so you can kind of see what i'm talking about. Oh, let's see: okay, let's go with this. Let me just cut this out. No, i kind of i didn't use the ruler and you can tell, but that's okay i'll trim it down. I really want it for a test page. I want this to be a test page for the alcohol markers because the thing about the alcohol markers it can feather, but it doesn't matter when it's bigger it matters. It'S going to matter when it's this big, i think you know you can you can do a little feathering with this, but if it feathers with this tiny of a bit um, you know it might be a little might be a little tricky. So it might just be the out, i mean it might be the acrylic paint so um i don't know dude. I really wanted. I don't know. I didn't really want to do this one, but i guess those two. These two will be the ones i'll do if it works. Okay with the alcohol marker, which i got to get something to get behind that because it does go through um, we'll do one with alcohol marker and one with acrylic paint, but i'm going to do a little test here. Real quick put it in caps. If you're talking to me hi barb uh anybody else popping in put it in caps, if you're talking to me, this is going to bug me being crooked. Okay, all right! This is my test page all right, so i'm just going to do a couple of these little flowers just to some of the little little littler stuff, because i want to do a test. So let's do something where it's really going to show like red. Let'S do a red and let's see how close i can get to the edge without it bleeding do you know what i mean, because if it starts bleeding real real easy, then this is going to be way too hard to color with alcohol markers without it bleeding. So we'll see all right, so let's do a little of that and let's put a little, maybe pink or well. Let'S do orange. Let'S get a white part. Let'S do yellow, let's just see when they start blending. Well, that's too dark too. A little bit lighter, yellow all right. Let'S do another one, so uh do y'all get what i'm trying y'all y'all smell when i'm stepping in. If i start, if it starts feathering as i'm trying to blend it, then this is going to be way bleeding. You know what i mean all right: let's uh, let's do the turn the brightness down autofocus again, all right how's. That look guys. Does that look too still. Look too too bright. I can turn the brightness down some more there. Maybe that's good how's that looking all right, so let me see um, let's see good morning r uh see, i don't see, i'm scrolling back to see anything in caps. So am i missing anything? Am i missing anything? I think my mods, let me know if i was missing anything all right, so it obviously goes right through with alcohol, markers and um. I don't know, maybe it's so it might be a little. It might be a little iffy, but we might be able to. If i was careful, you know, maybe do alcohol marker, i mean you can't let me go over here to this butterfly. You can't do this like just hold it down and have it not bleed, but it's not it's not too bad. What do y'all think have you had any issues with the black line? Art smearing? No, i have not the black line. Look i i'll go right. Let me go right over the top of the line here. Okay, so i went right over the top of the line. The black line is not smearing. Whoops come back here, come back here. Little panda, the black one is not smearing. Can y'all see i i know what you're talking about the the the line art the line. Art is not smearing, so maybe we could do one with alcohol markers and one now. Obviously, i'm not going to finish this today. Right y'all know that hi martine uh, let's see so uh yeah, so maybe we could do one with alcohol. I got ta have that paper, alcohol, markers and one with watered down acrylic paint, which one do i want to do. First, do i want this one to be alcohol markers and this one paint? Maybe all right, i'm going to start with this one with the alcohol. I mean with the um: let's, let's test this one out um with the um. What do you call it now? I also have these thin ones too. I also got these alcohol markers. These are the the ones that are uh. The marker is just thinner. Look at the difference, but these are brush markers as well, but there's no um! Oh, is it chisel yeah? There is a chisel, i was going to say it was a bullet tip, but it's chisel. I never use the other end. I always just always just use the uh brush tip, but these, i think, are fairly new for oh see how small much smaller they are. These are the melo i think. They'Re, all you know, they're really, all the same, the only difference is is copic. You can't beat a copic sand. You can't beat a copic which one would y'all rather me start on. First, do y'all want me to start on alcohol, markers or um acrylic paint. I don't i don't really don't matter. Hi judy hi angel darlene, anybody else. Oh! Thank you, adam um, who else would y'all would which one would you rather have me start on paint markers paint, markers uh? Let'S see molly said paint, except with their water? Oh yeah, oh, who these these ones are alcohol, so um yeah they do have uh water-based ones as well. I think i'm pretty sure, but i got the alcohol. These are alcohol and i think they come in bigger sets. I just got this one to test uh. Maybe paint to give it time to it doesn't take time to dry because i have a heat gun. You forget tina. Nothing takes long to dry around here with my 25 year old heat gun all right, but well all right. Let'S uh! Let'S go ahead and start with the paint all right, let me get a, let me get a pink something that paint went on put some paint on and so how i like to do a background, whether it be with um, hang on whether it be with um Pan, pastels or watered-down acrylic paint or whatever is it's a background right? It'S a background. Yeah. These came in this container tina. I left them in here. I they probably won't be in here forever. They'Ll end up on my marker wall. Okay, so i'll do a background. Like there's a lot of flowers and greenery in the back, so i might do like a watered-down, green and pink in the background, and then what i do is i put the detail in with pencil. Okay, i put the detail in with pencil: let's go ahead and start with their skin. Let'S just make them some light. People, white, color people y'all know i do every color of skin tones um. Let'S see all right so and i just use, i just use uh americana, sometimes a couple other brands, but mostly i use americana craft paint and i use uh matte. You have to use matte and this one. Let'S see, let's get some, i don't need you don't need much. You don't need us. This one's got a paint booger, it's got a paint, booger um, you don't close them all the way. You'Ll get paint boogers all right. So i just need a little bit because i'm gon na water it down. Okay, i'm gon na water it down and let's see, i'm gon na have small brushes on this one, because these are pretty tiny. Let me get me a nice brush over here. Let'S see okay, just uh little brush here, okay, so i'm going to just put a little water down. I'M going to try to be. Let me move this another one, i'm going to try to be in frame while i do this now when i go to do any color pencil i'll zoom in even more but just so y'all can get the big picture all right. Let'S see um nothing and put it in caps. If you're talking to me, you will not uh, i won't think you're yelling at me. I need you to put it in caps if you're talking to me, okay, so now what i'm gon na do and again you have to you - have to restrain yourself when you use watered-down paint on thin paper. Sometimes it'll buckle a little, but usually i find that it's really by the time you put the pencil on you will not have it won't, be an issue all right, so i'm going to just start by blocking in their faces their skin. Let me just go ahead and block in all their skin. Very little. Look how little i'm getting very little. This is just your base. This is just a base coat because you're going to pencil the detail over it, but what this does is a couple things one. It makes your coloring go faster and two. It gives your pencil a little bit of tooth. That really works nice all right. Let'S see your foot put, let's see that's her foot she's got some big feet. All right is that a dress there, that's his foot his leg right there and then i think her other foot is behind this dress. I don't think her calf is that thick? Maybe it is i'm thinking that might be just her dress, covering up her leg, i'm going to roll with that because that's a big leg. Otherwise, okay, so there we go so. Can you see that a little bit you can see just a little bit of the buckle, not much very little water, very little water, just a tiny bit! Look how much! I just put that little! That'S way too much paint okay, i'm over here and my as janet and denise call it my petri dish of water all right. So now, let's see, i think i'll, just let's just kind of go simple. Let'S have maybe her have some blonde hair and him some brown hair. You know i this. I really want this to kind of be a sample all right. Now. Here'S here's one of my problems. All right. Let me show y'all my problem. You almost see, oh no, because i don't want to. I don't want to show you all the dolls yet well. Let me let me just move it right now. I'Ve got all my girls right here and all the ribbon. I showed y'all earlier it's in front of my paint, so i have to move all this to get to the paint so hang on. Let'S make some room all right now i can move my beads, oh and one other thing is. I have it sitting here to show and somebody sent me them all over here. All right. Somebody sent me a book with no amazon gift receipt, so i have no idea who sent it, but somebody sent me parlor cats, so we're gon na look at this in a little bit. If anybody wants to fess up to who sent me parlor cats, it's so cute. Thank you so much. Whoever sent that to me and then later we will be reading out of our creativity book. I have all this sitting here, ready to go all right and her legs that are crossed looks like an ankle, but look but but look how big her leg is. Isn'T that leg a little big all right, i'm gon na roll with it y'all think it's her leg, yeah! Well, i'm i'm sure it's her leg, i'm just thinking that her leg was covered up with the skirt. That'S just me! Okay, there we go all right. I don't know marty all right so now, let's go ahead and get a little bit of um. Let'S get some yellow ochre, maybe for her hair, just a dollop i mean i'm telling you you don't need much when you water this down, okay and then maybe he'll have like just a little bit of that's maroon. I don't want to give him maroon hair. Let'S give him, let's give him some, let's give him some brown hair, okay, here's my knife to open this one - i don't know - i don't know it's just kind of, because i'm going by the size of her other one right. I was going by the size of the other one all right, so let's just get a dollop of brown and we'll use some of that yellow for his straw hat. I need a little bit. I don't know if they had blue jeans back then this is kind of a vintage look, but i'm going to give them blue jeans, so yeah always make sure and shake up your paints there's a little bit of blue harbor and then maybe give her a pink Dress, maybe no, i want her to have a pink dress, maybe um with some white lace. His shirt, let's see here i'll, go in pink leg like that to see if my high end all right. Let'S start with this, i i don't need any white with it with the laces uh, oh janet's little um, janet's, uh, iced coffee got away from her all right, all right. So what i'm gon na do is i'm just gon na put some water over here kind of to the side, and what i'll do is i'll work, just a tiny bit of water, because i don't need much doesn't need much. This is just our base, all right and you have to water it down. Um. I don't know if i said this, i say it all the time, but you have to water it down or you'll, lose the line. Art, okay, you're, going to cover up the line. Art, if you uh, have just go straight acrylic, you know just straight acrylic paint with no water you're going to cover up the grayscale, which is the point of these color books, is to have the gray scale for shading. So you don't want to cover that up. So you have to water it down, but just don't use a lot. Just a little tiny bit will go a long way. As i mean, i can't even tell you how little i'm using all right. So that's his leg back here and that's uh. The seat he's sitting on there, okay, i'm gon na - need i'm sure all right. Let'S see, i think i'll have his shirt, be white, she'll, have white lace and uh i mean, can y'all see how little i'm using look at that look, how little i'm using and she has like a little leather corset thing on so we'll do that in brown? Okay - and you can see her dress through that basket, do you have any questions put it in caps rolling along here, but i just wanted y'all to see the new bennett klein and also um. Do the giveaway give give away some of the pages uh? That might be part of the bicycle there we'll go back over that with brown. I think the pike right there kind of goes in front of the dress, hi devin anybody else coming in thanks for stopping in don't miss my ribbon haul. If that was something you would be interested in and my rugs that i made and vest for one of the one of the girls okay, so that looks pretty good. He'S gon na want a white shirt and she's gon na have, let's see, let's get a little bit of the brush, yellow, hair blonde hair and again this is a very tiny page, very tiny. I will not be coloring a lot of these. That'S just me. I just like coloring bigger pages, all right. Let'S get a little brown for him, just a little bit more water down here, but we're going to give away some of these pages. I already cut them out if you're just coming in this is bennett klein's new book garden, color my sketchbook garden 50s. Look, i'm counting images in the content page and look it's 6 30, where you are where what what uh? What state are you in adam um? I'M in atlanta it's 9 30. Here i start streaming at um on monday and wednesday, i stream uh 8 30 a.m, eastern standard time. Okay, that's a little bit there. Let'S see all right. Let'S look at this bike thing here. I'M thinking right here is the bike. Like where the handlebars are going to start going and then there's a basket right here, that's more of the bike, i'm just gon na have the bike be brown. I think this is like a vintage photo type thing you know, and so and the wheels are wood. Look, these are old vintage wooden wheels, so we're going to go ahead and uh there's no water. I need a little bit of water right there in the corner. Very little. Thank you. Jasper. Let'S see astrid's in the netherlands, washington, that's right! I'M from washington! I was raised in texas, but i was that's where i'm from washington all right. Let'S see the little petal here, you got to kind of really look at it because you know there's a lot of detail. Let'S see it's a petal right there, and this is the seat on the i'm guessing, that's the seat there and then here's the back of the bite there and then she's sitting on something over there. Oh, maybe it says i don't know if she's sitting on his leg or part of a, i don't know what she's sitting on all right so there now. Let me um there's some more of the bike down here by the time i get done with this y'all gon na, be oh, my gosh. That'S a lot of work all right. Let'S see, i think, i'm gon na go with some a little bit of yellow and just kind of block in this basket. Here i got ta. Do the handlebars basket, handlebars all righty? What'S the basket all right, this may be better to do with a gel pen. Does any of y'all color these tiny, tiny ones, a little corset? I want brown do any of y'all color, these tiny, tiny ones raise your hand if you do looking, let's see marty. Who else is here? I think it's his leg back there that she's sitting on all right put a little bit of yellow here where the basket is, and you can dry in between which i recommend don't get too wet. You got ta you're gon na have to dry it jasper. You color tiny, tiny, all right, so a lot of these are supposed to be looks this. Maybe this is supposed to be a statue because they're standing on a rock thing. A lot of these are the garden thing, so maybe they were supposed to be statues, but i colored them like they were in the park like they were in the garden. I guess you could do whatever you want, because a lot of them are statues in this book. I'Ll go through it here in just a minute, all right, i'm putting another layer on the yellow here, the hair and the hat, and you got to let it dry or hit it with the heat gun all right. So i'm going to let this sit for a second we're going to look at the pages. Hang on clean, my brush all right so again, this is the book we're working in garden, klein and uh the content page, i'm just going to flip them kind of quickly see how they're statues, because it's a garden behave, tina, you're, a mod. You think it's a statue too yeah, it probably is, but you know, hey we've already rolled with it now so, but like look see a lot of statues, but then these aren't statues, oh they could be. This could be like a garden statue with a real duck. You know now, obviously this is a statue. You know this is a statue pigs, they they might be real pigs or they might be like you know, you know, like your garden, gnome right, which there's some of those in here too. Okay, i should be letting y'all look at the numbers of the pages, because you know i do i don't know. I don't know if i can let y'all pick there's 57 of them. I don't know that i have the time to let y'all go go through and pick pages. I think i just have to do random see like she's a statue. She might be a little girl sitting actually in a garden frog, the golfers. You know they could be a statue or they could be on the green frog. So well, whatever y'all think i guess you could color it. However, you want, like that's a planter, a little cat and then this is a little statue, a little owl statue. I cut some of them really close to the glue there. Then this could be a real rooster standing on a no it's whatever you want to do. Thank you, julie, happy, wonderful wednesday to you, too hi judy. Who else am i missing kimberly? What'S out of print? This book, this book's not out of print this just came out like literally this week. This one is not out of print amazon prints them as they go if he takes them out of print. That'S one thing, but he's just released this one. He just released this one this week or last week, gargoyle some gnomes another stitch in here. There'S a statue there. Thank you tina, another gargoyle. You might be on the wrong one uh jasper, you might be on the other book. I showed. I don't know about this. One sketchbook four, this one may be out of print, i don't know, but garden was just released. Oh fox, i'm trying to see the glue is right there. I cut it right up against the spine, a little bird, another statue, a parrot, some geese, a buddha, a squirrel bird bird, lamb, bird angel statue, bird blue jay, frog statue and that's it. I pulled, and i pulled the other two out that i'm working on i'm working on i'm going to work on this one with alcohol markers and i'm working on this one with acrylic paint. So those are all the pages and we're going to give some away. Oh read up at sweet comment from who kimberly how far back is it in caps? Let'S see episode of curvy is when you think you will make another one really excited. Oh, i don't know when i'll do another one coats tian, i don't know, but if you go in my playlist there's tons of color book, i have probably close to over 400 color book uh videos in my playlist uh.

Judy Oger: Hi Dede I vote to fold the pages in half. So Sorry I missed the live stream, had to get the mowing done before the next rain. Also wanted to let you know I did receive the Wolf and butterfly napkin, as well as the packet of butterfly ephemera. We are getting ready for our State Fair here Aug. 11, through Aug. 22, 2022, a friend called me and told me they were setting up their stand and were making Cinnamon/Sugar mini donuts, and corn dogs and lemonade shakeups I went immediately and got me some discount food and my son had an early lunch, it was so good and brought back so many memories. Hey to Hubster, blessings for a wonderous rest of your weekend. Thank you for sharing your awesome time and talents.

Deb Eilbeck: Thanks for the great stream! You are always so inspiring! I appreciate you showing how you did the new Bennett pages.

devonrex4art: That is a very sad story about losing your Barbies Dede Love the vest and rug! You crack me up

Kristine V: Idea books? Yes, please.

Creative Edge: lol one whoosh gal! Hahaha love your spirit and laugh!

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