How To Get Rid Of Bald Spots - I Tried It On Myself!!! | البقعة الصلعاء: سببها وكيف عالجتها

Hair loss and hair balding is something women don’t talk about, but it’s time we did. I have dealt with hair balding since my 20s. Most recently, I had a really scary incident that made me go into overdrive to see what can help with hair growth and stop hair loss. I always hope to share the best tips on all things beauty, business, fashion and life! Love you guys xx.


My Experience with Hair Loss and the Best Treatments


Viviscal Max Strength Tablets

Hairmax Ultima 12 Laser Comb

Glo Pro Microneedling Regeneration Tool

Aveda Invati Advanced Scalp Revitalizer

Today I want to talk about something very important: I'm going to talk about something that is really kind of still taboo to talk about with women, and that's just not right, because so many women suffer from this and that is hair loss. I lost some hair here because of my ponytail grab. This little device put a little sear I'll do right here. This is gon na create more hair growth. This was it just literally two days ago. It'S already so much better, hey beautiful people. This topic is a little bit, I would say a little bit more heavy in some ways. You guys know we always try to keep it really real with. As far as some of the issues that we go through. Obviously, people deal with hair loss and hair fall and balding all the time and a lot of times it's things that are beyond their control. There'S literally so many reasons why your hair can fall out. Everybody has their own different situation as well. I mean it can be definitely hormonal hormones are a big part of this stress is a big part of this. Sometimes diet changes alopecia. You know certain things going on in your body, which we all know can be a huge part of that as well. There'S literally millions of reasons why your hair can start to fall, it's always great to try to find out the reason why, but there are definitely a lot of things that you can do to help lessen the hair fall. I also have PCOS. I'Ve showed this with you guys before on snapchat. I have like all these hormonal issues with PCOS and also under mature OSIS, and I have male pattern balding in the front I just have had it. I'Ve had it for probably since I was like in my early 20s, and you know I constantly always try to cover it up, but it's something that as women we don't talk about. We don't share these stories. We'Re embarrassed to talk about it honestly. My hair can't take a lot I would love to like have like different colored hair. He just breaks off when I color it, and I also can't style it that much and you know when I started shooting hoodie boss. Honestly, I had to stop my hair. All the time and I started wearing a ponytail, it hurt my ponytail. Sorry I mean you guys probably saw how much pain I was in. We did the Mercury retrograde shoe. It was really really painful. I wasn't joking, it was really painful. It was kind of after that that I started noticing my hair just falling out. You know when you do this. Like one hair falls out, it was like seven hairs, it wasn't like hair fall, it was weird. It was very weird. Few days later, my hair stylist tom was doing my hair. I didn't tell me anything by could tell he was like a little anxious about something and afterwards you know my assistant math came in, he was like just so. You know Tom, didn't tell you, because you were in a meeting, he didn't embarrass you, but you have a bald spot. I looked in the mirror, and I saw - and I was just like - oh my god and it was so smooth and it felt like very soft skin how it was about this big, like this big, I'm worried about how far this is gon na go like. I wasn't worried about that. One area I was worried about this entire area kind of falling out and that's when I was like I need to take very quick action. I went to overdrive. I need to roll up my sleeves. I am a beauty expert. I need to do the things that I know are going to stop this immediately and create hair growth, and I was shocked at how fast the hair started growing back. It was literally insane within a week within a week the spot was gone. It was like a cactus. I was so happy with my male pattern, balding that I had in this particular area. I'Ve had it for years, literally, it's been about 10 years. I'Ve been to two things that I found were the most effective one. Okay, I've done three things. The first thing, which is not really super effective but just covers up. The problem is just I use eyeshadow all the time I actually got really good at it. I would take like a very dense brush and then I would put eyeshadow on it and then I would like put like a little bit of like a thing here and then I would just fill around it and I pick up the brush and then it wouldn't Look like a perfectly neat line. One thing that I would try to do when I was feeling my hair too. I was sometimes mix it with a little bit of like a keratin, our hair growth, serum, and it would really stick I'm not joking. I got really good at this and that would kind of help my hair follicles grow as well, because you don't want to really put too much product on your scalp. You really want to let it breathe, you don't want to inhibit more hair growing. That'S why I was mixing it with a little bit of like a serum or capsules for hair growth. That was the immediate thing that I did. I started filling it in trying to do those type of things and, honestly it doesn't look amazing. You can't do it for a large area, but for small areas where it looks kind of like irregular. That'S what I would do to try to make it look more feminine cuz, I'm really into that stuff. The second thing is creating a healthy head, and I know that sounds really weird, but you want healthy scalp, you want healthy amount of circulation, you want healthy hair, and so that is the best way with topical vitamins as well as adjustable vitamins. I'M not gon na lie. I did both because to some extent it's not going to cure everything. For me like this is not going to change. However, it could definitely improve hair grow a lot, and so there's some hair vitamins that I love and I've had different experiences. Some have been really really good. Some have not been really good, so I'm, like literally, are so effective that my eyelashes literally get thicker as I'm taking them. It'S insane like my eyelashes right now. I kind of have little itty bitty lashes for the first time in forever full disclosure they will make you grow hair everywhere else too. So if you've lasered laser again, just letting you know, I bought that at home. Laser eye helped me out a lot. There'S a ton of vitamins out there for the hair, my favorite go-to for a long time. I don't have the box here, but these are called digits call. I personally love these, and I've literally noticed such a difference. I don't know if this is the cause. My baby here is by itself it could be in conjunction with other hair serums, but it's amazing there's also some topical serums as well. They'Re almost like they're, not serums, they're, not really oils they're, almost like a water, and what you do is you just basically apply those and those have different type of ingredients inside those that also help create more hair growth. I will tell you the topical ones as soon as you stop the hair. It falls out like it doesn't continue. The vitamins are a little bit better. Like you do. I mean obviously like these will not continue to help your hair grow. If you stop taking them, but with the topical ones, I noticed a more immediate effect when I'm using it what I do, but that does work really effectively too, especially when you combine the two together and also you want to make sure that you actually give these Things a chance, so you want to be really consistent and you want to make sure you're also trying them for at least 30 days now. I will give you one tip. I don't like to try too many things at once. I like to try one thing see how it kind of works and then add the other thing you just wan na know. If anything's off, you want to know what the root of that problem is, there's also a lot of different treatments that you can do for a healthy scalp as well. This is totally optional. This isn't necessarily part of the ingestible, it's more part of the topicals. It'S really interesting cuz, it boosts circulation and all those type of things, as well as collagen production, and that is just red light there, for you guys know it. I love red light therapy. I should have a device by now, but honestly, really good red light is challenging. So you know I have a lot of different tools that I like I mean we have some pretty crazy ones. This one is really interesting. I'Ve actually bought this twice. This is called hair max. I bought it from the UK and Harrods. It has like these red, like kind of laser beams that stick out you just kind of do it in sections right here, yeah, it's pretty easy to use. You just look weird when you're using cuz people go. What are you doing, but I always do in meetings and people just know me by now. I'M like what yeah? What do you think uh-huh? No, I do that a little bit more inexpensive, but bit more challenging to use. Is this glopro? It'S a Dermaroller whether I like I've, also bought this a couple of different times. What I love about is they have different heads, so you can get different sizes. That'S pretty cool, they have a small one. This is the medium one I think it came within. They had a big one, it's a little bit less expensive than the hair max, but it's a little bit more painful to use because it's a trimmer roller as well, but this I feel in conjunction with, like the topicals, really help to that spot. I mean it's crazy how fast my hair grew back, but you kind of have to like push down and put little pricks into your skin, so you turn it on and it starts to vibrate, which I also like. I wasn't really expecting this to be that effective, but it was crazy and I just put it you can see a little bit of the bald spot, but the hair really started growing back. This is it now this was it just literally two days ago. It'S always so much better. I think over here you can see, though already the hair has grown back. So much she's been like amazing, and I didn't roll in this area like normally you roll with a derma roller. I just I'm like literally just putting little pricks in there and it's a little painful, I kind of like it. I don't know why I swear in my life just so you guys know none of this video sponsored these are the products that I bought was not even gifted. I don't think it was gifted entities. Nope, wasn't I've literally about all of these products. Oh no sorry. They did something about it, but I have bought tons of I'm actually subscribed to them on Amazon, so they don't know that so I actually have more than I need, and then I used this amazing product called infante and actually our VP of Product Development created this Because she's, like just so intelligent like she's, very technical, she's, very scientific, it's crazy! You know she was just telling me about like some of the ingredients in there. It wasn't like minoxidil and all those things are inside of Rogaine. It was something that was actually going to help with hair growth, which was really really important. I wanted real, healthy scalp hair growth, not any artificial hair growth grab. This little device put a little sear on it right here and then I just felt like pressing in it, and this is good. This is gon na create more hair growth. Oh it's so good, I kind of like the painting. The third thing is: stop blow-drying your hair, like literally like when you do that small amount of tugging when you're going through hair fall, you are not helping the strength of your hair follicles. What I noticed was when I stopped blow-drying and I went to just using a flat iron are going curly and my hair stopped falling. I took all the vitamins I need to take and it helped me so much to retain my hair grow that my hair actually came super thick and it's talked about my hair fall. So I do think that tugging is not a good idea that just a small amount of tugging, I think when your hair is normal, is fine. But when you're experiencing hair loss, it's not going to help reduce that hair loss. Probably gon na help accelerate that you really want to keep it very healthy. Add those really good, topical types of treatments make sure that you're restoring your scalp restore the circulation in your in your head. Try to build on those ingredients that are really gon na, create good hair growth and avoid the things that are not gon na help you. This is my personal experience with hair loss. It'S been an up-and-down journey, but these are the things that have really helped me, especially recently, dealing with a small little patch. It'S really important. We take away the shame associated with female hair loss and hair balding. It'S just another Beauty issue that we all can get through as soon as we start to feel more comfortable talking about it. We literally have so much information on the blog on hair loss because again, we've been blogging for 10 years. I'Ve had these issues for 10 years. There'S a lot of information, but we'll put some of our favorite links. There feel free to go to pop in here lost and have a field day with the healthy information. So please make sure you guys do share all these tips. You know with your friends and your family and your loved ones. I want you guys to be inside my world and to see some of the things that we're dealing with on Instagram. We paint this perfect picture with how things are. I want you guys to know the reality goes into it and nothing is as what it seems just as facts. It'S just dress a fun Instagram in a little face tune. I love you guys so much and I'll see you guys next time bye, guys you

Sumya Adil: And that’s one of the reasons why I have so much respect for you❤️ Thank you for this video

Mae: Omg girls do NOT believe her when she says her bald spot filled in with long ass hair within 48 hours. Hair does not grow that way, she literally parted her hair differently for the "after". Also, I question how casually she brought up dermarolling? You need to be super careful about getting a safe length of needle, about the sources you buy from for safe needles, and you need to be meticulous about cleaning the needles and keep your scalp area clean (no hair products, hair cover up, clean pillows) to prevent infection. These are needles piercing your skin, not a simple roll-y toy for your head...

nimra adnan: my mom got the same bald spot and we fixed it by rubbing a piece ginger daily on it and new hair started to grow within 4 days

theworldisamess1: This is why I love Huda! She knows whats up and she will come forward and speak about it to help everyone <3

Elder Guzman: I love that she gave an actual real world scenario, and wasnt ashamed to share her experience. People tend to feel bad about sharing their insecurities.

saminahchou: Thank you for this, hair loss is something I struggle with and sometimes you really do feel like youre the only one

Steph Mikako: I love that you’re talking about this. I haven’t been honest with myself these past few years regarding my hair & overall health. Growing up, I had SO MUCH hair. It was so hard to put my hair in a ponytail & my hair ties broke all the time. I wished so badly to have less hair. Fast forward to now & I took the thickness of my hair for granted. I’ve noticed thinning these past 3 years. I’ve done vitamins, tried weird scalp treatments, & etc. I’m finally seeing those lil baby hairs.

LIBRIAN Sana: Wow... Your Amazing... These are the issues literally everyone is insecure about

Anam Ayaz-Shah: Thank you sooo much for this video!!! I have PCOS too an going through exactly what you described, it means soo much to know everyone goes through this and there are things we can do to make it better. Please keep up the excellent work, you are great at what you do and absolutely love your brand ❤❤

Em M: Thank you for sharing!! This has just happened to me! It’s so amazing that such high profile people (especially in the beauty realm) are talking about this!!!

Beautiful Sorcery: Thank you for sharing this experience. I did see something once where you talked about using eyeshadow to make hair look fuller but I had no idea you were experiencing hair loss. I've been told that I have female pattern hair loss that is diffuse across the top of my head. It's really effecting my already low self esteem and I'm only 38 and it's pretty obvious.

mnely: Thank you so much Huda! I’ve dealt with hairloss my entire adult life. This video was very comforting ❤️

Lakshe Arumugam: Thanks for posting this and sharing your story! I can relate and its so great to see someone like you so inspiring and huge in this game of beauty to speak on this topic! its a very sensitive one! yes eyeshadow is great so is Topik building fibers- this has been keeping me confident when I am feeling low about my hair!

Violimar Espada: Thank you! I’m 23 and noticed about a year ago that the frontal area had started balding and have been kind of in denial about it and am always looking at other girls scalps because I’m self conscious about my scalp. I haven’t been about to be do a middle part in so long and even a side part isn’t too great

Adriana Galindo: I started to lose my hair about a year a ago. Thank you for this video. As a Latina woman I’m expected to have thick hair.

Joanna Dressel: Thank you for this❤️ I’m a 22 year old mommy suffering from postpartum hair loss. It’s been affecting my confidence a lot lately. I’ll have to try your tips! Btw I ordered the big nude palette, the tantour product and two concealers from Huda Beauty that I’m SO pumped to try ! Thank you for doing such an amazing Black Friday sale it helped me be able to purchase products of yours for the first time❤️

Lorraine Wright: Omg. Thank you so much for doing a video like this. I have suffered with the exact same thing for nearly 20 years. The only thing that has made a dramatic difference is Regaine. But you talking about, normalising it like that, helps the shame I feel on a daily basis. So thank you. It is brave. Also people, exercise helps loads!

BronwynM: Thank you, I so can relate. Thought my hair was falling out from stress and it was but not just that...had two auto immune conditions including under active thyroid. Addressing that has helped but I still have to watch fallout. I use viviscal to strengthen my hair, topical scalp products, organic shampoo and colour ...the whole nine yards!

Stacey Rodriguez: Thank you for this video, it’s so relatable and I love this about you ❤️❤️❤️

Fionn mac Cumhaill's Mammy: I’m experiencing hair loss after the birth of my baby, it’s extreme and I find hair everywhere. I’ve now noticed a obvious patch where my hair has fallen out and it’s upsetting. It’s nice to see someone well known in the beauty industry talk about hair loss for women.

O M: I HONESTLY CANT thank you enough. Im in my late teens and deal with a lot of hair loss. When I see other girls not dealing with the same issue I always felt insecure not wanting to deal with. Im scared to know the why. Im scared to have to talk about. I thank you for sharing this. You honestly dk how much this means to me. I always get asked why not like doing my hair or having my hair done. and its hard for me to talk about it. hard for me to hear ppl criticize why I have balding. Its these types of videos that help me and I thank you! I love you so much and I thank you inspiring woman to be proud of who they are and embrace every lill thing about them. THANK YOU! <3

nariiinn A: I love u more and more thank you for this video♥️ i appreciate that you show these issues. You are amazing Huda. Huda Beauty isn‘t just a brand. Your beauty is in your heart and mind. That‘s Huda Beauty.

Anita N: Thank you so much for your honest❤️! I’ve been suffering from endometriosis and pcos and honestly I understand your pain

Sabrina عبدي: You talk about EVERYTHING! And I Love you so much for it! The nutmeg mask helped me out so much and every one of your videos makes me smile. Keep conquering Queen!

AMY Y: Finally someone who actually goes thru it personally to give tips and advice! Thank you!

Dawn to Dusk Designs: I have so much respect for you. Thanks for sharing valuable insights, Huda! Hugs from LA! - A u r o r a ❤❤❤ P.S. You remind me so much of Vegas Nay.

Mary Hernandez: It happened to me when I moved to my new house; it was so stressful I was sick and I was moving. I had exactly the same size bald spot as you did; and it scared me so much. Thank god it grew back.

Magaly Saavedra: Your beyond amazing for sharing this with your fans!! ❤️ “is just another beauty issue” love you!!!!

kwi: Thank you so much for this. It is voices like yours that will help remove the shame women feel over losing their hair.

Maha Shah: Thank you so much for this! I've had multiple trips to the doctor and this has given me more information than all the trips combined. =)

Maria Smith: What a great idea by putting the comb's handle on your part. Thank you

Mehwer Sayed: Hello huda, it is sooo amazing to hear all this from you . You are so transparent n open about every issue and u reach out to others to help.. love you

Sophia Gewarges: The glopro works. I used it around my face and had to stop because I got so much unwanted facial hair. But it had really helped grow hair around my hairline, especially where I have a small bald spot near on the left side of my head (I part my hair to the side). I noticed after a few days of using the glo pro that I had so many baby hairs that made the bald area look much darker.

a3eeoosh: Huda! I love your videos so much! Remember the days of tomato skin care videos and your dermaroller for acne scars! You helped me so much and now I’m a licensed esthetician by being motivated by you and your passion to follow your dreams, so I did too!

Reinan Koubani: I love how informative huda is Can we get more keto content

Ashley R.: Thank you!!! I absolutely needed this to understand what’s going on with me.

Kerry Fox: Thank you so much for speaking about this huda, I also have pcos and hair thinning and bald spots are real I also have products that I use and I’m very lucky that I have thick hair so I’m able to disguise it at the moment but sometimes it stops me living my life.... ps love you

Rexhina Ruci: I can relate with this Video so much. Thank you Huda. You are a Queen ❤

Yelena Rivera: Yesss! I am so glad u came out with this video and addressed this issue! THANK U SOOOO MUCH for sharing this!

Narimane Orabi: Thank you so much Huda for being so real with us because i suffer from hair loss due to stress on and off and your tips will help I am sure. I love you Huda

kwood14023: So glad you shared what your really loving and what worked for you.

paiveen: Wow thank you so much for this video. I recently was told I have male pattern hair loss. It’s very stressful to lose all your hair and have no control over it. You look so positive and happy still.

Gail Harris: Omg.. you are amazing Huda. I’m sitting here tearing up because I can’t believe your talking about this . Let alone have this problem.!!! I’have tried hundreds of products. I’ve been take in Nutrofol capsules which have made my hair thicker. I’ve also used several different scalp serums (cause I know it’s all about a healthy scalp ). What I haven’t tried yet are the tools you showed. hair max and the micro needles into scalp. So I will try those things and thank you. I still have some bald spots under my hair on the sides and the top front has also gotten so thin. The worst part is that I had this crazy thick hair before. Oh last thing I use WOW to cover my middle part Been doing it for several years now. Thank you for being the truest, sweetest, and smartest young girl on this crazy IG. Be well my friend sending love and light to you and your family

Arika Akhtar: Thank you for sharing ! I have been suffering from the age of 17 with androgenic hair loss. My hair loss has been emotionally difficult and one of my biggest insecurities.

Jazmin Perez: I’m so happy you posted this ! I definitely needed this ❤️

Victoria Step: Honestly, Huda's reviews are so helpful!!!!!

Asna Lama: Thank you so much Huda ❤️ I really needed this.. ❤️❤️

Erin C: Great video topic. I have a spot I recently noticed on the back of my head. I think I caused it with pony tails, buns, and parting my hair there to make braids on either side of my head. I try to vary my hairstyles for my active lifestyle (gym, tennis, running) but my hair is so fragile, every time I switch hairstyles for a bit I create a new problem. I was getting a lot of breakage from pony tails so I switched to double braids to keep hair off my neck and away from my face. Now I have this part that extends down the back of my head looking like a bald spot. I just can’t win!

Sanjida Naznin: Leave everything aside. Can we just appreciate how surreal and beautiful is Huda's winter make-up .

Sarah syed-chaudhry: I'm over the moon you covered this - I'm going to try these products and hopefully they'll work for me too

M N: Thank you for sharing your story and products! Is the laser comb, the equivalent to the irestore LED laser light helmet? The helmet is over $1000! If this comb is the same thing, or concept I will def get the comb!

Sabeen Sheikh: Thanks Huda for being so honest about such a sensitive topic

Jordan Cobblah: We love you Huda!! Thankyou for being real with us! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Arlene Perez: OMG!! I'm so glad you posted this video!!! I have the same problem with my hair in the front! I will try the dermaroller and see if it helps. Thank you!!!

91 SYBMS Asiya Syed: Being a business boss and talking about such topics which we all are so insecure about are amazing

Sunshine Lola: Thanks for the avice! Btw, I love your brand! Especially the eye shadows palette.

Jennifer Myers: This totally made me subscribe thank you! Love your personality and love that you wanna talk about things that others won't. Women helping women is want I want to see more of in this world

Chelsea Osborne: I've found 2 things that help hair thinning/loss and it's life saving! 1. Do not put your hair in a turban or wrap towel after you shower. Your hair is weakest when wet and the tugging of the wraps will cause faster hair loss. 2. Stress can effect your hair up to 7 months after the event (what caused the stress) so you'll get hairloss out of nowhere once it has settled now. I hope this helps someone because my hair is making a full recovery just from these tips.

MsQjk: My hair has been falling like crazy and I have Pcos too so yea would definitely try some of these things. Thank you

Yadira Castaneda: Applying coconut oil on the area helps too! That’s what I’ve been using on my little bald spot and my hair is growing. Slowly but surely

Muhammad Yousaf Shahid: And she never fails to talk to about topics that need to be talked youu huda❤

vivianalserrano: I love this video! Great information. My daughter is 9 and has alopecia , she is awesome and super open about it. I am lucky! btw I love your mommy and daughter videos ♥️

Tohono O'Odham Nation: Thank you for this. I’ve been having hair loss/thinning since doing keto a year ago. Never properly grew back after stopping keto

Sofilicious: Your tutorials are stunning, baby! I love them! And seeing your beautiful face makes me so happy You‘re the most beautiful soul alive I am so blessed to be allowed to be a part of your life and of this wonderful community! I will be forever grateful for everything you do for us and for the love and happiness you give me! I love you beyond the universe, my gorgeous angel! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

2000magw: Thank you Huda love your honesty and the fact that you share items even when it’s not sponsored just ordered the pills :) wish me luck

Elisa Bun: Thank you sooo much! You helped a lot, especially my soul.

sara queen: Thank you so much! I have been searching for a vitamin for hair loss. I appreciate this video alot, thank you.

may soliman: I love you Huda and love how you keep it real and inclusive. No instagram made up perfection

vanessa Duschane: Not enough people make videos like this!! Thank you so much for sharing your tips ❤️

Muskaan Bal: I really appreciated this video for being brave enough to share something so personal.

Stephanie Gomez: Omg girl we will need an update on this. Thank you for the informative video.

mah far: huda i love you so much thank you thank you thank you for sharing your story i’ve been dealing with pcos and male pattern balding since puberty please share more on this issue ❤️

greeness: Thank you for being such a strong woman and sharing this

Ronnie Li: courageous.thank you Huda for being so open.

Amie Horner: This has really made me smile, you are so brave and honest, and beautiful, your video will help alot of people.. I have sufferd bald spots a few times and just getting over the last lot. I definitely want to try everything you have suggested,. Your fab xxx

Vidya Krishnan: This is why I love your channel, you are so real !

Rosario Moreno: Thank you for sharing your story!!

Nargis Behashti: Lots of respect and gratitude for you for sharing this!

Sam Devine: thank you! I’ve had hair loss recently and I have no idea why no one in my family has had this issue. I’ve started supplementing vitamins and trying to eat healthy and don’t touch my hair with any type of hot tool!

Lola Chick Peach: Thank you so much for sharing your story!!!

Rena: Girl! I started watching this not knowing you. But now I know some much! So relatable. I struggle with the same exact issue especially in the same spots. Subscribed and I’m totally buying your makeup!!!

Aliza Hussain: love you so much huda keep up the amazing work. love your makeup too❤️xx

christine cortes: Did your scalp hurt when the hair was falling out or growing back . I just started having hair loss like 5 months ago I thought it was due to stress but now my hair is supper thin and my scalp is sensitive to were it hurts . I started getting lots of food sensitivities last year so not sure if it all ties together . I just started Bosley hair treatment and seems to limit the hair shed which I guess is a plus . I have the comb that my mom sent me being that I’m freaking out about my new hair loss issue . Haven’t used it much but will add it more now that I see you use it . I take nutrafol for vitamins , I’m not sure if that’s doing anything . They are expensive and I’m on month 2 with them . Any thoughts on those ?

Bani Oberoi: When you are THAT rich, you can literally cure anything!!

Kat Udd: Huda ur amazing the advise u give is beneficial and helps everyone . Thank u!

Blonde Scorpion: I stopped blow drying my hair too. I love this video!!! Great job Huda!!!

Álida Simões: Uauuu amo seus vídeos ❤❤❤

Dzhamile Kamber: Keeping your scalp healthy is as important as keeping healthy your skin all over the body. Thank you so much for this video ❤️

Preethi Tarigopula: I can't thank you enough. I have been experiencing what is called female pattern baldness for past few years, which has gotten worse over the time. Not sure what the exact cause, it could be stress genetics etc. Your video came out at a perfect time, I have been stressing out about my thinning hair which is probably making my hair fall worse. Thank you for all the information, it's going to be very helpful. Lots of love

ana ruiz: very brave from you to show it. I've suffered years due to excess sebum / yes hormones!

Jabeen Kulsum: This is so taboo that when I suddenly started to lose my hair, my grandmother who can never keep something to herself, didn't tell anything to anyone. I'm so fine with this. But, thanks Huda for opening up about this. I have PCOS too. But I have mostly abdominal fat, which is very dangerous and can lead to heart problems

Housecats of Dubai: Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️ please which lashes are you wearing?? I’m going to buy 10


C’estlavie: Hi Huda! Your hairstyle looks great! Please show us how you do it! Greetings from Slovenia!

Teresa G: THANK YOU so much for posting this video!!!! My hair has been thinning for about five years now & it’s really so depressing & personal for me because my hair was an extension of me & when it started falling out, I felt like I was losing myself (dramatic, I know) Going to the blog now to have that field day!!! Love you Huda

Iqr Zei: I love how clear and open u were about it xxx

hipretty: ☺️ So funny (I like needles ) and so stunning here! Thank you for sharing this!!! So many women are suffering in silence (and panic) with this! I tried a derma roller and my hair got caught in it!

skin therapy: I’m going through the same thing. Depresses me every time I look in the mirror

Arshi Arshi: OMG, I have pcos and alopecia too! I really appreciate Huda raising awareness about this condition ✨ We really need more role models like her ✨✨✨✨ps: For young girls it can be very confusing , stressful and depressing not having anyone to relate to. Pcos includes a variety of symptoms such as excessive unwanted hair growth , alopecia , aconthosis nigracans ( dark patches on skin folds ) , insomnia ,sleep apnea , acne and others . Its best to keep a healthy diet ,exercise , don't stress too much and gather a lot of information . ✨ To all my sisters ; We are beautiful and strong ❤

Mia Sanchez: Thanks so much for the video, I have had a heart condition most my life so my medication contribute to my hair loss I have seen some growth with vitamins but i'm going to look now for all the red light therapy hope I can find it worth a shot, thank you for shining some light on this.

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