Quick & Easy Melted Frontal Wig | Ft Unice Hair

Hey ya'll, I hope you enjoy watching me slay this bomb, melted lace frontal install. Don't forget to like, comment and SUBSCRIBE!!

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What'S up you guys and welcome back to my channel, i'm qb, so today's video is going to be a frontal video um on this hair and this hair is from eunice or you nice. I don't really know like the correct pronunciation, but i think it's you nice um, but this is my first time trying their hair and, let me just say i am in love like this: hair is really really nice um. This is obviously my first day putting it on, so i don't really have much of a review, i'm probably going to put like a review later on, but, as you can see like, i can't stop running my hands through it like it. Just feels so good and right now it's actually not flat ironed um because i have somewhere to be so. I kind of just like um didn't want to do that part, but i'll probably make another video like curling the hair or just reviewing the hair in general. So don't worry about that. I got y'all but um yeah. This hair is so cute like really really cute um, it's 20 inches and um. I really like it because they it already comes layered, as you can see like the front, is, like short, comes up to like right here and then the like it just gets longer. So this is 20 inches and it comes up to like right here on me. Like almost almost my hips, basically like right before my hips, that's where it comes on um me so because i'm pretty sure i'm five, two so yeah it's it's it's it's crazy! I feel like it's really really cute and i think i did a good job laying this way so quick disclaimer, i am not a professional wig layer of melter or whatever, whatever y'all call it or whatever, whatever y'all want to say. I just do this on my own, like i do this for other people too, but i do it on my own. I do it for myself, so i'm not like arrogant, hey or jonathan or who else who else beats land and wigs? I don't even know, but i'm not like professional professional, but i feel like i do a good job like for myself and for my friends or whatever. If they you know, want their hair laid so yeah. I really hope you guys enjoy this video. I'M gon na. Try to make this video as detailed as possible for y'all on how i do this, but you're just basically gon na get to see like how i lay my front two wig and um yeah, don't forget to like comment and subscribe and give this video a thumbs Up, let me know if you guys want to see more hair videos, because i really do plan on doing a lot more hair videos, um, so yeah, let's go ahead and jump right into this video, okay guys. So here we are so, as you can see, i have done my bald cap method, it's not the neatest, but you know we got it. You know going or whatever and um. This is my wig. It'S already bleached and plucked um by me and i'm just going ahead and putting that on and as you can see it matches my skin like pretty good. Now i'm going to be using my 91 alcohol to basically clean up my makeup around my hairline so that the glue can actually stay on my head and get this wig laid. So i'm just using my ghost bond to basically um, you know glue my wig um. I don't always use this, but um. If i want to keep the wig on for more than like two days, then i'll probably use that, but normally i just use got7 girl because most of the times i just want to get home and take off my wig and that's it. So i'm just making sure that the glue dries clear before i use my blow dryer and just make sure that the glue dries down to like a tacky like feel um. And then i'm just showing you guys. The powder color that i used for the lace to make it like match my skin tone even more now, i'm just putting on a wig and just making sure it's laid, and everything is like properly in place before i cut the lace. So i'm just basically like testing it out, just like putting on my head, like kind of just pressing, using my my hand, to like press the hair to my scalp, so the glue dries really flat and like the wig is like laid. So now i'm just going ahead and i am cutting the lace um. I feel, like i kind of made a mistake low-key i feel like i was a little nervous making this video, but i really should have cut the lace before i glued it down. So that's what i'm going to try next time when i like, lay a wig and i'll, probably record it but yeah. I was like thinking about it. I was like damn. I should really should have just like cut the lace before i glued it, so i could have just glued it in sections and it just it would have just made my life a whole lot easier, but that's a tip for y'all watching out there that if you Want to use that just definitely put cut the lace before like cut the lace, cut the lace in sections before you glue it down. Basically so now, as you can see, i'm just going ahead and i am cutting the extra lace from behind my ear and just making sure that everything is flat and ready to go. So, as you can see, the lace is in sections and i'm just gon na go section section by section: um, just cutting the lace in like a zigzag motion. Um. You want to make sure you're doing this, because you don't want your lace to look like a straight line like it's just not natural looking, so you just want to cut in zigzag motion and um yeah. So right now, as you can see, i'm pulling out my ear tabs and i'm gon na go ahead and use my got to be spray. Just to give me an extra flat laid look and um, i'm basically just playing around with the hair and just seeing how i wanted to really lay and going from there. Basically, so i'm going back in with the blow dryer to basically just like make sure everything is flat and extra laid. I don't know how many times i said late in this video but girl, you just have to get your thing late, okay period. That'S that's the conclusion of this video late. That'S the that's the word of the day, late! Okay! So, yes, i'm just using my fingers to press the lace into my scalp just to give it an extra flat look, and now i'm gon na be using my silk scarf to tie it around my hairline to make sure that i get the lace to really melt Into my head, i'm gon na give it five minutes, then we're gon na take it off and bam boom bam bam. Okay, yep! That'S that's what we talking about yup so anyway, so i'm going in and i'm going to basically give myself some baby hairs. I'M going to use my what is this a shredder, hair, shredder or something like that? Um y'all know what this is. I don't even know the original name, but we know we all know what this is. Okay, i'm just being basically using it to cut my baby hairs and now i'm going to go in with some mousse to um, just get everything to be flat and ready to be slated made period. So now, i'm just using a brush to basically um lay my edges and guys. I am not that good with baby hairs, like that's not my strength when it comes to wigs, okay. I know this and i am going to work on perfecting my craft, but for right now, you're gon na get what you get okay like at this point. I'M done, but, as you can see in this video, i really just kind of like was switching up. How i was doing the baby is just trying to like test what i like see what i like or whatever, but i decided to go with this cute little. Look like yes, girl. It'S like minimal it's giving minimal baby hairs, but still like a lot of baby hairs at the same time, but anyways yeah. So this is really basically the look um. I really love this hair. I really have not gotten a chance to fly iron, this hair or even curl. This hair, like i literally just, got this hair and just installed it today. So you know i really haven't gotten to do much with it. But yes, as you can see, i'm just using my stick to basically lay down the wig and the baby, the what's it called the flyaway hairs or whatever just to give it extra flat. Look and then also using my kenji's boutique hot comb to basically bump up the front a little bit to give me a little volume in the front and um yeah, just making sure it look real flat and real natural and girl. I know you can see you can see what this looking like right now. It looks so good like come on now stop playing with your girl. So i forgot to put my makeup back around my hairline, so it looks a little weird, but y'all get the drift. You already know what to do. I really enjoyed making this video and um. Let me know if you would use my techniques because i feel like i showed a little something in here in this video whatever, but i'm still learning don't forget to like comment and subscribe i'll see you guys in my next video bye

Bebe Star: Looks good came here from the UNICE reviews I like how you laid it you’re so pretty‼️


CiCiGalore: very pretty !!! how has the hair been holding up?

Leticia Verhaeghe: pretty

Ibukun Dosumu: what density is this please

Imagine Phoenix: Seen your comment and pics and hopped right over

loveonthego: How much you charging

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