Gist Central #6 | Being An Independent Woman Is Not Cute | Chit-Chat | Isee Hair Review

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The hair I'm wearing in this video is:


Texture: Brazilian Kinky Straight

Density: Natural Density

Length: 24inch

Lace Type: HD Lace

Cap Construction: 13*4 Lace Front Wig

Crown Series—High-End Series just dropped:

Life Need Colors: (Code: New20 Get $20 OFF!!!)

Suitable For ALL Skin Tones- HD Lace Wigs:

$73 Pixie Cut Curly Wig:


Brazilian Kinky Straight Headband Wig:

Brazilian Kinky Straight Vpart Wig:


IG: @iseehairbeauty -


Email: [email protected]

iMessage/WhatsApp: +8613271220951




Baby hairs:


Final major review:


▫️ Contact email - [email protected]

▫️ Instagram - @diutoajoku |

▫️ TikTok - @diutoajoku |

▫️ Depop - Diuto |


What do you bring to the table? So many women get triggered father help me. You are not the table. Okay, he's not the table, you're, not the table. The top of you bring your chairs and sit down on that table. Stop encouraging people being overweight when you on the other end, you know that you're going to the gym, you know you're eating right as you want to be that so-called woman that is strong. Keep your masculine rottweiler lifestyle away from the man. What'S up, my babies. Welcome back to my channel, you know the vibes first, i'm talking about you officially welcome in today's video advising like this hair is giving. This is g central and we're back. We are back with just central - oh my god, this time around i'm going to be doing a hair installation, as i'm talking he's a weak, and it's from i see her so um. I'M going to be talking about the hair more about the hair early in the video, but during the video we're going to be installing the week so sit tight and keep watching and we'll get into this. So i just have to be very forward with you guys. I have a few disclaimers right here. It'S been a while it's really just central and it's a sincere video so if you're a type of person to get triggered by things like this, please i'm giving you five seconds to click out, so please be respectful because everything that i want to see in this Video is my opinion. Okay, thank you very much. Okay, so um. This is a kinky curly week. Every single detail box we're gon na be linked down below for your reference. So what is the first thing we're gon na talk about today? Let'S see my notes and see what i've written being an independent woman like wait, i'm cutting through the list and i'm going to cut it into one two. Three four parts. So many women have this mentality of i'm an independent woman, and i, to be honest with you, i hear this a lot amongst black women. I don't really hear this with asian women that are successful and i'm not degrading any of us mind you i'm a black woman, okay, so anything else in here is not being insensitive, so i noticed so many black women, especially black americans. Okay, i keep hearing this thing of um, i'm an independent black woman, um, an independent woman, and it's such a common thing that we hear right now and there's nothing wrong with being independent. Independence can be independent, financially or relationship wise. What do you mean when you say i'm an independent black woman or i'm an independent woman? So from my own point of view, this is my own opinion. I feel like so many women that talk about being independent women they're, not necessarily talking about being independent in the sense that they can take care of themselves, only is that they have all that they need, they feel like they have all that they need aka, money Or aka is mostly money and be honest because it's always women that have achieved something financially or having business. That'S booming and doing extremely well - and i say i'm an independent woman thing is men out here they don't care about your money. It'S not only good for a woman that has money, you can have your money. If a man really does want you that desires, you he's not desiring you for your money, there's no problem being an independent woman. The problem here comes when you say: i'm an independent woman. I don't need a man, everybody needs everybody. Okay, so let's just scrap the idea: men need women, women eat men, and that is such a big misconception, especially amongst women that have achieved so much in their lives that they feel like. I don't demand to take care of me. Yes, you don't need a man to care to take care of you money wise, but you need a man to take your view emotionally. Okay, because women are emotional roller coasters men are much better at controlling emotions than women. Are men are not as emotional as we are in the sense of being driven by emotions, to do things or to say things you being an independent black woman doesn't mean or independent woman does not mean that you don't need a man. It just means that you can think of yourself financially, but when you are out there rubbing it in the face of men or in faces of men, then you are actually contradicting what you want, because you're saying to your mind, you're presenting yourself as someone that has Achieved something right, i get it. I love that about about women that i've achieved so much you present to yourself you're, saying: okay, this is what i'm bringing to the table, but the honest truth is: if imagining wants to be with you and loves you, he will not be looking at you for Your money, because it is in nature of your mind, to want to be the provider if everyone talks about the husband being provider and the woman being the nurturer. This brings me to the point when men say statements like what do you bring to the table? So many women get triggered. Why are you getting triggered by the question is the same question that women ask when they say to a man um. So what are we? What are we doing? Sorry, i'm talking too much. Give me one. Second, actually don't draw this. Why is that when men say what you breathe with you become such a thing to be triggered about? I don't see any reason why um? You should not know how to answer that question now. I was watching some tick tock videos the other day, and i saw like reactions. Men men made reactions to videos and a couple men, i'm not talking about one person. I'M talking about a couple. Men made reactions to the video of like this question, so a guy asked this question. He says women. What do you think about what do you? What does your mind go to when you even find a video click here? What does your mind go to when a man says? What did you bring to the table and there were loads of women saying things like he's, just nasty, he doesn't know what he wants he's just going to be trash in the end of the day, like just seeing things that degrade man, okay, now, here's the thing Very much you ask you that question he's not asking you what you're materialistically bringing to the table. I hate it. When i hear a woman say i'm the table, i'm not breaking anything stable, no you're, not the table. Father help me when the bible talks about like peop, two people coming together and being one. It'S not just one aspect spiritually, it's one in everything you are bringing something to the table. While he is breaking some of the table, aka, the two of you are coming and you're bringing the values mind you it's not. Money is not book, it's not brain values, that's what you're bringing to the table. What are you offering me with your body? No! That'S always asking i mean men are reasonable. That'S not what they're asking they're asking you: what values are you bringing to the table that will make this relationship reasonable, like they'll, make us being together, not a waste of time? That'S what the question is. You are not the table. Okay, he's not the table, you're, not the table. The top of you bring your chairs and sit down on that table and make it. I have a reasonable discussion, talk about it when he asks you and you give him an answer. You have the right to also ask what are you bringing to the table as well women, please. We should be much smarter than this. I i expect women to be more emotionally stable than we are in this time and age because i don't know what's going on in our generation, but this one is going to be one of the most triggering ones and bear with me because, whatever i see in This aspect of this video is not to degrade or to shame or to make anybody feel less of themselves. This is supposed to be educational. I'M going to stick down this side of my head. I'M going to list all the products i use below for your reference. Yeah, so don't ask me, just check the description box. Okay, this aspect is very triggering and this one is about your body. Yes situation, you being big doesn't mean you're healthy. So if a woman says oh, i love my body the way it is that's cool. That'S fine we're here to encourage you to look good, but here's the problem when you are obese change, the way you eat yes, because that is very important. I realized that very recently recently because you can go to the gym all you want, but if you're consuming nonsense it doesn't make you any healthier, go to the gym when we are here saying: oh, let's uplift, our women that are big. I get it all bodies matter, but when we have the right to see not being able to eat because you're watching you're over watching your weeds, it's such a bad thing is a problem. It'S the same thing as over eating. You can't see a woman eating so much food and being so unhealthy with her diet and you're saying oh, i love your body, no you're, not helping her. You are actually destroying her because thing here is it's not about what she looks like it's about our health, because earlier the so many people are out here dying now, i'm not saying that it's only people that are obese or only people that are overweight, that are In a situation where they're going to have all these diseases all these illnesses, all the sickness is going to get older. No, but it increases the risk. So why not deal with it now that you're able to now that your body is able to to produce all these chemicals in the body to tame all these nonsense? You'Re eating then later on in life, when you're already suffering diabetes so freely suffering that suffering heart attack. So by encouraging people being overweight, when you on the other end, you know that you're going to the gym, you know you're eating right, but you're out there saying! Yes, women, empowerment. No, you are degrading these women you're, making them worse than they are because these women, of course they will say outwardly. Oh i'm, proud of my body, but when they're in their rooms and they're consuming all those chocolates and ice cream and biscuits they're. Looking at their bodies in the mirror - and they have embodied this mafia - but they come out here on the internet and they make it look as if they're feeling so good about their bodies. But they go behind bars and they're. Crying they're wondering why their clothes don't fit. They'Re wondering why and it's not about these brands, including being inclusive or not. The problem here is even that inclusivity is causing so many people to feel comfortable eating nonsense. Okay, we're stuffing ourselves with sugar stuffing ourselves with carbs stuffing ourselves with nonsense, and let me tell you the honest truth: i have been on the bigger side. I'Ve actually been overweight compared to my height before before now i have, and i had to come to realization that yo what you consume, changes your body, what you're putting into your body changes what you're seeing on the outside. You see all these people that um are bigger on the bigger side. Yes, some of them their genetics can play rules, but you know your genetics. Okay, work with your genetics. I noticed that when i eat uncontrollably when i eat like just whatever i want to eat, i add weight. It is your business. Yes, because your health matters not because you you can look. However, you want to look no, please, let's be honest with ourselves, and stop encouraging unhealthy eating. Stop encouraging fat, stop encouraging obesity. You know your heart that you're, shaming them brings with your mouth you're. Saying wow, you look nice see, god's god's! God is the judge in this case. All of you know yourself, and it's not just for girls. This is for boys too, when you're older and in a much weaker position to create that habit of going to the gym. The fact that you created a habit of going to gym when you're younger is going to make it so much easier for you to continue, because you already know what results you you got when you were younger and you were hitting the gym. But if you never created a habit of going to the gym, when you were younger and you never saw results, you always have that mentality of i'm never going to see results. No matter how much i go, it's got yourself, some slack. Okay. Now this one is the biggest thing i hate you see this matter of equality equity. What actually sprung of this equality battle was when women were not getting paid equally, when it comes to, you know, doing the same job as a man in the same field and all that and that's i guess, that's one thing. That'S absolutely unfair. So now here's the problem: we've gone from fighting from equality to turning men into slaves. Okay, here's the thing we're asking men to give give give give give give. Oh, you have taken out on a date and you must pay for the dates. You must open the door for me, i'm looking for a month to pay my views. I'M looking around. I will not complain about um how much my hair costs or how much this costs. Let me give amanda i'll take me to this place without complaining, i'm looking for a high value man. What do you know is a high value month. You see this whole high value man high volume, one. I feel, like that's the mentality in this time, because see the problem. You want the high volume most women, what they define as a high value money in their head is a man that has enough money to take care of them without complaining. Let me just remind you of something very important here: if you want a man that is making his do time is money, okay, be honest with yourself, money is being made with time. Let me explain this: if a man is making ba okay, now i'm talking about minimum wage 45k yeah, i don't know i'm not my 60k yeah, no! No and according to women as a high value man, she can pay bills comparing and have so much more to spend on a monthly basis. Okay, that's what most women see as i have a new man, but that's not the value he's added to you that value. He has is not the money, because if he dip it, if this man is making money based off time, he's going to be spending more time out there to make more money gtp. Do you even think about that? I don't think most people might think about that. The thing is his time is translating into money. So when he's giving you that money know that he has to spend more time out there to give you more money - and i get it so we are getting passive income now, but don't be deceived because the more you have the more you want. That'S just the fact of life, the more that man has the more he wants because nobody's ever satisfied where they are, except maybe they are closely, they are dying or something everybody feels like. If i could get to this point, i can go higher. So when a woman says, i want a man that has so much money be ready to not have quality time. It is mostly the case except there are outliers, and this is a problem. So many women are very delusional. We women ha god. We can deceive ourselves. We can lie to ourselves and when you come out with that, mentality of a man must do everything for me, you've forgotten the fact that you also you you also have something to bring to the table. If you want a high value, man make sure you're. Also, a high value woman: okay, because no man wants a woman, that's going to be a headache to him. No man wants a woman that is not submissive whenever people say submissive, why women so angry about that word, submissive, being submissive doesn't mean that you have to lay down a flat suit to do ballet for him. No, that's what he means. Being submissive is basically just being feminine being nurturing being supportive see. Let me explain something: women have feminine and masculine sides. Men have feminine masking inside what makes men more masculine than women is the ability to be the head in the situation? Not being a wild woman is being the head institution. Okay, let me explain this. No more wants to marry a masculine woman. That'S why women you see so many women saying. Oh i'm a strong woman, but i know i don't get men these days. What they're, presenting to men as being strong is them being very masculine, because you're coming off as very assertive now, every man feels good when a woman sees him as someone that can cater for her that can protect her that can take care of her okay. That'S what women want a man that can take care of her amanda can protect her a man that is providing okay. These are the major theory things that a woman wants, a man once a woman, i'm giving peace of mind. It'S very important for me to make that clear peace of mind. So if you're out here nagging your husband nagging your boyfriend, whatever you are doing in your situationship or relationship as you want to be, that so-called woman, that is strong, keep your masculine rottweiler lifestyle away from the man, because the moment you bring in that masculinity, the Man will feel like he's getting married to another man. Just in case you don't know. I already went down stuck on my baby hairs because i could not, for the life of me, wait for this charger. This um battery to finish charging i'm gon na use my hot home, it's actually hot right. Now, i'm going to press down the side. As you can see, this is flat. This is puffy because this is kinky, curly, hair, sorry kinky straight hair, so it is quite fluffy uh-uh. Don'T even think of that, this thing is hot. Look at the difference and i didn't even put any like wax or anything do so. I'M going to take the elastic band off and pray that this does not look but ah i'll sleep down properly on my days and it's flat flat. I love love love. You see at least hacking in this box, but yeah i had the beach knots and block release, so it came with this recap: um this bag or silk bag for putting your wig when you don't want to wear it at the moment. Given this for sleeping at night, he came in this palm flat she's. So pretty it came with some false nails strange. I never knew it was going to happen, but yeah the first time i ever getting nearly also this time around. It didn't come with one pair of lashes. It came with eight pairs of lashes, eight there's a few in here as well. Eight pairs of lashes. That'S absolutely insane! I don't know if everyone gets this, but i'm hoping they do, because if they don't - and i got it here - i don't get what what this care package is. It'S not going to be the same thing for the other people that are ordering it came with this brush. I'Ve been wanting this for a long time, so yeah thank you came with some hair clips. I don't use hair tips, but these are really cute real and it came with this elastic this elastic band. This is for linear wig. I use it for my clients, so yeah, that's pretty much all i had to say about this video. I think i have made all my points clear and sparkling clean, also, don't forget to drop a comment down below and also don't forget to follow me on my social media platforms. My hopefully my instagram will be up by the time. I'M posting this video but yeah. I really hope you didn't confess or think i was here degree. You know downgrading women, it's never my intention to downgrade women or to make women feel less than they are because beautiful, but gorgeous where we deserve to be treated like queens. We deserve to cheat like princesses or whatever your fathers told you when we were younger, oh yeah, we deserve to be treated amazing and i think men also deserve to be treated the same nest of the double standards and that's really what this video is about. We need to study double standards as much as we want to be treated like princesses. Let us also turn around and treat our men like kings, whether it's black white orange cream, treating a king, okay, he deserves it and when you show a man respect, he has no reason not to show you not to pamper you. You know i see here seventh time for sponsoring today's video. I really appreciate it and i'd love to see it. I think this is one of the most gorgeous weeks. I'Ve owned it's so soft. I think plush and soft is this 180 percent density. By the way, i'm going to link and put all the details down below for you to you know, get your hands on the wig if you want to choose to yeah. So that's the end of this video, you

Stephanie Eze: I’ve never heard a man satisfied with any answer “what do you bring to the table” it’s usually asked to “humble” women cause anything you say will never be enough for men that ask that question. Also, no one goes asking their friends “what do you bring to this friendship”, you form a connection and if you’re an intelligent person, you can easily see if that person is of value to you or not.

Jiji: 8:18 THANK YOU!!! My thoughts exactly. Another thing, Chubby does not equal unhealthy and skinny does not equal healthy either. Check ur weight and health regardless of how you look and take care of yourself. You’re still beautiful but regardless take care of yourself, your actual human heart health matters

Sheira Fred: Girl I just came across your channel and you are GOLD!!! Like... People need to watch this yoooo So raw and still spitting facts✨☕

Reolah: Rushing here the minute I saw Gist Central. I love Diuto's energyyyy

Tomisin: Finallyyy! I really don't feel comfortable when women expect men to always be at their service (financially) tbh most relationships nowadays are based on monetary values, which is very ridiculous

Epic moments: The hair, the conversation, the video quality.........everything is

Ademide .E: I'm so excited that gist central is BACK !! Many thanks to God and Diuto for making this happen!!!

Immaculata: Diuto!!! I missed your sit down videos, even though i really loved your vlogs and found them very calming I'm praying that you feel God's love literally all around you every single day. ❤️

Laye Timiadi: Everything about the video was hitting down to the video quality, the discussion, your look, vibes and awesome energy. I really learnt a lot from this video and I'm really happy to see you with this energy ❤️

Megane Nang: I'm so happy! Our girl is backkkkkkkk. It's the gist for me!

Food Whisperer: Love is unconditional, everything else is a contract. The older I get and more money I have, the faster I walk away from any guy or person that's trying to size up my pocket to see you can solve their problems. If I want I will give you the world, but not because you expect that I can.

Nobuntu Mgijima: Gist Central’s are baaaaack ❤️. Love to see it ‍♀️

Immaculata: I honestly love this video. Women deserve to be treated like Queens and so do Men. There are good, decent, men out there. And they also deserve their woman to be their peace. Also, about being healthy while also being kind, yes to that! Yes to truly being the best version of ourselves.

Mabel Ekufful: This is lyk an advice, thanks for that. I'm only 19 yrs, and I think this will help someday

Adesina Habeebat: Glad we’re back on gist centrallll

Jiji: 11:44 when women started asking men to pay for their nails and get mad if they dont, i knew were overdoing it. And then claim they are ‘independent’ Please✋

Uchechi Ogoko: The beauty choke!! more Gist Central!!!

Ola Owolaborn: Flesh and blood did not reveal these things to you. You are wise and you are going places. God bless you for this

Ezinne Ikoro: Everything you said in this video is correct no cap, it's like you overheard my conversations withy sister

Siphosethu Chiloane: Love these hair reviews

Jola Adeoye: First of all!!! Yayyy! GIST CENTRAL you don’t kay how long I’ve prayed for this upload

Ovokeroh: The quality is already hitting

AngieeDavid: Love it! ❤️Preach girl

Aude-Carla: This make up is giving !!!! Can we hope for a tutorial ?

Tasha Tobedza: A gist central video!??!?!? I am so happy rn!!❤❤❤

Tioluwanimi Dosunmu: I loved this so muchhhh❤️

Iloho Jennifer: I enjoyed watching this.❤ Not Duito giving them back to back

Tasha Tobedza: This conversations>>>> Just Facts!❤❤

beforeigo: I missed the gist videos. Thank you Diuto

Reolah: Equality for all gender. We should serve and be win

Noula Kouakou: Thank you, you are right.

Emmanuella Chinaza: Yessssss gist central is back!!. my baby is back

Bridget: WOAH. Before I type anything else, GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY. 0:30 This is the EXACT scripture I need to get my life back on track after I have been praying to God about procrastination, and my fear of failure, leading to my laziness. Nonetheless, timely word!!

OYIN NAOMI: Already know I’m about to love this video

Plan2Code: energy

kathia: i love happy Diutoyou’re my favorite youtuber

Lamide Ernest: Diuto is hereeeeeee! Ready to watch

Vivian Ikechukwu: How much I've missed Gist Central .

Zandile Dube: I love your content. One question how do you apply your lashes

Sharon Oraa: speaking facts!!! 6:22

Adesina Habeebat: You look so good

onyinyechi adawa: Gist central is back!!!!!!!!! YouTube didn't notify me

life of mam_mma: Missed you. Welcome back ✨✨

Lola Tylar: ❤

Kylie elimbi: I love your videos, where do you buy your wigs from, please

Imma Okoye: I'm Late sha but Let Go! Gist Central.

Ovokeroh: Yesss girl

Noula Kouakou: —— keep seeking God and truth, share and help people with love, never let anyone or this world take you away from him. Please stay filled with humbleness and wisdom, most of all love and desire to truly help people with him. Keep sharing the truth and not what people want to hear. Stay strong in your relationship with Jesus and keep following his words with love and righteousness .

Temi Taiwo: Gist centraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!

Adaugo Okenwa: I missed you ooo

Okolo Eliora: Notification geng ❣️

Ann Kaitijo: Please we missed hearing your voice abeg!!!

Nicolle Chebet: Where did your Instagram go

Victoria: FYI your code isn't working

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