Amazon:Unboxing $30 18In Afro Curly Wig & Pu$$Y Power Wash & Pearl Detox

Watch me unboxing an Amazon synthetic and talk about Yoni detox


Please, like comment subscribe, ring that bell for notifications to know when your girl uploads, so today i am going to be doing an unboxing video. I recently went on amazon and i saw this cute wig that i've never tried before. I want to show that to you guys, maybe if you want to make a purchase, you can go to and i also made another purchase for something else that i'm going to be unboxing as well. So my amazon package - girls, with this wig on i'm not going to say in person but like on social media. So i'm like that's a cute wig. I don't know if it'd fit so i mean now. This is like a curly afro ring. So it's for beauty and i'll post the information below so made in china. This is the packaging. This is a 18 inch black afro afro curly wig. So it's like got a curly bang and they come out and stuff like that. I typically love long long, luscious. Full hair, so let's see now there's no smell or anything. So far it looks good. The name of this company is anova. I don't know if i'm saying that right, but that's the company, it looks like a jerry clay. So, let's just and i'm not gon na be like doing an install or anything like that, because i'm not a hair professional. I'M just going to throw this on my head. So i'm going to cut like the little piece off the little tag or whatever get that out. Okay, so on the inside of the wig, it looks very full. It has two combs one: there, oh and one there so two combs in the front, there's nothing in the back, so you can adjust the strap. I, like my wigs, pretty tight, but how have you guys been so i'm just hooping it on like that, because i, like mine, it's pretty sturdy. I'Ve never tried a wig like this before um, so this is the front of it. So that's the bang and they say that you can cut it and adjust it to how you want. So that looks cute. So we're going to be right back. Oh [ __ ], [, __, ], okay, so i'm gon na try this on i'm just putting it on i'm not doing no edges or nothing like that. I don't know if i'm no, what what the [ __ ] is. What is this? What is amazon really bro? What is this like? What what you say? Okay, nothing like i did the best that i could with this hair every hairstylist for everybody. So, just because it looks like this on me, it doesn't mean that it may not fit you if you're just looking for something quick. You know something quick and for the summer i don't know about the summer, but just something a quick little hairstyle like maybe i'm not styling it right, because i'm not a hairstylist, but if you're looking for something quick, the ends are dry put the product on that Cause it's really dry really dry, but um. I mean i'll wear this for a couple days. I feel like this is like a fun like go lucky type of hair like does it look better like this or with the droopy wet look? This may need some activator, but i mean it's. Every hairstyle is not for everybody. I mean i feel like it's a different hairstyle. It'S okay, um, it's definitely bushy now. Does it look like how it looked on the mannequin? No, let's see if i can. Okay there. We go okay, maybe i did something to it, but um i mean it's a cute wig. You know it's really dry, it's dry, looking like, but whatever, but we're gon na get into the next product. The next thing that i ordered offline - okay, guys so the second part of this video of the unboxing, is, if you women, are looking for like a yoni detox, and i mean yoni, yeah, perfect um. If you're looking for a vaginal cleanse, i've ordered from this company before i'm gon na just open it and y'all, probably seen it on social media and stuff like that um the last time i did one of these cleanses it was it was a year ago, and I was the woman that did suffer from bad bb, like when i was young and i felt like ever since i've been doing yoni detoxes goddess vaginal detox curls. Ever since i've been doing these like i've like like, i don't suffer from that, so so this is the goddess vaginal detox pearls. So it's two little pearls and i've posted a video about this before so you can go back to my older videos, but this is what it looks like. I don't know why this keeps turning on and off, but this is the pearl in here. I don't. I'M gon na wait till i get my period and then i'll. Do it i'll wait a couple days and then do this because i don't want to start it and then my period comes on and it'll be a mess and you have to take it out. So you get one of these and you insert this for 24 hours, and then it comes with two applicators, like you put it on there push it up in there. Your body's gon na go through a purging process. You'Re gon na see stuff coming down. It'S gon na be real nest, but it's releasing so many toxins dead, skin all type of stuff, and you can go to this website and it'll go with all of the benefits a little longer than a few minutes later. Look at that look at that goddess, detox, wealthy woman, wealthy woman. Look at that! That'S beautiful! So what so! This is not! This is okay, so this is a yoni wash for your vagina, but what makes this so unique? What makes this so unique? Is that and with this wealthy women's detox watch, i think i paid 35 for this, and this is a five fluid ounce, and this is it's good to you know it's like a feminine wash, but if you look at the bottom, gon na hey, y'all, see stuff In there right, if you can't i'm sorry, but this has the citroen crystals within it like and with citroen, it's good for wealth, like so many other like like it builds your confidence. So let me show you guys, so this is the citroen. So it's like for abundance, well, all type of stuff right so and then there's this one, that's a chris! These are the crystals so to have it in a wash it's gon na make that [, __, ], rich and wealthy. So can't wait to use this. Like you can hear it like, the crystals are in there and then it comes with like like it comes with like um, like a little affirmation on it like it says i am a wealthy woman. Prosperity looks and feels good on me. My heart is open to receiving all the funds. My [ __ ] is dripping with success, money loves being around me and i love being around money, so she also has rose quartz as well. But this do you see? Oh and it smells so good. I'M gon na go take a shower, it smells so fresh and i feel like once you rub it on your vagina and you don't put it in you just rub it. You know this is the video they subscribe, so you put it on there. So that's your vagina! You just rub it in here, but don't go in the hole, don't no just on the outside so but she gives you videos if you want to go to goddess detox. This is for a spiritual, women's wellness company. So that's what it's for! It'S for women us empowering ourselves, you know releasing all negative energies um. This wig was a journey within itself if you're interested. This is on amazon. If you are interested in a leoni detox, this is available to you on, and she she, if you're into like steaming, trust me it's worth it trying to get rid of some x's in your life worth it. If you're a person that suffers from like vagina problems, you know all right, it helps with cysts and all type of stuff. Try it do your research try. All the information is on her website. If you're looking for some new yoni washes. This is something you may want looking for something on your washes. You love rose quarry, so you love the crystal citron, hey looking for some money in your life, tired of having that broke cat, and you want more abundance on top of abundance money on top of money. This is what it is. This is where it's at. I do want to say thank you so much for watching rolled maddie's shirty. This light is getting on my nerves. Please, like comment subscribe and ring that bell for notifications to know when you go upload, i'm feeling like chaka khan. I feel like i'm living and worry. This is the 80s you

Maddy'sWorld: MURAMURA HAIR 18Inch Long Curly...

Trucking With Perry: That Wig is a different but you still look beautiful in it

Sally sue: I need one of these detoxs.

Noxx Bul: You look so beautiful can I get your information


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