Foreign, hey guys welcome to my channel hi. If you are new here, my name is Chelsea. Thank you. So much for clicking on my video today we're installing a wig um. Well, we're not installing the wig is already on, but I'm gon na be showing you guys how I will take this wig from looking like this. You know freezy and not much going on to this, So this hat is actually from West kiss hair. Thank you to them for sponsoring this video. So we came in this dust bag as always, and some of the goodies they included for me was um two pieces of wig caps. I think this is a headband. If I'm not wrong yeah, I think so, and a pair of lashes and the wig also came in a plastic bag. That'S always the case. I'Ve had this video quite a bit actually and I had initially filmed the entire week, video installing the wig and everything, and then I lost the footage I mean you guys have already seen me install hair a couple million times so in this video we're just gon Na focus on how to make the hair actually look nice and pretty we're just gon na curling, the hair, so this is how it currently looks like I really love this hair. This is honestly one of my favorite um colors. I really feel like anything that has some form of blonde in it. Just looks really good on me and I'm just gon na read, for you guys the description of the hair, so it is 13x4, transparent, lace, 22, inches and 180 percent density. So this is what it's giving. This is how it looks from the back. I think for me it's always better to curl on a mannequin head, because I have actually burnt myself a few times with my curling iron and that's the first thing. Please get a good quality curling iron. This is the one that I have. I got it from Amazon and it was quite cheap. It came with a few different attachments for over here, so this is one of them. This is the one that we're gon na use, and this one is sort of gon na give you like a sort of like a wavy type. Curls different ones do different things, so this one is sort of gon na give you, like you, know the curls that we're going for, and the reason why I'm saying this has burnt me a few times is because a lot of curling irons normally have sort of, Like a protective something over here, so as you guys can see this curling iron, it's quite it's quite thin and it sort of tapers at the end, it's gon na give you a more tight wave, but if you go with this one, you can see this. One is thicker than this other one, then this is gon na, give you a more loose type wave. So let me just heat up the curling iron. So before we get started, I'm just gon na Begin by sectioning the hair when I'm sectioning on my head. Of course, I can't really see what exactly I'm sectioning, so I just do it whatever feels comfortable. I don't want to have too much hair, because now I get confused and then I will use my clip to secure this to get a brush and just make sure that you detail hold that hair properly foreign ly like going with this Moroccan Argan Oil. It'S quite nice, it smells really good and it adds a lot of shine to the hair. So I just spray some on my hands and then I just rub it into the hair, the oil. It'S very light. You don't want to use an oil that is too thick because that's actually going to make the hair feel sort of matte and weighed down. So don't do that. Just use something light and you see already the shine yeah. That'S what you want so that I don't bend myself again, I'm gon na wear this gloves. They did come with the curling iron times. I'Ve bent myself is because I wasn't wearing them. So what I like to do is I sort of twist the hair, and then you just do that. Take it round the curling wand as you're twisting as you're twisting tightly until you get to the top and then let it sit for a few seconds. And then you let it go and there you have it so we're just gon na do the same for the rest of the hair brush that through to detangle and then just go again. Thank you. So it's just repetitive. You just keep doing the same thing until you get to the top of the head and then you'll be done. You'Re a beginner at curling in your own wigs. I would highly highly recommend doing it on a mannequin head, because you really don't want to burn yourself brushing through again. The process is just the same and also, as you guys can see, I'm covering the entire one from over here. So if I started twisting the hair around and in the beginning of the twist was sort of here, I would get to the top and I wouldn't have finished the entire hair. So, depending on how long the hair is make sure you start from the bottom. Oh, that is perfect Perfection. Look at that! Hey you better foreign, all right, so we're done doing the curls. This is what it's giving do. You see the bounce looking so pretty you can choose to leave this curls like this, but I'm not gon na. Do that. I do want to comb them out to just make them look a bit uh longer and more fluffy, so, for the next part, we're just gon na need the hot comb and a wax, and the one that I use is the character. At this point, I am honestly convinced that every single hair color looks amazing on me, but honestly, this this blonde highlights stunning. So make sure you check weska's hair out. Thank you so much to them for sending me this unit. I mean just look at me yo. I look like I live standing in this hair um, the hair quality is amazing. Everything is amazing. The lace was really easy to work with um and, as always, all the details are going to be included in the description box. So make sure you check them out and get a unit for yourself or a loved one. And I can't wait to see you guys in my next video bye bye. Oh
Sabrina Amai: I really love your content, definitely an inspiration to where I want to get my content.
MAUREEN NJAMBI: Me almost breaking my legs, running to watch Foi’s new video…
West Kiss Hair: So nice share! Thanks for trying our hair,dear
Stephannie Aimie: She at it again ❤❤❤
Nelsey Ke: Hey gorgeous
Life as pruddy: The way i ran from IG❤ Lord
NdindaMonik: Hey ,we enjoyed this video but kuna yenye ulitupromis in the last upload. But you know what Ntagoja tu Foi♀️
Shainz shamella Evelyn: I wanted to be the fast one to comment