Wigs By Vanity-How To Tease A Wig.

Tutorial on teasing a wig using a Shazza.

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Hey guys before we start this tutorial. Okay, i want to do a little disclaimer um. While i'm editing this, i filmed it yesterday um. I realized that my clothes are covered in so much fluff. I wore the shirt i'm wearing i wore with a scarf the last time i wore a really fluffy scarf and it just like caught all the fluff um and i've washed it like three times and it's still there anyway and i'm wearing my house jacket, because i Was really cold and it's like all bally and all gross and everything like that, but anyway, i'm not a hobo. I do wash my clothes, but i just made a bad choice when i was getting ready yesterday morning. Okay, hope you enjoy the tutorial hey. Ladies. Oh, my god, i know it's not just about barbies here now um, so i thought i would give doing tutorials another shot. It'S been a while, since i've done one because this isn't about showing you how to do a wig, i'm going to show you a couple of techniques that you can do in any wig. Hopefully um. If i explain myself properly, but you know we'll see and um and hopefully some skills that you can implement into your own swing styling on any wig, you want to do and anything you want to do today, i'm going to be using a shazza in persian gold. Only because it's a maxi and you know kill two beds with one stone, so i thought, while i do it, i may as well film. It and uh do a little tutorial. So the main thing i want to focus on today is teasing. So technically today's lesson is going to be about teasing honeycube's coming back, upstairs: hey, kita, hey! Did you get anything? You need to get exactly yeah lovely um. So today i'm going to be using dusting powder. Now this has been a godsend for me and i've been using it for quite a few years. I kind of get the quiet because, like it's with my little secret um, but you know now i'm sort of technically not starting with them. I, but i'm almost. I may as well give away all my little trade secrets for you guys, so you guys can be self-sufficient and um and make beautiful creative works of art for your head, so, which is what these glam and go's are supposed to be. They'Re like designed to be as easy as possible for you guys this isn't a sales pitch about glen goes or for glam and goes even though it wouldn't hurt. You know buy one if you want, but today it's about teasing, i'm going to show you two techniques of teasing that i really like to use. Um it's the brush through technique and what we'll call the dreadlock technique and, like i said this powder is amazing. Not this particular brand doesn't matter what brand it is you get really expensive ones. You get really cheap ones. This is the cheapest one that comes from like woolies or coals. It'S a swats cough push-up volume, it's just a dust, just a styling dust, so go out and invest in some of that and trust me. It will change your life change your life. Okay, let's just start i'm i am going to see if i can do this. Um you know me i'm going to stand up. I can't do it sitting down so you're going to miss out on my head. So anyway, that's fine. You know, you know what i look like pretty so, we'll start always by separating the wig from ear to ear. With some clips, so i do this just to get the hair out of the way you might want to start from the top with some wigs some styles, you might want to start from the bottom, whatever works for you, but i tend to like to start from The bottom, because it means that i've got a good base and each layer can be nice and um locked in and solid, but that doesn't mean you have to have some idea of where you're going with them. So these are pretty standard. So i've got a bit of an idea anyway. So let's um. Let'S start, i will sit down for this one so start with a nice little section, don't not too thick just like a goldilocks section, just the right size. Now we're going to start with separating those in two and with the dust go in and dust what this dust does, because synthetic has smooth and shiny it's a synthetic fiber, obviously um. It'S sometimes it's hard for the the brush to grip the fibers and give you a good yeah good, good friction. What this dust does is put that friction in so it means that um, you can use less backcombing and get a better result, and i find it gives a fuller result because you've got that dust in there for this section, because it's the bottom. I want maximum fullness, i'm gon na pick it up make sure the ends are smooth and put your brush in and gather a little bit of hair halfway up. Okay and then you can see, you've got a nice little bit of texture there and what i was saying about the brush through technique, which is my favorite teasing technique, is once you've got that then put your brush in and brush it through as you're going you're Pulling hair through the section and through now you'll always have well. The whole premise of teasing is you're putting hair at the root you're gathering it up to create the teasing, so your ends will be thinner so, but just be mindful of that. So you don't end up with, like you know, three hands and a whisker on the end, but you can see that there is a nice full amount of teasing without too much teasing the other technique which i'll do now for you. What i call the dreadlock teasing just put your dust in get that in is where you just literally backcomb a piece which does give you teasing and gives you body, but, as you can see, the difference in those this ends up being a a dreadlock where that Is a beautiful, full, already styled section of hair, so this does have its place. Of course everything has its place, but i prefer the pull through technique. So i've got my little already little section there and then by pulling it through, because what happens you're pulling it through you're, creating width and that's what you want to get so once you've got those bits i'll. Do it a few more times for you, but we're kind of there? That'S it i'm going to give it a spray use any hairspray one. I, like the black silhouette or the um, got to be glued depending on what color that we use, because goku is really sort of gluggy if it's a blonde lightweight. Typically it's great, but this is a good one and available from supermarkets in australia. Anyway, i don't know what hairspray i've got locally as you're doing that, let's pull it up and then another little technique which i haven't organized or prepped for you, but i'm going to do that. Right now is having a diffuser handy so once you've sprayed, you can very in a very short space of time, get that dry and then establish whether or not you need any more hair spray. If you want to make a really solid style that lasts for a long time, keep building your hair spray out. Remember the closer you are, the more gluggy it's going to be, but also the thicker. It is because it's all underneath and it's covered - i can be as gluggy as i want and then obviously the other side of that is further away, which gives you a much more fine mist which is good for the top layers. When you don't want glugginess. So we've got that first layer done and now it's just a matter of just working our way up in exactly the same way. The only thing that's going to differ is the angle i'm holding the hair. So take your next little goldilocks section not too thick, not too thin. These wigs are designed with a lot of hair in them, so they're very easy to to style. You'Re welcome! So if you're working on other wigs that don't have as much hair, then you might not get obviously the same result. But you know the technique's the same put your dust in i'll turn it around. So you can see that, hopefully, that's my arms going to be in the way. Is it going to be in the way? I think so, how do we do this way? Oh you're doing the side, then you can see so get a little pad of hair underneath and then pull through and as you're pulling through be mindful of where this last section ends, because you want to make sure that you're blending into that it's good for roots. As you can see, oh there is one more technique which i don't really have a name for, but that's where you pick up your piece once you've got that in there, then you can go underneath and you can backcomb the underneath together to create a bit more Of a solid shape, um and once again, all these little things. I hope you. I hope that makes sense, but also you can then take away to create your own little masterpieces. Don'T forget to subscribe, no um, it's for underneath as well, and when you place that down make sure it's exactly where you want. It. Don'T spray in the ends just yet be mindful as well to spray and to style the sides, because these are going to be visible from underneath. So you want. You want all that to look nice as well, and it's better to do it as you're, going as opposed to sort of realizing at the end once everything's all sprayed together and it's really hard to get into okay. So that's that section, i'm not going to diffuse that just yet, because i've got a session to go so that'll get a bit of time to dry. Put your dust in make sure you contour at the root. The dust is also great. If you don't want any teasing at all, just spray that in and scrunch it up and it'll give it that little bit of grip you need, then you can spray it so once again pull through and you just get that nice fullness see that roundness. That teasing, as opposed to just being layers of like of board, which then you have to join together. There are also ways i know a lot of people, they do all their teasing first, then they come back and they style it at the end, um, where that's great each their own. But i find that that leaves all the backcombing that's inside, not sprayed, which means it will flop and it will drop and they do drop. They sort of you know deflate so i'll. Do this one more for you and then i'm going to go into fast motion and do the whole top uh actually before i do that. So, while we're talking about the sides, that's the side, don't be afraid to get your comb in there and then pull that through nice and tight around those sides. Then that way, that'll cover up any possible wefts that are going to show. I do prefer these combs over, like an actual tail comb, just like a brush and a comb in one okay. Well, i think that's pretty pretty good. I think i can't see the mirror, but that's all right, so i'm going to spray that, oh, what is this? We don't need this. I don't know what this is anyway, keep in mind, we'll get rid of that for next time, flying clang with the trailings. Remember spray mid lengths and ends. You can go nice and close here and then okay, now i'm gon na complete this top look. Okay, wear it almost like a brand new vagina. Okay, i'm gon na come back to you now and i'm gon na um just show you this top um. It'S the last section of the back and um: i'm just going to go through this a bit more methodically with you. If i can get it to a point, we can actually see it. So, as you can see, these layers are quite short. This is where the sort of the layering comes into it and um, and i want to show you how i do this. The technique does change slightly depending on the length of the hair and where the hair is on the head and what you want. The final look to be so: i'm just going to powder this normal i'm trying to i'm going to set up for this okay, so i'm pulling it forward because i want maximum height at the top. So i'm pulling it really far forward and then i'm going in doing my normal base, my normal gaba and then i'm just going to be it's the exact same thing just much more precise, i'm gon na lay pull it through and then lay each hair. Where i want it, which little section so it's coming through and you can see these are covering because you don't want any of the backcombing, that's underneath to show i'm just taking a little bit more time, doing it and pulling it through, while holding it really far Forward over direction or over directing it and that way, then this section here starts to round itself up. We don't want to sort of come back and then start teasing, because we need all that surface area on top um to give us maximum height for the style. Okay, that makes sense okay, so now we've got the back down now. The reason why we don't spread the ends is because we want to be able to manipulate them until the very last nurses just get them all going in the right direction. Make sure that you don't have any holes or big chunks of back combing showing because sometimes that's easy to do if you're putting a lot of back combing in and the hair's layered, or even just when the hair is not layered just once you get to that Top section you're like oh, i really should have thought about that. But anyway it's important to think about all the steps as you're doing them, because it's better to do it once and do it right than having to go back and do it again. So now we're starting with the side i'm going to separate this top part out, and it really is almost exactly the same technique. You just incorporate the hard front into it, so taking a goalie, lock section again, not too thick, not too thin. So i want these because they are designed to cover the face and to cut the face. I always want to be doing this very first section of the hairline or the the wig. It'S not a hairline, it's a it's a hard front. I want to pull that through forward, so then we're also always making sure that that hard front is disguised. I just see a lot of people wearing these and they're like brushing them back. I'M like girl, it's not a lace front, but also it's like dang have fun. You do you so once again, i'm going to pick it up nice and high over direct it, and once i've got my little bit in there, i'm going to pull it through. I can already see that this hair here is starting to disguise that hard front, so we've got that coming down. Make sure that marries to this section but, as you can see here that comes over and i'll get out of the way. So i can focus and disguises that my hand hurts okay. If you're new with wig styling, then i would suggest you now go over the other side and do that and do each layer step by step together. So you can make sure the symmetry is right. So making sure you're doing the exact same amount of back combing um on both sides, but i've been doing a little while so i'll just keep going so now, let's repeat on the other side: okay, so now that we're getting to the top. This is where it gets a little bit more tricky just because each layer, each section has to be placed in the right spot for it to work for the style you want. So maxi just wants a nice helmet, which is great because that's easy for me to do and we're going to do it coming over this way, with a fringe with a little bang and then hopefully a little bit to marry this side together. But mostly it's going to kind of sweep across and then down in the shatter style. I'Ve done a couple things for of these for her before um and she loves them really helmety. I personally like these just like doused in powder and then kind of scrunch with my hands and then spray. I like that. Look but maxi likes a nice, solid, draggy helmet, which is perfect. So let's do the front. Okay, we want to start by starting at the front and coming down and doing that same technique. I was saying before to help cover that hairline. Well that hard front, i want to try to stop saying hairline, because it's not a hairline, so this front will come down and then everything will blend into that in the direction we want it. You can also cut these two. If you want more of a bang, don't be afraid just getting every pair of scissors i'll, do it i'll do a tutorial on trimming a bang? How about that? Actually a couple of little hacks that i want to share about cutting wigs they're very easy! Someone'S got a pattern there once again and you can see there's already a huge amount of permatease in these wigs. So i won't have to do too much work because it's already there as you can see so that just helps disguise that. So if anything flows up blows up, if wind blows, this is one way as well as to style this, because you don't need to do this, have fun making drag fun again down all that nice permatease get in there and use that permatease! That'S what it's for! I pride myself on permatease in my wigs. I can't stand cause, i don't have permatease, i mean there's a hip. There is a time and a place for permatease, but everything has to have permatease but a drag wig yeah yeah. I want permatease in my drag queen. Okay make sure those ends are nice. I can already start to like manipulate that, where i'm going to want it, i might just bring that all across actually, but i'm doing it nice and full. So it comes across like that. Okay, now be very careful with this spray because we do not want the ends as only a small section of hair, so you want to get in there and be nice and precise, but you also want to do the underneath as well and it's best now to Get hair of hairspray and then before you go any further because you don't want to have the entire thing finished and then realize that there's no hairspray underneath there now i'm going to come across um in sections working horizontally in in sections um and bring the hair Over i am going to take the hair as i'm doing each section and make sure that i have enough hair to cover this back part as well. So i kind of want to fan my sections out sort of in the direction of that way of that way of that way, you'll see i'll show you i'll explain. As you can see here, this section needs to marry into that back section there and if we just do all that everything coming across we're going to have a real disconnection, so we want to have a nice marriage of hair, and let me show you a fun Way of doing this in one go so same technique and i'm going to turn around and do it this way. So you can see - and i might even tilt the head. You can see a bit more because i want you to see this. It'S a very awkward way for me to do it, but hopefully it works. So you can see it so pick your hair up, as you would my hand, hurts okay, stop engine, so get your little base in there now, as you're pulling through pull through one way. There pull through there outside do the middle go back to the outsides, do the middle do the outside to the middle to the front and as you're going through your backcombing is going to spread over that whole section in three different directions? Let'S see, wait, let me let me let me make that yeah yeah yeah, you see, we've got a marriage in the front. I'Ve made the back and we're getting a marriage at the front. So look that was. That was really hard for me to do that. Wasn'T my best work, but you get the picture: oh hi there uh, okay, so i've made my part of where i want my part to be. I think it's hard to see because i haven't got a clear view of the mirror but yeah. I think that's pretty good, so the hair's going to go all over like that. So here's another little tip that i like to do for partings of wigs when you want that nice fullness that comes up and they touch each other and then come back out. This is a little technique that you're going to love, so put your powder in i'll put i'll put in both sections first, so i can now, even though we have been teasing with the teasing underneath, so i've been going up and then down because we wanted to Lay like this, i want it to be extra full, so i'm going to tease the opposite way, so i'm going to tease on the top and i'm going to get in there do the exact same thing, and i am going to go in and make sure that My brush really goes down deep down into the root and i'm going to pull it through going the opposite way. Okay, you might be thinking well, that's going the wrong direction, but then, when you pull it across, you see how this has this really beautiful. Fluffy high teasing base, it takes a little bit to get used to because you can end up with too much teasing, but for those of you willing to try go for it. This is going to be a little bit harder to see some okay. Now, if you do find that your teasing is too visible in that part, just bear in mind that the other side's going to come from needed as well. Okay, so don't panic just yet, but don't spray it yet just yet either, because we want to make sure we've got all those steps right before we spray this part because we're finishing the wig now, okay, so we're coming to the end of our teasing sections. Okay, so you can spray that one, because that's not a final piece, still be nice and precise, though okay. So now i'm going to come through with my last section and i'm going to copy this section here and i'm going to go the opposite way. Oh okay! So i've got the um all the back combing in there now the next step for me. Well, that's a tutorial over. I was going to show you back coming done. Teasing'S done no i'll finish it off, because all those ends are nice and soft we haven't sprayed them yet then you know a nice sweet brush. This isn't the final look get all those ends into place, just a basic shape. Making everything look nice because then we are going to. I mean that definitely looks like a helmet now, but that's not what we're going to be finished with and we've got okay, that's kind of the direction i wanted to go in now, i'm going to take my powder again, i'm going to sprinkle over that poor hands. God knows what years of using this stuff has done to my lungs, but hey, not the worst things i've put in my lungs okay. Now i've got all that and powder in. There then go in and start to texture just with your hands. Just a nice little scrunch and start to place everything and make it look like hair. I always find that like i'm, just not, as i mean as there's a place for everything, but there's really smooth perfect hit. Like you know, wigs are like helmets like every hair. Is in place are beautiful, but that's just not my era of hairdressing. I like hair, to be to move and to have texture and to look like hair. So, even even if i'm doing one of those helmety styles, i still want it to have texture and movement to it. So, just by going through with your hands and you're, just literally taking those ends and just finding the natural curl, that's already in the wig, the factory set and using that to create texture. Okay, now let me come back and just look at this front. I can't see in the mirror, so i can't see what the front looks like. So let me have a look. I like it a little a little and really go in and make that beautiful. I don't really need to touch the back, because i've done that, but like just the front make it make it make it pretty. You know, okay, and i think i've successfully done that. So now you spray the [ __ ] out of it and now spraying is the next step of texturizing, because i then like to go when i to when i spray, i have a little scrunch start from the top first. So imagine, 26 years of this in your lungs, okay, guys, hey guys, um, i think we're kind of done. I think that looks really pretty. I hope that helped you um and, like i said it's really about finding steps and tricks and techniques that work for you and that you can implement them into your own styling repertoire. So, like i said, this was a shazza in uh, persian, gold, persian gold for maxi, um and um yeah. I hope you can take these techniques and apply them and make yourself beautiful. Okay. Well, thanks for joining me, this is bye wigs. I don't wear hair

Miguel Angel: A true artist is never scared of revealing secrets. Because you can't ever do the artist nuance, they are showing you how to make it your own. Amazing.

Counting On ...: So glad tutorials are back! Barbies are great too but love watching you work your magic

Carla Dadomo: This video was very informative for non wig wearers as well. There are little pearls of wisdom that can be applied to my styling routine to get some much needed volume when I'm feeling sassy. You have created another masterpiece and it was fun to watch you as an artist work your magic!

powerofalto: Your artistry is so inspiring, Vanity! Thank you so much for sharing this. You’re like a virtual drag mother. ❤️ I’m not a drag queen, but I’m a fan, so I watched. (I want you to be monetized on YouTube…you deserve it!)

cereyza: I would absolutely love a tutorial on cutting a bang into these wigs like you mentioned at 20:50 !! I'm always so nervous cutting into my wigs so once I order one of yours I want to be sure I'm doing it properly! :)

Kimmi Risk: Thank you sooooo much for this tutorial!! I’ve been trying to achieve this with little success. Now I have your tips and think I can do that!!❤️

Big Baby: Thank you so much for this tutorial! I’ve been trying to learn to style wigs for a year, and I have had little success. This tutorial has made the process so much easier to understand!

Jerephilwee: You inspire me so much! I relate to your style of wig dressing so much! Thank you for always sharing your knowledge!❤️

Astro Gallus: This is the best teasing tutorial I have seen, and I have seen tons of them! Great! Thank you! Bang cutting and wig cutting hack tutorials? Yes, please!!

willam belli: we love the Shazza.

Jana Tweedy: I've been a hairdresser for decades and I love this. Beauty school students should watch this. I have styled many a wig but you're definitely an artist.

Levi Smidt: OMG, more more more! I loved this! I want to watch all of your beauty secret tutorials! Nothing like learning from a goddess

kittiekat1236: Your tutorials are so precise and filled with extremely useful tips. Thanks for the help.

Eric sommers: What a great tutorial~I learned so much from this! Fantastic

The Wilma Fingerdoo Review: This was so helpful. I was just gifted a Ginger Glam n Go wig, which I love. The colour is spectacular! I was a tad afraid of over teasing/styling it but you've allayed my fears. MWAH xox

Gayle Vaartjes: This was so fun to watch. I wondered how my queens did this technique. I am going to try it on one of my wigs at my store and see if I can do this. you make it so easy but sure it is not. lol Thank you for showing this technique.

Daniel Holcombe: This made my day! I miss your tutorials so much. Thank you.

Brenton Barrong: The tinsel in your wigs is always so GORGEOUS like Im literally obsessed!!!

Shelley Silver: Love your Wig Tutorials, Vanity. Seeing your amazing Skill and Craftsmanship in action.

tanncou: I feel like I could be an expert now, ready for my first proper wig style haha. I hope there is a video like this using the Dolly wig. THANKS VANITY I STAN AND LOVE YOU FOREVER

Alien Moose: Such a great tutorial that I watched from the dark corner of my room. Beautiful!!!!!

April Haldane: I love that powder, my hair is very fine and flat. It gives me that root volume that I need and it doesn't wilt under the Texas humidity like most other products. Great tutorial, also omg you are an attractive human

revelnave: HEAVEN. I want a Vanity barbie hair styling tutorial too

Adolpho Dominguez IV: Your tutorials are so incredible! Thank you Vanity! I NEEEED more

Connect With Your Deck: I love the way the colours combine in the twist its gorgeous!

Mary Poppins-Dèm-Pills: Thank you for sharing your trade secrets. Your an amazing stylist !! I will definitely be buying a wigs by vanity on the near future ❤❤❤

FrostyD1mina: This was So Helpful! I LOVE The Glam n Go range! Can you do more styles in Blue? Lololol....OBSESSED with You, Nikita, and Everything on your channel! #VanityStan

MerryMac: So happy to finally get to see you work! I have heard about your company for years from rpdr queens, so keep up the awesome work!

lovableasshole: Loving the return of the hair tutorials. Been a fan since you first uploaded tutorials years ago

XachhThatGuy: I have missed you. The wig witch herself. I would love to see your makeup tutorials. You have the best advice on hair and wigs. And a lovely poet. I love you Vanity!!!!! Much love from Tennessee.

Miss Giggles: I have to admit when I started this video I thought "My God! A thirty-three minute tutorial on TEASING?? Is she MAD?!" Alas, two minutes in I was riveted for the remaining half-hour. Thank you for sharing some of your magic with us! xoxox

Ajumoke James: This was a great tutorial. You technique is next level

Laz Estrada: Such amazing advice about styling while teasing!

Henrique Beirao: Yes please! More tutorials! Love your work xo

Mohammad Al-Drees: To get the fluff out of your sweater, shave the fabric with a razor just like you’re shaving your face. It’ll shave the fluff off. I do that with all my sweaters after some time.

kingikiller: I just love hearing you ramble and slay your skills and just showing your personality, I could totally see you running a wig school

Akmall Razlan Channel: Every drag queen should watch this. this is a free tutorial guys!!!

LadyBug: This was the master class no one asked for! Lol jk please do more I really want to learn wig styling. Thanks so much

Tara Hadley: STUNNING! Can we pretty please have a make up tutorial soon?

Dillon Kentworth: I could watch you do this all day. I just love the way you talk! Pretty end result too

dalerbarber : I love watching your videos!! So helpful and informative!

Jack Cashion: How have I been teasing the wrong way for so LONG Yes, help us cut our bangs

greg clark: Thank you so much! You're so generous giving out all your tips for finessing the hair! Question about the powder: I find there's two types of hair powder. One feels like just fine dusty chalk/talc texture. It gives the hair tooth, but no stickiness. The other is quite sticky, perhaps some kind of powdered resin or something mixed up with plain powder? This kind is a bit gummy in the hair, certainly provides texture, but also provides a level of hold as well. Which would you recommend?

Mattielight: Thank you for making great content!

ANN SUTTIE: Fascinating, always wanted to know how to backcomb. We used to call the powder “rooting powder”

Ronson Peters: i JUST got my shazza and I’m so excited to have this resource. Thank you so much! I’d love to also see how you secure these as opposed to a lace front, but I know that is probably more of an Instagram length video

Astro Gallus: A perma-tease tutorial would be great!!

Katherine Blow: Really enjoyed watching and learning from this Thankyou Vanity for sharing you amazing Skills xyou a blast and you truly cheer my days up ❤️‍x

The_Abbey_Roads: Love your earrings! Thank you for all your wisdom! :)

Les Campbell: Wow I just learnt more in 5 mins here then the 100s of wig tutorials I’ve seen before

Reborn love babies: We know you are gorgeous I was looking on marketplace today and saw so many cool barbies for sale and it made me think of you straight away . . Thank you for sharing the teasing technique , that is magic dust . Looks great. .

Nurul Illyana: Fantastic Job, girl. And u r absolutely hilarious, love it.

Blackfluff 95: Fantastic! Thank you .. great to see you back on here.. keep them coming!

Andrew Hansen: The way you explain the techniques is great!

Christopher Mitchell: My southern Granny use to say .. “ honey don’t be shy, just put a little tease up In it “. Peace from Nashville y’all !

Teresa Messenger: I'm always looking for someone who resembles me and wears wigs. And here I am. Beard is better than mine, tho. My oh my you are good!! Thanks for sharing your gift. Subscribed!!

Evandro da Austrália: What an absolute amazing job

Ella: Thank you for sharing your secrets x

Shannon’s Art Gathering: This is a great tutorial! You are adorable!

irice80: Thank you for sharing!!! Omg I’m going to try these on my wigs by vanity Dolly and Jeanie wigs!!!

Eevietheclown: so helpful thanks you!!!! keep them coming!

jerickzane: I needed this. Thank you Vanity!!!! Love you

Carly Bell: The sparkles are incredible ✨

SP Miller: OMG this is the tutorial I've been waiting for.....!!!!!

Israel Pereira Padilla: You look great, even with fluff!!!

TheKarlLopez: I’m doing a “Jackie Kennedy” soon. Thank you so much!

klindaba: Glad you enjoy making those videos, because we love watching them ! So I think everyone would like to see vlogs. Oh, and I really don't want this to come across as an insult but rather an advise, maybe, Schwartzkopf is a combination of german words (it means 'black head', though it's actually just a last name of german guy who created this brand), so it it was meant to be read as something like Shvahtskopf, but you obviously can read it however you want.

Bree Leigh Creative: You're so adorable! Love the tutorial!

Olivier Bourgeois: Great video thank you so much for sharing

Matty Taylor: Ooooh I want a Gigs by Danity! <3

Sailor Moon: Came in time for my piazzaz synthetic wig (misfits,jem and the holograms)cosplay for an 80s party :)

Joe Becherer: Thank you so much Vanity! ✨

Da Ripper: Your laugh in the beginning is so cute

van Hohenheim: Also you can use corn starch in a pinch if you don’t have that styling power

Russell Lash: Thank you angel. I can never seem to do this right.

el Nummies: Vanity I was just about to comment why there was no audio but it turns out my Bluetooth was connected to the speaker in my living room, so I hope my family enjoyed their 30 seconds of learning how to tease a wig

Tish Smiddy: Lovely Thank you ❤️

Bebe Butterfield: I teased wigs by letting my hair grow to my waist.

Jessica Mebane: Omg... where do you get all of those earrings? So very glad to see Vanity content on my timeline this morning ✨✨

gjBearclaw: Living for the interludes - "Ooooo ahhh wigs by vanity" thanks

Ethan Gourlay: Loving that Mariah tee in the intro!!

Alice Franceschini: I think you look a-darling covered in fluff so no apology. Love you Vanity.

J Murphy: Where were you 35 years ago ‍ ! Love your expertise and the fun you bring ♥️

Andrew Pepperell: Love it

George Saykao: thank you for the tips for the hair powder!!!!

Rishi Beauty: I never would have noticed the fluff if you didn’t say anything. I was wrapped up in what you were teaching. You have too much talent to care about a little fuzzy shoulder.

Drea Montanna: Wow I’m speechless thank you so much

Jesse Trueblood: Where can we get the dusting powder?

Smeyer: You're the best Vanity!

Amanda Ward: What other types of hair styles can you do using a wigs

Dan B: Anyone want to recommend some brands of dusting powder? What is it actually called, what should I be looking for?..

Tata Tuviera: A masterclass!

isatheqween: you should make a patreon i would absolutely subscribe!

Elisavet Palazzolo: The sweater is SO David from Schitts Creek!! Love you!!❣️

Laila Licious: I love you! You are amazing!

Lori Neid / Tiny Toad Plot: Beautiful

Miss Pat: Love ❤️ thank you

Harmony: Vanity please do more videos

Tamati Nicholas: Have you tried baby powder?

Michelle Lawless: This is art

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