Wig Chat---Not Your Granny'S Gray! Some Really "Gray-T" Wigs!

  • Posted on 11 August, 2019
  • T Part Wig
  • By Anonymous

Hi All,

I thought I would do a video on some "GRAY'T" gray wigs. This ain't your granny's gray. This is the new gray and it's trending!

In this video I'm showcasing a few gray wigs.

As always, I extend my thanks to my friends at Estetica Designs for always including me to review wigs! They are a very mature-demographic company and will always have my love and affection and business!

Same for Gabor Wigs. Another wonderful Mature-demographic company and I thank you profusely! It's always wonderful to be included!

That being said, I've also included two budget-friendly wigs in this video one by Motown Tress and one by Bobbi Boss

Estetica Designs Avalon in Chrome RT1B

Estetica Designs Jamison in Chrome RT1B

Gabor Wigs High Society in Sugare Nickel

Motown Tress Empire in RT4/Chai

Bobbi Boss Chyna in TT1B/GWHT

Hi guys I had a brainstorm the other day and it's because I'm kind of amassing a good amount of gray wigs, and there was a time when I was kind of like Oh gray. I don't want to be associated with gray hair, because it's so gratified and it's so granny, but I want to tell you that my views on grey have changed, especially with gray wigs. This is not your granny's gray, okay and I have to give kudos to weak companies like Aesthetica before genre, no even um budget-friendly wig brands like bobby boss, Motown tres um, for realizing that it's not your granny's, gray, anymore and yeah. As far as wigs go, I think there's more than 50 shades of grey, which is a good thing, but no matter what age you are, whether you're a young girl, because I know Gray's - are ridiculously popular with young girls or whether you're like me. Somebody who's older um. You still want a grade, it's flattering and you want a grey that doesn't say granny. You don't want that. Like mrs. Santa Claus, look um even a Christmas time. You don't want that mrs. Santa Claus. What come on you want a more youthful look, you want a pro aging look. So let's talk about some of the gray wigs that I have now this is Avalon. I have Avalon and caramel kiss and let me tell you something: I have been wearing Avalon. So much this summer, I think in love her. I love the natural vibe that I get from her. I love the kind of beachy thing going on it's a very summer. Kind of brings me back in my slight hippie days, but I'm kind of not a hippie, but I am my ideology is hippie, but my dress mode is more, not hippie, it's more j.crew. So anyway, let's get into this, this is Avalon in the color chrome. I always need to refer to the color of this. I don't know why, but it's Chrome, RT 1b, which basically means that it's a nice, silvery, chrome color, with the roots being one B and what I love about. This is Aesthetica man. You know what Aesthetica got it down with this color Aesthetica got it down with this color because look, it's so stinking natural, and I just love. I think that they're blending of this color is perfection, because it's not stripy, it's not a frosted. Look. It just looks really really natural, and this is a great summer wig. This is the kind of wig that you bring with you to your vacation in the summer and if you are a gray, haired lady, or rather a gray haired pro ager and you are looking for. How can I put this, you have hair you're, a grey haired woman with hair you're, not going through thinning hair loss, you're not going through um any regular hair loss but you're away, and you don't want to spend hours on trying to get your hair to look Right after you've gone to the beach all day, and you might be going out to dinner pop on a wig like this and it's like supercalifragilistic expialidocious. Let'S look in case you're, not familiar with Avalon I'll show you how she looks from side to side in the back. Okay here she is from my right side here. She is on the back, there's some great movement with this one, and here she is my left side. So what do you think? I love this? No style style, she's, easy breezy, lemon squeezy - and I am just such a fan of this shade now hold on I'm going to show you another wig. How many times do I have to say? I washed my hair earlier this morning and the wig cap is sliding on okay, so I'm going to put a belong back into the box because I like to be super organized and next it's my favorite Bob of all time. Jameson and yes, I have Jamison in Chrome or t1b okay. So let's get this baby on and I'm not putting my wig cap on because it's too slide. Okay, you you same color different style, see like sometimes I hold on. Let me get my little comb. I don't know if any of you know, but this wig poem by John Renault is the best way calm I have ever had in my life. I ordered three more from Amazon and I have them all in purses. But yet still I have morning's where, even though I have four of these combs, I will still go around the house saying where's that comb okay, so I kind of like an uneven part because to me it looks a little bit more natural. But here we go. My favorite Bob of all time you she's gray, she's great, so here's another option. Let'S turn around in case you've, never seen any of my gray haired videos well actually any of my wig videos. So let's turn around here. She is from my right side here. She is from my left side and I'll show you the back here. She is from the back this classic Bob works with everything like I have: okay, I'm not gon na lie. I have eleven Jameson's now and I have her in various shades, but it's wrong. Color uh-oh, there's chippy, this chrome color is one of my favorites. I don't know like. I just really love a gray wig. Now I'm gon na be honest with you here. The husband is not crazy about gray wigs he'll say: oh my god. I, like you better in zip Doc yeah, because I met you in Z, doc yeah. So I do not care for Z clay, but I understand that this is what you like. So if this is what you prefer is okay with me, but when we do go out to dinner, please wizzy duck yeah and you know what I believe in compromise. So I'm fine with it when we go out to dinner I'll, wear darker hair for him, because I'm wearing the hair that I want to wear most every other time. So I think compromise is good. Okay, so I'm gon na take Jameson off and I'm gon na show you another bob that I did a review on like a recent review like earlier today, you okay, there we go. I mean I'm, I'm not the greatest in prepping, my hair, to go under a wig cap or under a wig, I'm kind of like whatevs about it, but anyway I want to show you another great gray. This is a darker gray and I swear this gray is fantastic for women who are transitioning over from dark hair, and today you can wear it every single day and the shade is sugared nickel, and this is high-society by gábor wigs, and let me tell you something: This this Bob is stinking adorable I mentioned in the review. It'S the only it's it's one of the only wigs I have ever seen that measures up like to the stock photo the stock photo is actually really really good. Okay, so here we go. My little bumped ends. I love this. The bumped ends are great, but I love this style now, whereas Jameson is um a more classic bob. This bob has just a little bit more of let's say a chic elegant. If you will um it's very 16th arrondissement, which i think is kind of cool, but this is sugared nickle again, look at that parting space, it's great! Now, if you haven't seen my other video, I will turn around and show you how she looks from each side and back ok here she is from my right side here she is from the back, and here she is from my left side now. I also want to bring up another like another item about gray, wigs, I'm not wearing a brighter lipstick, because I'm too lazy because putting on red lips for me takes forever and there's only so many hours of the day. But I think gray. Hair looks great with a red lip, but I also think when you're wearing grey hair a brighter color outfit really helps to make the look more glowing if you will or brighter um. This shirt is by Lilly Pulitzer. It is a neon pink and I love the way she looks with gray, hair um, which is another reason why I didn't really put on a red lip. I don't like the way a red lip would clash with a bright pink shirt. So that's my big um. That'S my big fashion advice for the day and I'm no expert, so this is high society sugared nickel. This is an incredibly incredibly natural dark grey now hold on I'm gon na put on to UM budget wigs. Okay, now I know, there's always a lot of manipulation that you have to do with budget wigs and that's fine. I think, for the price point. The budget wigs are wonderful for women who are on a limited budget and let's face it, SP as we get older. Many of us are retired. Many of us has have lost employment due to companies wanting to get rid of older people. So there's that you know there's that thing that not everybody can afford um a pricier wig. Now this one that I am showing you is Empire by Motown tres, I believe I paid in the 20s for her. The color is RT for chai, like the chai that you drink now hold on. This is a right-sided parted wig. Let me get my comb comb. Her out a little now what I would suggest - and I really haven't done it - I need to tweeze this parting space a little bit more, but I'm also going to add that grace pray, because, even though I like the hombre look, I would like to blend more Gray in at the top, but I'm showing you this as a very, very affordable option and to manipulate this wig with tweezing the parting space and adding a little bit more gray spray like there's this gray roots, pray by L'Oreal, that's really good would take. Maybe a matter of 15 minutes tops, but I think it's great that there are choices that you have and options that we have for wigs in all price points hold on, I'm going to show you this wig from each side and in the back. Okay, I wipe the curl pattern of this. I think this is a really cute way. Here'S the back again! It'S got a great pearl pattern, and here is my left side. Now you can home hurt to be a little bit straighter. You can steam her. I honestly think that for the price point, this is a great wig, and this is definitely not your granny's gray. Okay, now the last wig that I'm going to show you is another gray, and this is my body boss. I believe I have reviewed her in the past. I can't remember, but here we go. This is the China wig and the shade is tt1, be g white. There'S a lot going on, there's a 1b root in here, there's white and there's also gray. So this was a lace front wig and I did cut the lace front again. This was in the 20s. Maybe I paid 27 hold on. Let me get there, we go. I had her in a net and not Annette Funicello from Mickey Mouse Club. Okay. Here we go enough with my sick humor. Here we go now the one thing: that's really good about these budget-friendly wigs. They come with combs. So if you are of that kind of mindset that you're afraid that the wig is going to come off when you buy these budget, wigs most of them have a comb in the back and combs on the side. So this is also on the thicker side. So you can thin her out. My bio hair was very thick, so if I was gon na thin this one out, I don't know I would probably not send her out too much, but anyway, this is a much longer bob. Here'S the parting space. I did tweeze some of the parting space, but I definitely need to tweeze more, and here we go another great of another great, affordable wig. This is a very well constructed. Wig bobby boss makes a great great way my right side, the back and the left side. Again, this is definitely not your granny's gray. Okay, so I'm going to take her off and I am going to put Jamison back on you you. Let me fix that baby, you and there we go easy peasy. Let me just move her down a little bit lower. So that's it. I just wanted to show you options for grays um. Honestly, weed companies have changed so much in the past, like five six years and every year and with every wig season they evolve and they evolve and they evolve. The shades become more natural and I'm glad that there's more gray options for women, because honestly, I've never seen a bad shade of gray in a wig, whereas when I'm looking in the mirror at my bio hair, I do see a bad shade of gray. So that's that's about it. I will put links to the wigs that I am wearing down below and I hope you enjoyed this now. This is just my opinion. I am no pro. I am no expert. I am just an average 64 year old woman, giving you my opinion on these things. Um you can tell the lighting isn't professional. I have no editing talent like this is basically just me you a bit that looks good about what I like and when I'm wearing. So that's it. These are the graves that I'm wearing and I hope you enjoyed this little one and go out and be great. Go out and have a great day: um, don't let grey skies fool you but put on a gray wig. So that's it and I will see you later bye.

Brenda Jerles: I love Avalon! The gray looks amazing in it too! My blonde has highlights that are almost gray. I think the color would be perfect for disguising gray roots if it were my bio hair.

Maria Daquila: Just love Avalon. You look gorgeous in it. Extremely natural looking, Cathy. I need this one, lol!! However, you make all of them look fantastic! Thank you for these videos!

LD: You are a sweetheart - just loved the transition from 16 arrondissement to Motown !! Thank you

Wigescape: Wow my Avalon looks like it has twice the hair that yours does. I love it on you. I tried a gray wig for the first time - Emilia by Jon Renau in 56F51. Still not sure if I am ready for gray lol. Jamison looks like it might be my style. :) It looks really good on you

Holly Kurtz: Yes! You look gorgeous in grey and my Jamison in Chrome RT1B is my favorite wig!

MB D: Great wigs, Cathe, in lovely colors. I was blond, and started going white at fourteen! So, I gave up the color battle twenty years ago. I really like gray hair (hubby not so much), but that's a moot issue since my hair fell out!!! I love Avalon, and the hippy vibe - it's unbelievably natural looking in that color. I also love Jamison. They all suit you so well. Also, I agree completely about the red lips, and bright color clothing. Thank you, Cathe. Great video, as always. :)

Lynanne Moore: I love my Avalon in ChromeRT1B and when I want to go shorter I wear my Lotus by Diahann Carroll I purchased from Paula Young. Her color is TT22660. She is a great lob with bangs and so soft and light perfect for summer I would love your take on her !

Connie Sixel: I just purchased my first Jamison in Caramel Kiss and I am sooooo in Love. I can see why you love her so much. I will have to work forever to buy all the Jamisons in Different Shades LOL. Great Videos.

Clara: I love these Sunday videos from you always look forward to watching you Cathy keep them coming!

Sixty Something Style: I wish I could wear the longer styles as well as you!  You just look so youthful in this!  I have to pretty much stay with the shorter styles but love the look of the longer!  Love your personality!

MoodyGirl Beauty: These all look fantastic!! My hair is naturally grey! Lol.

Jan Richardson: I don't get the dark roots. If it was natural, your roots would be the beautiful silver too. Love that people are making more gray wigs. I stopped putting toxic dyes in my head 4 years ago. Cute wigs on you tho.

Connie Steve: Wonderful review. I have Estetica Wigs I want to get but they are always out of stock. I've been choosing sister wigs. When Estetica starts producing wigs again that's when I will order . Pretty bizarre they are our of stock all the time.

Cathy Woodill: What a Fantastic video wow! You did awesome!!! Loved it

Elise Green: I’ve been thinking about buying a gray wig but haven’t found any in styles I like. Thank you for modeling these styles in these colors because you look terrific in them & these styles & shades of gray appeal to me a lot. I’ll consider them in the future. My problem also is that I have a small head & face & I worry that these Esteticas May be too large for me in size & style. But they’re perfect for you. As for the budget lines, I think it shows what a considerate person you are to include these in your presentation since not everyone can afford to spend a lot on wigs. That’s kind of you.

Marjean: Great Bob choices, thx. Grays are possibilities for me too!

MichelleM: All those grey wigs look fantastic on you!!. 13 Jamison,s hahaha..I almost spit out my ice coffee when you said thatLOL!! Jamison is my favorite on you! However they all are a very close second.. I actually like empire ..the curls in the back are beautiful!..I just luvv your comical side..I think us gals all adore you!❤

Charlotte Stotts: I laughed out loud at your “husband” monologue. Great video.

Bonnie Bailey: Love that chrome color and really want to try Jamison, but unfortunately it’s out

Angela - Silver Linings : I'm kind of not a hippie, but I am ... love that! Thanks for a great review.

Glenna Jenkins: I love your videos! I think I am ready to get a Mellow in the Chrome RT1B but when I go to the Estetica website, I don't see any pricing or way to order.

Jan Richardson: I stopped coloring because my hair was thinning badly & had hoped it would fill back in, but sadly mine seems to be genetic. I love the color of my "greige" Everyone's silver or white is very unique & once you stop, you wonder why you ever did. Still having trouble finding the perfect gray wig, but I a, thrilled that all the companies seem to be getting on board.

Erics Granny: You look great in any style and color!!!!

Razzberriberet: You look so cute. I have grown out my color and I’m now natural gray/silver. Do you have any suggestions of a wig style your wearing in a budget friendly brand? I have fine thinning hair. The wig you’re wearing first is so darn cute. Thank you so much. Paulette

PJ Mundy: This looks FAB on you!!

Artie Ross: You rock Jamerson!

Sixty Something Style: Looks great!!

forty2alz22: Love it !!!!!

Susan Morgan: Girl, I wish you lived in my neighborhood! You are wonderful!

Beverly Pegg: Really enjoyed the video - thanks!

ChaCha Dodds: OMG! You look FABULOUS in Jamieson. ROTFL when you do impressions of your husband. Cracks me up!

Donna Blackiston: Your hubby sounds awesome, my hubby passed and I really miss a man in my life! Hugs!

NerdGirl: I have a question and I want your opinion on this. The grey wigs have dark roots, but surely if you were old enough to have grey bio hair then having dark roots looks more fake surely? Should the roots on the wig be grey too?

Florence Kalma: Love this beach looking wig. Who makes it?

Connie Steve: ❤❤High Society❤❤ love it on you!!!

Donna Blackiston: Loveit!

Pat Kin: I have one and love it but I don't think gray with dark roots looks natural. I don't think people give it a second thought one way or the other but, with that said, gray hair comes out of your head gray. Platinum blonde with dark roots... yeh, natural... but not gray with them. Men are so funny... they think a gray gal on their arm ages them.... ugh. Thanks for sharing all the grays. Love that Gabor sugared nickel... a lot like my own except for the lights in front.

C. Maree Harris: XO Thank you!

macpduff: I am looking for a touch up root product that will cover BROWN roots, and turn them gray

Donna Blackiston: Would Jamison work for those of us with jowls and some of those face wrinkles after losing facial fat? Lol

Glenna Jenkins: Tell me.....is the tweezing what gives a more irregular part that looks more natural?

macpduff: What is the brand of the 2nd wig?

lnzinorbit lnzinorbit: ❤❤❤

tammiegooding58: I, love that the roots are dark! By the way your lighting is very dark.

Dolma Tsering: Can we tie pong tail with this wig

Robb Endicott-Powers: 11 Jamison's.....its official ......that is an illness lol.....I am guilty as well.....but with my hairpieces.......not Jamison.....lol

Christina Knapp: You sound like me misplacing wig combs......I do the same with me readers!

Alt Newser: not being a troll just want to say those budget wigs look gross. Made that way so we spend the big bucks on the others????

Janet Watley: Funny!

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