How I Customized My First Frontal Wig | Amazon Wigs!!

WOW! Thats all I got to saw about this wig from AMAZON y'all! This was my first time EVER doing a frontal and I think I did the darn thang lol!! I am still learning but wow! SUBSCRIBE & TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS!! :) STAY TUNED FOR MORE VIDEOS!!


Clairol BW 2 bleach

Clairol 40 volume developer

Motions Neutralizing Shampoo

Pantene Moisture rich conditioner

Here's the link to my AMAZON WIG REVIEW:

Here's the link to my WET CURLY/ ROUTINE on this wig:

Here's the link to watch my NATURAL HAIR videos:

Here's the link to this wig from amazon:

Good morning, you guys or good evening that afternoon what every time of the day it is for you. This is Marisa right here doing a voiceover this I did not get the chance to feel my intro for y'all. So here we are, I'm just bringing the wind straight to y'all straight out of the package. I haven't done anything to it yet, but that's what we about to do in this video today so make sure you stay tuned for the whole video and check out the link in the description. If you want to buy this week so first thing, first you're gon na need some bleach. I use the BW to bleach 40 volume developer. You need a neutralizing shampoo to cancel out the chemicals that you put in the bleach, a conditioner of course, aluminum foil, a tub a little container just so you can mix your bleach up. You need water and you know utensils for mixing like a spork. So whatever you wan na use, so the first thing I am doing right now is I'm pretty much spraying the frontal and getting those hairs out of the way, because I don't want the hair to be in the way, while I'm bleaching, because it could possibly get Bleach on the hair and then I'm gon na you know mess on my hair and make it look crazy. I don't want to do that. So first thing I'm doing is that and I'm gon na turn the lace inside out pretty much so we can get started now before you do anything with chemicals dying hair. Anything like that. You make sure you have gloves, but you need gloves. That'S very important because you don't want to burn yourself up with the bleach okay. We don't want to do that, so I'm gon na end up using two scoops of the bw2 bleach and also my 40 volume developer. Now it doesn't really matter what volume you used. 40 volume developer is just stronger, so it's gon na you know be a quicker process, usually when you use 40 volume developer. So I use 2 cups of the bleach for two spoons, however, of the bleach and my 40 volume developer and I'm just pretty much eyeballing. It because I know the consistency that I want. I do not want my bleach to be very um liquidy, you don't want it to be liquidy, because if you make it too liquidy when you put it on the nuts it's going to seep down into the hair - and you don't want to color the hair, unless That'S what you would do, but that's not what we want to do so, make it pretty much a thick consistency. It could have been like a little bit thinner than what I had it, but a thick consistency is best when we're doing lace and we're bleach or not so be careful to smooth this on. Like really gently, because even when you, even when the bleach is not so liquidy, it can still seep down into the hair. If you are too rough, sometimes I make that mistake too, and this isn't my first time bleaching a lace. This is my first time doing a wig, but I have done a closure previously so yeah. This is my first time dealing with the frontal, so I think it was pretty good, I'm just adding that same consistency of bleach on to the whole frontal, and yes, so now, I'm gon na put on some aluminum foil on top of it pretty much to just Like close, the bleach in, like close it in you know because the processor just be quicker as we do it that way soon. Here I'm gon na show you all that I put the timer for about 15 minutes, because that process maybe took about five to five to ten minutes. However long itself, so we're just gon na do about 15 minutes. Okay, all right team, so I'm back the time is up now we have to use our neutralizing, shampoo and conditioner, and all of that so that we can cancel out any chemicals that was left from bleaching so now we're getting into plucking the hair line. I must say: okay well, first, I'm spraying it you know and I'm gon na push back the hairs again. You know I always want to get those hairs out of the way for when I'm first styling, you want to use some t pins on your wig head to let your wig down and this week here my wig stand all the day I got from Amazon. You know Amazon is just everything is just like. Just sponsor me come as I just want to me cuz, you know my life is from Amazon. So first thing I'm starting off with. I must say that this week's hair line actually was not as bad as some hair lines that I have seen so about plucking when we pluck on hairline, you want to kind of like pluck behind the first little hair line. I may have possibly over plucked this front tool. However, I was still able to make my frontal look really good as though, when you're plucking, you know just pluck behind that hairline part, a section off of the hairline and Plus behind it. You kind of wan na not pluck in the same section for too long you kind of want to go like and up and down motions kind of, as I did like, don't stay in the same spot for too long cuz. That'S how you're really really gon na over pluck and then you're, not gon na know what you're doing so. You kind of want to just go back and forth back and forth back and forth not stand in the same section. This is just to kind of make your hairline look a little bit more realistic and I kind of try to do it according to how my real hair line is and how my hair is naturally so, like I said, um the front so in the beginning actually Was not as bad as some functions that I've seen, which is really good, but I still went in and did a little bit of plucking, and that was also because I did not try the wig on first off, like I only kind of tried it on after. I was done plucking and that was just to see how far I had got in. You know what needed to be done now. Once you are done, you will have a little bit of hair that has shed it of course cause you pulled it out, but that's. Okay, that's normal, and here we are here we have the finished look y'all. I think I did pretty freakin good for this to be my first Brussels ever like. No one has ever done me a front row before I've. Never gotten one done. I'Ve never done in myself. I'Ve done a closure, but I think I did really do it. Look at the back of it honey it just. I just feel really good. I'M really proud of myself for doing this frontal, even though I've never done it before, but I'm very proud, very satisfied, although I will be doing some more adjusting, you know cuz your girls still learning, but this is what we got y'all, looking cute as ever. Okay, all right, you guys, so this is the finished. Look imma get into the details later in a separate video about how I really think about this lace and everything like that. My G, this was my first time doing the lace front like ever ever. Getting it done and never do it in myself sold never had them before um, but I think it looks pretty decent. I mean it could be better y'all. Let me know in the comments some ways that I could improve my frontal skills or whatever, but I think it looks decent like I can go out in public. You know I'm saying what I embarrassing myself, that hair looks good nice and silky and wavy. I'M also gon na do a curly hair routine for y'all a weave curly hair routine whatever so with. That being said, I hope you guys enjoyed this video of me. Show you how to customize your wig. I will link this week in the description. Then I'm gon na do an update. I'M gon na do a curly, hair, routine different ways to style it. You know how I apply its. Maybe that's a little bit tricky, so I may or may not do that video. That'S the tricky video, but that's all I got for y'all hope, y'all enjoy it and catch me in my next video

Prissykindra: This wig is beautifully melted u have a new subscriber hope we both can support each other

Branden Ferrer: great video, awesome channel keep up the amazing work

IconicKultureTv: Can u make my wiggg lbs u did so good Maryssaaa

vannah j: Can you show us how you adhere it down and do the baby hair?

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