Affordable $$$ 3/4 Half Wig -Nadula- Afro Curly Human Hair (Review And Install )

HeyCorner Cuties... we’re bringing you guys another wig review and install video. Yes we found another banger.This is the NADULA 3/4 Half Wig Afro Curly Human Hair Wig. I dyed the unit midnight black before installing, we loved the way it turned out . Hope you enjoy the video. All the items mentioned in the video are down below.

Link to the hair reviewed:


Link to the hair dye used:

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Hey corner cuties: hey guys for those of you that are new, i'm jamie, i'm ring! We are here today to do another wig review for you guys. So this one is the medulla afro kinky curly human hair, three quarter, half wig so and he's in what the 14 inch right and he was actually a really good price. It was 77.60 before tax and shipping and all that, so it's a 14 inch. We went with the half wig as opposed to the headband wig, which is just for other blending purposes. We wanted to kind of switch it up and have one that didn't have the hair band on it as well right. It can be used as both so we're gon na see we're gon na try to blend it and see how my hair texture goes with it, and you know if it don't work, then throw a headband on and rock it, because if y'all been watching these videos, You know i've been wearing my headband, wigs, loving them loving them. So this is the box, that's the doula box, and it has the frequent ask questions on the back. I don't know how you can see that, and also it came with some goodies as well. I used a coupon code that i found on youtube and got some percentage off on it and it came with a bag. It came with a cute little like toiletry bag type thing right. It'S so cute tuck your little wig and got a little zipper on the front, love the cute little tweed fabric, all right all right, so it came with the cute little pink headband, there's that one and then it also came with a black one that that's a Little thinner and a different fabric, or is it blue? It'S blue! It'S blue. My man is blue, so it and then it came with a little edge brush and a wig cap, and if you can see back there, the natural color wig caps. So it was a nice little deal. It came with a nice amount of extra, so let's get him out the bag. We came in the nice little plastic bag and it's the 14 inch, and we did do some things to this one though, unlike the others, okay, so i did go ahead and dye the unit just because it looked a little bit more of a brownish colored 1b. If you will right - and i really wasn't feeling that so i will leave that clearly a little lighter than that. If you ask me it was, it was the beginning of the video of me dyeing it and i kind of sped through it a little bit, but it will give you the box dye that i used and the process that i did. Do it to diet. So, but that's it outside of that, i did that uh co-washed him really really good and let him air dry. It'S cute, the texture of the curls. It was really nice too, and it has the um it's the half wig so or three quarter. Width they're not a half brick, but then they say three quarters so whatever, but it has a front comb and a back comb and then it has the straps on the inside on each side. Yes and then it has the nice little mesh cap on there. So that's it! It'S 14 inches, so we're gon na put it on we're gon na try to blend it and see how that comes out and then we'll also do it with the headband, so wow breaking breaking wow breaking break breaking breaking breaking right. I left out a little bit of leave out here. I braided the rest down in the back and a french braid, two french braids, so i'll go ahead and take this part out you, okay, puppy! You like here bells, that's what it's all ringing! Okay! So let me go ahead and i'll do your edges afterwards too, as well. Okay, go ahead, let's go ahead and put it on first. That way i know um what to do and um add the products and whatnot. What'S the matter popping marley, are you all right? Did you eat something funny you probably been in there eating the cat's food? Okay, so this is cone number one. Make sure that i don't stick you okay. I like the hair and i like the name. Okay, i'm telling y'all i'm gon na be half wigs and uh headband. How does that feel as far as securing it? That'S good to in okay, yeah the combs are good, okay and he's secure yeah. All right he's secure it's! Okay, all right! I'M not gon na wet it too much guys because i don't want it to be sopping, but i'm just going to give it a little spritz. Before i add the mousse, you can show them the mousse that i'm going to use. There'S that - and this is the do you know we always go. How do you say this? I think it's the do. The do move death, whatever moose death is what it's called. It'S texture foam high definition, i'm saying no! But this i really like this mousse, though, because i use it on all the um, the headband wigs that i have and it does. It defines curls really good and it doesn't get like crazy, crazy, crazy crunchy. So i've been using it on all the other uh headband, wigs, okay. Now my curl pattern is a lot tighter than what this wig is, so we're going to try to manipulate it to get it to kind of blend blend a little bit all right. So first i want to add the mousse to all of it. First i like the wig, you know i love them me and my wigs all summer 2021., since we we barely kind of started a little bit of getting to go outside and do some stuff yeah. We'Ll see how that how she reacts when we get those 100 and something days i'm gon na be looking at her like. Where are you going uh when that temperature start hitting 106 115 you're gon na be in the uh in the pool in the backyard? Yes, taking pictures from my corner kitties - oh my god, that's funny and as you can see, the curls are popping. They are on here and mind you. This is just mousse, i'm not doing no jail, just a little water and some mousse. I like the length, if you know it's not too short, it's not too long, it's a good length and it has the layers in it. The um one of the other ones we did didn't have the layers. We actually went back and cut the layers into it and now i'm like really loving him as well, but it was all the same length and it was cute, but i just i realized i liked it better with some layers in it. Now i ain't trying to be funny, but i don't know how my real hair gon na do with this mousse. Well, the mousse is supposed to be pretty nice and looking at it, it looks nice. I don't know about dry, but we're gon na see the day out. We gon na learn and we gon na learn. Today and probably you know to experiment, tie down the edges a little bit and help them now i'll. Do your edges and i can put a little bit of gel but for the most part, i'm gon na, like it what you? What you think you want to part or you don't want the more part. Okay, don't need no paws on luna parts! Sorry all right! Well, so far so good, i am really liking the curl pattern. It feels good. This cap is a little bigger than the um, the casaro cap. It is yeah better, i'm not gon na necessarily, i mean it feels better because it's not as snug, but i think the fact that it's not as stuck snug is i'm kind of like okay. It is on there right. The combs are in and they're nice and you know because the other one like fits and holds the head. Okay, i'm feeling this and he he doesn't hold this tight, but that's good, especially if you don't have it on all day long. The blend is good yeah. I'M so glad i dyed it, though yeah because it wouldn't have been watercolor. I i opened it, i'm like whoa whoa, whoa whoa. It was brown, it wasn't even a level of black, it really wasn't strictly brown and it took the color perfectly. The process was simple, as all out i am going to like, i said, insert some clips of me dyeing it okay. Now what i'll say about him is the fact that he doesn't have any combs over here like as you're, secure, okay right once i'll stop. I feel like i, i think i would probably go in like he's being really loose. Look at this like okay. I think i would definitely maybe sew in some more combs another comb on each side or i could bobby pin it. I think for me personally, my preference would probably be to get um get two combs and sew them in there and just put a comb here and a comb here. Okay, because, like you can like he's lifting completely and it could just be - i don't know maybe my head, because i don't think if it was tighter, but matter because i was gon na say. Maybe my head is small, but i don't know but not small anything. I do think i would want definitely want like some bobby pins or some more cones in it now do you want some edges or no, because it's the way we're trying to get it to lay back to blend. Okay, all right usual, i can do a little something: okay, nothing major! No! I don't need no ringlets shut up. Just saying i don't need no rainbows um. This is closing cocktails man not closing cocktails um. I'M gon na have to think of a name for this. One, oh okay, coils and cocktails there. It is okay, coils and cocktails, guys coils and cocktails. Okay. So now the blending to me, okay, come on now, how's it looking to you, i like it. It'S cute. The blending did do good and you didn't. Even you know we haven't tied it down or anything. I thought we were gon na have to tie it down and make my hair lay down better, and it does look better to me without a part because it makes it look more like your own. Oh okay, you like it. I like him. Okay, there we go hey the doula, all right in the doula, all right, i kind of like it. I do too, and the blending the blending is all right. I see i'm ready to go. Y'All today is a friday too. It'S like okay, we'll show him the back and then we'll play around in the headbands. Oh no he's really cute; okay, hmm! So yeah! It'S it's it! It feels secure like it feels like it's on where those two combs are attached. Okay, so it's not, i mean because you, i guess, because you were you, know, pulling them yeah kind of was all up in there, so it felt like it was kind of kind of moving, but just in general i could go out and i would feel perfectly Fine with it all like, okay yeah, i like him. I like this length like just this. Barely at the shoulder length, i, like it, oh see there we go another go-to okay, so we do need to dry him a little bit. You think i mean it's not sopping wet, that's why i didn't want to stop him up really really bad so kind of i mean it's already nice and fluff mm-hmm, so i don't think we need to yeah. I think it's kind of cute the way it is, and you know the juice like you said it wasn't: sopping wet and the mousse. It'S not like gel. You know, like it kind of absorbs a little bit faster, but i think the way it is he looks pretty good. Oh, oh yeah, okay. I think i think that i think i think i'm cute y'all. I think i think i'm cute y'all. Okay, all right. So this is the new. Do you want a different little style without the head? Well, maybe just a pony or something you haven't really lift him, because we didn't do no leave out in the back. So you can't pull them back. Yeah, that's true right! It would have to be a little pony right or we can do. We can do a little look, so we can see what happens with the headband yeah. I'M gon na put the headband on y'all cause. You know she'd be trying to blind me when she'd be trying to put these hairbands on whatever i don't want to lose my eyes tonight. Sorry, this one's kind of wide in the back too. Okay, there you go so yeah, i figured. Would you say just um secure him with the bobby pins yeah? I would secure him with the bobby pin just for a nice quick little alternative to you know, tightening him if you didn't want to take the time to put the cones in okay. I think i got hair off in here all right. This is a nice little snug headband! Oh, that's good! All right! There we go now you can fix it, okay fix it. Jesus fix it! Well, you got to put your big handbags on man. Oh jesus see. Never find two problems. I forget, i forget you, someone i'm sitting down one more. She wants. You know what i'm sitting there and she's still complaining about me. Y'All want to witness the first fight on camera, see keep talking on another person, she's just mad cause. I got the height, that's what it is, although for my long tall girls, no, it's a it's a challenge, not so much now, but it used to be a challenge finding jeans that was long enough girl a lot of these stories from the background really really cute. All right so then that's with the headband on. So if you wanted to wear it as a headband with there, you go and that's with the little leave out out. If you didn't want any leave out out, you just braid your whole head up, throw your headband on and keep it pushing. I like this little headband too. He fits good. He does. This is a good fitting headband, like he's snug, and he has enough fabric where you know you can make him wider or you could scrunch him up and make him thinner. Okay, but i like him and the hair is drying a little bit naturally, and it's like fluffing up some yeah. This is pretty easy. All summer 2021 me and my wife, every video watch watch every video this one that one that i get to get send me a wig i'll, try it on and do a review for you. We need to do a follow-up review to the other ones, actually yeah. After some time, let them know how they're doing but yeah this is the doula, i'm really liking this one. I like the ability to have the leave out or to dry headband, so it's kind of like it gives you the versatility, so yeah and i think you could play around with the two. You can maybe take like a portion of the actual half wig and that front that i left out and do a little twist on this side a little twist on that side or with the headband. You know you could go ahead and put it up just like we do with the headband wig. The headband would cover the back, so we could do a top knot or a bun or a ponytail, or something like that with the headband on. So it does give you a lot of versatility compared to buying the one with the headband are stuck wearing it that way, but this one you can kind of play around with it and do some different things at your leisure right, especially if you know you talented, Like myself, you can do quite a bit with that front area, all right guys. Well, this has been the doula, definitely details down below. Let us know if you like it. Let us know if you're going to try it. I know a couple of people said in the other videos that they had placed some orders so remember to come back and let us know how you like it this one we're gon na i'm gon na have to start naming them. That'S that's what i'm gon na need to start doing, because she she right here right here, yeah summer, all summer 2021, there's gon na, be the one watch and see crazy all right guys that is it for this week or half wig thanks for coming around the Corner remember to hit that subscribe. Button share, comment, comment and subscribe. Like always thanks again for coming around the corner, we will see you next time. Alright, bye, guys

Brittany Blabber: I’m loving this chocolate hoodie! This is my 3 video of yours watching tonight and I’m hooked, just subscribed!

Dana-Soul Body Mind Detox: Looks good Ladies!!

TyeLynne Cole: Update for this wig??

Corinne Ashley: How is it holding up?

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