Beginners How To Apply Lace Frontal Wig Ft Ghostbond Xl Lace Glue

How I REapply my Lace Wigs using GhostBond XL Lace Glue

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Hi guys so by today's title, you should see that I am showing you guys how I apply my lease for a wig. So to start off, I used some edge control to kind of push back my edges and put on that wig cap. That wakeup is a brown color. You can use whatever color works for you. This is the color that I chose to use and now I'm just using the got to be freeze, blast spray just around my edges, so that way it can stay in place and afterwards and then I just blow dryer to make it dry. Usually I use like two layers of the freeze blast spray just because I wanted to stay and it helps with the glue once I put them lace glue on as well. So once that dry up, I just used some scissors and cut really close to my hairline. So that way, once I put the lace glue on it could be really close, but not damaging mine. My edges after I cut those pieces. I use the freeze blast free on my fingertips and kind of push down those pieces that kind of came up once I use the scissors and blow-dry it right afterwards. Next, I'm using my foundation to go across my wig cap just to make sure that it looks really close to my skin complexion and then I take a alcohol on the cotton pad and rubbing around the the skin part right before my edges. So that way the glue can stick evenly afterwards. I am using clips to make sure all of the excess hair is out of my way. So when I apply the lace, it won't be very messy, so I'm just using clips and then tracing the hair line with the black eyeliner. Now I'm going back in with foundation powder onto the wigs lace so to make a very easy application of the ghost foreign glue. I apply it right around the area that are lined with the black Ireland and I take a small brush and kind of spread it out. So that way you can be very evenly distributed and, as you can see, I am using three layers, so I apply the first later. Let it dry get a little tacky then do the second later and so on and so forth. You'Ll see here that I'm just kind of spreading it out with the brush dancing and you know letting it get a little tacky blow-drying it and then applying the lace you can see when I am applying the lace. I am using the end of a rat tail comb just because I don't want my fingers to pick up any dirt or get any sticky. You know residue on it and then also I'm going back in with that. Freeze blast spray, just in case, if I missed any late spots, that kind of hard lifting up to make sure, then I'm tying a scarf right around the edges and leaving it on for about 15 minutes. So after letting the glue kind of set in I'm going back in picking the scarf up using some mousse around the edges, so I can figure out my baby hairs now my baby hairs. I don't want a lot. I want it to be looking a little bit natural, so I'm going in with my foundation powder filling in those extra spots that you see with the race, as you can see, with the little small blending brush and then just kind of going in and figuring it Out to make sure it looks best for me, so just an FYI. This isn't wig that I decided to cut into a bob. If you guys follow me on instagram i'll show you a picture of what it looked like before hand, so I'm just kind of cutting it and making sure that it'll look like a bob and once I'm finished with those baby hairs and perfecting it. The way I want my hair lines to be I'm using some wax strips and black wax strips that I got some Sally Beauty and tying up to make sure that is set in place afterwards. I am going in with my heat, protectant spray and kind of giving it some curls bombs, giving its life so afterwards, I'm finished curling my hair. This is exactly what the air looks like. It'S only been about, like maybe 20 minutes or so. But honestly, if you guys want the best result, you want to leave that wax strip on your hair for as long as possible, because maybe like a couple of hours or so just because the longer you let it sit, the better. Your lace will be just like how you want your edges to lay down all day the longer you leave that headband that head scarf around your edges, the better it's gon na look! So that's exactly how this is it so right here. You just see me kind of playing around with the wig and figuring out which side part I wanted to be. I want it to be no part. Actually, I just wanted to kind of fall over on one side and I'm just kind of figuring it out. Checking in some extra curls - and you know perfecting it to the way that I want the look that I was really going for with that old Hollywood. Curls look. You know that ruffle Bob. You know I just kind of wanted to be really sure, really cute and kind of natural. Looking so yeah guys. That is it. I hope you love this video thanks, you guys for watching and don't forget to subscribe and hit that thumbs up button.

amor anaja: Very informative! Show us how to cut the bob next!

Taylor Morrow: Notification gang I'm here for the slay sis

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