Growing Hair Back After Post-Covid Hair Loss: Natural Ways To Grow It Back & How I'M Hiding It

  • Posted on 26 August, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

This is a video I’ve started and stopped recording so many times, but I decided today is finally the day .

It’s a little bit personal, but I figured if I am lucky enough to have a platform and a place to talk about it, I should - because hopefully I can help someone who is going through something similar.

You may remember that I got pretty sick with covid pneumonia in both lungs late last year. And just when I was thinking I was done with all the crazy symptoms, the hair loss started about 10 weeks later, in mid-February.

And I’m not talking a little hair loss. I’m talking like scary amounts coming out, to the point that I was afraid to even wash or brush my hair. I would be working on my computer and look down and there would be a large clump of hair on lap kind of falling out (sorry for the TMI!).

All this to say, I lost about 60ish% of the hair on the back of my head, and I was (am still!) freaking out. I didn’t have enough hair to even put in a ponytail to make it look better, so I’ve had to get creative!

So as I’m doing more video again finally, you may see my hair range from looking like a plucked chicken to Alfalfa from the Little Rascals (from all the new hair growth), and then to long flowing hair (my Halo wire extensions), to a thick bun on the top of my head (also fake).

My daughter is my hair stylist and had to stop doing my hair for awhile, but when I finally went back a couple months later, she said she has never seen so much new hair growth - woohoo!

It’s about 2 months after the hair loss finally stopped, and there is A LOT of new growth (making me look like a peacock on top), so I thought I would share some of the things that have worked for me. You don’t have to try them all, but hopefully one or two of them will help!

I’ll also show you haw I use my Halo extensions and JuvaBun bun extensions, to hide the hair loss in the meantime. If I have to look on the bright side of all this, it’s that these hair options help me do my hair in less than a quarter of the time it usually takes, and hides the hair loss pretty well.

I don't hide my hair loss all the time, but these extensions are great for those occasions when you want an extra boost, and they cause minimal damage to already-fragile hair.

Here are some of the products I talk about:

Halo Couture hair extensions (for a less expensive option, I’ve heard good things about Full Shine and Hidden Crown extensions, which are similar)

Ren Jord - hair oil treatments that support a healthy scalp and growth

Juva Bun - bun and ponytail extensions

Scalp massager to stimulate hair follicles and scalp

Trophy Skin red light therapy

Sulfate-free shampoo

Apple Cider vinegar

Dandelion Root Tea

There are great supplements out there also, so I recommend doing some research on those.

You definitely don’t have to use all of these options, but I wanted to let you know about some of what I’ve used that has worked.

I hope this video helps! No matter what the cause of hair loss, it’s a hard thing, and I hope some of these tips help (and make you feel like you’re not alone if you're going through something similar ❤️).

Hi there this is a video that i've been wanting to do for a while, but i wasn't sure if i should um so hopefully i'll have the nerve to put this up. But anyway, as you can see, i'm in my bathroom i'm getting ready. So i hope, there's not too much of an echo but as most of you know, i had double covered pneumonia last year and i got really sick and um. I had heard different things about the hair loss and thought i was out of the woods because um it wasn't until about february, and i think i was finally done with the pneumonia december january. But in february i started losing my hair like crazy and i'm not talking like a little bit of hair loss. I'M talking about, i lost probably more than 50 percent, maybe right around there of hair in the back of my head. So that's why you haven't been seeing me on too many videos. I'Ve been very self-conscious um, but i was thinking if i show you what i'm doing to kind of overcome that maybe it will help somebody else out there: who's dealing with hair loss for some reason or um to let you know there are options out there, because When i start doing these videos again you're going to see me either kind of look like a plucked chicken or you're going to see the peacocking hair growth, i have coming back up which i'm super excited about, but it looks crazy, um or you're gon na see Beautiful long hair or a bun so just to share my secrets with you, the the long hair and the bun are not mine. I barely have enough hair in the back of my head to put in a ponytail or to put in a bun. So a lot of times just to get ready, quick, i just pop something in so i was going to show you a few things that i do because um my daughter is my hair stylist and actually i went in to get my hair done and she had Said she has never seen so much hair growth, so i'm doing something, that's working, but i'm doing quite a few different things. So i thought i would bring that in today because i feel, like i'm lucky enough to have a platform. So i should talk about these things um, even though i'm giving my hair secrets away that it's not my hair, you see my my real pretty long hair um, but if i have that, if i'm lucky enough to have that platform, maybe this can help somebody else. So um i'll talk a little bit about what i'm doing first and then i'll show you um how i'm getting ready. What i'm gon na put in my hair right now to do another video today, but one of the things i'm doing is i'm using run jord. This is um a renewing oil treatment. I put this in probably i don't know three times a week and um you just take some droppers and just put it in your hair, darpa fulls um i put like two to three droppers. Maybe i don't know if that's too much or too little, but what i do because i'm desperate, but it works really really well. I used that even before i had the hair loss when i get out of the shower, i put the wrench or balancing tonic in, and this just really helps detoxify your scalp, but it also helps restore the oils that can be lost when you're shampooing your hair. Another thing i do is well, i don't wash my hair very often because it was just so sad to see it all come out, go down the drain, but also i use apple, cider, vinegar - and i use this maybe once a week once every couple weeks and This really helps with bacteria in your hair, so this is something that you can do, even if you're not losing hair, but just to keep your scalp healthy too is it helps actually balance the ph levels. It'S also very exfoliating for your scalp and it kind of like just invigorates your hair follicles. So i guess talking about that and shampooing. Another thing is to avoid sulfate shampoo, look for sulfate free, and one of the reasons for that is because a lot of them contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which can be very irritating to the hair or actually to the skin. It'S actually something that they use. In lab studies to intentionally irritate the skin, so they can see if they're calming properties of whatever it is they're testing works. So that was a little more technical that i was planning to get in this video but um. Another thing i've done is: where is it? Oh right here so i went and i use this for everything i love red light therapy. I use it for my skin um started reading about the benefits for my hair, so i actually just sit down and get ready, and i turn this on and just have it pointing at my scalp as i'm getting ready and i think that's about it. One other thing: besides supplements and you can look up what supplements are really good for hair there's so many different things. So i don't want to get into that right now, but that's something you can definitely look up to. I'M definitely on some supplements and the last thing i can't remember, maybe that was it. I think there was one more, maybe we'll come back to it uh. Another thing i do is these things. This is so funny, but i got one at a conference. A few years ago - and i'm like oh my gosh - i love the feel of it. So a lot of times i'll, put the run jordan and i'll just do this or i'll do this before i'm going out, because this adds so much volume. So something like this, you really just want to think about what stimulates the hair follicles. So i think we're at that awkward point now, where i will show you my hair and what i do. These are quick and easy tips, but what i have is um today, i'm going to put in a halo, i'm doing more videos today and i just feel better with the halo in because otherwise i'm so self-conscious and if i'm feeling self-conscious, then i just don't feel Like i'm doing my best um, so i go out a lot without anything in now that my hair's growing back, but once i blow dry it you know, there's a certain way. I blow dry it to make it look thicker and to make it look like. I have more um, but i don't have enough hair to do a ponytail or a bun so kind of depressing. But what i have is a halo and i keep it on here so so pretty i put a hat on because this just freaks me out. So i will show you how i put that in right now, um also, i don't heat style. I don't do this very often. I rather would just do nothing because um the less you can do to your hair, also, the better and all of a sudden. It'S stuck on a pin all right. I'Ve never had that happen, but of course it's on video, so it's gon na happen. So this is freaking me out doing this on video, but you just take the halo, and this is a real halo. There'S definitely other ones. You can get um. Amazon has a lot of great ones. I just did this because i do so many videos - and i knew this was going to be easy um. My daughter is my hair stylist, so i'm lucky to live with my hair, stylist and um. So she's able to color it for me too to help match it. So i just put it in: it's just got a little wire and that's all it's held up by um. You can barely see it now. So then you just take a comb and go all along the edges. Oh you can see all the new growth. It'S really. It really just sticks straight up. Um, i'm gon na do a better job of this one. So i'm not trying to look into a little camera without my readers and can't see it in the mirror um. So something like this and then i'll go in and i'll curl it a little bit more um and just kind of play with it. And it looks really natural, you can't see anything um. I don't really wear it on windy days, because i don't want to be sitting there and having my hair fly out. That will actually defeat the purpose of what i'm trying to do, but i just kind of curl and i just play with it until it looks just right - i'm going to go back in and fix this, but anyway this is one option and again there's a lot Of options on amazon too, that aren't as expensive that you can use um. I don't know the name brands of anything right now, but i mean this looks pretty good and let me see if i can do the back and i'll show you the back um. Okay. So i don't think, hopefully you can't see anything, but it just blends right in with your hair. So i've been doing this for a lot of things or if i have a special occasion because, like i said i just i don't have enough hair to do anything with and i can't even pull it back so um. This is one option and then the other option i have and actually maybe i'll just do this. What the heck right i'll just take that out and then oh, you can see right there, there's just like gaps, it's just so bad. The other thing i do is, i have a bun, and this was thirty dollars, so there's so many great options out there. I'M just gon na play with this too. Let'S put my hair up real fast. This is not gon na look good either, but i'm just in a hurry. So these are just a couple of options if you do have any hair loss um this one's very affordable and easy to do so. I just kind of put it in a little and you see it's so skinny, it's just like stuff's, definitely growing back in, but honestly, when i put a ponytail in it just looks like a little rat tail um. So i just kind of do a little thing. Like that, and then i take this, which is awesome - and i comb it out a little bit, so i keep grabbing things i just kind of comb it out a little bit. I don't know i don't even know if i'm doing this 100 right, but then i put it in like this. So you've probably seen this in some videos. It looks like i do a really cute hairstyle i've actually gotten. Compliments on this in public, which is so funny, so i'm like yeah, it's not mine, so you know it's something as simple as these things, which that looks super cute. It looks pretty natural once i mess with it um, but these are just a couple of the things i do in addition to the more natural things i'm doing like sulfate fruit, shampoo, um, avoiding heat treatment. As often as i can, i don't dry, my hair very often or curl it the run, jord renewing oil treatment and the balancing spray, because i just really want to keep my scalp healthy so that my hair can grow in quicker apple, cider, vinegar, and i remember The last one now is um dandelion tea. I was reading about that and the hair growth properties. That has so i was drinking a lot of that also um. I was making it and then cooling it off and then pouring it onto my scalp also. So if i wasn't doing the apple cider vinegar, i was pouring some daily tea over my scalp. I just let it sit for a couple minutes and then i wash it out. So those are my hair secrets. So now, if you see this bun or if i have really long hair, you know it's not mine, but i'm just really in a transition phase right now, where not feeling 100 comfortable um. You know, i don't know if it has a lot to do with me. Losing my hair as a child too, when i was going through the cancer that hair has been very important to me, so um so many reasons, but i think we as women too, it's a lot of our identity, so it is hard whether we're losing it for Any condition, but as it's growing back in this helps make it a little less awkward. If i put hairspray in and kind of put pat those down, but totally just gave you all my secrets so um. I hope that helped, if you have any questions, feel free to message me um. If you want to share this information. You know please share this. If you think it will help someone and if you have any tips, let me know because i would gladly take them. Um, but in the meantime again, these things i actually are working because, like my daughter, said, she's, never seen so much hair growth, so i'm super excited about that um. The hair finally started growing in again, i think in june it was about three months of just total hair loss. I mean just coming out just clumps and handfuls not to be gross, but it's just something different than i have ever seen before um. So i think that's it. I hope that helped and if you have any questions or comments, go ahead and leave them, and i will see you soon.

Maykil107: thanks so much

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