Easy Diy Hair Mask | My Hair Care Routine

This is an Easy DIY Hair Mask treatment that is a big part of my hair care routine. This is great for shine, moisture, fighting frizz, dry hair, split ends, and growing your hair longer!

You guys have asked a lot for a do it yourself hair treatment, so here you go! I'm not one for rubbing egg whites and avocado all over my hair, but I do love a good oil treatment! You can use your hair dryer to make this a hot oil treatment, or sleep on it for overnight results. I saw a difference the first time I did this, but I think after a few treatments you should really see results!

Sorry for being MIA, I was under the weather and in bed all week last week. Also, a big thank you to everyone who commented on my last video! I'm still reading through all of them, but just know that they mean the world to me!!


-I just washed it out but my hair still feels oily?

----You just didn't wash the oil out thoroughly. The oiliness you feel will go away after your next shower. Maybe next time shampoo more when you wash the oil out so you have no oily residue!

-What if I have Oily Hair?

---If your scalp is already producing plenty of oil, you don't need to put this mask near your roots. It can still benefit the middle and ends of your hair! That area probably is not getting the oil from your scalp, and may be dried out if you're using harsher shampoos to cope with the oiliness.

-Can I do this treatment on dirty hair?

---If it's just a day or two since your shower, yes, no problem! If you like to go 4 to 5 days, it'll depend on whether you're adding more product to your hair each day.

If you don't use a lot of product, doing this treatment on dirty hair will work just fine! If you are a product junkie (like me ;) ) the products on your hair may keep it from absorbing the oil as much as it could. You could shampoo your hair, towel dry it, then do this treatment. You'll have to shower again to wash it out, but at least that way it wouldn't throw off your shower routine.

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★What I Used:★

-Jojoba Oil (I found mine at Trader joes, but it's also online, in health food stores, and sometimes in drugstores)

-Coconut Oil (Mine is from Trader Joes, but you can find it at almost any grocery store these days!)


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★What I'm wearing:★

Sweater: Zara

Robe: VS

Lips: Colourpop Lippiesix in Peppermint + Gloss


FTC: This video is not sponsored. No really, I just rave about the stuff I love! NuMe links are affiliate links. Products sent for review consideration are marked with an '*'.

Everyone kelly here and today, I'm showing you how to do this easy DIY mask. It only has two ingredients, you can do it in 15 minutes. It'S quick, it's easy and it does amazing things for your hair. It will make your hair shinier. It will moisturize your hair and when your hair is moisturize, it is much less prone to breakage and split ends. So that means that you can avoid those things and hopefully help your hair to grow longer. This is a really really big part of my hair care. Routine, so you guys have been asking a lot about my routine and instead of doing one whole like hour and a half long video, I decided to do a little mini series, so I'm gon na do four or five videos on the different things that I do In my routine to keep my hair really healthy and I'll finish off with a little haircare routine video, where I show you guys all the different products that I like to use on my hair, so we're gon na get a lot of information going on and we're All gon na learn how to have really healthy hair, which is a great thing to do. It'S 2016. Let'S just all resolved to have awesome hair this year and watch my channel to help you with that, because, hopefully that's what I do anyway, let's go ahead and get rolling on this mask now. These ingredients are really simple. We'Re gon na start out with some jojoba oil and some coconut oil, then into a microwave-safe container measure out 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and 2 tablespoons of the coconut oil and the coconut looks a little bit solid. But this melts really easily. You can either choose to melt it with your hands or you can pop it into the microwave for just a couple of seconds and that will go ahead and melt it so that you can apply it to your hair. I just did 20 seconds all. You really want is for it to liquefy, you don't need it to get really hot. Once it's completely translucent, you can go ahead and give it a stir and you're ready to go, and now let's get the oil onto your hair. I went ahead and split my hair in half and then you just put a little bit of oil onto your hand and run it through your hair and you keep doing that until the oil has saturated your hair. So it's pretty easy and you can do this on wet hair as well. If you like, I like to do it on dry hair, because then I can see really easily where I've gotten oil and where I haven't. You can also apply the oil to your scalp. If you like, that can help with hair growth, it can help with dryness and it can even fight my old dandruff. So you might be wondering why I picked these oils. Well. First of all, peanut oil doesn't just coat the hair. It actually goes all the way into the hair and it attaches to hairs protein. So that means that your hair will end up more moisturize from the inside out, but also having that moisture attached to your keratin means that you're going to have less future damage, and I use the jojoba oil because it's very similar to your scalps natural oils. So the hair accepts it really well and really thrives off of it. It'S also extremely lightweight, and so it makes this whole formula more lightweight and less prone to weighing your hair down after you wash it out, and you can do this treatment as often as you feel your hair needs it. I typically do it once every two weeks, but I will definitely bump it up to being more often, if I'm doing a lot of styling or my hair or my hair seems extra dry. So once your hair is totally saturated with oil, you just let it sit. I like to clip mine up and then put a little shower cap over it and you can leave it on. I would say a minimum of 15 minutes, but you can go all the way up to 12 hours. If you really want to so you can either just let it sit, or you can add, in heat optionally, just use your hair dryer on a low heat setting to just kind of heat up the whole area that helps your cuticle to open up, so that the Oil goes deeper into your hair and can do more work on the inside of your hair, but don't do too much heat, I would say anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Maybe 20 minutes is max. Another option is just to braid your hair. All the way down, secure it with an elastic and then sleep on it with the oil in it and wash it out in the morning. This is also a really good way because the oil gets to sit on your hair for a long time, either way once you're done with the oil it's time to wash it out. So in the shower, you can go ahead and rinse. It really well and then shampoo. It really really really well like thoroughly make sure that you get as much out as you can then rinse and then do another light shampoo afterwards. I always double shampoo with this, because you want to get all the oil out or your hair might still feel oily after the shower, then just do a light conditioner to reset the pH balance of your hair, rinse that out and dry your hair - and you are Done I always really love how my hair looks and feels after I finish this treatment, it is good for all hair types, all hair lengths. Everybody can benefit from this because it really does just give your hair back the nutrition and the moisture that it needs, especially after a lot of styling. So I hope you guys enjoy this video and be sure to check back to see the rest of my videos in this series. I'Ll see you next one look bye,

Elly Simpson: Your hair looks so healthy in every video! I can't wait to watch the rest of your hair care routine videos!

Lisa Zelem: Thanks Kayley! I have done this mask twice and loved how it made my hair feel. I thought it would be very drippy and hard to wash out but it wasn't at all. Thank you for explaining why you chose the oils that you did. I am for sure making this a part of my routine.

Rachel: Yessss! This has made a huge difference for my hair! I try to do it every two weeks and I leave it on for around 5-6 hours. I normally do it on a Sunday or something when I'm home doing laundry or cooking spaghetti bolognese

Shelby Dimel: I was so happy to see a video from you today!! Can't wait to see the rest of this series!! I definitely needed this one today I was just thinking my hair felt really dry. Gonna have to give this a try !!

bluebutterfly105m: You can add Castor Oil into the mix for a huge shine boost as well! I've been doing this for the last 3 years and I have to say my hair is SUPER healthy (and at my waist ;) )

Clara Albright: I'm excited for this series! My hair is really fine so when I use a coconut oil mask, i first wash with a cheap conditioner, then with regular shampoo. That way I don't have to shampoo like 3 or 4 times, I just take time massaging the conditioner to loosen most of the oil.

Roman Hill: 2016: the year I finally invest in coconut oil. It has so many uses and heaven knows my hair needs some rejuvenation. Thanks again, Kayley!

BeckyCarolyn: Love this! Just ordered both ingredients ready to use the next time my hair is due a wash. The definition to your hair is stunning and you're just glowing! Thank you for the fab videos and hints/tips xo

imperfect julia: Hi Kayley! You mentioned the pH when talking about the conditioner. I thought that was really interesting, since I always pay attention to that when it comes to my skin, but never yet with my hair. Is the natural pH also around 5.5 for hair? And which conditioner do you use to reestablish the natural pH? Thank you to you or to anyone who can help answer these questions! Love your videos Kayley, you're one of the first youtubers I subscribed to years ago and I still get just as happy when a new vid pops up in my feed. Big virtual hug! :) xoxoxo

Julianne Kim: Perfect timing! Just went out and bought coconut oil earlier today :) thanks Kayley! ❤️

Halle Knox: I've heard microwaving coconut oil messes with the molecular structure (or something along those lines) making it less effective. If you just rub it in your hands it melts almost immediately!

star dusts: I always use coconut oil as a hair mask two to three times a week. It's the best! Makes my long hair super soft and shiny and it also helps with my super dry scalp.

curls and nodes: love it! I can't wait for the rest in the series!! ❤

Lindsay Finlay: Before I tried this treatment I just used plain cocunut oil on my hair, and while my hair felt a bit softer afterwards, I never noticed a huge difference like others who used it ( I have very thick, unruly, and frizzy hair). I used this treatment about a week ago for the first time and noticed a dramatic difference. I melted the oils together as shown and put a plastic shower cap on, then blew dry my hair for a couple minutes on medium heat and let it sit for a few hours before washing it out. Afterwards, my hair felt so silky and soft, and man was it shiny! I really believe the Jobajoba oil made all the difference and am so thankful you posted this DIY treatment Kayley! Can't say enough great things about it! Love you and your videos xoxo

coldenburg1!: definitely gonna try this- your Grammy's inspired heatless waves tutorial is mu go to hair styling method, it doesn't hurt my hair like an iron, and it always looks good

Kerly Aavik: i've been doing this for over 6 months now, because of my superdry hair i used it every week, left it overnight and it has done magic, now i do it every two weeks... amazing. all natural and environment friendly :) love it

Val Naito: Hey, Kayley! I absolutely looooove your videos. I wanted to ask you what you would recommend since it's summer where I live and it's terribly hot so I have to shower daily, because I get very sweaty and I'm afraid that washing my hair every day may damage it. I'd love some advice if you could. Thank you for your amazing videos! You are incredibly inspiring to me :)

zeina angel: I'm so happy to see you smiling Kayley!!!Keep it up! and thank you for the tutorial!! XoXo

c j: Your hair, after applying the oil looked as if it was so smooth, and sleek! I love your videos, and I highly suggest you do more! And I highly recommend you do a shower routine great way to show you products! Have a good week!

Flora C: I tried this today and I can honestly say it was not only easy but it made my hair super soft and shiny! None of the shop-bought hair masks can do that to my long, thick heavy hair! Thank you for sharing and I'm so glad I stumbled upon your channel!!

Paulina Pham: Thank you for saving my life!!! I had to do a theatre show recently and i dont usually like to use a lot of heat on my hair. So having to style my hair day after day for the production really damaged and dried out my hair. I'm going to go out tomorrow and get myself some coconut and jojoba oil and do this asap! Love you and glad youre back!

Ellie Brill: I've used this mask before and it works super well!!!

Anne Geesing: I love this just what i was searching for! love the natural oil idea!

Beatrice C: I was just looking for hair mask recommendations and your video popped up in my subscription box!! Your hair is amazing so I'll definitely try this out! Thank you so much for sharing <3

Lindsay Chaple: I do this hair mask all the time and I can contest....it's AMAZING!!!! Much love my gorgeous friend!! Glad you are feeling better!!

Miarian: Oh My God! Okay, so I used one tablespoon of the coconut oil and jojoba oil on my hair today and the difference is astonishing! I had no idea my hair was so dry, it soaked the oils right up and looks and feels healthier than it has done in years! And that's just the first time I've used this... Thank you so much, Kayley, this mask is brilliant! Xxx

Rita M: Just started back at college and my hair is so dry! Definitely going to try this out ☺

Sandra Brea: This comes in handy. I'm planning to go platinum so I'm starting to deep conditioning the hair to get it in its best shape before all the bleaching. Thanks!

CristhyAvi: I love using coconut oil and leaving it in my hair overnight! It def works wonders! I'm going to try adding the jojoba oil now. Thanks for the tip!

Maria Diaz: this is so cool and perfect for my hair type! thanks and love you so much!! <3

Jennifer Meyer: I don't do a lot of heat treatment on my hair, so pure oil masks aren't as useful for me-- it's just long, so I want something protein-rich to help stop breakage, something to moisturise the ends and help keep the top clean, and something to keep it soft and shiny. Yogurt, honey and an egg works *incredibly* well for my hair (usually with a tablespoon or two of olive or avocado oil added). Then shampoo (have to use a cold to luke-warm water so it doesn't cook). I don't need a conditioner after that and my hair goes very soft and shiny, but not at all greasy.

KayJhoselin: I need to try this! Great video gorgeous!

Jennifer Wu: Just tried this tonight and its amazing! Thanks for an awesome channel! :)

Dörte Ohne H: I use coconut oil on my hair since about 2 by now. Also I stopped using products with silicones in it. I had problems with my scalp which used to peel quite a lot. I massaged coconut oil in it for about a year and now I don't have this issue anymore. As well as my hair grew reaaaally long and it doesn't seem to stop :D

Cat23: Your videos always make ne happy, you radiate happiness! Thank you

Maria Chavdarova: I love it! Thank you Kayley! You're the best!

Caitlyn Nicole: I'm a new subscriber and I have to say I love how thorough you are!

So Niya: I used to dye my hair a lotttt, and it damaged my hair so badly. I've been using castor oil + coconut oil as a hair mask for almost 3 years now, and I loveeee it.

Lynzee413: I can't wait for the rest of this series!

Lou Marie Cajulis: im excited for the hair care routine series <3

Chelsea Galinos: You are so flawless without makeup!

CarolaneCP: Lovely hair! I do coconut oil hair mask all the time!

Katey Miller: Okay well this just freakin changed my life. I don't think my hair has been this soft since infancy, and I only left it on for two hours.

Doctor Anne: I like to add Aloe vera to my coconut oil for extra moisture. And the series looks great, I cant wait lo learn more about your hair routine.

zoeyc203: This works so so so well!

12thManBraids: definitely trying this. Your editing is getting so good :)

Rebekah Ren: I love it <3 What kind of products do you recommended for bleached hair? I have natural blonde hair, but because I dyed it I had to bleach it to get rid of the red tones.

Ellie-Mae Williams: This is amazing!!!!! Your hair looks great with it too!!! Must try this!

Patience Martens: I can't wait to be seeing your up coming hair care routine video's! I love you channel it is my favorite channel ever! Keep up the amazing videos! Oh and by the way your Skin (Without makeup) Is so pretty would you consider doing a skin care routine video?

Lemonmon: Very very helpful! Thanks a lot!

Monica Rachele: So stoked for this series!! :)

Louise Rurup Petersen: FINALLY. Been waiting for these kinds of videos foreeeeeeever! also kudos to you for having being so informational in your videos lately. made me a lot smarter!

T Honda: I alway use the coconut oil , like now =D" I put it over my hair and sleep and in the next morning I wash my hair and it's like magic ! I love it ♡

CharlieAmber01: Totally trying this out. My hair has been so damaged lately!!

Jenny R: Awesome video! I use coconut oil but alone I never thought of adding an extra oil. I'm going to try it with Jojoba oil next time.

Flaggkatten: yesss a kayley melissa video! I love when I scroll through my timeline and a video from you pops up!! ❤

uffiMarta Hairstyles: I often use coconut oil on my hair, it's the best discover of the year for me :D

Desiree Markewich: I normally use coconut oil and avocado oil as a hair mask but I love jojoba oil so I had to try this! I did it last night and I've washed my hair 7 times trying to get the jojoba oil out and it still looks greasy :( I really wanted it to work!

Francesca Canepa: This sounds nice, can't wait to try!

Polished By Amy: Definitely doing this❤️

Izzie Rose: I feel like this series of videos is about to be my life

Rachel Nicole: Hi Kayley! I'm a huge fan and I trust you to give me the best answer. What are your thoughts on the Brazilian Blowout? I have tried everything but nothing seems to work on my frizzy puffball of a mane. Do you have any recommendations as to where to get the BB and/or whether to get it at all?

Lillian Lingenfelter: I was really excited to try this because I have dull, dry hair. But it only made my hair super super greasy, I've washed it 10+ times (doing shampoo on dry hair, conditioner first, and shampooing like normal) and my hair still looks terrible. Any benefit from this has been negated because I've been having to wash my hair so much.

Katie McCluskey: Your videos always make my day and put a smile on my face

Paola Forero: looks so nice when u finish it! i definetly will try it ;) thank u :*

Hairy lil' mango seed: You look stunning with no makeup on.

Natalie: I like to microwave a bowl of water, then place a bowl of coconut oil inside that to melt it. This way you're not "zapping" any of the nutrients in the microwave. Then I braid it and sleep in it every time I know I'm going to wash it in the morning:) I have super long dry hair and this does amazing things!

Kaylee Collins: Yay! I've missed your videos! I really needed this video. My hair has been so dry and dull.

Katie: I hope your ok Kayley! Ilysm you make me so happy!! ❤️

Sara Alaniz: Kayley you r so adorable. You have the best intro of all you tubers I follow or have watched. Such a sweet spirit about you. I love the videos and can't wait to learn more. I'm 50 but feel these type are for me too. Can't wait to see more. Blessings to your New Year 2016.

Amanda Tauch: I love using coconut oil for my hair, for y face, for my body. Best oil ever! I've never tried the jojoba oil though. Where do you get yours? I think I'd like to try it out. :)

Martina Morabito: What kind of Coconut Oil would you suggest to use? I've been looking around on Amazon since your video came out and i'm still wondering about the kind of oil, since I've seen virgin ones, sophisticated ones and so on. I'm not sure I can find the exact same you use, since I'm in Italy but I could surely use a tip about the kind I should buy. Thank you in advance...Love you, bye :D

Gennaveve: Wow thank you so much for this video! i really needed this!

Jelena Krušelj ex Katić: Oh I love this treatment. I also love to use olive oil, honey and egg white(my hair is oily) like mask.

Keen Vill: My hair always look dead and thanks for this Kayley!

Elly Simpson: Hey Kayley! I have about shoulder length hair. Should I use less of each oil when mixing them together?

IrishRose.: I was wondering where you had gone! Missed your videos, I'm glad you're back. I'm gonna have to try this hair mask, that shine is amazing!

zoeyc203: So I used to use this hair mask all the time (it does amazing things for your hair), but I just recently dyed my hair grey. I read in some articles that some oils like coconut oil/jojoba oil can "brown" the hair because the oils themselves aren't actually clear/white. Is this true? Or am I good to continue using this mask?

shelly aguiar: I would love to see hair tutorials based on hairstyles from the movie "Age of Adaline"

Jacquie O'Shea: I use coconut oil or olive oil & mixture of peppermint oil for my hair , still gives the same results plus it will make your hair look good.

Amanda Vita: I've heard that coconut oil can weigh down really thin hair. Is this true or would this mask be safe to use if that's your hair type?

Desiree Barnes: Btw, pretty much the only reason I open my YouTube app is to see if you have any new videos. I love your content!! I would love to see more updo tutorials, those are my fav ❤️

Lindi Johnson: Ok, so I'm gonna rant really quick on coconut oil... I read on Pinterest that coconut oil masks are very beneficial for replenishing the hair, so I took virgin coconut oil, the exact same kind Kayley uses, and put about 2 tablespoons or so on my hair as well. I let it sit for about an hour or so and took a shower and for the life of me I couldn't get it to come out... I swear I shampooed my hair five or six times and it still wouldn't come out. There was excess coconut oil left in my hair for about a week after that. The moral of my rant is that I don't know what I did wrong... Also which shampoos are best for rinsing out this mask?

Sophia Noh: can I use olive oil instead of jojoba oil? btw great video!! :)

marykep3: I am so happy that you are posting again! You changed my hairs life!

Kang-ting HO: omg I'm gonna try this !!!!! Thank you for doing this kind of videos, you just saved my life

Jayda L: Nice tutorial

Nicole Noel: if you dont have jajoba oil, you can use sunflower oil. It worked really well for me

catt021: Ooh.. I'm going to try this on the weekend. Winter has been killin my hair

LadyLynn007: That is the most important New Years resolution: Have awesome hair in 2016 :D

LadybugPrinzess: WOHOOO! Looking forward to the series! <3

Caroline Childers: you look so beautiful without makeup

Lisa Ritchie: So jealous of your hair. It's soooo beautiful

Lauren Rhodes: Ahhh Kayley!!! Coconut oil is NOT good for all hair types!! please don't misinform people because some they could end up ruining their hair. People with protien sensitive cannot use coconut oil. If you use coconut oil on your hair and afterwards it feels stiff like straw don't use it again. You could end up ruining your hair and having to chop it off.

Yungzu Bass: Wow, thank you for sharing. My hair very dry and frizzy. Thank you again.

samantha marie: Just found your channel, your gorgeous! Your hair as well :) xx

Rosemary Kahn: Great advice!  Will try it.

Talita Brito - CLUB: this ACTUALLY works!!!!!! I'm so thankful, really.....

Rebecca Gill: Hey! Quick question, where did you get your shower cap?!? I've been looking for one like that! Thank you! :)

SORIYA'S KITCHEN: Great video. Thanks for sharing :)

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