How To Dip Braids - Beginner Friendly Tips





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Hello, hello, ladies welcome back to music and beauty TV. Thank you so much for subscribing and sharing this video with anyone. You think it may help. Let'S just jump right in so starting off. You want to have boiling hot water. The hotter the water is the better. The straighter that your hair is going to get, ideally, you want to use a tall pitcher or a tall tea kettle. Those are the safest devices to use for this process, but unfortunately I didn't have any on me, so I'm just gon na use what I have. But let me tell you what you don't use. You definitely don't use a flimsy cup like this, a plastic red cup. Anything like this, it's too thin. It'S too flimsy. It'S definitely gon na burn you. If you try to use this, you also don't want to use a glass cup, because, even though it's thicker and more sturdy, you can feel the heat through it too much and you're not gon na be able to handle that heat. This is a cup I'm gon na use. Today this is actually it's thick enough and the heat does not transfer through it as much so we're gon na go ahead and pour that water into this cup. I like to kind of squeeze mine inside the sink so that it doesn't move around when I pour the water in that's just a little hack. If you're not used to doing this, obviously, if you're using a tea kettle, then you don't even have to go through this process, but just be very careful, I don't. I do prefer sitting the cup inside the sink somewhere when you pour the hot water, otherwise it very well may spill and get all over the place, including you so you're going to need a big towel, a small towel, some scissors and some oil spray. One of the tricks I used to use was, I would pour oil in the water. Why dip the hair? I used to love that I didn't do that in this video for some reason, but you can definitely try that now personally, I'm used to using this cup and it's not too hot for me, but in case you use a cup like this and it's a little Too hot, if you have one of these little gloves that they give you when you buy like wands and flat irons, then this is very good to use because definitely protects you from the heat all the way, but it doesn't get in the way like this black Towel, if you decide to try to hold the cup with a towel, you're setting yourself up for danger, because you are going to be going back and forth between picking this cup up and sitting it down, and it's too likely that it'll get caught the towel will Get caught underneath the cup and everything will spill, so I highly recommend not doing that now. People who do here at the shop drape their clients, because this client does not have a drape, and this is just done at home, something for the everyday person I'm covering her up with this towel. This is for like added protection, just in case any drips spill. I don't want them to spill on her, so after you drink the client, then I recommend sectioning the hair off some people, if they're using a bigger picture or something they just dip all the hair together at once, and while that does work, if you're using a Cup then section the hair off, because you need sections small enough to fit inside the cup. When you put sections that are too large inside of the cup or the picture a lot of times, the braids will come out crinkly, they don't get straight enough. So I like to isolate section by section and that's what we're gon na do we're just gon na go section by section dip the hair about half way in I like to go up and down up and down a few times the more times you do that. I feel like the more it's straightening the hair out and then just make sure that when you remove it that you catch it immediately with a small towel and just squeeze it dry now make sure that when you're, squeezing it dry, you're squeezing and pulling at the Same time and running your fingers like finger combing through the hair. That way, you make sure that if there are any knots forming that you can take care of those right away and you can kind of like look at every braid and make sure that everything is getting straightened. Nothing'S batting up. That'S the biggest thing I'll stress, because some of you might be out there dipping here, but a lot of times your ends might be crinkly or you may not be taking these small extra steps, and sometimes your ends are getting mad at that. So there's just like a quick and easy way to avoid that side. Note if you have a towel, that's big enough! You can also dry the hair just like this by using the ends of the towel. Just be very careful if you decide to use this method and after I'm finished, I will go through and just dip it all in the water one last time just to make sure that it's like evenly straight all throughout now. I want to show you guys an example of what you need to tell your clients not to do a lot of times. I want to lean their head back thinking that they're helping you, but a lot of times that gets in the way of you being able to pull so once I'm finished with the whole process, then I like to just grab the towel and just squeeze it out. This one last time getting rid of as much water as I can, because I still need to go, trim and spray this hair down. You can follow this process up by blow-drying your clients hair. Sometimes they really don't care if you do they're gon na be outside and the heat it dries pretty quickly anyway. But if you do your clients hair at night and have to go to bed right after then, you know as a courtesy blow dry their hair so that they don't have wet ends while they're getting in bed. I wanted to show you guys how I trim the ends. This is very important to me because I prefer to create a natural look at the end of doing individuals and trading. That natural look is by basically trimming a v-shape, almost like a u or a v-shape into the hair, the most important purpose of trimming the braids is to just get rid of any straggling in, but remember that you intentionally stretch the hair out when you're doing individuals, Because you want the ends to be like staggered and frayed, so you don't want to do like a blunt cut straight across because that totally defeats the purpose as well as it may cause some of your braids to unravel and then I'll go through and then I'll Grab some of the layers that are on top and make sure I do that as well, because if you only do one cut, then you're not gon na get some of those braids that are on the top of the head because they just blend in and they're. Not long enough for you to cut and that's it at the end of everything, the hair should be flexible and movable and completely sealed. Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope it helped and until next time be you love you and make it all beautiful.

Vivid Rose: It definitely helped. I was like why my ends crinkled ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ used your method and now they look amazing! Thanks for the video ❤️❤️

Cuddle Bunny: Thank you so much for this was pretty fed up With the braids i had done a few days ago because they werent sealed correctly. But doing this at home really worked ☺

Kennedy Jai: Girllll you just saved my hair.. I was dipping it into bigger sections and it started to curl.. I fixed it tho thanksss‼️

DeArica Caesar: awesome tutorial..very detailed unlike others

Kamryn Quinn: I wish ppl would have thought of this when I was a kid. Mu grandma always used a lighter. The smell of burning fake hair still haunts me...

Janice Jones: I tried This method and it worked girl!!!! I love it so much.... This my first time doing this and having this style!!! You are great!!

multifandomz: My braids look ratchet rn and I have the exact same cup sis lol I'm doing this tomorrow morning .. great video

braefeed: Its works!! And with thick braids thank you

Katrina Jefferson: Thanks for sharing this helped so much with the dipping process

Angelica Moya: This was so helpful!!!

Renee Simpson: I've heard not to go too high up depending on how long the natural hair is so it won't boil your hair

lisa s.: Do you have to do something special to unravel the braids or do they just come out easily with no problem?

Jore Mibu: I just did my own box braids I'm glad I found your videos now my ends don't look crinkled mess ..straight ends.....

sugamehoney: Great video! Thank you☺️

Tonya Fisher: I currently have braids but my natural hair isn’t too much shorter. I’ve always been scared because I’ve heard you’re not supposed to put your hair in the hot water because it will damage it. How do you accomplish this without damaging your natural hair?

Nikkimillion spring: Very very helpful, thank you.

Erica Rolle: Just came across this video and it was very helpful along others ... now I do have a question because I’m going to braid my hair myself for the very first time do I dip it in water first then cut the fly aways or do I cut them off first then dip ?

Samyah Taylor: Does the type of hair affect how the ends may turn out ?

Aka-Pearl 1908: Great and detail video !

Rainey LeBlanc: Can this method be used to care for a micro braid wig, as well? Thanks!

Mula Mad: Well I be damnnnnned sis this really really really really really really works I had my braids in for 6 days now and it was my first time and I was real shook to even touch them I been sleeping with them in tights and can I say that definitely helps to and so they do now look tired and I’ve decided to wear them just one more day iffffff I could fix them up some with this hot water trick I been hearing about if not I was taking them out today and oh my word I should of done this days ago! Your method totally works so I gotta hit you up and just say thanks and let the people out here who thinkin about it but unsure how to do it to follow you and they can’t go wrong, results are totally unreal x

Beautybynatjuju: LOVE IT !!!

F. G.: Your ends are very straight. Different from a lot of other stylist I've seen. I like that. Do you not do the slip knot on the ends? Just wondering.

Ops: What can I do if I packed my hair while still wet and the ends are not pretty?

Shayndel Thompson: What if your natural hair is long wouldnt the hot water damage your hair

Cassie58 T: I have a question what if your only doing braids going back. Should you use the same process, but happens to the top of the head. Thanks you explain that very well.

Marisha Johnston: Ladies, Good video, very informative. Ladies, do any of you do this with the pre-stretched hair?

London L: Can I do this a day or two after I get my braids done?

Alexis Lopez: Can you do this after you wash them

TLV Lav: Great advice!

Sara Kolednik: what does this help with? you dont need elastics after?

Micheala Berry: When I did this my ends came out curly and tbh I kinda like it

Chocolate Bae: Can you seal it from a pan?

Lexy Thomas: How do I get my ends of my braids to stop sticking together and feeing like Velcro ?

Yolanda Napo: How long will stay that "seal" from ur braids?

Maliqkah Walton: thank you!!♥️

Michele Casey: What’s the purpose of doing this? So that the ends don’t unravel? Learning how to add feed in braids to my daughter’s corn rows.

morethanahumanbody: how do you soften the top of the hair? i put towel with hot water on top but the top part is still way stiffer than the bottom.

Najma 🥰💋: Can you use this on natural hair?

Melle Jayneir: I do just the same thing but what frustrates me is that the hair gets so straight in days with that braids rubbing against each other is gets frizzy and I can't stand it.

Kalina Georgieva: Does sb know whether this works with yarn braids?

Drew Hardy: I just discovered this myself now. I'm an asian guy so when I got my singles done they were so stiff. Now I feel like chief!

allegracj: Great video.

Huimang: someone teach this to my mom cause she knots the ends and cuts straight accross smh

Rochelle: I'm doing this as soon as I get home

Life as Jayla: How do you get lint off box braids?

Anna I Martin: What is the name of the product of the oil you spray? (I couldn’t make it out in the video) Also, what is the purpose of the spray? TIA.

Kenfany: Does this works for natural hair?

Karrot-top 619: What’s the name of the oil you use towards the end ?

kelasia mclean: Did you burn the ends or just dip them ?

Ms A: My Senegalese braids are butt length. I’m going back to get them cut today to bra strap length (as initially requested) as they feel too heavy for me. If the hairdresser cuts it to this length, will she have to knot each end again or is dipping it in hot water enough. I’d really appreciate expert advice as some of the braids have already started to unravel and I only got it done two days ago. Thank you

Nani Pena: I know that my friend she will burn the ends just so it could come out nice but isn’t that dangerous to burn you’re ends?

Angelica Moya: Thank you so much

a x: i can never seal my braids properly because i have long hair and it stops about 4/5ths down the braid

freedom rush: my braids are falling out after 3 weeks. Is that normal? I think they were too loose or something

Emma Stone: i’m new to all of this, and i’m curious to know what the purpose of this is? i’ve seen people do then when they first get braids & im not sure if i’m supposed to do it as well when i first get braids.

i dont have a name ?: Can u do this on natural hair

Austėja Zeleniūtė: Can i do this with natural hair?

Ayobami Chiemeke: How hot is the water meant to. If u dip the ends of the hair in hot water, and it comes put looking burnt, does it mean that the hair is fake or the water is too hot.

Asia Parrish: So this prevents stiffness?

RecklessInspirer: looks like a protein shake cup thanks for the vid!

Naptural_RN: What if you real hair in the braids get touched by the boiling hot water. My real hair comes down pretty far.

Fairy Law: Don’t your braids come loose sometimes with hot water set? It’s been about 10 hours since I got my braids done and I’m so scared my braids will come loose I tied the ends with rubber bands. I think I prefer burning the ends...

Lucero Paulino: How many minutes should I boil the water for

val vicious: Thx boo

Tawanda Aquino: Can box braids be feathered after being installed ???

Andrea Breton: Ok soo when i 1st learnes braiding methods years ago top braiders would advise me to never wet your braids using jam amd spritz combination leaves them so sleek and nice to the tips im scared to dip im water

Kanesha Gittens: What type of hair should I buy?

unapologetically me: Omg thank you for doing this video I always wondered what the fuck they were doing at the end!♡

Laura Harris: I just did that, the process I mean. My braids are unraveling. I am using aricfical hair. Am I using the wrong type of hair?

Farzana Azam: Doesn't hot water burn Ur hair?

Amanda ,: Which hair is the best to buy for the hot water method guys

BIG SNOOP: No cap, thank you for this vid Lmaooo

ziyou777: how about with short hair

ceolag1: That is still dangerous with no handle

DRINKBLEACHANDEATTIDEPODS: I be trying to get my hair braided cause i can braid my own hair like i can never get my hair done....cause it cost to much like there 3dollar pack of braids and its a jumbo pack so like what!

Ciera: God bless lmao ❤️

Africa B: My hairdresser uses a jug

Yoliswa Noxolo: This video is nice

Enlifted: She looks similar to my mum

Key Uni: I like my ends crinkle

TVision: My ends are crinkly idk what I did

Nani Pena: I like her ends tho

Boitumelo Lebona: How high is that client?

Live Life: What hair is this

Nessa Byrne: i swear that’s lizzo lmao

Katrina W.: First lol

QUEEN LULU: You talk too much

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