Low Porosity Hair Do'S And Dont'S To Grow Long Natural Hair

  • Posted on 22 April, 2021
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

In this video, I talk all about the do's and donts for low porosity hair. Anyone can apply these tips to their hair care journey, whether you have relaxed hair, transitioning to natural or have full natural hair. These tips should help you take care of your hair regardless of its texture (straight to 4c hair).

WHAT IS HAIR POROSITY: hair porosity is about your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture. The porosity of your hair affects how well oils and moisture pass in and out of the outermost layer of your hair, known as the cuticle.

LOW POROSITY: If you have low porosity hair, it means the structure of your hair doesn't easily allow moisture to be absorbed into your hair shaft. This can make it harder for water to saturate your hair when it's washed. Because this type of hair tends to repel moisture, it can also be more challenging to process and style.

#naturalhair #lowporosityhair #hair

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Items shown:

Spray bottle- https://bit.ly/2PXaUtS

Creme of nature shampoo- https://go.magik.ly/ml/146zk/

Maui Moisture Heal & Hydrate + Shea Butter Hair Mask - https://go.magik.ly/ml/161as/

Curl Dynasty Twisting cream - https://go.magik.ly/ml/zj2s/

Lavender Shea Whipped Hair Butter- https://bit.ly/2P21bCb

Hibiscus Fusion Hair Oil- https://bit.ly/3syXSkF

Videos mentioned:

Natural hair regimen- https://youtu.be/TJ_N7rfXDhc

Bentonite clay hair mask - https://youtu.be/oeUcYALfrJU

ITEMS IM WEARING-Tie dye brown top- https://go.magik.ly/ml/15u69/

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Hey guys so welcome back to my channel, so today's video i'm going to be sharing the do's and don'ts for low porosity hair. Just in case you guys don't know what porosity is porosity is how well your hair absorbs moisture. So you put on a moisturizer on your hair. How well does your hair absorb that product? How well does that product sink into the strands? Does your hair feel soft after moisturizing? Does your hair feel like nothing was applied to it? That is basically porosity. I feel like that's the most important thing when it comes to learning about your hair. The way your hair, curls and kinks is not important when it comes to finding which products work for you. So i personally do have low pressure hair, and i found this out by doing some research when i first went natural and i'm so happy that i did because i now know how to treat my hair. I now know which products to use - and my hair has been growing very very well because of the research that i did so. The first do for low pressure. Hair is clarifying, i feel like every few weeks, or so. You should definitely want to make sure that you're clarifying your hair and your scalp low-pressure hair tends to get build up very very easily, especially when you are wearing styles, like twist outs and you re-moisturize. You know every few days products tend to pile up on our hair. You add a moisturizer, you add an oil, then, a few days later, you do it again. Moisturizer oil and just keeps piling up, and your hair is going to get really greasy really weighed down. Your styles are going to look old, they're going to look crappy. To be honest, you want to clarify quite frequently more than a girl who has high porosity hair, because high prostate hair tends to suck in product very well, maybe too well. So personally, i like to clarify my hair and i like to use this shampoo. It'S not a clarifying shampoo, but it does a really really good job with removing buildup without stripping my hair and making it feel dry. If you feel like you needed something a little bit stronger, then yes go ahead. Do some research and find a clarifying shampoo clarifying shampoos tend to look clear like see-through this one? Isn'T this one has a yellow color to it, because it isn't a clarifying shoe. It'S just a moisturizing shampoo, but it does a really good job. It'S very close to clear function, if i have to say so, for myself, another great way to clarify your hair or give your hair a detox is to use bentonite clay. I have a video of a recipe that i did on my hair and i absolutely love it i'll link it down below, for you guys number two. So i don't do this as often as i used to just because i've done things a little bit different, but for those of you who are just starting out, i would highly highly recommend to deep condition your hair with heat and, i would say, deep condition. Every single wash day our hair really loves it. Not only does our hair love deep conditioner, but it loves heat heat, actually helps low porosity hair to open up the cuticles on hello. Porosity hair are closed. Tight like this. If you can see, nothing is going to get through this, but once you add heat those cuticles open up and now you can see that moisture and water and oils can get into those hair strands. Deep condition and heat is like the perfect wicked combo for low porosity hair, something that i used to do a lot is. I would take my deep conditioner, for example, this one right here. Take it pour it into a small bowl, boil some water and put that small bowl into a bigger bowl, and let that help heat up your deep conditioner then apply it to your hair. So now that the deep conditioner is warm, your cuticles are going to open up and allow that moisture in. If you don't want to do it that way, what you can do is apply your deep conditioner to your hair and then put on a plastic cap or sit under a steamer or hooded dryer and get that heat into the hair. Another way that you can do it is to shampoo your hair first rinse out that shampoo with warm water and then apply your deep conditioner to your hair. Your hair will be warm from the water that you just used, and now you can apply your deep conditioner to your hair, so those are three different ways that you can do it heat up. Your deep conditioner apply your deep conditioner to your hair. Sit under a hooded dryer or apply your deep conditioner to warm hair if that makes sense, so those are three ways that you can get heat and moisture in your hair. So this is something that i personally do on my hair and i've been seeing a lot of other low porosity girls doing the same thing: low, porosity hair. Is it's really weird sometimes, but i personally love deep conditioners or hair masks over conditioners. If that makes sense a deep conditioner over a regular conditioner, i don't know what it is, but for whatever reason, my hair just just loves a hair mask if you're noticing that your hair is not accepting conditioners, i feel like they're sitting on top of your hair. Try a hair mask or a deep conditioner that has been working for me. I have not found a conditioner that works as well as a deep conditioner does for my hair. So i would say this is a do. I'M not saying don't use conditioners, but try a deep conditioner instead of a conditioner and see how that works. So next one is lco versus loc. So if you don't know what those two things are basically lco is liquid cream oil and that's personally what i use on my hair and the other one is liquid oil cream. It'S the way that you apply your products to your hair, for example. I would use a leave-in a cream and then an oil to moisturize my hair. Now somebody with high porosity hair, they would probably go for the loc um. I feel like a lot of ladies with high prostate hair, tend to use that method on their hair. They feel like it just works the best and that's perfectly fine, most low porosity girls like to use the lco method, which i feel like works the best for us, but if llc works best for you go for it keep doing it. But if you don't know which one to use, try lc on one side of your head and try loc on the other side, so i definitely say that this is a good one. Lco for low porosity hair is the best. The next do is protein, so low porosity hair is protein sensitive for the most part, but we can handle small proteins, for example, silk protein hydrolyzed protein and wheat protein. Those are the three proteins that low pressure hair can handle. Anything else is a little bit too large for our hair and we don't we just don't absorb it. So the last do for low porosity hair is rinsing your hair, or to wash your hair with warm water, because our cuticles are already closed, continuing to use something. That'S going to keep it closed is not a good idea. You want something: that's going to open up those cuticles to allow moisture in using warm water when you're doing your hair, shampooing conditioning moisturizing, you want to use warm water that helps the cuticles open up and let moisture in so now we're going to move on to The don'ts so don'ts for low porosity hair, i feel like this is the big one is try to stay away from really really heavy products and heavy oils. This don't is a little bit on the fence, because not everyone's low porosity hair is the same. Some of us do like heavy products, and some of us don't, but for me i want to say, for most low porosity girls. We tend to like creamy medium to light weight products. For example, i have hibiscus fusion here, which is a light to medium oil, which is perfect for all hair types, all porosities, because it is a moisturizing and also a sealing oil. It'S perfect for everyone, something that's a little bit. Heavier would be lavender shade, even though i have low porosity hair. This works really really well on my hair, i want to say it's because when i created this, i used a blend of light and heavy oils. It'S not too heavy, and it's not too late. It'S kind of like right in the middle of the two. What i would say this probably would not suit someone who has fine thin, low porosity hair. This would be too heavy for them, but someone who has maybe medium or a little bit thicker hair. This is perfect but, like i said, everyone's hair is so different, so you really want to play with products. Um definitely get the smaller sizes when you're ordering things or buying things, try the smaller version and then work your way up once you figure it out whether or not you like it, there's one product that i honestly did not like. When i tried it was the queen helen's cholesterol, some hair thing - i don't even know i'll put a picture of it on the screen, but i talked about it years ago, how i put it on my hair and it literally just fell off like it could not Get into my hair, it was just extremely thick. It was something that everyone was talking about and now that i think about it. The ones who are probably talking about and raving about it must have had high porosity hair, because high porosity hair tends to like things that are a little bit: heavier thicker, really really creamy, which is great. They need that moisture and also they need those heavy products to help close their cuticles. But someone like me who has low porosity hair, something extremely thick like that - was a big nose. So yeah, that's just an example. One way that you'll know that your hair does not like something if you were to put the product on and your hair just looks extremely greasy. For example, if you were to apply a deep, conditioner and or conditioner, you applied it to your hair and went to go rinse it out, and it just came right off your hair just feels dry and that's what happens when you apply something very, very heavy to Low porosity hair or you apply something to your hair, that your hair just does not like, cannot absorb, because molecules are just too big, try to stay away from heavy butters and creams and oils and stick to something that is a little bit lighter. Like crepe seed, oil is a great one, so the next don't is protein treatments, and this is again a little bit on the fence because there's times when we do need protein, but for the most part, low porosity hair is full of protein and it doesn't need Any more so we don't really need to use products that have a lot of protein and if you are using something that has protein, make sure that it make sure that the protein that it contains are silk wheat and hydrolyzed. Those are proteins that we can handle. I know it's a thing that you know on youtube. You may see, ladies doing protein treatments because it helps to strengthen their hair. If you have low porosity hair, you most likely do not need a protein treatment. For example, if you need a protein treatment, you'll know, for example, moisture overload, which is something i have experienced in the past. I think what i did was i slept with um deep conditioner in my hair overnight, and i ended up with moisture overload. What this is is that your hair becomes very gooey. It doesn't feel like hair anymore. It feels like wet bubble gum. If that makes sense, it feels very disgusting, and it honestly feels like your hair is all going to fall out. So that is when you know you need protein in your hair, too much moisture will cause moisture overload. When that happens, your hair becomes very, very stretchy, like you can take a strand of hair and pull it like just keep pulling it and it won't break it. Just it's like a bungee cord um, it's very scary, but there are amazing protein treatments out there, but again low pressure here. Most likely you don't need protein that extra protein. So what i try to do is to make sure that i am using products that do contain protein, but are not protein treatments. If that makes sense, when you do experience protein overload, it's gon na feel completely different from over moisturized hair. When you have protein overload, your hair just breaks, there's no stretch to it. It just snaps and breaks snaps and breaks when your hair is over moisturized. It'S extremely stretchy and overly soft soft to the point that you don't even want to touch it because it feels so gross. I don't know if any of you guys have experienced it, but it feels disgusting. Protein overload. Hair feel very feels very dry feels very brittle when your hair is feeling like that and very dry and very brittle. You definitely need to moisturize more deep condition. A lot more, i feel like fixing dry hair, is a little bit easier than fixing moisture overload. It'S a little bit of a longer journey when you over moisturize, in my opinion at least that's what i experienced protein, try and stay away from heavily protein products, so my last tip or my last don't would be try not to work on soaking, wet hair. I feel like wet soaking, wet hair kind of blocks, your hair from some of the moisturizing products that your hair may need like a leave-in or moisturizer. I try to moisturize my hair when it is about about halfway dry, so damp and not soaking wet. So what i like to use to help my hair just be damp is to use a spray bottle. I use my mist 360 spray bottle and it creates like a nice thin layer of wetness, which is what i like to use for my hair. There are people who love to work on soaking, wet hair, which is fine if that's working, keep doing it. I personally like to work on damp hair, so i like to use this spray bottle when i feel like my hair is getting a little bit dry. I go ahead and spritz this a few times versus dumping. My hair, or you know, soaking it down with water. Now i got ta wait for it to dry a little bit i'd, rather it be damp versus soaking wet. So those are my do's and don'ts for low porosity hair. I'M sure there's a whole lot more. I feel like these are like the number one tips that i can give you guys. If you have any more that you would like to share - or if you have questions about your low porosity, hair or questions about your hair in general - definitely leave them down below. I will be happy to answer them. I know a lot of other people would be happy to help you out as well. If you guys enjoyed this video, please give me a thumbs up leave me a comment subscribe if you're not already - and i will see you guys in the next one - bye

Shanique Buntyn: My natural hair online store- Free shipping when you spend $55USD https://shaniquebuntyn.com

Naturalista: As a low porosity girl I ONLY use warm- hot water for EVERYTHING even when rinsing out my deep condition. My hair literally HATES cold water it makes my hair feel like straw so even when spritzing my hair with water throughout the week I make sure it’s warm.

Humble Pharaoh: I’m a guy who has been growing my hair for 5 months after being a waver all my life. Learning all this on my own has been great. Your channel is so informative. My hair is about 4-5 inches. My nieces, sisters, and girl cousins are amazed. They are trying to say my hair isn’t 4C now lol. It’s def 4C Low Porosity. They ask me about my hair and some of them didnt know what porosity meant. I told them I’d probably never get braids because of edge damage and to them it doesn’t matter. I deep condition weekly and do all the things you say. They thought it was too much. Of course to me it does matter. I have very strong edges. It’s crazy. I thought all women knew about hair. Women have such unhealthy practices. I wish natural hair was more loved. Most of my family have very unhealthy hair practices. My nieces don’t only because I pay for most all their hair and discourage them from doing damage to their hair/scalp. Thank you so much for your videos. My hair thanks you.

Ms. Renee: I do a leave-in conditioner, a curling lotion, & sealing oil; plastic cap on to warm up hair naturally(for about 1-2hrs), then take off & let my hair naturally air dry. This gives me the most bouncy, moisturized, juicy curls but not greasy.

Flying Black Bird: I've heard of moisture overload but I can't wrap my mind around my hair ever being overloaded with moisture since it so hard to get it in to begin with

ShyGirl36: I'm so thankful for yall fabulous 4c ladies. My daughter has 4c hair and I didn't know how to care for it until I started watching YouTube videos about it. Her hair is getting pretty long now and she loves her big puff ❤

Naturally Kish: Been natural for abt 7 years now, my daughter is 11 and she's been natural for life. Nvr really paid attention to the porosity of our hair. Did a aloe Vera prepoo and that's when I found out the porosity if my daughter's hair. And OMG, she has low porosity hair. This vid is a miracle. Thanks soo much

JessWrites: I wish I had this information years ago, getting moisture overload had me shook and I kinda knew what is was, but didn’t have anyone breaking it down so simple like this. Ty!!!❤️

Victoria LaZard: I've been natural since 2016 and for the life of me..I couldn't understand why I didn't see growth progression. Years later, I begin to pay attention to all of the "natural hair baddies" about our hair strands and different porosity levels. And I finally have the secret code to my growth journey: 4C+ Low porosity!! From December 2021 to May 2022, my hair has grown tremendously..!! I take time with my hair and my hair appreciates me because I know how to take care of "her." Yes..her.

ᥴᥣ᥆ᥕᥒіᥱᥱᥒ🝮: I dont have low porosity hair but my little sisters do and I wanna help their hair out while my mom is sick so this is a good video I can use!

WhitneyStylez: I’ve experienced protein overload before. It definitely made my hair feel dry and brittle! I won’t make that mistake again.

Shari Goddard: Hey Shanique! Lovely video, I'm also low porosity and experienced moisture overload my last wash day because I fell asleep in my DC. I never ran to the BSS so fast to buy a protein treatment Lots of gems dropped in this video and I am here for the consistency! P.S I hope you family in SVG are doing well after the volcanic activity Love from Barbados

Jessica Dodds: 1:40 Girl yes! It does the same thing for me. I only need to clarify like once a year because it does so well with build up. I also have low porosity hair and I feel this keeps my hair hydrated.

Tatiana Sterling: I thought I was crazy. I do all the “bad” stuff. Hot water; deep condition often. Tons of moisture and it works for me. I guess this is why!

WarmLavender: I always thought I had high porosity hair but after I cut my hair I’m realizing I actually have low porosity! I’ve never done well with protein & have always had to wash my hair more than my sisters. Thanks for the advice

Julia: Thank you for this video! I’ve only just gone natural recently. I shaved my head completely and it’s grown back into my natural curly little fro. This is the first time I’ve ever taken care of my natural hair.

Spice Gyal Lili: Low porosity chart 0:35 Clarify every few weeks 0:58 Shampoo 1:40

chavelitareads: Wow thank you so much for this video.. I’ve been natural for so long (2012) and couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting growth but I kept looking at the curls and not the overall health. I’m definitely going to be using these tips❤️

Royal Rayne: Excellent presentation!!! I'm natural x2 years. Discovered I've low porosity 4c gorgeous locs x1 year ago & FINALLY, my hair is THRIVING= minimal shedding & retaining length. (Not as marvelous as yours of course) A gerl can dream!!! lol

rachelmm05: Thanks for this information. I wished I could've seen this many years ago when I was 1st going natural it would've saved me a lot of time and money... I learned the hard way about using protein treatments, super heavy butters and super heavy creams. That stuff had my hair feeling crazy and it halted my hair growth. I realized using a water based moisturizing styler works best and a deep conditioning mask works a lot better than standard conditioner. Porosity can be a bit tricky especially when you have various textures of hair. I just go with the products like Cantu that way I can use in my entire head but dont use as much product for those different areas

GothiQ haQer: This was really informative, I use the conditioner on warm hair already but I'll try the deep conditioner because my hair stays dry. My hair is very thin unfortunately but it really loves the Cream of Nature coconut milk line

Star Maloya: I am so happy I found this channel, this video has been very helpful to me especially cause I just found out my my hair porosity not long ago. My hair has made me so frustrated cause I never knew what it needed, to a point I just wanted to quit. Thank you so much

Carole Hatfield: Thanks for a great video. Question, I color my hair using a treatment that contains protein. I don't always get 100% gray coverage since I have LP hair. Do you think it would help me to moisturize prior to coloring my hair to prevent dryness or breakage? Or moisturize with heat? Also, I'm totally confused about the pros/cons of moisturizers vs. humectants. Any help is appreciated!

Alexis Jackson: This is such a good video, so informative. I wish I would have seen this video when I first went natural !

Evelyn Austin: I became ages old when I learned high/low porosity is linked to protein/moisture balance. Stretched mushy hair needs protein and dry brittle hair needs moisture

Merita Hrustanovic: though this might be surprising but: I have straight, thick black hair that is extremely low in porosity. water sits in drops on my hair and doesn't go in. especially when I drag up my hair against the growth direction its squeaks really loudly. that out of the way, black girls and their haircare routines finally showed me what hasnt been working with my normal products. even though I always invested high quality shampoos, conditioners etc. my hair would turn out fucking brittle and dry UNLESS I used heat to style it. I had no idea back then why this was the case, especially because my hair and scalp are healthy so I thought that that's just how it was. people had told me that since I have straight hair, I shouldn't be using "the heavy" products curly girls are using, so I avoided it obviously. recently, it clicked. I got a good cleansing shampoo and then a really really hydrating shampoo that I use one after the other, respectively. then I use a moisturizing mask with glycerin and honey instead of a conditioner. after that I use a heavy leave in detangler. so that everything doesn't sit on top of my hair shaft, I use mild heat (Dyson warm-air hair comb) to dry my hair... and... no build-up, no weighing down the hair and NO freaking frizz! hair is soft, moisturized and overall plump. so thanks to you and dozens of other youtubers like you, I also managed to figure my hair out. lots of love <3

Minister Dana Thomas: Hello. First, thank you sooo much for this information... I just found out that I have low porosity hair recently, and you have help me understand much more. So, I've had natural hair for a little over 6 months. It's grown but I still can't find a good medium when it comes to products for twist-outs or braid-outs. (Note: I always use leave-in conditioner along with the styling product.) I found that eco-styling gel works well alone, but it made my hair very dry. So, I teamed it with a cream which worked better, though I still feel like it is too much. Though it is not dry to the point of breaking, it is still not shiny. I have used a variety curling creams, but when used alone, my hair puffs easily, and because it is so thick, I am left with a day's work of style and the inability to pull the twists apart. How do I find a medium?

Goddess in Training: Liked this video as soon as I saw you using cream of nature. Love that line. Also I've always mixed a deep with my regular. Never knew why. Just thought my hair could use the boost. Best thing I've done was switching to LCO too.

Trinita Hall: I sooo apreciate this information. Us low porosity gals can use all the help we can get, and your lovely hair growth is proof that you have a working regimen going! I'm subscribing!

Naturally Tammy: I have low porosity hair as well. I love your videos so informative, will definitely try some of these tips!

Ashley Brown: Yep! I did a protein treatment a few years back and my hair just broke off really badly. My hair felt SO dry and brittle. Oof!

Chi Denise: I agree with all these. I use the deep conditioner and I also use a leave in, mizani miracle mile and the mixanii miracle oil. After that I use my rev air to stretch because I get knots and tangles if my hair isn’t stretched. My hair also likes grease if braiding for a protective style or grape seed oil and a twist setting lotion for my 2 strand twist.

just1desi: I have used either ors and creme of nature deep conditioners as my after shampoo conditioners for years. Just cause they worked best. Took me ages to notice that wasn’t normal and that regular conditioner was what most folks did.

Kendall Jones: I absolutely love the queen Helen cholesterol! I use when I’m detangling my hair before wash day. I let it sit for about 15-30mins and then proceed w/ wash day. And I’m low porosity

Bromista Davis: I'm low porosity with dense coarse stands and Queen Helene Cholesterol is literally life for my hair. I just don't put a ton in my hair but it is a great light protein treatment if you're low porosity

Jazmin Rodgers: I agree, I don’t use regular conditioners, just I use masks. I’ve been using the Pattern Beaty one and it’s great.

lolly: This video was really helpful and informative, thank you !!

OE: Came back just to say that I tool your advice and did a wash without Castor oil this time.......woooooooowww. My hair feels sooooooo moisturized. I'm shook. I was always under the impression the Castor oil was helping seal in my moisture but you were right us low porosity girls need light oils.

Valerie Johnson: YESSSSSSSS! Finally, a very knowledgeable video. I've learned alot. I have been watching dozens of videos about porosity, wash day, conditioning etc. Before I knew my porosity I applied protein treatments with the famous aloe vera leaf, yadda yadda yadda. Omg! My hair hates it and now its destroyed with protein overload. It's super dry and brittle. Of course hair loss. Now that I have watched several protein overload videos I am trying to nurse my hair back to health. With that being said, I was trying to find protein free shampoo and conditioners which is extremely difficult to find. Many products say natural but they still have some sort of protein. What stood out for me is when you said silk, wheat, and hydrolyzed protein is good for low porosity. Another thing that stood out is when you said wash and condition with warm water. I've seen videos that said wash with cold then rinse with warm. So, thank you. The light to medium cream vs thicker butters was very helpful. Just a side note: my hair don't well with many Cream of Nature or Shae Moisture products. It loves Design Essential products. Oh, your explanation if the LCO method was helpful. Now, I have a new wash day regime. I think you helped save my hair!

WhitneyStylez: I agree clarifying is important! I use a DIY apple cider vinegar rinse to do mine at least once a month. I have a hair care at home playlist on my channel showing how I do it.

ZemiraMusic: This was so helpful. Thank you!

Joycelyn Taylor: I'm low porosity. I use Queen Helene as a deep conditioner with heat before shampooing. It works well for me. All hair is different. I use the Olaplex system. My hair is thriving.

Nyrobi Nichols: I use "As I Am" products which work very well for my 4c low porosity hair. Good video

Self-Awareness Affirmations: Hi, your entire video has useful information for my low porosity hair. Thank you so much!

undrea09: Could you please do a deep conditioner favorites for low porosity hair! I’m having a hard time finding one!

Joan Morris: Your information is very useful for my low porosity hair, thank you ❤️❤️❤️

URBANENNEVERS: This was such a wonderful and detailed tutorial ❤....I enjoyed watching...great presentation

julie collier: Love love love how informative this vid is! YET my hair still perplexes me, I have all this except my hair dries instantly (even inside the shower) if i'm not under the head the whole time in seconds my hair is dry. idk what it is or how to give it the moisture it needs >.>. help

My Fair One: As soon as she held up the cream of nature … that red bottle… my soul rejoiced because I knew she knew exactly what the struggle is. That bottle is amazing!

undrea09: Thank you!!I had a terrible wash day today! I hate doing my during the winter months!!!

S Wisdom: Hey Shanique, I need some advice here! Does anyone else have this problem: even after you wash, detangle with denman brush and deep condition, your hair still had knots? My biggest issue is with how coarse/tender my roots feel after detangling with aloe vera pre poo and doing everything I shoul.d. I use the aussie moist avocado line. Maybe I need to get a steamer?

Burnestine Jenkins: Excellent instructions..Best teaching I've heard.

iwantascreenameplz: Low porosity fine wavy hair girl here. I deep condition every wash day too, cuz otherwise my flyaways are unreal when my hair dries. It weighs my hair down so it’s not as voluminous as it could be when it’s dry, but it’s better than the alternative lol.

Gloria Wilderness: Thank you so much for this information. I have two daughters and have discovered that they have two porosities of hair. I’m subscribing and looking forward to helping me grow my youngest daughter’s hair.

April: Shanique great informative video . I've extremely low porosity hair that no matter what I do after I've washed and deep conditioned my hair ... pretty much as you've described... it's like a coconut bush until I drown it in the lco method and it comes back to life a little. I dont have a hair steamer so would a hair dryer do the same job and its so much cheaper???

NBB Ruth: As you said it really depends on each one. I've low porosity hair but my hair like heavy creamy products, oils and butter. I do a protein mask once a month and do a moisture deep condition to balance

AfropuffsNMommyhood: So helpful! Thank you! ❤️ just now learning my hair is low porosity hair & how to care for it

Froetry: Tha m you darling, this was extremely helpful, especially the part about WHICH proteins we CAN tolerate. Glad I came across this video before I started throwing products away unnecessary! Thank you again!

Alecia: This is amazing!! I have low porosity hair and my question is, for deep conditioning, how long should I stay under the dryer?

Aisha Joseph: Very informative! Thanks for all the great tips. Your hair is awesome by the way.

IndiaPrincesa Vlogs: This was SO informative thank you!

Wine Down with Lee: This is good to know info! I hate working with my natural hair sometimes it’s so thick. But looking at your video is motivated me. Can you recommend a good deep conditioner?

Drine The Poet: Excellent informative video. Thank you ❤

Jessica Dodds: 3:15 Girl! We hair twins! That is my staple deep conditioner! I thought I was the only one who thought these products was bomb!

Liz Taylor: Every damn thing that's shes saying in this video is so informative very educational keep it up girl

Julie A: Hi: I use rice water (that I made) to facilitate hair growth for my low porosity hair. It has worked well for me so far. Will it reach a point where the rice water may no longer work for my hair growth?

S Howard: The stretchiness from the moisture overload is called elastity. Which is kind of what you need if you are going to detangle.

Lena Washington: Just discovered that neutrogena anti-residue shampoo and it..is…amazing!!! Gets everything out and literally squeaky clean for a clean slate after anything I do to my hair. Clean and NOT dry at all

marian B: This reminds me of a video you did several years ago...time flies! That is right around the time I discovered your channel. Reminders are good...great video. I don't sleep in deep conditioners. I have exp. moisture overload. What do you think about using aloe vera on low porosity hair? I followed another youtuber's recipe, and it was nice. But I hear that it closes our cuticle. I thought I googled it, but I do not remember reading about that.

krysalious: I have medium to low porosity. Low usually needs a steamer rather than a hooded dryer because the water from the steam put it in the cuticles. When my hair is at its healthiest it's definitely medium (medium low) but when it needs work it's low af. We have to shampoo. Deep condition. Then condition. In that order. But I sometimes condition first shampoo than deep. I need to use some water with cream leave in to water it down but I notice my twists (I dont do twists out. Twist and Doogie braids. Works well and it's low maintenance). I notice my hair Frizzes after 3/4 days so I slap on some leave in and spray my hair with water to let it soak air dry or apply heat. But generally by the end of the week I'm having another Wash day.

Vanesa Lusaria: Hi Shanique, thanks for this. What is your thought on using henna on Low porosity hair?

Platinum Beauty: Any tips for those of us with low porosity hair that suffer from psoriasis and or seborrheic dermatitis?

Empressjiz: Great video and very informative . I was wondering what are your thoughts on rice water treatments and low porosity hair ?

Dovie Food: I remember I tried to do a protein treatment with raw eggs…. Literally worst decision of my life. My hair was breaking off very easily after that. it was so bad

B D: thank you so much there was a couple things I was doing that I didn't know wasn't good for my hair type! (heavy creams, proteins treatments). The good news is I already use creme of nature argan oil products since my hair seems to love it so I was glad to see you mentioned that shampoo.

credo crescence: After hearing the low porosity care routine, I wonder how you make sure that the scalp stays healthy.

Agnes Wangechi: Could you do great protective styles for low porosity.

Rae'gin Battle: After switching to a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner I personally thing my hair started to absorb moisture a but better and doesn't get weighed down as fast. I am hoping to grown my hair down my back again.

Reanese Benjamin: My hair is relax but I still use these tips and I have healthy long hair.

Renea M: Good tips and reminders. My daughters hair is low porosity and mine is medium/high… so trying to manage her loooong thiiiiiick low porosity hair has been tough because like you said the products I use for myself will sit on top of her hair

blaster 4000: It’s so hard having low porosity hair and sensitive skin, I wash my hair with warm water but every other YouTuber is telling me to rinse my face with cold

Sylvanna Otm: I really love this hairstyle, it's so pretty on you :)

Jackie Hazel: Thanks for sharing this Shanique, very informative and helpful beautiful lady and I will share this with my daughter too.

Lulu H: Best low porosity tips video I've seen. And I've seen a couple of them. Thank you.

Thaby Ashanty: This is so useful, thank you sis

Caffeine Deprived so Dead by Daylight: How do you feel about using products that aren’t organic or contain ingredients like cetaryl alcohol versus organic products? Do you think it makes a difference

A Brown: I think I am a little of both. My hair is waist length when I flatten it. My hair doesn’t hold a curl when I use a hot rollers or roll my hair to go to bed. It will just bend and won’t last an hour. My twisted style holds. What am I missing?

Sarah Sowah: Im actually experiencing the same thing. My hair literally breaks off and I just don't know what to do. Im thinking of trimming it down and I need help

Klassic 🔑: Very informative shanique, I’ll be sure to share!!!

S Desalle: Great information! Thank you so much!

Pochokat: So I ran into protein overload on my daughters hair... for months I thought her hair was damaged although I don’t use heat much(1-2 times a year blow dry). Ok so question! I washed April 20 th and realized something was wrong and now I know it’s protein overload... all her products have proteins. So I researched protein free products. should I wash her hair now! She’s in school and her hair takes 3.5 hours start to finish .... it’s loooong......

Chanté Adams: Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’m type 4 LP. I twisted my hair using the LC method. I used warm water and Miche twisting cream. The next day when I took my twists down my hair felt hard. The following day my hair is extremely dry. Is it because I didn’t seal with an oil or maybe the twisting cream is too heavy? I’m having a hard time figuring out how to moisturize after wash day! I watched all the ads for you .

anna holness: My hair don’t do well with thick deep conditioner I notice,makes my hair tangled. But loves the water based ones.This vid is very helpful!.

Tranquil Sounds: My low porosity hair seems to only love Queen Helens deep conditioner! I've been using it for years so idk lol. Thats the only deep conditioner I use (only one that works) ..and I sit under the dryer.

Emmanuella O: I just realised that the back, front sides over the ears and middle of my head has course strands and the front is medium - fine strands. The hair will not clump on its own so frizz is my bestie.

Artemis Faeiryne: Oof I had to learn the 'no protein' one the hard way. My hair became an absolute rat's nest from a protein treatment. Never again!

Crystal Boyd: Great tips !

Ruth Olusegun: First time I am coming across a detailed video about low porosity hair. Thanks for sharing. You have a new subscriber My hair is low porosity and I think I am suffering from moisture overload. My hair is so stretchy, it is scary. What can I do?

Shayla Reid: I have question I have thick hair and I use the LOC method every day, now the roots of my hair are moisturized and oiled but the shaft and ends of my hair aren’t. I’ve changed the products I was using, I still get my hair trimmed when needed but my ends are still really brittle and dry. How can I fix this or can anyone tell me what might be the problem?

Sierra Majors Howe: Thank you for your tips! Is it okay to wet your hair everyday in the shower? Or should I be wrapping it up?

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