Melanin Haircare Multi Use Softening Leave In 4 Ways On 4C Hair | Kandidkinks

  • Posted on 24 February, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Y'all have been asking for this video lol here it is! My THOROUGH demo and review of Melanin Haircare Multi Use Softening Leave In!

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#melaninhaircare #kandidkinks #naturalhair

Guys welcome back to my channel it's Lexie and today's video is a video that I know I know y'all want it. Okay, so I made sure that I got it and that's the Medellin haircare multi-use softening leave-in, conditioner demo and review periods, so my hair is shampooed. I'M going to apply this leave-in or this multi-use leave-in as a deep conditioner detangle on camera, just one section and then review it like that. Then I'm gon na rinse it out I'm gon na come on back, give my review of how it feels and looks as a conditioning treatment. Then I'm going to use it as a leave-in and a styler, because this literally has 7 uses according to her videos her as the natural 85 as in Whitney og, natural hair, youtuber, I'm sure. If you're here, you know she is um and what else I'm just gon na try it out the ways that she's saying that you can use it on my kinky dense 4c hair, which is high porosity to my knowledge, if you're new here, I am a major Fan of the twisting butter like major major fan, so I'll probably do one section with the twisting butter just to see if I get like the best twist out of life cuz, I'm just curious, but I'm gon na do like three-quarters of my hair without the twisting Butter to give you guys an accurate review if you can use it a style. The one thing I skipped today is going to be pre pulling because I don't pre-poo. So if I don't take my hair out of a crazy dry style and my hair is in dire need of something I'm not going to pre-poo like for real, I do not do that, so I didn't want to do it today, so I didn't do it. I'M sure other youtubers and people have done pre-poo videos with this. It'S not gon na, be this channel so sorry about it, but I'm gon na do everything else. So, let's get started it's a 16-ounce container, which is pretty big for natural hair products. I'M not sure of the price I'm put on the screen kind of they don't remember, did into my hand. Okay, give me a little bit of a close-up there. It is there it is so it is thick thick her. Then I thought it was gon na, be it smells minty and herbally her other product didn't didn't, have a smell or does not have a smell the twisting butter, but this one does have a smell that towel kind of dried, my hair out a little bit. So I'm gon na just add a little bit of water in a second. Let me get my spray bottle shameless plug coming up in three two. So this is my spray bottle. This is before my kinks, continuous 360. Mister bottle. Okay, for my cases on it. Yes, zoom in on it a little bit there. We go yes, ma'am, okay, so you can shop at for my kinks calm if you are interested or if you are in the market for a new spray bottle. This one is a bomb and if you want like a real, continuous mist, you've got a pump. It oh, my hand was slipping, but you get the point. It'S kind of just pump it I'm gon na whip this hair up just right. It is softening up my hair first Shore. It'S definitely, I can feel like my strands, absorbing it if that makes sense. Okay, so it's fully saturated and it's fully applied on this section right here - feels really soft. It feels really good I'm going to grab my cosmology paddle comb and just Oh first pass, I'm just attempting to detangle a little bit. I left my tangle teezer in the bathroom, I'm kind of mad about it. So I'm gon na get that when I rinse this out definitely has slip, definitely definitely has some slip with the paddle comb. Now I'm gon na grab this little brush. It'S like a detangling brush. I got it from honey's handmade. I like it she's very small. So I don't grab for it often, but, as you guys can see, we have slip first sure a good amount of slip. Okay, it really does feel good. You know how some parts have to just work into your hair, like this just had to work into my hair and the hair feels good, and I feel soft I'm excited now on first application I was like okay cool, but now they act like into the hair And I tangled it, it feels really good. It feels really good like, as it's worked its way into my hair and as I've been sitting here with it in my hair, I'm definitely getting conditioner vibes at first. I was getting like the texture and feeling of a nice thick leaving, but now that we've been sitting here and that I've been letting it sit, my hair does silica has a nice light conditioner in it, nothing too too, too crazy. You know, but let me go get my cap. I passed a cap, sit for a little bit and then we'll reconvene when I rinsed it out. Okay, so I rinsed it, but I left a little bit in because I'm about to put it right back on my hair, so I didn't want to rinse it too much, but I definitely wrenched out quite a bit. So first of all, my hair feels really good. Like really good guys like it feels very soft, it feels condition so I started corrected. I was thinking that it felt very light, but now that I've actually used it like my hair feels like I got it and I gave it a good conditioning treatment. I don't know that I would use this all the time as a conditioner just because, when stuff has the ability to be left in, I prefer just to leave it in if that makes sense, just to get all the benefits of it like cuz. The main choice has some stuff: that's like rinsed, out and or leave-in. I just prefer to leave it in and I'll use my rinse out stuff as rinse out stuff. You know I mean, got like a good little pump. So I'm really gon na twist. My hair with this multi-use, leave in and see what it comes out, so I tried it as the conditioner and I detangler, and I definitely would give it both thumbs up like I can see. I can use it as both and both was good like really good. So let me see now I left my Tangle Teezer in the bathroom again I was just in that thing. Anyways really does detangle like a breeze, didn't even put the paddle comb to the section. First, just went straight in and we are here. If I was a wash and go girl, I would try to wash it over. I might a wash and go girl and I'm definitely not a wash and go with no gel kind of girl. So how much about to do the wrists get off and twist this up? So here we go Melanie. I care leaving as a styler. If this goes well, I'm really gon na be shook, like I'm really gon na be sugar. So far so far, my hair feels really good. It'S out of curiosity. I'M gon na pair, probably like this section over here with the twisting butter just just because I'm all the way over here, just because I'm curious myself of what kind of twist out I'll get so very juicy twist very juicy twist. The ends. Look really nice and tight, and I do find that that melanin butter pairs really well with whatever, like I've, used it with MADD gels and mad leavings, and it really does pair nicely. I know how you guys hate the brushing sound somebody guys like it liked it. Some more it's like Diddy 15, pretty much, but you guys also do like live review. So brushing sounds just part of live reviews. I love this rolling chair and I'm back so I wouldn't got mother in the haircare. Twisting butter, literally, like yeah, be I'll, be lying to y'all, but in case it's ever a concern. I'D be using this stuff like look at that I'd be using it and y'all know how much products I have. If you don't know you can watch my product. What is the call like my product stash it would, he add, is it a little bit ago, but how about products so - and I continually grab for this, so I really do like it and I'm gon na put like that's a lot I'm gon na put. Should I put like that much second on a nickel right on top Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney y'all? When I put this on top, it literally felt like instant instant, so I'm so excited, but I know Miletus, oh my god. It feels good like it. It the word softening being in her products, is a really good word to use in her products. I'M sorry if my energy is low, I've been sick, so I'm coming off of a cold cutting off of it's late at night. So those two things together just kind of give it a low-energy, fill to the video, but I wanted to get it out. I wanted you guys to get to review before I got my hair done so we're here. This is the leaving only side. This is the leaving and the twisting butter side, not comparing crespella. You can't compare one to one like this is obviously going to give me a better style, like I in my opinion, we'll see, but I wanted to give you guys it's just like for my curiosity. As well as just like styling option number one if your hair is fine or thinner or whatever and then option for my thick, coarse girls, that might that I like to use thick creamy stuff layered it's hard to do my hair. But if you don't, you have two different options: okay, so I'm back! This is a fresh day. One twist out, we have quite a bit of shrinkage, as you guys can see, but for the most part, I'm thinking that this multi-use leaving for me is going to be a bomb leaving because everything else it did its job it performed. But I'm not going to be using it for anything else other than as a leave-in, which is kind of like what I intended to use it as when I purchased it, because I know that my hair is thick. My hair is coarse. My hair is dense, so I wasn't preparing on using this product as a deep treatment. Any of that because I just knew - I just knew but anyways yeah, ask me all that the point of this is to see how it turned out as a styler. So I literally just use the multi-use leave-in to twist my hair, and this is the results. This is really not bad at all for what the product is, but I'm not gon na gravitate towards this product to do this style. It actually outperformed a few of the twisting, but I tried out lately in terms of moisture in terms of softness. I mean it really like outdid itself in terms of softness, but again I'm just gon na use it as a leave a week. I think that if you get more bang for your buck, that way, because I use it to detangle to do condition and then, as a styler / leaving, you know, I use quite a bit of product, so I'm going to just dial it back and use it As what I think is best for my hair and that's to be a leave-in, so on this side I did put guys before I did put the twisting butter from the same line while in the haircare twist elongating styling cream. On this section - and I put my hair into like a low pony bun situation for like a little bit today, so I did stretch the front of my hair out quite a bit and the back is kind of still shrunken. But this section of my hair just looks shinier a little bit more defined, not a lot but a little bit more defined and just feels better than the rest of my hair. I'M not comparing them because obviously one is like a major styler for twisting long, gating and the other one, just like a moisturizing cream that can also be used to style. But I wanted to see how my hair would look all over if I did use the leave-in with the styling cream, and I think I actually can't wait to try it out that way to see like a full effect. But again. So if you've been watching some tired, video and you're like okay Alexia, what should i do? Should I purchase it or not? What do you think of it? I think this leaving is really nice. I think that it's really moisturizing. I took my hair out and my hands feel as if I put lotion on my hands, and the only thing that was in my hair was the leaving and the twisting butter on this front quarter. So it actually did do really well with my hair. I think together, I would get the best possible twist out. I'M gon na try it out and then come back on Instagram, probably and give it a little update on that. So let's talk about like the product and actually what it did for me and what I would say like this is what stood out to me. So as a deep conditioner, conditioner situation, it did soften detangle and moisturize my hair. It felt like a quick conditioning treatment. It did not feel like a deep moisturizing treatment. If that makes sense, you know you have the items that give you like max moisture like a surge of moisture or like a quick, just co-washing moisturizing refreshing session. This felt, like my hair, was refreshed. Co-Wash moisturize type of situation, so I did enjoy it - did have slip for sure, but it was a very light product that I would not gravitate towards to condition my hair as a leave-in. I felt like this product shined it's the best and it did its best for my hair. My hair feels incredibly soft. It feels moisturized, and the moisture is like on my hair and on my hands and it's very obvious that my hair is doing quite well as a styler. I would not grab this as a styler. I would grab this to put under a styler under some gel under twisting butter and call it a day the texture of it. I do love it. It definitely does feel like a leave-in. It'S not thickly thick um, but it's like thick. If that makes sense, it's like right on the cusp of thinkety-think goes um. So what I recommend it? Yes, I would definitely say: try it. I think it's nice to have a pot like this in your arsenal that you can grab for different reasons, because you might love a quick co-washing type of conditioner or after you shouldn't, pull your hair having a quick light, refresher and then going into styling. You might love that you might love a pre-poo, that's creamy and almost but be thickens. You know you might love to style your hair with a very light fluffy, almost airy type of moisturizer. That could give your hair moisture, because, yes, there's moisture, packed all up and through my hair and not much crazy definition, it also depends on hair type. You know Whitney's hair is very different than my hair and when she used this to do a style on her hair, it looked very different. So if your hair is more like hers or more curly or easily defined, you might graph you towards this part and do a wash and go with it and call it a day. You know so it kind of just depends on your texture, your needs of blah, but what I say god and get it I really would. I think that for the size you get it's a great addition to your collection. I do wish the shipping was cheaper as a consumer to be a hundred percent honest, and I know that people have addressed concerns before, but I also like to support you know black women owned businesses. So if, for whatever reason, her shipping cost what it cost and I can afford to spend, I will go ahead and afford to spend. But I understand the concerns are like. Oh, my gosh, you know it's just an extra fee that you want me planning to spend on that product other than that. I do say, go out and try it. Let me know if you have tried it what you think of it. I have not watched any reviews at all, so I don't know if people are loving or hating it. So let me know down in the comments what people are saying about it and if you have any opinions on it, if you're gon na buy it or not, just let's have a little Kiki. I love you guys, give me a thumbs up and if you want to join the Canon Kings, family go ahead and subscribe to the channel, now see you guys in the next one bye. What do you think of my hair? Let me know what do you think? It'S like it's very shrunken right now, because you know it's really is day one day one, but let me know what you guys think: does it give you twist out with the leave-in vibes? Can you see this side a little more defined than the rest of my hair? What are you guys thinking bye, guys

KandidKinks: Who's loving the late night upload!? I couldn't wait any longer to get this up for you guys! Have you tried this product? Will you be picking it up?

Nomadic Soul: One of the best reviews of this leave-in that I've seen thus far. I have fine 4b hair and love a fluffy twist out/no gel wash and go. Will purchase this product based on your recommendation. Well done!!

pajamagirl123: Your hair came out cute! Whitney really knocked it out of the park with this one. I washed my hair last weekend, used this leave in mixed with the multi use oil for a boost of more moisture, and braided my hair up. Took my braids down last night and my fingers had some product on it as I was unraveling. My hair was soooooooo soft, and with continued use I've noticed a lot less breakage. I'm glad I ordered 2 bottles, totally worth it.

Candy Purviston: I've used it only as a leave-in. I paired it with the Melanin oil and cream. It's been good so far. (I have 4c, low porosity hair.) I don't think it will work for me for a deep conditioner, but it did give me good curl definition.

Imani: I absolutely LOVE THIS LEAVE IN by Whitney!!! Its my FAVORITE Leave In that's Coconut Free! My hair feels THE SOFTEST it's ever felt! I use it as a deep conditioner and a leave in. I never rinse it out. My hair will be soft for 3 WEEKS without any additional product! I cant go back to anything else. I spend a pretty penny on this, but its absolutely worth it.

Naturally_ree: I was waitingggggg for this review.. I did get it and I love it as a leave In. That's the only way I intended to use it. If it was anyone other then Whitney. I would've waited for your review before I purchase it. Thanks for the review:)

Ya: The results are amazing!!! The twist cream is my staple. I have backups and have no plans to buy any other twisting cream. Not gonna lie first use of the leave in was not feeling it but when I used it again for a wash n go I fell in love with it. She does not disappoint ever

Danielle Smith: I am so glad you did this review! I'm loving it and most definitely want to try it after your review! I love that you are kinky coily type 4 so i can trust you understand what our type 4 hair needs. Love the late night upload too

karen horton: Your hair looks Fantastic!!! Honestly, to me you’re (facing) left side appears shinier and more defined than the right‍♀️ I’ve purchased all 3 products and my former collection is dwindling...many of the products I’d been using are now obsolete...This leave in blew my mind! I love it so much. Being a wash and go girl, I’ve hit the jackpot... It’s really nice to see you again...I’ve seen a lot of other reviews but I always look most forward to yours Sending you Love

CoCoButterCurls: Yes sis you know this was the review I was waiting for you always keep it real. I’m surprised it gave you slip immediately. We have very similar textures and it sat in my hair at first but when it did penetrate it definitely had good slip. I also really love the twist cream especially combined with this leave in

John JohnRN86: Gave in and purchased the entire line so my shipping was free. But I was actually impressed. I had been resisting buying anymore products and I was hoping for more of a sale since the line is so expensive and the products are so big, just in case I didn’t like them - now I have a ton of product. Thankfully that wasn’t the case. The oil surprised me the most but the leave in actually had a lot of slip. I was able to detangle my hair dry after washing it and accidentally letting it air dry because I’m a new mom managing a newborn. I wouldn’t use it as a prepoo b/c you really have to use a lot of product and the for the cost it’s not worth it. Good review. Keep them coming!

Tiffany M: I’m loving the leave-in conditioner. The smell lasted in my hair for almost two days after I washed it.

MsHoneyFly11: I love Whitney and I love all 3 products but I wouldn’t use just the leave in to style. I automatically paired the butter when I got the leave in. Yeah!! I saw videos where people used up half the bottle. I was like GURL! You used it all up!!

Marlene Jones Wallace: Your hair looks fabulous!! I purchased this to use as a leave in. I can't wait to use this, the oil, and the butter together in my hair! Bless you Lexi! Have a great week! One Love!

Natashya Mitchell-Hendrix: Pre-poo/Detangler-Yes Leave-In-Yes, but on dry/slightly damp hair along with the twist Elongating style Cream and the Multi-use oil blend (LCO method). Deep Conditioner-Nope, didn't like it. I'm really loving my Kazmaleje paddle comb

Kathleen Harris: I love it as leave in and as a pre poo! The smell is amazing!

Mary-Liza Mensah: The quadrant with the twisting butter looks more defined for sure. Tbh being HiPo myself a very moisturizing product is an absolute PLUS for me so I would purchase this to use as a leave in. Thanks for your review as usual ❤️

Anna: Anyone feel like the sounds from her detangling and running her product in her hair is soothing ❤️❤️

Sandra Boston: I used the cream and leave in and the moisture is Than I tried the leave-in cream and oil with Cheers Gelato on a twistout no retouch for a week and 3 day moisture, shine and definition crazy.

Uptight Curls by Amanda: Great review!! Mine arrived last week and looking forward to trying it. I’ve never purchased so got the whole line when she was offering free shipping. I’m a bit scared because I’d planned to use it at a deep conditioner and my hair is the Sahara so sounds like that might not work :/. But it’ll make for a quicker wash day so I’m gonna give it a shot. I’m used to my hair being dry lol and best case it’s not, worst case it’s like it always is! I just started my own channel like 2 weeks ago (not a solicitation, being completely objective my videos suck so far lol), but I’m gonna record that wash day and see what it do.

Kesi randall: I ❤️this product and I was sooo happy when I received mine. I really enjoy the fresh scent. Whitney did her thang 4 sure ❣️ great review

Flores Amor: Your hair turned out so nice!!! I cant wait to see your video on the Melanin leave-in + twisting butter combo in the future

K.S. : Sis — this vid is everything! You look great!!! And twist out is poppin!

Lakesha Ellard: That sweater and color on you is absolutely gorgeous. I bought the tangle teezer Ultimate and yes ma'am you do not lie. Love it. Now I am about to order melanin hair and I are going to have to go on a break

Jana Wilson: Nice! My hair likes the emerge leave in better but I still got good results with this. I LOVE the twist style cream though. I probably wont ever use anything else for my wash n go. I have 3c/ 4a high porosity hair.

Shay Hills: Hello Queen!! It’s been a minute. I have not tried her products yet but I will try them soon. You hair looks juicy and pretty!!

May LaVerne Barnes: Your hair looks great! I will make a future purchase of these products, currently have too many products! Will also purchase the hair oil and head wrap(s). I guess all of that will make my shipping free.

High Definition: SIS! You came through. The best review i have seen!

Dumfries Spearhead: Have you ever tried Fro Butter? The butter with Emu oil is very softening and gives great definition.

Shelby McDanDan: So happy I saw this video. New to MHC and I’m excited to try it out now that my short TWA is growing out.

BB Bb: Thanks I was waiting on your review, will definitely buy, hair looks good as always!

Healy Means: very nice results thanks for sharing another great demo and review.

Gyamstar: You're finally here. Good to see this. I got it and tried to use for a prepoo for my daughter and it was so good. Then I thought girl what is you doing. We ain't wasting no product so I stopped. Will be trying it again but as a prepoo it was soooo good. And oh I know u dont but what I love the felicia brush. I got it with my order. Fav so far and I got 3 in the past 3 mths. The ez detangler and the tangle teezer

It is what it is....: New subbie❤️like your vibe...bomb results! Can’t wait to order mine and try it out. One question tho sis~I been dying to find a beautiful nudish color that looks good on brown skin, no luck lately, can you please share where you purchased your lip gloss/stick??

TBella26: Love the late uploads sis!! Love your hair!!!!!

AMAZINGG KEYAH: i cant wait to use mines after i take my braids out

Kaitlynne: You have beautiful hair! Thank you for the review!

Jesus is coming soon please repent: If you use it as a wash out deep conditioner you're waisting money. Leave it in your hair folks lol

Sonya Palmer: All you have to do is order 3 products to get free shipping’s like getting a whole other product for free instead of paying for shipping.

sheamonique daniel: I love the leave in.

Chloé-Ana Braidy: i was waaaaaiting on your review!! love the late night upload boo

Katrina Lisa: Hope you feel better soon girl.

Sonya Watkins: I first purchased the leave in and oil now wanted to get the elongating cream but the $10.00 shipping charge is outrageous can't do it. I'll have to see if can pair up with another styling cream from my arsenal.

L B: Heyyyy your hair is definitely moisturized, but definition ...naw... that’s a hard balance to strike with 4c hair. But what I’ve been doing lately is braiding my hair in10 braids and take it down and I do get definition for at least two days. And no I haven’t bought her product because she has ingredients in there that I’m allergic to. ‍♀️

Crystal Reese: Hi, which products you like best Pattern or this melanin. Love your results by the way.

George Zakhia: The queen has spoken! I need to buy it now!

artesia mcneal: How long did you allow your hair to dry? And did it completely dry before you took it down?

Love Soca: Lexi, Now I have to go order the whole line! Lawd!

Sunflower94: Your hair looks very moisturized.

Davina Pullen: I love your hair

Halos and Horns 8: I just want to know if your hair is okay, to me it sounds like it’s being ripped through but the brush sounds are cool asmr. Your hair is pretty.

lynnae gink: Can anybody recommend a good co wash for fine, 4C, thin, low porosity, protein sensitive type hair?

Cassieann Caine: I really want to try this product and want another of her oil because I loved it but lawd that shipping's too much...especially when you're buying from another country...and the currency here is lower than the USD....20 USD=thirty+ Canadian dollars plus the price for the products...i'll have to wait till I have extra money for that....

Larissa Speaight: I think your hair loos wonderful please let us know how long the moisture last.

Katrina Lisa: Great video girl. No I would not be buying the leave in. But I differently would buy the oil blend again.

Sharayah: That first twist looked soooo juicy. I paused the video to say so Haha.

Neosoul_prima: I’m into it

Tini Dyson: Love your hair

Jinx La'rue: Can I use this product for my locs? I haven't been able to find a answer to this anywhere?

Brittany Pringley: Love the late upload ❤️

Cy Cy: I like the brushing sound

Doriann Hamer: when you buy another product the shipment is free. I mean the weight is a lot because its a big bottle. Thats most products will have shipping so to me thats just being unreasonable. Buy a scarf and boom free shipping

Bubs Bee: #melaninbae !!!

5%LowBattery: I like this as a detangler.

Tkrichar13: Please tell us what lip gloss/lipstick you are wearing?? Its niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!


snuckums ss: Your is beautiful!!! Thick, luscious and loonnggg!!

MisterTracks: nice video

Sara Phillips: the brushing gives me chills. idky but it makes me so uncomfortable. great video. but hearing her hair snap makes me nervous. lol

PreppyFay12: Your face at 11:30 y’all peep that face???

Queen2019 Honestly Savage: Nice

Kathryne Prickett: "Thickity thickums" lmao

Chalsey Wilder: I don't know why people don't leave it in when they condition with it

karen horton: LEXIdoll

Aniexo: First

L B: 2nd ☝

Shan: Gang gang

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