You Don'T Have Real 4C Hair Sis! | What 4C Hair Really Looks Like

  • Posted on 30 May, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

What hair type 4c looks like dry, wet, stretched, with shrinkage, moisturized, and manipulated into hairstyles. This video shows 4c strands up close and compared against type 4b and 4a strands according to the Andre Walker Hair Typing System.

There are so many misconceptions about 4c hair in the natural hair community. It seems 4c hair is only identified as being real if it is in its dry state with no true curl or coil definition. The truth is, 4c hair does have a curl/coil pattern! It’s just a smaller diameter to 4a. I believe because 4c is last on the Hair Typing chart that people mistake it for 4b characteristics. 4b hair is described as having no curl/coil.

Also, hair porosity, density, environment, genetics and so many other factors play into what a person sees and experiments. Just some food for thought. I hope this videos sheds light on how diverse hair can be - even with the same hair type.


Andre Walker Hair Typing System:

LOIS Hair Typing System:

Hair Porosity and Density:


#latoyaebony #4cnaturalhair #latoyaebonyhaircare




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As a woman with 4c hair, my channel offers fun and easy to digest natural haircare tips and hairstyling how-to videos for women with type 4 hair. I want to inspire women to confidently showcase their highly textured hair to the world. So go 'head, sis, and let that crowned melanin GLOW!

I have big chopped twice, texturized, and gone back to natural, so I get it. I'm here to help. You'll also find feminine outfit ideas for athletic body types, and fitness motivation.


I’ve been natural, texturized, and back to natural again.

-Natural Hair 1-

Transition: 8 months

Big chop: October 8, 2010

4 Years 9 months natural July 12, 2015

-Texturized Hair-

Texturized: July 12, 2015

On Natural 4b/c Hair (5 years and 6 months)

-Natural Hair 2-

Transition: 1 year 5 months

Big chop: December 20, 2016

2 Years natural December 20, 2018

3 Years 5 months of growth December 20, 2018


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Hey loves in today's video. We will be exploring the many states of 4c hair, including shrinkage. What it looks like dry and wet as well as misconceptions about the hair type. Is it just me or does seem like in the natural hair care community type 4c? Hair? Is just synonymous with dry, unmanageable hair that has absolutely no texture whatsoever yeah. I know you've heard it. I'M gon na debunk it today, hey laughs. My name is Leslie Abby, Wambach Machado. If you are new, take a look around subscribe. I'Ve got a ton of natural hair care videos, specifically centered around type 4 hair. So I already know this topic is going to be a little bit of conversation but respectable down there. Type 4 hair sees one of the most versatile hair types. So in this video I just want to show you my hair in many different ways so that you can see the 4c hair. Not only is a gross a tile, it does have a pattern. It'S actually a quick disclaimer, I'm not making this video to obsess about hair type pattern or numbers. To be perfectly honest, I believe that hair typing is simply a tool. It'S used to guide people in the right direction when searching for products, techniques, inspiration and information. In fact, the original hair chart was created by a man that didn't include 4c as a hair type at all, and he stated in an interview with Elle magazine quote. I always recommend embracing your natural texture. Kinky hair can have limited silent option. That'S the only hair type I suggest altering with professional relaxing yeah. Andre Walker has since adjusted his statement, but I personally don't believe in obsessing or fighting over a system. That, quite frankly, didn't have me in mind. I label my videos, type 4 or 4 C's simply to help viewers find the content I create in order to help them reach their hair goals. This video is to illuminate the beauty and versatility. 4C hair can have in many different states. So, let's take a look at my 4c hair shown. This is what most people identify as 4c hair. My hair here has no product. It'S dry, it's an it's shrunken state and lacks a clear strand pattern here. My hair is stretch, but again it's dry and needs a wash. When I show my hair in this state, I don't tend to get Commons that question whether my hair is 4c or not. So, let's review what 4c hair is by looking at the modified Andre water hair typing system, this one has 4 C in it in the type 4 category for a strands have the clearest, curl or coil B strands have more of a zigzag pattern. No curl or coil and C looks very similar to 4a, but the diameter of the coil is smaller and the shrinkage level is much higher. My hair shrinks with like 75 % or more shrinkage is a beautiful thing and it's a sign of healthy natural hair. Okay, so this is my hair, wet the excess water hydrates and pulls down my 4c hair, allowing its natural pattern to be seen. Water is also the element that brings the process of shrinkage. I have multiple strand patterns in my head. This is a for a curl. I have a line of this pattern on my edges around the perimeter of my head. So when I wear my hair down on my face - or I pull my hair up, it's the most visible for a hair has way more hang time than the 4c hair that covers the rest of my head and I'm pretty sure I probably have some 4b strands In there, too, this is what natural 4c hair looks like moisturize. Also keep in mind. I have low porosity hair. This means my hair is slow to absorb water. This back affects the way my hair responds to product as well. I'Ll show you a little later what I mean, but when my 4c hair is moisturized and looks and feels different, suddenly, hair that felt dry and brittle feels soft and looks oily in order to keep my hair shaft soft and malleable, I have to apply water, moisturizing Creams and layer oil so that the water doesn't evaporate and leave my hair dry like the first clip and the more natural hair is fluffed combed and manipulated the less curl definition it usually has. This is usually where people freak out in disbelief. This is the revered wash-n-go. The gel is weighing down my hair and it's keeping my strand stretch, so it dries with a lot more definition. That'S a huge difference from the clip in which I allowed my hair to dry with no product at all. This process takes a long long time to do so. You need a lot of patience, but the results can last comfortably for up to a week. Okay, so remember when I said I have low porosity hair and that it could affect how it reacts to products. I'Ve got proof mm-hmm so a few weeks ago I did a fun hair experiment and did something called the max hydration method that video is it will make. You laugh so definitely check it out, but this method opened up my hair cuticle, allowing a ton more water into the hair shaft, and I tried the same technique of the washing goal you saw in that last clip, but look at how much more frizz and less Clumping of the coils, I got you all. This is the same head of hair, but it reacted to a hair type closer to high porosity. This is one of the many factors that can determine the results of a hair style. This is why I love doing in-depth experiments on camera, though I have a set routine. That works just fine for my hair type. You can learn so much by conducting trials. Y'All can tell. I was excited about that right. Here is 4c hair dry and stretched with added oil. This is the hair the next day dry with no product at all. The main difference between this clip and this clip is lighting plain and simple. Also, you want to keep in mind close-ups on camera, like a camera lens by design is made to see things from a perspective that the human eye can't. If someone were this close to my hair in person, their vision would be blurry, it's just not humanly possible to see curls and coils this close and clear in a real life. I myself try to keep that in mind as well, when I'm watching my favorite video content creators there's also no way I'd want to do that. To someone that's a little too close for my comfort, not one head of 4c hair is the same texture, porosity density, environmental elements, genetics care and health of an individual can make a huge difference on how the hair can look. Perhaps, with this video and others, we can come to a new and more inclusive depiction of our hair. I could go deeper, but I'll end with this. The vast physical characteristics of the African diaspora are unique and beautiful. Not one strand of hair is the same from person to person, and so many factors can determine what we see and experience on our own heads. I'M just here to share the knowledge I learn along the way in hopes that you can take what you can and confidently care for your hair. While you go out and conquer the world, so that is my hair that gives type 4c hair true or see him rented. I do have a couple of other textures. I have some 4a here and I know that there's probably some 4b, but the majority of my hair is 4c. Many of us have many different textures on our hair, many different patterns on our hair as well. So I just hope that this was helpful for any of you guys who were confused. It does have a pattern. It is a coil, a very small one, but it is there and with the right products it can be defined anyway. That is int comment down below what you believe. Your hair type of texture is, if you're interested in learning more there's the under Walker hair type of system that I did a video on as well as to elbow, is hair typing system. That also did a video on and then you can also look at my playlist for hair density and porosity, because those make a difference as well. I hope this was enjoyable. I hope it brought me clarity, and I will see you next time.

sheneesie: I’ve come to the conclusion that for most folks “4c” hair means dehydrated hair. Lol once people hydrate their hair and learn to capture the coils, curls, or waves they begin to question if the hair is really “4c”.

Rohin: i’m a 15 year old half indian half white guy with very straight hair and i love watching videos like this to educate myself on different hair types. we’re all unique, all hair is beautiful!

Grrr oh my: ty for saying all 4c hair looks different. THANK YOU. it literally doesn’t matter how much i moisturize my 4c hair my hair can be softtt and filled with moisture and the curls just arent defined. comments that say “oh y’all 4c’s just don’t moisturize” is highkey extremely disrespectful and just further engrains this stereotype that those of us that have 4c hair is dry nappy and unattractive hair.

QutThroat 10Tail: I’m a black African American male and this video has taught me the most information about the hair on my head than anything in all of my 22 years of life. Peace and blessings.

Dove Malone: I’m not use to having hydrated hair, but for the last three months I’ve been staying on top of it... 4c hair that’s kept moisturized is so incredibly different, it had me questioning my hair type

ElleXNC FKA sexyellex: Don't you just love how versatile our hair is? I do!!!!

Darkpurple Priestess: I am a 2c/3a/3b/3c middle eastern-asian girl. I must say that I've learned so much from black community about taking care of curly hair. Now i am able to modify methods into my own fine high density curly hair and take care of it. Thank you all for your hard work. Curly girls all around the world can embrace their hair thanks to the efforts.

Ty: My real issue with the "You're not 4C brigade" is that 1. They are claiming any one who has visible curls when their hair is soaking wet some how has a "desirable" hair texture. I don't know about ya'll but I don't walk around with soaking wet hair all day everyday. When I first went natural, most people looked at me sideways for daring to wear my natural hair un-manipulated, even other naturals who would pile products on their hair and manipulate it to no end. The same people who are now claiming that people with my hair texture/ curl pattern have a desirable hair texture are the same people who, a less than decade ago, would have told me I NEEDED a relaxer, or braids or a hot comb. i'm just wondering when any type of kinky hair suddenly became desirable. And let's keep it real; whose really desiring a slightly less kinky hair texture...doth protest too much. The obsession with hair length is what first turned me off about the natural hair community. I still cringe whenever someone thinks they are giving a compliment for a biological process that I have little control over. Then it was the so called "wash n go" that required no less than 10 products and an hour of your time before you could actually GO. The hair love is so fake.

teahgurl: 4C hair is filled with tiny spring like coils . The light doesn’t hit it the same , thats why ppl like to think it’s dry when many times it’s soft and moisturized

AstoldbyAja: Love this, my family is from Jamaica and seeing my aunts, uncles and cousins with different curl patterns is insanely amazing. My brother married a Jamaican woman and her and her sisters hair are just like the curls in this video and it's insanely gorgeous! My curls aren't like theirs but everyone in the family is natural and the curl diversity is so strong!

Monica’s channel Truth: I don’t have 4c hair but I’m getting tired of ppl saying 4c hair is dry and if it is manageable it’s not 4c hair, that is a crazy concept to me all types are beautiful and manageable with the right products and most importantly moisture

D33 K4Y: i am a white amateur artist and man, this video alone has taught me so much -- thank you for making it, it was really helpful and, honestly, quite inspiring too! also, your hair is just gorgeous <3

Marlise Israel: We need to get rid of typing our hair....none of the curl patterns look like mine in the 3 or 4 category....Thank You for sharing how you identify your hair and see it as 4C. 7+ Billion people on Earth, no way all of our hair can fit into these small categories.

Newt m: Thank you for this sis. I'm soooooo tired of the whole typing myths. My hair has at least 4 patterns and changes every time I shave it off and let grow back .

ABMcC86: I'm a white dude. No clue how I ended up here, but this was really interesting. You're so pretty! It's crazy how much work and experimentation you put into this. Keep it going!

Dana Wilkerson: This video was very helpful to me as a white adoptive parent. I really appreciate the way all of the information was broken down. My daughter's hair is a mix of 4c and 4b. And she's a little fashion baby she loves having her hair done and I feel grateful for this video and all the other people who have helped me and who put content like this.

Ariplaygames: I barely have 2b curls but Im here to learn. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your informative and positive video! I come from a culture that labels black peoples hair as "bad hair" all together, they just call it bad hair straight up. Its crazy to me nobody ever questions why that is and how racist it is. I started a hairdresser course and they never even mention any 4 hair type! They never teached me how to do any hair that wasnt straight or mildly wavy!! So many people just excluded or treated as less! When I realized how unprepared and uneducated I was, with all this and so little representation or positive info on black hair, I decided that wether I end up as a hairdresser or not I want to be educated. I want to unlearn that bad racist stigma and learn about and appreciate the beauty of black hair! We may look very different and have very different struggles but I dont want to be indefferent just because they are not mine.

Kristal Hudson: What you are is a scientist, sis! A chemist, in fact, because THIS is applied chemistry, and is a joy to watch and consider.

Chloe: I’m starting to Despise this hair typing system all together! A man created this chart that didn’t even acknowledge the coarsest hair type and he also recommended that Kinky hair should be relaxed. This Should Not be the basis for which we categorize our hair! I FINALLY understand why most professional stylist do not acknowledge or use this hair typing system! They simply assess their clients hair and proceed accordingly. My hair NEVER fit in any of the categories because it was never meant to..

Brianna Whitfield: Loved this. This made me love my 4c more. I am finally seeing how versatile my hair is now that I take care of it as it is (not as how it was when relaxed).

AnnaCxx: Here I am, with 1A hair, absolutely loving this video!! Fascinated by different hair types. Great work :)

Chris Miller: As a caucasian guy with mildly wavy (2b?) hair, I have no idea why youtube offered me up this video, but I found it fascinating, informative and wow, what beautiful hair you have LaToya!

digthewarmth: Thank you for this video!! It's so gross how 4c hair gets associated with just dry-looking damaged-looking hair. 4c coils are sooo beautiful! Thanks for showing the truth!

Phe: Me, an Asian with completely straight hair watching ️️

Keenen Blockson: Incredibly helpful! As a man rocking a natural afro for most of my life this video gave me a really nice new perspective.

TheRacqgrl769: My hair always looks like springs. I'm just glad that it's growing nicely. I have been getting treatment for scarring alopecia. My hair is super-soft and fine in texture.

Black Diva: Have you guys noticed that in hair charts, type 4c is mostly shown in a blown out/tretched out state?

Tiela Leo: I see so much love and light in the comments section. I have learnt so much, from both your videos and your followers. In a matter of minutes. You're so gracious. You've made me fall in love with my hair. Stay awesome. ✨

Chelcy Etienne: At one point 4c hair didn’t have a presence on we’re arguing about what 4c should look like.

Lady Diamond Priscaton of Northendshire: I'm also a 4c hair owner, and I love it. My hair needs constant hydration followed by a sealant due to its low porosity on regular days. On wash day (once every 2 weeks) it needs the max hydration method, complete with deep conditioner under a heat cap. Winter is the hardest time to keep it hydrated because of the dry air. It loves the humidity in the summer. It took me a while to know what it needed to thrive. Not everyone knows what to do from day one. I still make mistakes, and when those happen I need to rely on a modified Cherry Lola method because I don't need as much protein.

Alexis Joy: Your hair is exactly like mine! When I saw your wash and go video, I was shocked that our routines were so similar and achieved the same results! New Subbie! ❤

Angela Celeste May: I love your sunny personality and presentation! You remind me of me in fact, lol! I also absolutely love your unabashed celebration of all of the hair types of the diaspora, and of 4C hair in particular. Celebrating rather than apologizing for 4C hair is something we don't see nearly enough. Personally, I think I have 4B hair in the top front of my hair, 4B and 4A on the sides of my hair, and possibly 3-something in the back because the wave pattern is more prominent. You did an excellent job of clarifying and sharing valuable information. God bless and keep up the amazing work!

Hello it is I: Im SOO glad to see a video like this! As a 3c/4a curly girl, it saddens me that looser textures are overall seen as more acceptable or desirable within the black community! ALL of our hair is beautiful, and we shouldn’t pander to the harmful stereotypes and prejudices that have plagued past and current generations with relaxers and damaged hair.

Grow With Aqilah: I've literally never felt seen when it comes to representation on youtube. You have the exact same hair as me...when I was a teenager I would always compare my hair to the hair influencers on here and get so disappointed and sometimes even cry out of frustration that my styles never came out the same and I had such a hard time finding anyone beyond 4a. I'm so glad I stumbled across your channel ❤️

Royal_Kira: Thank you for this video! You’ve CLEARLY illustrated to everyone that coily hair is a chameleon and that we should all be VERY HAPPY about it! Whether it is a tight coil, loose coil, zigzag, wave, curl, L, O, I, S, all of the above - no matter what the pattern is - as long as our hair is NOURISHED, MOISTURIZED and LOVED it will FLOURISH ❤️ People should watch YouTube, see whose natural hair looks most like yours and go from there: - If that person’s hair doesn’t match yours and/or their content doesn’t speak to you, move on. - If their hair doesn’t match yours, but you still like their content, keep watching their videos. (Maybe even subscribe, you might discover something new!) - If their hair matches yours (curl, porosity, texture etc), and you like the person creating the videos, then you’ve hit the jackpot and you should subscribe to their channel This person’s styles and product recommendations might work on your hair too. We have so many more options than to spread negativity, especially when someone like LaToya is just trying to help and educate.

AmBot Sours: Just wanted to say how happy I am I found your video. You gave me so much reassurance in my hair. Mine acts just like yours when wet, dry, and full of product. I cried a little honestly, I've been in the natural community for 3 years and just always felt so lost. Thank you for helping me feel better.

Angiaeehm: I’m Italian with wavy hair and I must say: I’m so in love with all the knowledge and information on 4a/4b/4c hair. I learned so much and some things really help to maintain the wavy pattern of my hair. My sister has 3c/4a type of hair and I really hope that someday she can embrace her beautiful hair!

Gabby: No shade but the people that comment saying you don’t have 4c hair because they have 4c and that’s not what it looks like... need to moisturize their hair ‍♀️

Jodi Leben: Love it!! So nice to see practical scientific knowledge that can actually help me figure out what's best for my own hair! <3

M. L.: This was very thorough and educational. I've been confused about it all so I stopped paying attention to hair typing a long time ago, but as you were explaining your hair I kept saying "me too!". This helped confirm I'm mostly 4C. I just love our hair!

Teresa Richardson: Love this sis! I’m a Type 4, fluffy girl with A, B and C coils.

Katrina C: Thank you for this! The healthier my hair gets, the more skeptical the feedback has been on hair type.

Lilian Okibe: Your hair is obviously 4c. 4c hair has a coil pattern, it's just difficult to see from a distance because of how small the coils are. The coil pattern also gets more obvious when it's clumped with gel, finger detangling or even styling cream. I've also noticed that 4c hair can be trained; the more you wear wash and go styles (or basically styles that let your hair be in its natural coil pattern), the more obvious your coils become. I think we are so used to seeing 4c hair stretched that we have no idea what it really looks like when it is happy and shrunken.

Rich Little Poor Girl: a) Thank you SO much shedding light on this!! As a fellow 4C I was always confused as to who was understanding 'the system' wrong, me or the women sharing their hair on YouTube - now, thanks to you, I realise it was neither! Just a mix of moisture levels, camera angles. b) My first thought when the video began was, 'My gosh, she is STUNNING. So gorgeous and on top have such an inviting, vivacious spirit :)

Secular Artist: This is a great video. The hair typing system is an extremely flawed and unnecessary tool. 4c (and 3c) was an afterthought and it shows. Outside of cuts and styling curl type is irrelevant in hair *CARE*. Also, Porosity is not fixed! It can and does change with how you treat the hair, chemical processing, the environment etc.

Lisa Lemon: I appreciate the knowledge you continue share. I’ve learned so much from you. I have type 4 hair (according to the chart) that has different curl patterns in different sections. I also have mid to low porosity hair depending on where I pull the strand from. That said, I use the knowledge shared to help me figure out what products will help my hair stay healthy. The knowledge that I receive from you, Nappyfu, Naptural85, Jenn Jackson and others helped me find what works for my hair. Please keep doing what you are doing. In December, I will be 2 years natural and though it hasn’t been easy. You ladies have helped me in my journey!

The Baylor Project: I absolutely LOVED this video! Very informative on 4C hair. I am always looking for good tutorials because my hair is somewhere between 4B/C and having grown up in the '70s next to a stove, a pressing comb and a tub of grease, it was rough! :) Thank you for providing good, well-informed tutorials so we can get our curl on too! Blessing to you, sis!

Lady Kay: I've come to the conclusion that porosity, density, hydration & length can alter the appearance of curl patterns. Along with products, manipulation, etc. I have thick strands but low density & low porosity hair. When my hair was short, my curls were compacted but now that my hair has hang time, my curls have "loosened"/ stretched out but I also drink more water, take better care of my body internally, & steam my hair as needed which I think also helped. Plus, some people have more than one type of curl pattern in their hair. All this to say, you shouldn't get so caught up on hair typing. Instead, focus on learning YOUR hair. Your hair is as unique as you & it will not be the same as someone else's hair; embrace that. It may look like your hair resembles somebody else's but it is still not the same. Great video queen

dollhouseQ: For the ones doubting her in the comment section. 1)clean hair with a clarifying shampoo if you use heavy butters, oils, etc 2) allow your hair to get completely drenched in water(low porosity may take 8 min or more) 3)load on a rinse out conditioner (not deep conditioning/not a hair mask) The pattern you see is your TRUE coil pattern. If you are 4B/4C it will not stay defined as it dries. Hope that helps you find your pattern

D I V A Kingsley: This was such a GREAT video, your delivery was an awesome way to not only help people understand their hair, but to respect what their hair is telling them that it needs. Thanks for posting this.

JS007: EXCELLENT VIDEO! So thorough and informative. I’ve learned a lot watching you. I am in the process of transitioning from relaxed to natural and I look forward to seeing what my hair can do!

Felicia Gee: Thank you for fully explaining the different hair types. I'm not into hair but lately I've been contemplating going natural and your descriptions have help me our a lot.

Brian Hill: I'm just a white guy... But my wife has beautiful low porosity 4c hair. I'm amazed by it. I think it's the most beautiful type of hair myself.

Terri Wilson: Thanks so much for this informative video. I’ve had locs for the last 20 years and never learned how to care for my hair before that. I’m beginning a new hair journey and just learned so much from watching this video.

CJ25: Finally, a video that actually make sense concerning 4c hair. My toddler hair looks the same as yours when dry and wet. I been doing the max hydration method on her 4 months now and it's a life saver.

Natori Goudelock: Thank you for this. I love how informative and inclusive this is. I have slightly less coiled hair (3c/4a? When dry maybe looks closer to 4b. I didn't even think about the scientific breakdown. This means alot to me.

Tara Levy: Finally someone who just speaks the truth! I didn't even think about how hair can be photographed a certain way to look unachievable in reality. Thank you. And I shall continue embracing my natural 4C hair.✌

Sync: Yess gurl!! 4c hair is not limited to dryness , 4c is just a curl patern , tight

nirambonaa: Thank you for stating how different it looks on camera and in real life, people fail to realize that and it’s so annoying how the judge others hair type simply by looking at them online anyways, loved your video! I had to subscribe and I look forward to binging on your content Bless you!

Jwahir Sundai: Yes!! Thanks for posting this. It’s absolutely associated with neglected hair basically. 4c hair deserves better recognition!!

Kuhle: I finally found someone who actually knows how to take care of 4c hair! so many people have made fun of my 4c hair and I didn't know how to take care of it and your videos really helped me <3 thank you

Iris Wright: This video was honestly both educational AND beautiful. Wonderfully made!

Rae Muva: This is my 19 month old curl pattern. I really hope she loves it as much as I do when she’s older

Stellaria: Thank you so much for all these easy to understand explanations and meticulous detail shots! I'm a white Swedish artist with type 1 hair and I like to watch haircare videos to learn how to draw different textures and hairstyles. It really helps to know *why* things work the way they do, too. You and your hair look beautiful and I love your peppy scientist energy :D

kismetk18: I love this, I learned so much. I often think I’m 4c and 4b but it seems that I’m wrong entirely. I love 4c hair because it’s so chunky and thick looking and gets beautiful twists. My hair does not have that gorgeous thickness that I often see in 4c hair.

Mpundu Chikoya: I’m so glad I found you I’ve had so much confusion about my hair type but you’ve answered it for me and now I know that my hair isn’t 4a but 4c. Thank you ❤️

Brishelle Gamble: Thank you for making this video and adding your pinned comment as well! I def had confusion as I've started my hair care journey and have began to question what my hair type really is. On some parts of my head I have the 4b "zig zag" pattern but those parts don't necessarily hang more or shrink less, in fact I have coily parts of my head (which I would classify as 4c and is def not 4a) that hang way more than the 4b sections, I also have parts that coil and shrink like you would think 4c hair should! I also feel like this may have to do with my varying strain thickness (I think the finer strands shrink more) and in that case the curl pattern or hair type can look vastly different than what the chart would suggest. Its very complex and we should all be open to understanding our hair on a deeper level, as we learn best to care for it :) so thank you again for shedding light on this, love your content by the way! ❤️

Diamond Babe: This video was so helpful. I've been trying to identify my curl pattern for months, since I've started my natural journey. I finally found out that I have 4c hair with some 4a strands because we have exactly the same size and curl pattern. Thank you so much!!

wyett123: Yes. You are speaking my life right now! You can find anything from 3c to 4c, 4c being dominant, on my head Also the curly method I style my hair in you can't really tell it's 4C, just showing more the diversity of the 4C

JUSTME: This is my favorite 4c video. So realistic, honest, and informative

Qwandary: Extremely informative video, looking forward to seeing your experiments. I don't have 4C hair but I like to learn more about ALL types of hair, as some things that work with some hair will work on my 3B hair regardless. It was especially cool seeing how changing the porosity of your hair made such a difference. It's something I think we mention but focus on less and in your case makes a huge impact, more so than hair type possibly! Really nice to see someone debunking stereotypes and uplifting our 4C siblings, especially when we know most people still crap on that hair type, or work to avoid it rather than embrace it.

Makaela M: I was at the point in my natural journey where i was so fed up with my hair i just decided to loc it. Best decision I've ever made but it's nice to watch videos like this celebrating what i once had. Can't go back to the all day dreaded wash day. Can't do it.

Meisha Whyte: Ive learned so much about my 4c hair from this video, I recently dreaded my hair because I couldn't understand how to take care of my hair...ive gone natural for 6 years now ..previously had a perm on my hair since I was 5 didnt go natural until 25 I am now am still learning . I always loved my 4c hair but just didnt know how to take care of it ...but its amazing to see what my hair can do if the time comes and I cut my dreads .

Alexis Burke: This is a great video! Most of my past clients had 4c hair & I would have loved to shown them this during consultations.

cdScrapdat: All I want personally is to really understand how to take care of my hair. As African American women we should already know we are not going to fall into one hair type. I really love our different hair types.

ch3rrikiss: Wow I've struggled to love my 4c hair and have finally cut out all the relaxer and starting again. You've made me so excited to get to know my hair. Thank you so much for that❤️

owamie khumalo: I love this is so real. It's amazing how it reacts differently in the middle of my hair idk what type but it's curly. I'd die for a video on how to redeem your 4c after not combing for a few days ..

Aisha M: Thank you so much for this video. I was always sure about my hair type and then I put gel in it today and I got so confused. But now I’m so certain I have 4c hair❤️

Tinashe Chisuse: For a while I thought I had 4a hair and a professional told me I actually had type 4c hair and I was shocked so I did research and found out I was caring for the wrong type hair so now I care for 4c hair and I saw massive hair growth so this basically means different hair types need different needs.

Gwladys Collins: Your hair is 4c period! You have the right to have different strands on your head but mostly it is 4c. People trying to convince you otherwise are bored and should mind their own business. Keep doing what you're doing sweetie. I am a new subscriber!

Nia Ain: I’m so glad you made this video. It’s all about the chemical and physical state of the hair that changes its appearance.

Jubilee: Your hair looks exactly like mine and I’m so happy. You know how hard it is for us to find natural hair youtubers with hair that matches your own lol. Thank you for this! Subscribed!

Kitty Fisouw: People don’t understand the power of a consistent, heat-free, hair regimen... I used to think people just had ‘good’ 4c hair but it’s really how you take care of it! And I’m South African, we have some of the coiliest natural hair! I’m getting locs, my journey is soon, but I have a few tidbits on my channel about loose 4c hair care. But loc journey loading

Sarah Sarah: I really enjoyed your video, as information and knowledge are the key to loving what ever type of “NUMBER LETTER “ hair one may have. At the end of the day, your hair is what grows out of your head.. and vice versa. And we should all start by loving whatever type we “have on our head. Keep doing you.

Gabriela Garcez: So cool! Very beautiful texture, and it looks so healthy. I love the individual tiny coils.

RoseDiamond 413: My curl type is 2A, my hair texture is nothing like this. Its so beautiful I love watching hair care videos. I'd rather know how to care for curls and never have to use it than see people feel ashamed for their natural beauty

Qdude10: It feels like I'm watching a legit documentary right now. I love it. This is coming from a man who's trying to grow out his 4c hair. 6 months and counting.

Keisha Wright: I love that you reiterate that hair typing is a guideline. I don't know why people obsess so much over the a,b or c, especially when most of us have multiple textures (curl patterns) on our head. Knowing that I have majority type 4 hair has helped me immensely in finding tips for my natural hair. I don't have any 4c curls in my head but I've been following you since your big chop and I've learned a lot. I just know my hair enough to know what is or is not relevant for me. Thank you so much for these detailed videos

Serena Kwamboka: I commend and thank you so much for such representation, vulnerability and knowledge on the delicate beauty that is 4c hair. I have learnt so much on about my hair

Golden Phoenix: I love your videos and your personality . I have 4b,4c and 3b high porosity hair. I used tonstruggle the most with the 4c area in the center. You've been very helpful along my journey.

Katherine Funk: I just watched this with my daughter and I’d just like to say how much I appreciate the education. You have beautiful hair.

Analisa Goudeau: LaToya Ebony, you are a great story teller. I love this video .

Love Jeneya: The editing of this video was truly amazing !! I felt as though I was watching a mini documentary on 4c hair. Your voice is so soothing & this was very informal. You’ve got yourself a new subscriber ❤️❤️

Black Girl Lavish: I have 4a natural hair and it really annoys me when girls with 3c or 4a say they have 4c hair just to get views. Then the newly natural 4c girls ask why their hair doesn’t look like that.

Alaina N.: Yes!!! I personally think hair typing is outdated and divisive because 1.) we have several patterns on our hair. 2.) porosity definitely makes a difference. And 3.) genetics and health play a role too.

Luanne Phillip: So beautiful! My daughter has hair like yours and I think it a beautiful and unique texture. I'm tryna learn everything I can to grow and care for her hair so she'd love her hair and hopefully would not be inclined to put relaxers when she is older. *fingers crossed* but of course that will be up to her. She loves to play in my hair and always comments she loves my hair, she would often play in my hair (I am of mixed heritage of african and indian so long curly hair). I always comment in response how beautiful and healthy her hair is. So new subby here to great content on natural hair. I appreciate. She is 4 years . I also have another daughter (shes 2) but her curl is not as coily as her older sister. I am committed to grow and care for their hair and teach them how to care for their natural hair as they grow. So I'm excited by good information in your vids. Thank you sis❤

Aleaha Quiñones: First I’d like to thank you for courageously addressing this issue. I think that hair typing chart is a disaster not the least because it’s inaccurate but because it can be so devise and often elitist. What’s referred to as “type 4” hair, should probably have at least 5-6 categories. “Type 3” should likely have 4. In my family alone we have at least 8 people who’s curls look NOTHING like or are described like anything on the charts. Like our people, our hair is the most diverse to be found. Even Narrowing the field strictly to what’s been labeled “4b-4c”, and your STILL talking about a wide range of hair. In my immediate family there are 7 girls. My sis and her husband has 4 girls, my mom and I. That’s 7 COMPLETELY different heads of natural curls and coils. One of which has silky, 3b, curls, like our great Grandmother. I have Coils and curls. A strip of 4a along my neck and sides, some 4c curls and tighter coils. Because I’ve learned to stretch my hair in order to best work with it. I’ve also learned what products work best IN it (I make organic products because I have allergies and a sensitive scalp). I also have NEVER enjoyed putting a lot of gel and product in my hair. (I HATE crispy, crackety, dry hair. It’s a pet peeve and it’s bad for our hair and scalp.) So because I often wear my hair in a stretched/twisted-out state. I share a picture in a natural hair and I get people jumping on my post saying “Nice picture but you’re not 4c.” “Sorry hunny, your hair is cute but it’s definitely NOT 4c.” I’m baffled!! We can tell from fotos if someone is 4c nowadays? My friend is a stylist and SHE can’t do that!! So theses people are INCREDIBLE!! On top of that, half of theses people think that 4c means dry crackety hair with no curl pattern! Wrong again!! Even the coarsest 4c has a curl pattern!! And uhhhhhmmmmm no Boo.......If her hair looks like you could rub it together and start the bbq grill.......she just needs a deep conditioner and maybe one of my Herbal Oil Treatments. Type 4 hair is beautiful!! In ALL its many forms!! And there ARE MANY. That chart has people divided into categories and now people have become possessive and defensive about those categories. Inevitably one category has been deemed the standard for beauty. Meaning the further away from that “desired” number, the lower your ranking on the standard of beauty. As per usual, it’s a standard that doesn’t come naturally to people of African descent. But because we are where we are culturally and historically. We’ve taken that beauty standard and ripped it to shreds. We’ve decided that we’ll no longer play by those rules or be judged by the Anglo/Euro standard that’s unattainable and to me undesirable for myself. I just hope that in the pursuit to reclaim our beauty standard, we’re don’t step on each other to get there. Helping another sister is one thing, tearing her down is something all together different. That’s my two cents. I think porosity, density plus, strand health & strength, are FAR more important anyway. I mean I understand wanting to know “Okay I’m type 4. So let me watch type 4 hair tutorials.” But how your hair responds to products to products has WAY more to do with porosity than “type”. Plus half the influencers have some cosmetology background and don’t have the same name type 4. So the average person won’t receive the same results. I appreciate your videos. Thanks for this one.

iamtifffani: People trying to tell you about your hair? the real gag is hair typing isn’t even that important. I spent so much time trying to figure out my hair type just to realize that it doesn’t matter. Knowing your porosity is something that will change your life! We need to start promoting porosity knowledge more and not try to separate ourselves so much by hair type. Let’s love on all natural hair and support one another as much as possible

dk Sara: This was incredibly amazing! Thank you for this video sister!!

DarrenbyDesign: Thank you for posting this! As a black guy it's very challenging to find good education on our hair texture (fellow 4c)

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