Inversion Hair Method: How To & My Results (Hair Growth Technique)

  • Posted on 09 September, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

OPEN ME:! Hi Guys! Today I'm sharing my experience and results using the inversion hair method. Doing the inversion hair method is supposed to increase hair growth rate and promote healthy hair growth by stimulating circulation for the scalp. In this video I show you how I do it and the results I got. I hope you enjoy the video! Please give it a like if you did, as it helps me out. Thank you so much!!




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Electronic Scalp Massager:

FTC: This video is not sponsored

Hi guys welcome back to another video, so it's been a while, since i've done a hair video, so i thought that today i would talk about the inversion, hair method and my experience with it for those of you who are new to the inversion hair method. It'S supposed to be a way to increase healthy hair growth and accelerate the rate at which your hair grows, and basically, what you do is you just invert yourself so flip your head over and massage your scalp for a few minutes, and this is supposed to bring Blood circulation to the scalp, which in turn will help promote hair growth and to me that makes sense, because you know i love doing my scalp massages and brushing my scalp and hair. But the reason i wanted to try. This method was because i was watching some videos and girls were saying that they were getting like one to two inches of hair growth overnight, and i don't know i just. I didn't really believe it. I feel like that was a little bit click-baity, but i just wanted to try it for myself and another reason i wanted to try. It is because of these dreaded strands that were cut into my hair, so you know i've been trying to grow these out. For man over a year now, so i thought you know - maybe just maybe this would help with that. Please hair gods grow my strand out and personally hair length isn't my goal. I rather have shorter hair and have it be really healthy rather than have long hair and have it be damaged, but i've just had long hair for so long and it's kind of fun growing it out and seeing how long it'll grow i enjoy doing all my You know hair art photos with my mom and doing all the hairstyles um, and i just feel more like myself, with long hair, because i've always had my hair and my nails on the longer side, so yeah when everything is long, i just feel more like me. I guess, but i do miss you know when my hair was a little bit shorter. I miss the volume and the waves that were in my hair because, as it's gotten so much longer, um it just gets weighed down and my hair falls more straight and i kind of miss that volume but yeah. I like having long, hair and fyi one of the reasons i'm filming this video is because the other day i was cleaning out one of my old hard drives, and i came across footage of me doing the inversion method for seven days that i filmed last august. You know me i like to film videos and not release them. I really have to work on that, but the footage is very relevant to this video still, you know just just in case you're thinking. Your hair looks a lot shorter in that video. It'S because i filmed it last summer and i haven't had a hair. Well, i've had one haircut since doing that, so i had about, i think three inches cut off, so my hair is longer now than it was in the video, but you get the idea. I still have the before and afters, so you will see my results. You know better late than never, but let's just go ahead and roll this footage of me doing the inversion, hair method last summer and i'll talk you through it and we will see the results at the end. So to do the inversion, hair method. You can start by applying some oil to your scalp, i'm using the blue beautify, organic amalacki, scalp oil serum, because it's just my favorite scalp oil ever and it contains lots of amazing oils and herbs to help with healthy hair growth. But you can use any oil you'd like if you just want to use plain olive oil or jojoba oil. That'S totally fine, too. You can also slightly warm your oil by warming, it in a double broiler or leaving it out in the sun a bit to warm up, but i'm just using it straight from the bottle, and i begin massaging my scalp with my fingers and i also love using My electronic scalp massager, it really gives your scalp a deep massage. I love this thing now, it's time to invert, so i just flip my hair over and invert for about four minutes. So basically, you just stand there for four minutes and i also like to kind of continue massaging my scalp while i'm doing this and if you feel dizzy at any time, just stop doing it. You can also hang over the side of your bed if that's easier for you and you're going to repeat this for seven days, but don't do it more than once a month. So you can kind of create a schedule and do it for maybe the first seven days of each month. I actually didn't continue doing this monthly myself, but i might try to do it more on a regular basis. From now on and i'll note that next time, i probably wouldn't use the oils in my hair every day, because it was just a pain having to wash my hair every single day, because my hair is already so long and thick and all that washing kind of Left my hair more on the dryer side, so i might try just oiling my hair every other day next time. I think that would be a lot easier. So, as you can see, i did it for a week and now it's time to show the results. So here you can see the before and after my mom was very precise and measured my hair from the exact same spot each time and as you can see, there was a teeny bit of hair growth, nothing miraculous, but i do see a bit. I don't know if my hair would normally grow at that rate, though, but i see some growth, so that's really cool so yeah. That was my experience with the inversion hair method. I don't think that it's like a magical thing. That'S gon na grow your shoulder length, hair down to your knees overnight, but i do think that it is a good way to promote circulation to the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. And i would love to know, have any of you guys tried this method and if you have, did you get drastic results or did you get no results at all, or did you get a little bit of results? I think i got a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of results, which is, of course better than nothing. We were very accurate when measuring the hair. My mom did it for me. She made sure to put it in the exact place every time. I just think that you know it's kind of a cool tool to implement into your routine if you are trying trying to grow long, healthy hair - and i haven't done the inversion hair method since last summer. So maybe i should try it again and see if i get results. I love you guys so much. I appreciate you guys for watching. You can follow me on instagram, if you're not already at holistic habits. I do hair photos and tons of stuff on there and i'll see you in my next video bye. You

fear: I wouldn't consider whole inch in a week just a "teeny" bit of hair growth. You video actually convinced me to use this routine regularly.

nia :\: I totally understand when she said “I feel more like myself with long hair.” I feel more myself with longer hair as well, I cut it back in August 2021 to my shoulders because I was told short hair would look better with my long face. I didn’t feel like me, and ever since I saw this video I’ve been trying to grow my hair and I already feel better.

Elysia Raimondo: My hair wasn't growing from a certain length for 2 years. I started to do this method once a week with oils and my hair is down my waist now. I think the biggest factor was moving the lympathic system and brining that blood flow to the scalp for it to get more nutrients. I would highly recommend. I did this for 5 months straight and I still do it. My hair is now not as dry anymore! Lots of benefits.

Grace Panagapko: You have changed my mind on having long hair. I have had short hair my whole life. It is time to grow it out.

Yolibel Frias Ulerio: totally get what she means about feeling more like herself with long hair, I had long hair my whole life and when I cut it off I literally had an identity crisis

Abby Pierce: I’ve been doing this in the shower with a mask or conditioner and I SWEAR my hair is growing faster. I don’t even care if this is a placebo effect I’ll take it!

Bellavita Heart: I want you to know that not only do I come for your advice but also to just catch your vibes from time to time ✨ p.s. I shaved my chemically fried hair 6 months ago with the goal of patiently growing a fresh long head of healthy virgin hair like you!

Reo Family: Obsessed with you, your channel and your lifestyle! It's crazy how much we have in common. You really motivate me to stay as healthy and holistic as possible

nidafying: She is my inspo.. I found out her channel 2 years back, & started growing my hair. Now my hair almost touches my waist.. Thanks to Sarah!!!

Kelly Geatches: I just wanted to say I’ve been subscribed to you since I was in high school (I’m 23 now) and even though my tastes have dramatically changed in most aspects of life, your videos have always been so positive, educational and relaxing and I’ve always looked forward to your uploads ❤️

angry bird: As a muslim, I've been doing it 5 times a day in sujood everyday since my childhood. :)

Leanne Adams: This was such a game changer the first time I tried this !!!! I got 2 inches a month for 6 months doing this !!! ❤️ wish I had known about this years ago !!!

Amy-Beth Taylor: Lol imagine one day she surprises us with a bob or something.

☕Brandon Lee Abercrombie🍵: As a male, I absolutely love this channel and the hair techniques. Heck, I'd even go for having fantastic hair like hers.

LOIS NI: this is so interesting!! I’ve been washing my hair upside all my life purely for comfortability but this has probably been a big contributor to my hair growth, I will include this method in my next hair growth video, Great tip!

near: Me who just cut my hair short: *ReGRet*

Elizabeth Red: I’ve had relatively short hair for 3 years now and I really want my belly button hair back haha :) I tried the inversion method after a big chop and it worked on top of my hair already growing fast on it’s own! Ya’ll should try this

Naturally Antonia: Great video Sarah! And I do the same thing with filming. I totally get ya! Also with you on health over length. I first time I did the inversion method I got almost a half inch of growth in a week. The last couple of times I tried it I didnt much growth. I think my scalp got used to the increased blood flow. I was doing it a bit in the summer. I feel like if I take a break and not do it for a long time I get more results. You inspired me to try again. I think I'll try again a few months. Sending love to you and Bambi!!

kashish khan: Hey Sarah! What advise do you have for girls like me with short thin fine hair with an acute case of scalp psoriasis? Love your channel

Autumn Rose: When I was younger I would always invert dry my hair. My hair did get very long during the years I did invert hair drying, it reached beyond my bottom. Thanks for the reminder, I'm about to try it again!

NOORthern Luces: It would be cool if you did a video where you measure your normal hair growth without the inversion method after a week and compare it with the results you got in this video!

Jimena Dg: this video called me bald in 80 languages

Haru no: Thanks for another great video! My hair is really getting a noticeable difference thanks to you! And it was already pretty healthy

Anni Oderso: 1:21 You said it I had natural hair, down to under my breast. And i (saaaadly) bleached it a year ago...i cried my eyes out every single day, just a week after i did it...! But a few months ago i decided to accept it and do everything to get healthy hair again. So I did all you amazing tips and i eat healthy, then i cut all the blonde dead ends of to shoulder lenght, and wow my hair feels sooo healthy again!!! The blonde is down to my chin, so I'm getting there !! I rather have healthy and thick hair , than long hair

Dado Dem: Hello Sarah I am a new fan on your channel. I wanted to say thank you so much. You have inspired me to be more a healthier person and grow my hair. Thank you so much!

Sofia Carballo: the fact that you do your hair photos with your mom just warmed my heart so much idk why hahaha lots of love from Spain!

Nadia Khouri: Ooh I always trying to follow your advices ❤️ I’ve been watching you for about 4 or 5 years .. always recommend your contents I have started growing my hair since last year , my goal is to reach the hip length & I am having a great result by following your advices .. will try inversion soon

Katarzyna Grzejda: I’ve been really getting into different body care routines and I’m super eager to try this now!

Imma the chopsticks that Jin always carry: Fun fact - Sarah is a fairy who lives in a fairyland. I started inversion method last month I do for a whole week in a month. So far I've noticed less hairfall.

Heather Ray: awe I love this! My hair was growing pretty fast the past year but now it's sort of at a stagnant place. Maybe this will help <3 I love all your videos<3<3 Thank you for sharing!

Queen Vanishka: Hi Sarah! I just started watching your videos like, a couple months ago, and my hair and skin have improved SO MUCH!!! Just keep doing what you do and stay safe

Anyu Hannah: Sarah, thank you so much for inspiring me to love and to take care of long hair,,,, plus your hair care tips are amazing ❤

mariah: I’m on my second bottle of that amalaki scalp oil! My hair has never been more healthy and strong! Even my hairstylist noticed a difference. Thank you for putting me on! :)

ZummyIzhere: You're literally the only person who showed actual before after pics, with explanation, and measurement. Thank youu!!

Angmar Omega: I didn't realize this was an actual thing, I just thought my hair grew faster than the norm. I've been doing this to my scalp for years, because it feels good to do so and my hair does grow quickly. And I'm laughing to myself that I was doing this without knowing it was actually a thing that people do for hair growth!!

Hannah: Thank you so much for making this video! I have watched so many videos on how to grow your hair faster, and I’ve heard this phrase SO. MANY. TIMES. and I was like: I doubt this works THAT well. But now you made a video and I will be able to get the truth! Thank you so much again. I love the channel!

VM Peache: I used to do this back when i wanted long hair and i can say without a doubt that it works. I was too lazy to commit to it for a long time but it does work. I combined this method with hair oil + gentle massage during the inversion and its really great. Now i have healthy waist length hair

s0f!a: this is literally the easiest way i’ve ever grown my hair. magic

Jinx Arcade: This is literally why i love you you actually stay honest to us you even show the actuall results Thank you

lotte89green: I remember my mom brushing her hair flipped over or inverted and I do this also sometimes - I love to use the hair oil by khadi and massage it into the scalp but maybe I’ll try this with flipping my head over too!

A Joyful Sound: I love your hair videos! So inspirational! My goal is to grow my hair length to my knees. I have probably a couple feet left to do that!

A. R: I love to grow my hair long but every time when my hair gets longer than my waist it starts giving me neck and headache cuz i have thick hair. It actually effects my posture unconsciously(when i cut it i realize that). I'd be happy if you share your own experience on that. Anyway loved your video❤

~Ss: Hey Sarah actually I have pretty long hair since I m following some of ur advices and I have been using Apple Cider vinegar lately and I wanted to ask whether u can use it on your scalp or just ur ends !Btw love you ❤️Ur videos are seriously great And you inspire me to have long hair !!

Leslie king: Hi Sarah!! Love watching you, and Bambi too! Glad that you filmed a hair video. I have been feeling so emotional about people lately. I read Psalms before bed. Tomorrow morning is my hair wash day. I used argan oil tonight. I do a 45 minutes hot heads mask. After my shampoo, I use a hair rinse of ACV, aloe, and honey. Then I condition. I learned that from sister in law Sarah. It is making a difference for softer and hydrated hair. You, your hair, voice, and life style are so so Beautiful!! I am not jealous but just want to emulate and implement some of your ideas!! Sarah, today, I bought white shag decor pillows, from Home Depot. They were 50% less than WayFair. From I Canvas, I bought a beautiful white floral to hang over my teal sofa. I had a dilemma about wanting to add crystal to my apartment. I found beautiful floral crystal lamps and two gold and crystal trays that are mirrored. It is really coming together nicely, on a 50% off, budget. I look forward to returning to my 3 Volunteer jobs. Helping others, helps me too. You too? I love your presentation on the inversion method. I will have to try it. After my hair mask, wash and condition, I am doing a small trim, for the health of my hair. I don't have the most beautiful hair, but gradually it is transforming, with more care, protective styles, diet and exercise. It may be an ant's pace, but I am determined, for 28" of longer, healthier locks! ! Thank you for the sincere friendship, in your videos!! You are one of the kindest, smartest, and gentle people that I know. Keep up your Love, Peace, Videos, Gentleness, and Kindness!! We Love you, in SCS, MI!!

Krishna Daida: i have been doing this every month for one week for five minutes for two years. I don’t let my hair grow too much and usually cut it, but I do notice that it can grown over an inch overnight. I don’t know if that’s my body or my hair or anything weird, but I do think you can achieve drastic changes sometimes.

Lucia: I haven’t tried this myself, and it seems like you got a big result from it, but I would’ve liked a control first (how much does your hair grow in 1 week on it’s own) so maybe I’ll do that and then try the routine myself and see what happens

Spongebob: Hi Sarah I love your hair. I’m trying to grow my own channel and you have been a big inspiration to me to be healthy and grow out my hair.

Kimaya and Rishi: Yessss Queen! You are one of my fav youtubers and I never get bored of your videos! Hard to feel that way about others!

Nora: I love when you do hair tutorials they are so helpful!

The Healthy Beet: I went from having a bob to having long hair in 2 years, and I really loved draping my hair over my shoulders. It made me feel protected and pretty. However, just last month I went in to a salon for a trim and the lady cut off inches from my hair and added some horrible short layers Now my hair is super short and choppy and I can’t help but cry every time I see myself in the mirror. At this point, I can’t do anything but wait until it grows out again. And I am terrified to go back into a salon. Do you have any advice on how to deal with sadness and depression after a horrible salon experience?

Leah Joy Rivera: I’ve been doing this since I was 6 years old just cause I found it super super relaxing. My hair is now currently 37 1/2 inches, I thought my hair just grew fast naturally, I didn’t even know I was doing this method. Thank you so much for letting me know❤️ Edit: I am currently 13 years old, I started growing my hair out since I was 10 years old

Mia: Thank you for posting this video! I tried this method the other day but was horrified to see how much hair came out of my head after I did it :( it was really alarming because I haven't seen anyone else lose so much hair from doing the inversion method and I just need help! I wanna do this method but why does so much hair come out?? Anyone else have this experience?

Artisan Rumi: I have been doing this inversion method since last 2 months. It is actually part of my capillary schedule and i have seen huge improvement in the quality of my hair. It is so much silkier, shinier and beautiful now. I loveeee it. Since last 2 months, my hair has grown like an inch, but for me the quality matters rather than quantity. So i am taking it slow. I have also filmed my weekly capillary schedule, and it is already up on my channel. Thanks for the long hair inspiration. Keep on the awesome work. Thanks

Sherry Yrs: For anyone who lost curls or waves due to hair length a solution is hair plopping or using a defuser attachment for a blow dryer, water mostly weighs the hair down as it dries so the faster it dries the less straight it can get.

Kacey: I use to like having short hair but now I really hope I can grow it out and do cool hairstyles. I hope this method works on me

Isabel Torres: Looks like a whole inch to me in one week it’s amazing I’m definitely doing this this week

ShanDomi: I also use this method once a month too! Thank so much for sharing! I always enjoy your videos! Your long hair is always soooo pretty! :)

Sashurboss: Thank you so much for making this video i have been trying to grow my hair longer for a while and i was never sure what to do to help grow my hair faster and healthier! But now i knowシ

Janna Sta. Ana: I very agreee sis! I also massage my hair every time I put virgin coconut oil for 5-10 munites andddd... It's ssoooo effective and after a month, my hair grows healthier and the split ends are almost gone... It's Amazing and it's satisfy me a lot.

Petrificus Totalus: If you don’t have any fancy hair oils like me, do this in the shower. Apply your shampoo, start washing for a bit and then continue upside down. This also helps the shampoo to leave it’s sent, and you don’t have to do it every day. (Assuming your shampoo is a hair care product that has oils in it) - don’t worry all most all shampoo’s do

Joanne D' Mello: I tried this out everyday for a month or so and I used to oil only on the days i used to wash my hair like twice or thrice a week but then I stopped. But its smothing and feels good! Do it before bed for calming and getting good sleep! Thanks for sharing your experience though..interesting that your hair grew in literally 7 days...also wasn't clickbait!!!

SuperLumaTunes: I do this method I would say every other month! I want to grow my hair to my belly button and I'm about 5 inches away because I just got a cut to keep my ends nice and thick! I don't like to do the oil super often because washing my hair too frequently makes it feel awful and thins it. I put in a scalp tonic that has good herbs and I put in castor oil every few days! It works but it's not a giant amount of growth, but it does help!

Netty Kanyon: I have been watching your vids for about 6 months. I've followed some of your recommendation's (diy herbal: rosemary hair rinse) and my hair & scalp condition have improved tremendously and my hair has also grown really well :). So I will also give this ago! Thank you

Homely Tips By Priya: Just bcoz of you I'm taking care of my hair you are my Inspiration to grow my hair love your videos Girl keep going

Aina Merzia: I had thick hair that grew really fast, at that time I always wanted to have a short bob. After having chronic illness my hair started falling a lot and I ended up having thin damaged hair that barely grew. So now I'm trying to find ways to grow it and here I am.

Neha: You can also do some yoga postures like head stand and hand stand and there are couple of more it basically helps in circulating blood in your head with that you get long, healthier & strong hair. And yes it works ❤ I'm indian with hip length hair :)

Bill M: Thank you for educating and inspiring. Your videos are beautiful! ♥

kiiekoii: My hair is around the same length as yours, but the ends are super thin and totally lacking volume since I bleach and dye my hair all the time, hopefully this’ll help me grow my hair out faster so I can cut off all the crazily bleach damaged parts

Sherin Renish: I've been trying this method for one and half year and yes it helped me a lot. It doesn't give u a magical result...but it still works perfectly for those people whose hair hair growth stopped.i do it everyday for 5 min.i have a lots of other hair problems.but still my hair grows

Bubbles pops: And you still ask me why I love her vids so much- IT'S SOOOOO RELAXING!!! AND IT'S 100000000000000000000 TIMES BETTER THAN AN ASMR TOO! SO BRO! I LOVE HER

JoyJoy: I started using the Blue Beautifly Amalaki oil last night. I couldn't believe how little frizz and flyaways I have near my hairline today, it's amazing. Thanks for the recommendation! Although I don't like how flimsy the glass vial thing feels in the lid Edit: do you have scoliosis?

surviving stripes: A few things... first off, how am I just finding your channel!!!? I am so lucky I did! My hair needs your expertise. I got very ill fall of 2017. I am still ill however finally managed. When I first got sick my long beautiful hair started falling out. It broke off in random places. Speed up to now and I’ve been on a feeding tube and IV fluids for two years now and my hair is growing back! I have a ton of growth and it’s not as brittle. I’ve already done a bunch of your hair masks and rinses. I’m literally making the rosemary rinse as I type this! Thank you for all of your knowledge and guidance! I could sit and listen to you ALL day! A few questions... so my hair strands are fine. At first I thought that I had a ton of split ends when I started your treatments. But now I think it was just completely dehydrated! So tell me, what hair treatments would you choose on my hair? Also, have you ever tried the rice water rinse? What are your thoughts? Yay or nay? Thank you so much for all the effort you put into these videos!! Truly appreciated and I can’t wait to finish watching all of your videos! xoxotanya

Kei sha: I did the inversion method with hair growth subliminal right now. I’m on my 5th day of inversion and 3rd day of hair growth subliminal. I’ve been measuring my hair everyday to track results and I’m really blown away. My hair grew 1.7 inches alreadyI am pretty sure i am measuring it right because i am stretching my hair to make sure i got the accurate measurements. Will update again after i finish my 7th day of inversion. Will probably continue listening to subliminals til I achieve my ideal result.

Tania Veniou: We need a long hair journey!! ❤️

Mermaid at heart: Hello! Thank you for the video. I have this oil and love it and after seeing you using the massager, I bought that too. Out of no where, the last couple of years, I started to get dandruff, I have greasy/oily hair, but dry stands, especially dry ends. Was wondering what do you suggest for dandruff problem?

Sandy_Carpets The Second: Oh- Also, have you considered rinsing shampoos and conditioners out of your hair upside down? It's a little awkward, but it helps lessen frizz on the tops of your hair and makes it a little shinier whilst adding a small amount of volume. Just thought I'd throw it in the comments just in case you were curious.

mole rat : Hello SARAH I LOVE♥️♥️♥️♥️ YOUR VIDEOS I have been stressed lately over the corona virus (not used to saying in the house all day) but when I watch your videos it makes me so much happier ☺️ and I forget there even is a virus I hope u keep yourself happy and stay safe you are my biggest Inspiration and you are my favorite channel I literally watched all your videos in 3 days . Keep safe

aparna jayan t: I have been been following you for many years now.and my hair has grown nice and healthy thank you so much

Cevina Mina & Molly: You're so beautiful and make me feel calm, relaxed and comfortable, I feel like I am the happiest person when you upload a new video or post something on Instagram, and I think I will try this method, I wish my hair could, I am struggling with it and it is soooooo thin , but you helped me so much, so thank you for everything, have a great day

Aneeqa Javed: I am 14 I used to have very long hairs when I was around 10 or 11 years and then I cut my hairs in layers!Literally after cutting my hair I cried for almost whole night but after that I made promise to myself that I will take very good care of my hairs and grow them and ya now in 2021(even though I have little natural curls at the end of my hairs)my hair almost covers my whole back . Still I sometimes want to cut my hair short but then I stop cuz I love my long hairs. Also I never go to any salon for hair cutting I cut them by myself after every 3 months.

Roberta Stabellini: Que cabelo maravilhoso!!!

APDURN: Hey yo! Might sounds weird ladies but trust me (grew my hair out from BALD) it makes a BIG difference if you do it during a waxing moon phase. The moon pulls up the tides and affects our periods. And apparently also, hair growth! Goodluck on your hair growth journey !

Danielle Thomas: I use the inversion method in the shower when I wash my hair and it’s grown out some I do it normally twice a week sometimes three times and it makes my scalp feel amazing

Megan Clark: Please do some food or nail care videos!! I love watching your self care, so inspiring!! <3

A O: Shout out to your mom for having exact precise photos of your hair and the results aren’t moms the best

anna burke: I have done this only for a few days at a time but I always see a little growth. I use rosemary sometimes but mostly massage the scalp dry ‍♀️

Emmart: You look so radiant and at peace! So glad you are uploading more often again❤️

CasuallyObservant: My gosh you have such wonderful, thick, healthy hair. The one picture with you laying down and strands are curled around in a design is amazing. You have 18 sections of hair, and my hair would only make one section compared to your 18. How do you get such thick wonderful hair? Good genes, good care and good luck!

Dounia El: The more I take care of my hair the more it get frizzy and messy

justanothernobody: love the video! also, is it normal for hair to get greasier the next day after doing the inversion method? i noticed that this always happens every time i do it

Anzé Vorster: I want to try the inversion method but my hair is chemically damaged to the point that I almost needed to shave my head. Now I’m not using heat or any bad hair products, however my hair still keeps breaking too much. Therefore, I am scared to massage my scalp due to my extreme hair breakage. Your hair is absolutely beautiful . How long did it take you to grow out your hair this long? ❤️

Ellie Lynn Collins: Your hair art photos inspire me so much ^__^ I feel like stimulation and no heat have been the only real ways to grow my hair.

Wendywoo 🕉: All my life I have longed for super long hair. Mine is naturally curly, can get to my bra strap area but that's it. Never progresses further. *haven't had a salon cut since 2017, I just trim my ends maybe twice a year I would wear it braided all of the time. Such gorgeous hair to be blessed with.

Laura: I’ve been washing my hair with my head down and with cold water and it’s changed my hair so much, I really recommend it (though you may want to water it and put shampoo with your head still up otherwise your neck is going to hurt)

ChristinePlays: I found while doing this (without the oil, i dont think it's necessary), i was also taking hair and skin vitamins, and i noticed ONE ingredient that wasnt included was Fish oil. So I did a week without fish oil and a week with adding it. And my hair grew more that week when i added the fish oil. It completed the circle of nutrients that really made it all make a difference. Without it, it wasnt any faster or slower than if i didnt take vitamins at all or took only the hair vitamins. And I made a makeshift hair cut to achieve a certain look when it was too short to achieve it properly, so I had one chunk of hair that was different length than the rest of my hair so I measured that chunk each time so I knew I was getting accurate results on measuring. The massaging all by itself did work a little, but having the full circle of nutrients really boosted it.

morrighan87: I might give this a go! I dust my ends every full moon so I'll just do a full week of this following every full moon :)

bloom: Castor oil is the one that gives great hair growth! I've used it after my pregnancy when many women start to have real problems with hair loss. After just 3-4 times of using it, my hair stopped falling and the speed of growth was amazing! 4-5 centimetres per month! Castor oil all the way!!!

Ankita Minhas: I miss my long hair. Gosh! they were right below my butt (prolly 38’ long). The longest I’ve ever had. I cut them off cuz it gets hot here and I’m looking forward to growing them out again. This time I dunno why they’re taking a bit longer than usual to grow out. I’ll give this method a try.

luisa: I did this because I cut my hair very short and I grew 1.5 cm in 7 days without using oil

Ruta Tijunelyte: Wow,you are such a beauty!!Love you!!!❤️ I'm trying to grow my hair out and your all methods really work for me.Thanks for being

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