Moisturizing Dry Natural Hair | Retaining Moisture - Naptural85

  • Posted on 29 March, 2014
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

A few quick tips on how to keep dry natural hair moisturized throughout the year: winter, spring, summer, and fall. How to maintain moisture in your natural hair. And how to come up with the perfect moisture combination and routine for your own hair type and texture, so that you can reap the benefits of healthy, moisturized hair! Also how to keep straight set styles moisturized without wetting the hair with water. I hope this helps!

XoXo!! Nap

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What'S up guys, I totally had another video planned for this week, but I just posted an image on Instagram with some tips for moisturizing, your hair, I'm just coming off of a week of completely dry hair for another video. I felt inspired to post this image on Instagram, with just like a little tip about moisturizing your hair. So I'm just looking through all the comments and there's tons and tons of comments, and so I realize that I should probably make a video about this. So it seems like it's pretty pressing. I already have a blog post about keeping your hair moisturize, which I'll link in the description below so. First of all, we need to recognize that natural hair is naturally dry and I'm going to find a one time remedy or product, or anything that you're going to apply to your hair that you're going to do to your hair. That'S going to keep your hair moisturized indefinitely, that's never going to happen. That'S the most important thing to realize is that our natural hair is naturally dry. That'S never going to change it's like being tall being short being male or female. That can change actually never mind something that you're born with, and so we have to realize that first. So if you want moisturized hair every single day, what you need to do is you need to hydrate it every single day just like. If you went on living without ever drinking a drop of water you're going to be really dehydrated, like your body needs water. Every single day, you cannot live as a human being on this planet without consuming water every single day. So your hair is the exact same way. You need to moisturize it every day else is gon na dry and shrivel up into a little ball and puff. It goes so we need to really make sure that we're moisturizing it every single day if you keep your hair moisturize every day, you're, obviously going to experience, moisture everyday, but also the health of your hair is going to improve, because if you want your hair get Dry like for a couple of days a week even a couple of weeks, once you put moisture back on it, it will flourish again. However, if you go like a month or a couple of months without moisturizing, your hair, the health of your hair, is going to deteriorate. So more of you keeping her moisturize the healthier your hair will be in the process of adding that extra to your hair will get easier and easier and easier. You'Re never going to be able to stop doing that, but the health of your hair will improve and that process of keeping it moisturized will get easier. So if you are right now sitting there and your hair is super dry and you're like oh, my god, I have no idea what to do with my hair. It'S always dry, I'm so sick of it doesn't matter what I do hang in there, because it could just be the effects of long-term damage to your hair, from keeping it dry for so long. So just hang in there keep adding moisture to it, even if it seems like it's not helping just keep doing it, because eventually your hair will be like okay, I'm slowly getting back to life here, I'm slowly coming to don't ever give up adding moisture to your Hair just because you're not seeing instant results. Let'S talk about daily moisturizers. I personally like to use a mixture of water in aloe vera juice, so the water and the aloe vera juice is the moisture. Water is moisture. Aloe vera juice is a natural healer, so it helps to moisturize my hair, my hair drinks. It up helps to close my cuticles sealing it in creating a more shine to my hair, especially if it's cold. So I like to keep my water and aloe vera juice mixture in the fridge so I'll spray, a little bit of the aloe vera juice and water mixture. On my hair, I always follow it up with a sealant while aloe vera juice and water is the moisture. A sealant is an oil-based cream. That'S going to lock the moisture into your hair, so it can excrete. What happens is when you spray your hair with water or aloe vera juice? If you don't seal it, it can evaporate and then you're left with dry hair again, so you always won't have an oil based sealant to put over that moisture. That'S going to lock it in trap it into your hair, so that your hair can continue to drink and feed off of that moisture, keeping it moisturized for the duration of the day. Now the type of sealant that you use is up to your hair type. For me, I have really thick oily hair and it's really dense. I need something really thick and creamy lots of oils. My hair loves oils, so I like to use my homemade DIY shea butter cream, which I have a recipe for here on my youtube channel. My hair just absolutely loves it. It'S perfect for my hair, it's nice and dense, and it really traps that water in the oils and shea butter contain vitamins and minerals that my hair really loves, making it stronger and healthier, and so it's just the perfect concoction. For my hair, if you have a looser texture or thinner hair, if you're more like on a three side, two sides of curls, you want something that's going to be lighter. If I had thinner hair a loose, a looser curl like a two or three type of curl, I would use a really light product on my hair, something as simple as just like an oil almond oil or a little bit of coconut oil jojoba. You can use argan oil really anything something that's really light. That'S not going to weigh my hair down, so general rule would be, and there's always exceptions to the rule. The thicker more dense, more curly, more kinky, your hair. You want to go more towards a heavy ceiling, the Shea butters something really really thick and creamy and dense. That'S your hair is just going to drink up it's going to hold all that water and for the other side, those are really loose. Texture, even women. With straight hair, you're going to go with something that's very light like a simple oil or a product that is extremely light on your hair, because, if you use something, that's really dense, you're gon na be weighed down, and it's gon na have a horrible look to Your hair you're going to look like a wet noodle. It'S not gon na be good. Okay, so don't go there and on the flip side of that women with thick, dense hair, don't do just an oil, because it's not going to do anything for your hair. Your hair needs more than that, so the thicker, your hair, the thick of the sealant, the thinner and more loose the texture, the lighter the sealant you should go so to reiterate: moisturizer is water or water-based, and a sealant is oil-based and the thickness of it. The creaminess of it is going to depend on your hair type, so if you are trying to figure out what works for your hair personally, I always tell people start with water. Water is the most natural moisturizer you're ever going to find. I'Ve never met a human being on this planet who did not benefit from either drinking water or using water on their bodies. I'Ve never met anybody who is allergic to water, so I would start there. I think that's a good place to start, regardless of your hair type. Water is going to be the one thing that everybody benefits from so go start with that, and then you know, take a look at your hair type, see how thick it is see how thin it is. It'S really thick. I would try to seal with something that was thicker to start with and see how that works for you. If that works well, for you, then hey you've got it. That'S awesome if it doesn't work well, for you start to move more towards the lighter ceilings and vice versa. If you find that your hair is a looser curl or a very thin type of hair, I would start at the lighter ceiling so start with the oils and see, if that's enough for you, if that's not enough for you, then I would move towards the thicker Ceilings, I just find that's a really great place to start start with just simple water and then pick a sealant and then just test up different things to see what your hair likes. So if you want to moisturize your hair, but you have a roller set or you have a straight style and you don't want your hair, reverting, I would use an oil to act as a moisturizer and I put it in quotations because feeding your hair vitamins and Nutrients, however, it's not you know it's not water as long as you're, not using it in replacement of water and definitely I think, you'll be okay with using it on those occasions. When you know you don't want water touching your hair, so my favorite pics are argan oil, coconut oil and castor oil, argan oil and coconut oil, probably the best oils in this case and that easily absorb into the hair shaft. They both contain a lot of fatty acids that your hair is really going to benefit from. If you want to go on the lighter side, I'd go with the argan oil. It'S super lightweight once you put it on it, just immediately soaks into your hair. It'S like amazing, it doesn't feel greasy or oily or anything like that cold oil. A little bit more on me like oil, your side, then. Lastly, there's cash to oil, which is also a really great fatty oil. It'S really great at helping to repair damaged, helped grow. Your hair back stronger, the only common with castor oil is that it's really thick and when you put it on your hair, you're gon na know it's there so yeah. I hope that this video helped what I really want you to take away from it is that one, your hair is naturally dry and it needs to be maintained daily. The second thing is to realize that there's a difference between a sealant and a moisturizer, you need a moisturizer and then a sealant, and you need to do this on a daily basis and don't be frustrated if you're doing it and you in your hair feels hard Still it just, it depends on how long your hair has gone with being dry, so the longer hair has experienced being just totally dry the longer it's going to take for the moisture to really build up and for you to start seeing changes, sometimes you'll see it Instantly, but you know everyone's hair is different. Do you want to keep doing the daily moisture until you see the change and also experiment with what you use as a moisturizer experiment, with what you use as a sealant until you get the perfect mix for your hair type? So that was a lot. I hope this video helps you guys again, I'm going to put a link to my blog post in the description box, where I also talked about this, I believe, there's also links to videos in that blog post. I hope this video helps and I'll see you the next one click any of the links to the left for more in-depth hair care tips and click. The link to the right to check out my daily vlog Channel. I definitely got a call from a real identity thief, the other day, yeah good times I'll, see you guys there, member

CookingWithCarolyn: Thanks for the video Hun!  This is why you're listed as one of my favorite featured channels on my channel :D

Danii Danii: She is soooo on the money when she said to moisturize with water. I stopped using store bought moisturizers and started using water and oil and I have seen my mane grow and retain length ever since. My experience.

Ggirl491: I moisturize my hair once a week using only 4 products: Water, leave in conditioner, a water-based cream, and good old Blue Magic hair grease (blue jar) lol. In my opinion, grease is the best way to seal in moisture. I've experienced less shedding and hair breakage and don't have to moisturize my hair everyday (thank goodness because I'm lazy lol)

Rasheda Weaver: You have no idea how influential you are. Thank you for your videos and for being a leader in the natural hair community. You are appreciated.

Lollypopo: Practically everyone recommends coconut oil for natural hair but if you notice your hair is dry after using it, it probably isn't for you. I've being natural for 6 months and it took me way too long to realise the coconut oil was causing my hair to feel dry. My hair prefers the thicker stuff like Shea butter and castor oil. Like I said a lot of YouTubers love coconut oil but it's definitely not for everyone!

MsB: 2:47 Moisturizers water +Aloe vera 3:21 Sealants 7:08 roller sets best oils Argan oil light weight, castor oil thick oil

TheCreativeMission: you should be a teacher. do seminars, travel the world with your message. i loooove watching and learning from you! I appreciate the knowledge you spread and have applied a lot to my own life. i thank you Whitney! and my hair thanks you as well :) xo

NaturallyNatural: Yes so true with moisturizing. Looking at your videos and taking your advice has helped my hair tremendously. I use olive oils,Shea butter and water. My hair is like a sponge so I spritz water. Thank you so much for the information you share. Your truly helping a lot of us struggling even with just the simplest steps as retaining moisture which is hard.

Kimberly Bowser: Wow! Thank you, I have been experiencing super dry hair and was feeling super frustrated that I was having to apply moisture daily.. And the sealant part was really informative and makes a lot of sense. I have been using coconut oil as my sealant on my super thick 4C hair. I always feels nice for like the first hour, but definitely not the whole day even. I tried shea butter, but in its melted form. So, maybe that is why my hair hated it. I will try your DIY shea hair butter and see if my results improve. One said your hair type is it like 4A? Because it is so loose and bouncy. I have never seen 4C hair that moves that way...unless your is just super healthy and beyond well trained... Anyway lobe your informative vids. God bless!

BLACK PERCEPTION: I can see that your hair has grown so beautifully, and most of all, it's healthy as well. Your channel is so beneficial and I hope that a lot of women that have relaxed hair will come their senses and try going natural again. Thank you for such motivational tips, I will use this method (currently suffering with dry hair) and patiently wait on the results!

AshasMom: I love the sealant sliding scale! I have really thin, but extremely kinky coily hair so I have to be in between. I can however get away with using your diy shea cream for twist outs. It's great for sealing in moisture, I mean that moisture ain't going nowhere. However, I cannot use it for everyday use. For everyday, I have a olive oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil mixture that my hair loves! Thanks for sharing ur knowledge.

Dana Bagnall: Thank you soooo much for your helpful tutorials. It had helped me greatly to be natural and free. My hair texture is like a 4b/4c. I went from being told I have centrifugal alopecia and that it is progressive to the 3 bald patches growing in healthy, thick and strong. To God be glory. I wore 2 wigs from November-June. I did the big chop in November. I've been taking hairfinity, biotin 5000mg, zinc, vitamin D3 2000mg & fish oil. My external regimen for my hair has included aloe vera juice & water along with your mixture of recommended oils and shea butter. I also cowash sometimes twice a week because I run and work out now. Thank you for helping a sista to understand and appreciate that our hair needs tender loving care like you would do with a plant or any other living being. Most importantly. ..I thank God. You are a an asset. Appreciatively, Dlivnlife

Perpetua: This information couldn't come at a better time. I was totally struggling with my transitioning hairstyles. It always came out looking so dry. I didn't know what i was doing wrong. Thanks to you I realized I just needed some patience with my hair and to use a thicker sealant and it works great. Great video , keep up the good work.

Sarah McGee: Naptural5, I have followed your channel for years. Your inspirational videos have really helped me with my "natural journey". Did the BIG chop in 2012, and have never looked back, now I'm in the process of making my own hair products, and again, my inspiration comes from you.

Chaina Bernadeau: WOW, this video was sooo helpful!!! I learned a lot from it and now I know how to take of my hair better. Your videos are so specific and informational that I cant help but to love them. Please continue to make more!

LBellatrix: Great video as always, Whitney! One thing I would add: You may find that some oils/butters may work differently as your hair grows. For example, jojoba oil was a perfect sealant when my hair was less than 2 inches long, but after that it was as if I'd put nothing on it. Conversely, I always found shea butter to be too heavy for my fine strands but now that I'm approaching APL it's become a miracle sealant for my ends. Experimentation is an absolute must!

Alisha Pagan: Girl, you just helped me so much with my hair. I have thick hair and it has high porosity and I kept wondering why it dried out so quickly. Getting knotted so quickly. I was on this thought process that all I needed was coconut oil. SMH! Thank you so much!!

Chanelle Bonner: I know that this is an older video, but thank you for this.  I just took braids out, and my hair has been feeling quite resistant to all forms of moisture that I use.  But I will give my hair time to repair and continue my daily moisture regiment.  Thanks again!

Nicole Davis: I loved this video! My daughter and I have been experiencing dry hair for awhile now and I had no idea what to do to keep it moisturized. Thanks again for sharing these great tips and keep on making videos :-)

Maureen Gannaway: I want to thank you so much for this video. I went natural in 2016.. hair fell out. Now in 20/20. I never heard anyone EXPLAIN in detail like you just did. My hair has been dry for so long and I never kept it moisturized daily. I always let it get dessert dry. I will do as you suggested. My sister kept telling me to stop using perm. Now that I'm natural it feels good.

Hair By Matilda: I was using different oils for a couple of months, as oil-treatments and using them as leave-in-treatments, but I still felt my hair was dry (my hair is scandinavian, pretty straight, dry and has split ends) no matter how much oil I used! But then I tried this method, the moisture + sealant, and now I can actually feel and see a difference, and my hair has grown suprisingly much (since my ends aren't dry and don't break off as much now that my hair is moisturised). My hair can, of course, look a bit oily afterwards, because of my light/straight hairtexture, but I don't mind at all! :)

Writer2u: I love this video. I learned a while back when I started going natural that I had to use a shea butter mixture on my hair as opposed to just oil because I also have very thick hair. HUGE difference! My question is how important is moisture on my hair if I have it braided? I am currently wearing my hair in braids and I haven't been adding moisture to it and I'm concerned with how it will look once I take the braids out. Is it too late to start moisturizing it and do I use my shea butter mixture or just the aloe/water mixture? Thanks. LOVE all your channels.

Foot Kindness: I'm loving your videos! My hair is very thick and dry at times so l need to moisturize it regularly. You have inspired me to make my own hair products and enjoy the hair that God gave me. Keep up the good work xx

Natasha Fowler: Thank you for taking the time to explain the mystery of natural hair and why it will never stop going back to dry. I always felt I didn't do it right or wasn't spending enough money on THE product to give me "good" hair. Sincerely THANK YOU for this video

Lola Brown: Excellent video. My hair was extremely dry, so I tried the argan oil last night, where I wet my hair, sectioned it, gently detangled it, put argan oil on the section, and two strand twisted. Woke up this morning, and my hair was super moisturized! Thank you!

Michelle Serafini: I love watching this video! My hair so badly needs this!! I have watched this video five times because I want to make sure your good advice sinks in and I remember all these tips. I really appreciate your help. Thanks.

Kia T: Love thisa vid Whitney! I really needed to hear this the winter weather has been so hard on my hair. I have had to buy products that help with dryness! I even bought the carol's daughter that you suggessted! I hope this works! 

HarmonyLotus: I've been following your methods for the last few days and have already noticed a difference - my hair feels softer, shinier and healthier. Thank you so much!

SHOOSHOOBALOO: You have helped SO MUCH! Thank you. I continue to learn so much from you. I keep watching the older videos over and over and I have notes on cards so I can pull the index card I need and diy myself to a better place. I am getting there, slowly but surely. Thank you for the journey and the education. Oh and thank you for Melanin! LOVE IT! Keep going, onward and upward!

Tiffany Smith: I'm starting fresh with my natural hair journey that started 12 years ago. I plan on starting from your first video and moving forward, and I hope for waist-length hair by year two. I'm just above bra strap, so I know this product cleansing journey will be great!

amickis: Hi Whitney. I just want to say that your channel is my absolute favorite for natural hair tips! My hair type is almost identical to yours, which is why I choose to seek you for hair advice. This video, like all your other videos, is very informative, not to mention, right on time. Before watching this video, I was sitting here with conditioner in my hair, contemplating which products to use today to combat dryness. I've been natural for 2.5 yrs, and your tutorials have helped me throughout this journey more than you will ever know. Now, I'm off to fill my spray bottle w/water and aloe vera juice, lol. Thanks! <3

ANBB: Thank you! I live in Mass as well. As you know we had a horrific winter. I feel kinda dumb now. Clearly the dry air is drying my hair out and I need to put it back daily. The olive oil wasn't working in the back of head where my curls are tighter. My BFF made me 3 jars of Shea butter mix so I'm good to go!

LuLa L: I want to say thank you you have inspired me to keep continue wearing my natural hair out since 2010"! I appreciate all your videos that help to know there is beauty in my 4c and by showing me all the homemade way I can make at home! I have been following since 2010, I been natural since 2010 and proud of it ! thank you!

S Mendoza: Great tips Whitney! I just started using your Daily Shea Butter Cream and I've noticed a positive difference in my hair, but the only change I've made is using avocado oil for the castor oil.  Castor oil is a little to thick for my hair type (4c medium thick).  Thanks again for all your tips!

PrimordialBeing: You are literally my hair hero, lol. I have similar hair texture as you so your pics and videos give me drive to continue this journey though it requires lots of work and dedication. I just want it super long already, lol. Peace and blessings to you queen!

AwakenTheGoddess: Thank you so much! I had to come and revisit because I am currently stuggling with dryness. I have high porosity hair and I haven't figured out how to keep it moisturized everday without manipulating it everday. Such a hard balance.

ashantilynn: I finally cut off my relaxed hair after a year without a relaxer and I'm so excited about my natural hair journey, thank you for all of the helpful tips! ^-^

DetectiveTective: I have verrry thick hair, but it hates heavy butters. It prefers something extremely light. So I made my own butter/cream that's very light, with cupuacu butter, Aloe Vera butter, coconut oil, castor oil, and babassu oil. If any of you out there have hair like mine, and you want to try it for yourself, go pick up those things online, make it and see if it works for you! :D

Alicia Mendsey - Natural Hair Journey & Goals: I have been using aloe vera juice since 2012 based on your advice in a previous video. I have a 32 ounce bottle of aloe vera juice in my refrigerator right now. You offer so many good tips. Keep it coming. Thank you so much for the information that you share. Have a good week:)

Anne D: I absolutely love your videos. Keep doing them. I know it's hard to come up with ideas. But we need you on YouTube.

Scam Legitimate Review: I love this video!!!! And thank you for taking the time to put it all together. Towards the end and after reading the comments I got soooo emotional.

HAK2014: I love this video. I've been frustrated all along that I haven't been able to find a moisturizer that works for my hair. I'm happy to now know that water works fine too. Lots of good info in this video.

Pocahontasnc: Hello Miss Naptural85 (aka Whitney)! You're my new-found hair buddy! LOL I started wearing my hair natural about 2 yrs ago. And I was doing it all wrong! LOL Then I discovered your videos! Thanks to you, I'm on the right track, now! I also have a niece who just recently went natural, and I told her to follow you, too! I had read somewhere (or seen a video) that stated I should clip my ends every 6 weeks. And I did just that, setting back my hair growth. I will be trimming my ends every 6 months, now, according to your vlog. And Gurl I am wondering if you are a Scorpio (plz confirm). We have some things in common: Introvert,; Freelance graphic Designer; "[Don't be frequenting my table with chit chat while I'm eating, puttin' your hands all over my baby!]" LOL! Just want you to know that anytime YOU can make a difference in someone's life, building their self esteem, giving them hope–this you do with your HAIR vlogs–that makes you AWESOME (and you to Filipe for supporting her)!

Cydney Winzor: Thank you so much for this video! I never used to moisturize my hair when it was being straightened weekly and now my hair is SUPER dry! I have gotten into the habit of moisturizing and sealing but I never saw any results. And I just recently BC and it still looks dry, but I think I just need to give my hair some time and switch to a heavier butter like shea. I will definitely try your DIY, thank you so much for your videos. You're a god send. 

Jacqueline: Thank you!! I never knew that water moisturises your hair, I always thought wetting my hair would damage it but this makes so much more sense! This is so helpful

Christina Lynn: Love this video, thank you! My question is - how much water should you spray on your hair? I'm never sure whether I'm using too much or too little. Same with the sealant. I know it will vary from person to person, but what signs should I look for to know I've used the right amount? I don't want to soak my hair, but then lots of times it still seems dry after I moisturize.

Cece: This explains so much!! Thanks for this educational video! I Really needed it bc, I never knew why my hair was so dry!! Haha! It all makes sense i know how to effectively moisturize my hair!! :)

PBrooks2022: Awesome video. Your tips transformed my hair. I keep a spray bottle with water on my counter. I mist daily and seal. My hair loves it! Also I finger detangle and co wash. No combs or brushes and no silicones. Thank you so much!

Yahushua's Chosen: Thank you so much for doing this video! Your natural hair is absolutely beautiful! I will do this starting today. :)

Chef Kendra Nguyen: Very, very good advice. Although I keep my hair extremely cropped I still enjoyed your videos :)

OG Cheri: Love your videos! ! I've been following you and the family for a long time 》》》 Thanks For Sharing And Being An Inspiration On Healthy And Natural Hair Care Ect.!!! And To See Your Beautiful Baby Girl Before She Was Born And How She Is Growing And Keeping You All Busy Is A Joy To Watch! ! You All Rock!!! Thanks Again

Chauntell Ross: Hi Whitney I've been watching your videos since I first started my natural hair journey and as of today I'm 1year and 7 months natural (yaay me!!) BUT lately (past 2-3months)I've noticed that when I wash my hair there is A LOT of shedding, although my hair is still getting longer , I'm pretty worried that over time all this shedding will result in short hair. PLEASE HELP!!

Amber Arias: Hey loved this video!! my questions is: how do you moisturize daily without ruining your twist out or braid out etc? would it make sense to mix an oil with some water? Thanks LOVE your channel !! ALL your videos have helped me through so much !

Khalia Nicole: This was a great one! Though I already knew all this info, the way you broke it down just kinda woke me up.. specifically the part about not giving up even though your hair may be super dry. I've let my hair get to the "damaged" level of dryness and I've been feeling like there's nothing that seems to work to make it feel fabulous and moisturized again. But then I watched your vid and was like, "You know she's right. You let it get too far and now you have to just keep moisturizing consistently until your hair catches up again." So thanks for this one!!

Reonna S: Your page rocks!!!! I just went natural a year ago and my hair is really growing out! I am always looking for natural hair help and I can tell ur page is going to help me out a lot! Your hair is soooo BEAUTIFUL! keep up the great work!

Reonna S: Your page rocks!!!! I just went natural a year ago and my hair is really growing out! I am always looking for natural hair help and I can tell ur page is going to help me out a lot! Your hair is soooo BEAUTIFUL! keep up the great work!

QueenofAlternative97: This has to be the most helpful video about natural hair care I've found!!! Everyone talks about oils and moisture, but I was confused since I couldn't find concrete definitions of either of them! (I had an idea but no straightforward definition) But this has finally answered my questions! Thanks so much!!

Iman Hassen: Hey Naptural85! I follow you quite often. Thank you for all the information. My hair def. has your thickness (not your length) mine is just past my shoulders. My question is, with all the sealants that you use. Shea Butter for you, how often are you using the the sealant? Everyday? And if you are using it everyday how quick is the buildup. Once my hair is reaches it's saturation level (after 3 applications of an oil) it stops doing anything, holding any pattern and just looks blah. How often are you washing your hair if you are using a sealant everyday? Thank you!

rosanneab: Thank you for this, I kept wondering why even though I am anal about moisturizing my hair, nothing is happening but maybe it is because it was dry for a long time before I got into the moisturizing process so it is helpful that you addressed that. Thank you. I will try this!!!

Lyons in the Garden: The water and oil works very well for my hair!! Also I've learned that the heavier oils are best for me! Through trial and error! Thank you naptural85

S Bella: Naptural, you are so good at sharing hair information without doing the most. Love it. Thankyou.

natrucurls: Whit I want to thank you for all your DIY tips. My hair is growing down my back (it use to hit my shoulders as in my post pix) and never grown pass them. Since I have been following your tips and tweaking them for my hair (3C with a 4A crown) the crown is finally getting closer to the texture of the rest of my hair. I brag about all I have learn from you and pass it on to my friends. I love, love my hair now that I understand how to naturally care for it and I gladly give the props to you. Keep doing what you are doing.

The Farmer Family: OMG thank you SOOOOOO much for this video!!!! Dry hair is a constant battle for me. So thank you for giving me my battle weapons

Eva Rene’: You’re right, always exceptions to the rule...I have 3C, thin density hair. I’m letting my natural grey grow out from years of dying it so the porosity is “crazy.” However, my hair needs more than just oils. It likes a medium butter or gel as an accompaniment to oils, straight water, rice/essential water. I wonder though-can I leave my hair in “moisture” coils for weeks at a time safely? Is that damaging?

Nsedu Onyile: Thanks a lot. This video was very helpful and very informative. I was already getting frustrated with my dry hair

Audia Renee: This video has helped me so much. I am a beginner at transitioning and your videos are my go to link for tips. Thank you so much for all that u do❤️❤️

Moichepit: Whitney! ! Is like you were listening to the conversation I was having with my self. I just did and overnight oil treatment on my hair (it was dripeeeeeen... #life is hard ) And my hair is still dry (I've been a bad girl). This video couldn't have came at a better time because I have not been consistent. I am definitely going to experiment with my shea, Aloe Vera and other moisturizers, then top it all of with mini twists to give myself and hair a much needed rest. Thanks!

J. Jones: Thanks for the vid! I actually just applied a lotion mixed in water solution to my hair because I dont have a hair moisturizer right now. I sealed with coconut oil :D  Oh, and I really liked the scale you used to show whether to use thicker vs thinner sealants. Just thought I'd mention that haha.

Shon Lee: I've been natural for a while and I can definitely tell my hair has gotten to the length that it refuses to grow beyond, and I know it's because I don't moisturize my hair as often as I should, I notice you love the coconut oil and alot of people tell me I should use it buy I hate the way it smells!ugh! is there anything I can mix it with some people said lavender or orange scent but I'm not a fan of lavender and the orange I went and smelled just toooo orangey lol please help

stop08it: i found out my hair was dry because my body was starved for nutrients. Had to change my diet as natural hair will clearly reflect what's going on in the body. It's important (even more so if you are very deficient) to nourish the hair from the inside and out. My focus is not my hair but my health but of course healthy hair reflects a healthy body.

Donnetta McCray: Ok so THIS VIDEO helped me so much. Now I truly know what I have and haven't been doing to help my hair. Thank you so much!❤️❤️

HarmonyLotus: Thank you. I will try this and see how it goes. You explain things so clearly and it is great that you include people with different hair types and curl patterns. I am of South Indian descent and have wavy 2a/2b hair which is thick but also really really dry. I can't even comb it and I have no idea how to solve this. I look forward to trying your methods out.

Yanicheyanne1: I just did the big chop a month ago so I'm new to the natural hair community & confused so this helped SO MUCH, Whitney!!! Thank you!

CKW: I'm so glad I came across this video. I've noticed that my hair holds curls a lot better in the center of my hair. I think it's because my hair never fully dries. So I'm going to make sure to keep all my hair moist. I'm tired of fizzy weird looking curls.

arielartista: How often do you moisturize? I do the LOC method everyday, but I read online about "hydral fatigue" (where your hair gets damaged after constantly wetting and drying it because the cortex keeps having to go up and down) and now I'm confused...should I do your method everyday or will that cause hydral fatigue?

T Faith: Hey using your tips has really made my hair grow and has inspired me to take better care of my hair!!! Thank you.

L Harper: Thanks so much. I was having a difficult time with dry hair. Your info has definitely put me on the right track.

Darbae: I love love love love love your hair ! It's gorgeous. My question is do you moisturize your roots and scalp? If so, do you use pomade or oil to do so? Btw this video was really helpful.

Kira Thompson: Thanks so much for the tips! I have crazy thick hair and have been living in Thailand where the only sealant I have is coconut oil. And then I'm always wondering why my hair is dry. Looks like I'm gonna have to get something stronger and thicker shipped here. Thanks again! :)

Michelle Telfo: I spent a couple of weeks with a curly, wrapped updo because I wasn't at home with my usual products and didn't really know what to do. I just sprayed water on it with a bottle everyday and sometimes applied Vaseline which I usually hate to use, and redid the twists and was good to go. After a few weeks of that, I washed my hair. Of course, the Vaseline took a few washes to remove. But when I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, what a difference! I had always underestimated the power of just water and I had always been drawn away from Vaseline, I thought it was actually bad for your hair. But I guess that daily moisture and the occasional Vaseline to seal and not really over stressing my hair just made it... FANTASTICALLY moisturizerized. My hair feels thick and full and soft and just retains moisture like it never has. I will continue to moisturizerize and seal in conjunction with my new flexi rod regimen. I'm gonna be trying that out this week. But yea, my gosh, water is so good for your hair! Especially sealed. Who knew, lol.

Michelle Williams: Thank you so much beautiful! My hair is going crazier than usual now that it's winter.

Tyra Rice: Thank you very much for explaining this. I've been on my natural hair journey for almost 5 years and's been very challenging.

Keymarie Payne: I'm excited to start this natural hair journey your videos are very informative!!!!

- 𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 -: Great tips I hate when my #hair looks so dull, dry and tired. I make dhe butter for my #eczema on skin but I really need to give it a shot in my hair as well. Thanks Whitney. Xoxo

The Heart Wants: This was so helpful! Thank You!! Just what I needed to see/hear :)

carriesteptoe: Thank you so much for breaking that down for me.Now I understand that my kinky curls need a more dense sealant.Thank you!!Love your tutorials!

Whitney Williams: I soooo need this video! Thank you very much! It was so informative. My daughter has your hair type and I have been lost. Her hair is super dry. :( I can't wait to use the information I have now!

Thelma Ortiz: As a new subscriber to your channel I love and appreciate your advice! Thank you

Aniyah Jung: Sigh... Naptural85, you are one of the prettiest mommies ever. Really, just great beauty and great hair. Take care! Peace.

Lindsey Simmons: Great video...I’m glad that I found this video! My hair has been soooo dry lately & it’s very frustrating!!!

MayraOnEarth: Thanks for making my life and relationship with my hair so much better. Love your videos, I wish all black Brazilians could understand them and finely take pride on their hair too. <3 <3 <3

Courtney Bishop: Thank you for this video, 2nd day from my big chop. I didn't know a lot, I've always straightened my hair since I was 4.

: this video was so helpful and informative! thank you =)

hot4hrithik: This was a very helpful video I natural suffer from both dry hair and skin and this video really helped me to realize the errors I have been making.

Sister Allyson: Thanks a lot for these great tips. My sister and I are sitting here grateful for your helpful video.:)

Alexandria JeanPierre: Hey Whitney! I recently discovered that I have low porosity hair and have been moisturizing my hair incorrectly for the 4 years that I have been natural. Do you have any tips moving forward?

Candy De Lucena: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! This is EXACTLY what I needed and it came at the perfect time. Thanks again Whitney!

Sava: It's not that natural hair is always dry, it's just that it need water everyday (or every other day). Our hair is actually like a plant. Would you say that a plant is naturally dry? No, but it's just that plants need water everyday (or every other day) in order to sustain themselves. They need to be watered regularly, or they will wither away. Same thing with out hair! It is a plant that needs water regularly.

fatandskinny schultz: Thank for the tips, I was confused about sealants. I have coarse thick hair, the aloe helps with detangling and gives my hair shine & moisture.The green house effects really works for me too, wearing a plastic bag on my hair covered with a scarf for two nights really adds moisture and helps my hair grow.

D'AdraK Smith: I just wanted to say Thank you ...this is my second time going natural and May makes one year...this time around your videos have been so helpful with my Natural Thanks again

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