Natural Hair Starter Kit & Everything You Need To Know About Being Natural!! Watch & Take Notes!

  • Posted on 27 March, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Hey family!! In todays video I am sharing my take on a Natural Hair Starter Kit!! This is ESSENTIAL for everyone who is natural! Whether you are starting your journey or deep into it! Take notes & ENJOY! Let me know which tips either helped you or you will be implementing here on out!!





TWISTOUT 101 Series

Stay connected with me via IG: @CurlieCrys

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Intro Song: Emmy Trish -Damn, He Compelling

FTC: Not Sponsored

#NaturalHairStarterKit #NaturalHair

What'S good fam, hey happy Friday family? What'S going on it's your girl, crystal aka, curly, cursing y'all, I miss y'all. Okay, this quarantine got six. I would look my heaven everywhere since, but I'm back today with another video for you guys, I'm gon na try to get back to upload my three videos a week, cuz now that I'm at home working for my job. I really have no excuse, although I'm still working the same on an hour, so I was trying to like getting a lot from me at one point, but I'm a hustle, I'm a grind. So I want to get those three videos every week out for you guys. I'M excited for today's video because y'all been askin says to do a natural hair and starter kit or gon na move and natural. What do I need for this hair? So I'm coming right here today to tell y'all what all helped me. What I use I'm giving you the ins and outs, the do's and don'ts, and all that good stuff, also, if you are new to the family, meaning if you are new to this channel, make sure you go ahead and do one thing for your girl. Okay, I smash that thing down below. It is time baby to claim your seat at the table. Okay, we have a spot waiting just for you to go ahead and smash that button join the family, and then you always be caught up with these tips. This news, this natural hair, everything, okay, everything so y'all. I know we are all in some some before and some down spirits right now with this quarantine and a virus every time I hear that song, I just oh, my gosh cardi anyway, so just stay positive, guys. Okay, try to stay positive. Try your best to just not allow us to get to you. If you have a job you are blessed. There are so many people who are finally for unemployment, who are just not in a position to provide for themselves right now, like the yesterday, they were able to today they were not able to like it's a big drastic change. I found myself kind of starting to complain and then I was starting to research online and I was like yo. We are blessed if we have jobs still, you know so count. Your blessings know that someone always has it worse than you do and just be grateful. Okay, alright, so let's go ahead and hop right into today's V D: yep haha, I'm so excited through this video. I don't even know why, but I am and y'all. I took all my notes. Okay, I say since I'm not forgetting nothing for this video, I'm giving y'all error all the scoop, all its it's. Okay, Oh also, this is a twist out sis. I found something that you guys who want me to film, and I was a week in my natural hair routine. I'M currently filming that right now that will be a very very soon and our society ought to see it because I'm giving you all the tips on what I did for this hair and everything. So, let's get on to these tips. So, whenever I think of a natural hair, starter kit, I think of it in two different topics, one for the actual tools and two for the actual attempts and the mindset you need to have going onto this journey. So I'm getting into both of those today because they are both very very important, both both very very essential to natural hair. Okay, I'm gon na just flow go and flow and Harvard comes out. That'S how I was gon na go cuz. I want to be authentic. So whenever I, the first thing I want to touch on is a natural hair journey. Natural hair during the yacht. Scarlet journey for a reason is not going to be simple. It'S not going to be one way, one carbon copy for this one person that work for them don't work for you. It is a journey. It'S about finding what really works for you. What does not work for you and moving on and figuring out what tips would technique with routine? What styles make your hair drive nourish your hair, all those things, so it's called a natural hair journey for a reason do not get discouraged if it becomes tough. Do not get discovered because you have a hair style, fail it's a journey. It'S all about you growing into this new life with your hair. That is natural first and foremost, do not get discouraged. Is it natural hair journey? I'M going to show you guys some pics of when I was transitioning and when I cut my all my hair off, so I didn't do a big chop at first, I didn't think was a big shot before she cut the hair up. I was like, oh alright. Let'S get to the tools for your hair tools are so important y'all. So when it comes to the tools, you need a comb where's. My comb need a comb, a wide tooth comb this. That was what you need for detangling, okay, a wide toothed comb. You also gon na need a brush a detangling brush. I managed to do one I use for detangling. Is my Felicia Leatherwood that one is in the bathroom? I think so. I'M not gon na get that, but Felicia let a little brush is amazing for detangling. No, when it comes to defining, I have my Denman AKO. This is a pattern duty brush, but it's basically the Denman brush, because it looks like kind of the same concept. It'S purple because I had dyed my hair purple and I didn't rinse it out, but it don't judge me and then some people eyes use like the tango TV type of brush this, like that, as I am one I don't use this one but Tangle Teezer has Brushes, it's like this shape and everything people like, and then this is also a good one - is to be careful brush, I'm just giving you guys options at this, like I'm just telling you guys you but like what you need and you need a brush if you Want to just get one brush, I highly suggest just Geitner Felicia, let the one brush, because that one you can detangle in the shower and also you can. It can define your hair when you are styling and also a good detanglers when you're styling. So if you're starting out, I would just suggest getting that one brush, because that one is, in my opinion, the best one for everything you're going to need a spray bottle. Where is my spray bottle? So all you really need is a water. Is water in your spray bottle like spray bowels are very syndra, though, because that you need to refresh your hair. If you need to whenever you're styling your hair, you have to make sure your hair is moisturized. Big thing is moisture when it comes to being natural hair when it comes to being natural when you're transitioning, when you're just cutting a hair off even on my stage net water is so important. Water is moisture, so you have to make sure your hair is moisturize. It is not your hair, it's not gon na be healthy. It'S nothing to grow! It'S like a flower. If you don't water, the flower, it's nothing grow! You don't get that flower food, it's not gon na grow, so water is the basis for that moisture for natural hair. Also, you are going to need age Jim for me since, and it is mean a lot out of you and you're, not so big on your edges in that side. But for me my Asians got to be slayed at all times. I just like it adds a little extra pizazz to the styles, so you guys know the edge y'all been using. Is the honey and castor won by originals by Africa's best? I love this one. It'S so good gives me a good hold and everything, and then it's in the brush. You need a toothbrush to slip. Those edges down when you become natural toothbrushes are no longer just forget: teeth: huh, okay! I don't use the same one University with this. Get you a new toothbrush, okay and be using the same one. Just click the X on this video right now and just log out log off on me, sweetie. Okay, that's what you can do period. Also tools. Do you need scissors scissors for a shrimp sis? Okay, you need some scissors. These are the main show. I love these shears. There Courtney knows she'd be doing so. I trust some of my hair Courtney is the owner of the main choice. By the way you need some scissors for those regular trims. You have to give yourself regular trims because that's how your hair grows. Your hair goes from the scalp, but it breaks at the other tip. So yeah make sure those tips are nice and manicured, because if not, it's gon na split up the shaft and you're not gon na get any growth in okay, your hair gon na still be growing, but you're, not gon na see any length or results all right. Now, let's get into all the sad stuff, you need a bonnet okay, bonnet that satin line. You need a satin scarf. Okay, you need a bigger bonnet for when your hair starts to grow. So, for now you can get the smaller bonnet. When your hair starts to grow. You gon na need to get a bigger, bonnet. Okay, I use a big one right now, because my hair is big, so these are all from ISIL candy, no Fay. I love the African bonnets. These are my favorite and inside the scrunchies. Just for like your nighttime routine, anything you're gon na need outside scrunchie, okay, science scarves. You need this to tie up those edges. If you do a nice cute styling, your hair, you need a satin scarf to tie it up. The reason why we use satin we're a natural. It'S because satin allows our hair to not have friction, friction equals phrase, satin, glides, very, very smoothly. That'S why everything we use is satin. Okay, welcome to the satin life. Also, if you have your hair and twisting you don't want to deal with it, you guys know I live for the Gracie lay a saddle on caps. Satin says can't get around this satin line. Look at that this is all so. What you gon na need is a sideline cap. You don't really necessarily need it, but I love them. I use them all the time, it's great for your hair, because the satin line and it makes stuff cute - also satin, pillowcase, satin pillowcase. Anything your hair touches satin. Okay, anything touches touches the back, so I'll choose the shop. Satin touch the cats and okay satin. Don'T make it anything else but satin, that's it kinda, satin, no kind, satin; okay, that's the new fabric of choice for natural hair. So when it comes to a cream, if you have low density air you're not going to want to use a cream - that's very, very thick because it may weigh your hair down. So you just want to find what product works for your hair. I'M high porosity, high density, thick hair all the way over here, thick creams, thick butter. That is the perfect thing for me. It keeps my hair moisturize for an extended period of time, and it just keeps my hair define shiny, like bouncy everything, so fine which cream works for you. The same thing goes with an oil think oils are perfect for me. Light lighter oils may be perfect for you, you have little bin city hair, see what type of hair you have. What and then and I've never said what type I don't mean the letter and number three, a 3 B - 4 Z. No, I don't mean that so that does nothing for you, honestly. What you know is your porosity and your density. All that hair typing says don't even worry about it. Don'T even waste your time with it as not important at all a letter and a number cannot define your hair. However, it may put you in a right ballpark range to see what type of products you need for your hair based off the words other people, but do not depend on that to get the products for your hair, because that's not you're not going in the right Direction your hair density and your hair porosity matters the most. If you need to know how to find out your hair porosity, I did the hair porosity test, where I got a cup of water to the strand of my hair, put it in the water and saw where it floated in at the top, the middle or the Bottom I'll enter the chart, so you guys can see with what each location means and that's how you know your hair porosity and then you get products based off of that. Then hair density just means how thick or thin as your hair thin hair didn't here means that you just have less strains. Okay, no big deal hey! If you ask me that's less time to style, I mean with this high-density. Okay, I'm styling forever. Since I got there, so if you have less hair and it looks full away - it's dry kudos to you - you had that's amazing. You have thick hair, that's amazing, whatever comes out of your scalp is amazing. Okay, so density is all about just how much hair you have in your hand how thick are your strands and then that's gon na tell you also what products worked for you. So when it comes to gels, I'm gon na tell you guys my personal experience. You guys know I'm not a big gel person and the reason for that is because I just feel like gels, making my hair on the crunch of your side and very dry very quickly to me. So I'm not that big of a gel person. Hence why? I don't do a lot of washing goes, however, gel work for some people and some people like jealous, but for me it would. I recommend it to not lean so much on gels whenever you're transitioning or whenever your newly natural, but especially when you're transitioning, guys that listen to this, please please, please. When I was transitioning, I would always slick my hair up into a bun and put like rollers at the top from my prefer, my um relaxed hair, so the texture could blend, or I was slicked it to the back on top, not button y'all. I was known for when it came to transitioning. I was known for a tapenade bun and guess what all that pulling my hair back, brushing my brushing my thoughts, brushing the crap out of my hair to get it slicked back that altered my natural hair texture. When I cut my hair, the front part of my hair was so loose. It was just so okay, and that was because I had stretched my hair so much by keeping it in those ponytails in those high buns. That was the most stretched. Part of my hair was the front, so my hair texture was completely different. I had loosen the front curly in the back. I hated it even now. My hair is still kind of like looser in the front, but when I first caught up since that was a type of loose okay, it was not cute and the person who cut my hair off told me that she was like huh. Do you wear a lot of buttons and I was like yeah it shows like well, that's why I just try to not do that as much also trying not using much gel, because that will affect it. So, let's talk about products, let's products, the better! Please write that down less products, the better since less products, the better. When I was natural y'all, I was buying everything like if I went to Sally's nose like ooh. I would reason that say it's gon na make your hair shiny and I'm like. Oh, I need that, and then I was on my cabinet, and I already had a Polish this day is gon na make your hair shiny. It'S gon na make your hair moisturize go make your hair thick. Why are they another one like it's? Just we get so excited about all these products. Do something that's new for us, but we're just wasting our money says because what matters the most is the routine of your hair. Okay. So what you need is a shampoo I, like the cold wash as well. So I have a co-wash, then, when I use a lot was that I am cold, wash the coconut one. Now it's not holy grail when I was transitioning also to eating body works when choose one, do not need both simplifying so shampoo, a co-wash, a conditioner. Now you gon na horrible something hold up. Awesome conditioning assists okay, because the conditioner is what's gon na keep your hair, moisturized and growing. That is what matters: okay, conditioner, to talk a little bit more about that. Also get you a dryer or a steamer. That is going to a lot of that products to penetrate into your strands. If you have thick hair like me, you most definitely need to a dryer. I have the old-fashioned dryer. You guys have seen my dryer. I put my cap on my hair sittings that bad boy and let it just do its thing. My hair sometimes needs the theme in the dryer to get that product to really seep into my strands, because sometimes it just sits on top of my hair. So it's better, especially since I'm low porosity. That means my hair has a harder time except product accepting water, so I really have to get on the additional help. So I use my dryer so we'll get that product to seep into my strands. That'S so important! Deep conditioning is the key, the the goat for your natural hair journey. You have to deep condition that is what's really providing that moisture, no matter which her and hair density porosity is. You need to do condition since shower caps are also an essential for a natural hair, starter kit, because that's what you're going to put on your hair, you cannot deep conditioned without a shower cap or a plastic bag. If you don't have a shower cap, you got some grocery bags. We all got them dialect. Well, if you don't okay, I know you got some grocery bags up next cabinet tied up. Okay, get the grocery bags open that bad boy, I'll put it on your hair. Do not allow any holes to be in it and get underneath that dryer? Okay, that is what you need. So, let's go into the styling part. Now so a natural hair started kid styling y'all! All you need is three products for styling, three or four products. You need to find what works for your hair. Do not please do not buy every single product that comes out, do not buy every new thing on the market because it looks like oh that made that maybe with my hair needs, that's it right there. You do have to find what works for your hair, but once you found it stick to it, you may have to switch it up like every six months, every six months, because you don't want your hair to get used to the same thing, but hoarding and accumulation Of products is now where it's at that does not grow your hair. That does not keep your hair healthy, it's more about your routine! That keeps your hair healthy, your routine matters, the most for me, leaving cream oil doses. That'S a trio that works in my hair. That'S what allows my hair to stay moisturized for a long time, a thick moisturizer without a thick leaving but moisturizing, leaving a nice thick cream or a butter and a moisturizing oil, a thick oil. That'S the trio that works amazing from my hair. If I can just pick three products that I was sticking from my entire routine, I will do that and if I wasn't an influencer, I would probably stick to just three three to six products from my hair that I would just rotate, but in between you don't Need to purchase every prize that you see me use. I use products in selling influence that I do is entertain you guys. Yes, I want you guys to purchase the prizes as well, but I don't want you to purchase every single product. I use because there's no benefit to that, because that's not what's going to keep your hair healthy, what's going to keep it healthy. Is that routine that you stick with that's? What'S the most important that water bottle, keeping your hair moisturized, that's what's so important, all right! So I kind of feel, like I touched on all of the tangible things you need for our natural hair starter kit. Hopefully that helps you. Let me know in a comment section down below: if that did help you that's essential, y'all and overall, keep it very, very simple: okay, do not over complicate things, keep it simple. Now, let's get into the tips and the way of mindset needs to be and what you do prepare yourself for when you come when you become natural, so number one. You have to find your technique, sis and stick to it. I already touched on this a little bit technique, your routine, your products, how you style your hair, find something that works for you and stick to it. What works for me is twist outs, that's my things this okay, so I stick to twist out o 70 % of the time, and then I may switch it up here and there, but twist outs is my routine. That'S my that's what I stick to also. I know what products work for me: leave-in cream oil. I stick to that. I make such a up every now and then just have fun with you guys, but when, if you ask me with my routine, I'm gon na tell you deep conditioning, weekly, shampoo or co-wash bi-weekly Ossining between shampoos and co, washing every week, styling leaving cream oil trims. Whenever I see necessary, that's my routine twist, thousands, that's my routine. I was like braid outs, I'm not a washing a person, that's my routine! I know what I'm sticking to you have to find your routine and you're, not gon na find it quickly. You have. I didn't find my routines like a year or two into doing my hair. I had not find my routine my first twist out sucked okay, so sis absolutely hated it didn't know what I was doing. That'S part of your journey, it's okay! To fail! It'S okay! To not know what you're doing, there's something new that you're just now searching out. You know you're just now finding this and one not wanting to pursue this. So it's not gon na be an easy thing. It'S a journey embrace the journey because now you know works for you. What does not work for you, but when you find out what does work for you stick to it, sis stick to it. Also no need to complicate your routine. Keep it simple. Keep it simple, stupid kissing, keep it simple, stupid. Okay, I learned that in English, ah ninth grade, that's so important to keep it simple stupid. If I would have kept it simple, I wouldn't have been stupid and spent all that money on the products don't be. Like me says: okay, I had every product you could think of in my cabin because I was like ha, but this one right now you see this cream right there. It doesn't get these girls talking no ma'am. What it did was took. My money expect failure. You have to expect failure, sis and then dwell on your success, also because your hair, we train out here a lot of times right. So whenever you consistently do something say, whenever you're working out for your body, your training, your body, your body, is used to a we first workout for the first time you are in pain. You are sore, you feel like you about to die. It'S feeling you've never felt before, but once you keep on working out, your body becomes adjusted to it. Your body becomes acclimated and guess what it starts to feel good. After a while, you are tired but you're, not aching you're, not in pain, you're, not sore same thing with your hair in the beginning. Okay, this hair is like this. What are you doing? I'M not ready for this where's the creamy crack, but once you continue to do the same thing in the same routine and train your hair, then it's gon na start being like okay, I got ta follow cook, that's what you are in charge of your hair, your Hair is not hard to give also no tip. You will probably have different hair textures in your hair. It'S inevitable. I have a lot of different textures in my hair and the front is very loose in the back. Is more curly? Listen, it happens. Okay, don't be surprised if you have multiple textures everyone, there's Allen! There'S any head on this on this earth that natural that has the same texture, throw out there and tie your head and if they say they do say, let me look at them. Beauty, beads ah-ha quiet. Ah I bet the beam beads that kitchen that kids, you guys ever sorry to tell me. Okay, because I look like you some little paint forgive this that gives it's gon na throw back then okay, k car. Take the car, listen, don't try! It, though, don't try it out of bed man, hand over hey, st. extra wear because listen if I had that section of a beaded beads all over this hey hi there, I'm sorry, okay, listen mmm-hmm! So for my transitioning girls, my transition and family members, all that textures all them waves, you see right now. Will you cut that hair off? Will you sniffs? Never don't shrink, shrink. Okay, expected sense. Expected it's gon na shrink a little bit that curl patting on get a little tighter. Okay, it's gon na happen! Think about! If you have Dan wait, you have something if you have Lucy, but let me see if I can demonstrate John y'all are like demonstrations. Here'S a piece of my hair - it's very very short, I know, but this is what your hair is doing, see how I'm pulling on it. That'S that's extra. This extra weight - okay, I'm pulling on my hair, so it may be a way B right now, both see whenever I release it from that extra weight at the bottom. You see what I do: hate kirai gon na so doesn't O'Hara gon na do look sucker! Now! That'S exactly what your hair is gon na do when you have that perm in a firm hair in their hands, it's pulling the hair on down. You see him more length. You'Re like oh. I got some inches baby, but guess what you could have gone uh-huh uh-huh. Exactly that's what your hair gon na do cuz. I knew I had a good six inches. I knew I was not going when she cut the Mintos yeah uh-huh. If you feel you need a break, another tip, just like you need a break since protective style is up. When I tell y'all when she cut them, she cut my hair and I thought short. My hair was, since I said, where's the braids where Zoe's that's the time. I got my first sewing and when I tell y'all my soul was popping okay, I don't have anything against sew ins, braids, weaves, wigs sis do what you have to do when you have a protective style, your hair and a chance to really grow. Because it's not it's not accessible to the outside, it doesn't have any chance to be damaged. So if you are getting a sewing and you getting a wig, you got braids. You got Marley twists. If you got laughs, you know the faux locs all that stuff. It'S protective styles mini twists, protect the stylist, don't do too small, though wash the mains was 101 series anyway shameless plug anyway. All those styles help your hair to grow, do not run away from it. Okay and last but not least, y'all just enjoy it like. I already said enjoy the journey. It is a beautiful thing. It is a beautiful thing to see how the hair that naturally comes out of your head. How you are naturally created to see how it grows on your scalp. However, you take care of is how it's gon na take care of you. I never thought I will be where I'm at four years into my natural hair journey. My hair is way longer than when I had a relaxer and my hair was relax. Assist the journey is not easy, but it's so worth it. I really hope this video did help you today. If you are, if you were becoming discouraged, I really do hope this video helped to you, okay, so Ilana you need to just kiss it. Keep it simple. Stupid, okay, keep it simple, stupid, write that down somewhere. Okay, fine works for you, and that is it that's all I have for you guys today. I really do hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know in the comment section down below if you didn't enjoy this video, give me some thumbs up as well like this video, and I was so so so enjoy spending this time with you guys today, please stay safe in the mists of this virus. Please do not go outside, do not have to please practice social distancing. All this is so so important. I love you guys make sure to also join us family if you have not already done so also a week and my natural hair routine, video is coming up. So yes, I enjoyed you guys. Thank you so much for watching today's video and I must see y'all in my next be d. Yo enjoy your Friday family peace. You

Deija wrld 123: I’m not transitioning. I’ve been natural my whole life, but am just now learning how to embrace and love my hair. Thank you this helped a lot on learning what products to use and not buy everything I. The store or feel overwhelmed.

MonieLove: You better teach the fam sis! Some tips I forgot ❤️ I’m praying for everyone during this time. I recently lost my job because of this pandemic but God is still good

Judi S: Good information sis! Wish I had these tips when I first went natural. I wouldn’t have wasted half the money that I did. . Anyhoo looking forward to seeing a week in your hair care. Stay safe as well and keep the videos coming!

Kerrisha Gibson: Your energy is exactly what I needed this morning

Monique Royster: I'm 5 months in natural hair journey... I need this information 5 months ago! So glad I have found you now!!! Thanks Sis

JayCee Robair: Of course me and my daughter’s love watching your videos. Again I’ve learned a lot from watching this video. The faces that you make when you’re joking is hilarious . We are a goofy bunch over here and watch your many different faces in super slow speed or fast speed. We Love You Crys

Tashay Leniece: Love this video!!!! Glad you are helping people out I’m a product junkie BUT only because it literally makes me feel better if I’m sad ‍♀️ AND I’m in the process of being a influencer so I test stuff out and review it ....I can’t wait to master your twist out ends I’ve been watching the videos

Vickie Oliver-Rivera: I'll be natural for a year in May and this was so needed. Thank you and stay safe sis.

Kennedy K.: A brand new natural trying to conquer natural hair after 10 years of relaxer. This is exactly what I needed

Ivy Merritt: I want to thank you for making this video! It will help a lot of people who are new to the natural hair lifestyle. I wish I had seen your video BEFORE I made my big chop. Let's just say it was traumatizing and leave it at that!

Shanae Moore: I’m am very glad that you did this video ! Learned more tips and I truly do appreciate it lol gave me some hope while I’m in my process of going through my journey

May LaVerne Barnes: Very good tutorial great information! I used to keep it simple but that's changed. I became so curious about all the wonderful natural products currently available that I am now an old product junkie! My hair is also looser in the front (probably due to headbands) and I have high porosity low density hair. I am still learning how to work with my hair and trying all of my various products.

kimberly Pope: I wish I saw this video when I first started. I've been on my natural journey for one year and six months. Glad I didn't give up.

Beverly Moore: Just went natural a month or so ago and have several natural friends. I love your videos and all the tips. I'm an LCO, low perosity and high density. So you are my hair friend. Lol.

Remika Williams: Wish you were around when I was thinking about becoming natural sis!!!!!! You was dropping some serious knowledge so I hope people are really taking it in. I've been natural for at least 6 years and should be further along in my journey but I had a few bumps in the road #KISS!!!!!!

TAMMYH82 !: Thank you thank you for this video!!!!!! Girl I hope I can stop buying all these damn hair products smh..... My family be clowning me real bad it's like an addiction lmao

Darlysha Jean: I’m here for this 28 minute video I sooo love the satin scarf

Alicia Allen: Bro I knew I wasn’t crazy because when I did a wash and go, after weeks of slicking my hair back for sports because it couldn’t fit otherwise, the front of my hair was like frizzy and had barely and curly pattern but the ends were fine. So now I decided to only do two puffs for sports

Charlotte Lewis: Love it “KISS”!! Keep it simple stupid! I’m a product junkie in rehab. ‍♀️

AishaJ: And that’s how u drop gems on natural hair...very informative/inspirational video!!

Grace White: Thank you started my journey 1/4/2020. Got a Devacut. This week I thought about going back to keritan treatments because I have 3 hair types. But thank you will hang in there for I do love how my hair feeling so cotton. Stay well.

Carol Harper: Yes!!!!!! Very true. I count my blessings every day. I have been looking for a good gel. But have been unsuccessful. My edges does not stay down. Thank you for this video. Love it!!!!!!!

latasha owens: Heyy sis praying everyone stays safe

Tunyonce' Knows: You should've posted this video yesterday because I bought 3 new products (that I didn't need) last night! But that was it sis forreal this time!! Back to my no buy!!! When I start getting weak, I'm going to come back to this video!

Aviation Aaron💀: @curliecrys - Happy Friday! Stay safe Funny video! Informative as always! Keep up the great work

joymi2: Sis ......always enjoy your videos keep'em coming

blessed: Great video! I can totally relate to wasting money on products.

Its Katie’s Blog: this video is hilarious, but SOOO informative!!!

LADYOF AK: Thank u such good information u covered all the topics, this so helpful for me. :)

Nadia Harrison: Hey crys! May you please include a link to the store you got there bonnets from ? I need to buy a new bonnet .

Shawn J: FAM Yes I enjoy this video! Your face expressions are hilarious❤

Amour902: Low density hair is easier to style but we can not get the fullness in our styles which sucks for me especially since my face is so full. My hair is different types from 3b to 4b in different section which also sucks. But I have been practicing with my hair this year and during this quarantine. My problem with buying is that I bought a lot when couponing and I buy whenever I see something I want to or have been wanting to try on clearance like at Target lol. I barely use to use anything because I protective styled (like African box braids) so much. I'm trying to use what I have more. I'm doing better because I hate having so many things.

Nora Moura: 14:50 this part is meeee!! I already have a million and one products at home but still have the audacity to buy more!

Black Girl Comedy: Lord I missed a couple vids it looks like your hair grew so much! Gorgeous

Mel 2021: I'm currently transitioning from Relaxer. This video is excellent. Thanks so much. Do you have an E-Book?

Sherryne Scriven: Great information!!! Thank you for sharing.

TLV Lav: Like my satan cap! Its cute enough to wear outside! Got it from Amazon!!

Mama Yama: Super helpful thank you !

simpliyvonne: Girl you make me laugh so much , I love your videos

Helen Manns: Thanks for the encouragement and laughs!

Lynn B: I love your delivery! You are hilarious!

Doretha McElliott: My toes are hurting from you stepping on them so much. Everything you said I've done especially the product junkie so how long do you try a product before you determine it's not working?

Tunyonce' Knows: Hey sis can you clarify your porosity? In the beginning you said your were high density and high porosity but towards the middle when you were taking about deep conditioning you said you were low porosity. I'm low porosity but either way your techniques have helped me, especially with perfecting my twist out.

Angela Faison: Loved this!

STACY DENNIS: Great information…thanks for sharing!!!

Paula Cunningham: How is your mom? Love to see her hair again.

CurlyGirlFaith: I’m here for the HAIR VOLUME ❤️❤️

Dw: Your smile is so precious ❤️

Nadia Harrison: I need an eyebrow tutorial sis !

Michelle Frazier: Keep it simple stupid I love it!

Yvonne Bogert: Very helpful information.

Doretha McElliott: You are so awesome, thanks a lot, I so so so needed to hear this. THANKS

vanda niles: Yes ,that helped me a lot i was buying different stuff.Keep it simple.Thanks

CuiannaS: You are a true meme bee of the family when you sing along with crystal and thanks for the video

Cecilia Parker: Love your Energy mama!

Simone Seaton: Is it possible to have a list of your recommended products please.

Kelsey Woods: you have answered my prayers

Myrna J: #CrysGang!!!‍♀️ Yesss Sis let's see what I can Snag!!✔

Shamyra Chacon: 10:38 you said you were high porosity but 16:28 you said you were low porosity... I had to rewind to make sure I heard you right lol I’m low porosity so I like watching YouTubers that’ll help me with my journey.. I just spent $200 on products the last 2-3 days ‍♀️ I need help!

Shelby McDanDan: This was o incredibly helpful! you are the best! when would you use a steamer?

Moyinoluwa Omotoso: Wow...wish I got to know all these earlier

God’s Precious: Thank you

Linda Allen: Hi girl I been crying I Listing you I was unhappy Now I feeling better now thank you i feel better

Emily Oliver: KISS Keep It Simple Stupid!!! Awesome Dawson thanks soooo much!!! ❤️

Sharde Nieves: I’m a product junkie but that’s only because I’m trying to find out what products work best for my hair so I can find my stable products. I was a Cantu girl but it stop working for my hair.

Rosa Healthy Hair: Love it

Sunflower94: Yeah we all go wild with all these product options out here.

Kay Naturelle: Nah your hair looooks bombbbbbbbb !

Elouise layton: Thanks really help me love you for it

Elle Bella2011: Crys poo or co-wash biweekly or bimonthly (alternating)? I am just trying to get it right.

Jazmine Thomas: Ok volume I see you sis ❤️

Rose tish: The front of my hair is wavy and the back is curly

Neenie Fassett: Love ur personality. Do u have a trim vid?

Latanya China Rhodes: Thx frennn my edgemicater. This what I’m talking bout

Andreal Morris: Had heat damage after year two . Cut cut

Kearsten W: you are hilarious with the "biddy beads"I'm over here cracking up

Rae: where did you get the sleeping cap?

aqua fina: Lmfao@ bdb's leme bend you over...gyal you know you a hawt mess.

Jennifer Ford: Thank you.

Arnesta DW James: I was a product junkie. I haven't bought anything new, other than shampoo and Deep conditioner because it seems like that's the only products that I use up. Trying to use up these other 1000 products (seems like) I have . My hair is flourishing but it seems like the products is growing or something, I don't see the product count going down, I even gave away a lot to my friends and family that started their natural hair journey and still got a 1000 Have 4 felisha leatherwood brushes, 10 wide tooth combs (plastic and wooden), 6 different denman brushes, 8 tangle teezers, 8 wet brushes, 8 easy detanglers, 5 hot head thermal caps, 3 electric heating caps, 200 silk scarfs and bonnets, 10 slap caps, 80 curl formers, 80 wave formers, 80 perm rods, 80 flexi rods 89 spoolies, 100 hair clips, 4 blow dryers (2 regular hand held, paddle brush blow dryer and the one you sit under) and a hair steamer. I'm obsessed with colors and designs or something because I was getting every color the product came in as far as hair tools go. I can run a beauty supply store out of my house. Somebody help........ When does that PJA (product junkie anonymous) meeting begin?

Jay Ko: I’m finna make satin my ringtone

Teri Morton: “KISS”. Keep It Simple Stupid.....Love it!

Tiffnay Harris:

Nicole: What size bonnets do you have? Im not sure which size I should order.

g Glean-Andrew:

Nikki edwards: Sharing this video

Christine Gadsden: Do you have a link where you got your bonnets from?

Miss _Maysah: I ran and grabbed my notebook

Jasmine D: Lol the bit abt everything ur hair touch satin

The Creater: Love the K.i.s.s. !

Flower Girl: Intro❤️

Jalisa Pinkley: Anybody wat is a gud product when ur transitioning??

Boma chinda: "SA'N!!!" ☠️☠️

Boma chinda: Obsessed with your channel but isn't " waddido ..... Wassup " Kellie Sweet's intro ?

The night walker: but im a man im a brother not a sis ;(

John: I got waves why am i here

Paula Cunningham: Satin ok lol

Zara Campbell: satinnnn looooool

Ashontee_Shay: What it doooooo. What’s upppppppp

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