Diffuser Do'S And Don'Ts For Perfect Waves

  • Posted on 23 December, 2021
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

Hi Beautiful! I looove properly diffused hair! It is one of the best ways to style your curls. But what I see is that a lot of people are doing it the wrong way. Over and over, again and again. You deserve flawless waves girl! Let's get into my 3 diffusing pro tips and break down the myths.

WaveTech: https://xmondohair.com/products/wavete...

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My Guide To Perfect Air Dried Hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J4Cis...

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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa

Don't Forget To Live Your Extra Life.

Hi beautiful, if i received a single penny every time i saw somebody use one of these a diffuser incorrectly. I would be a [ __, ] billionaire and when i tell you the reasons why you're using it incorrectly, it's gon na make so much sense and you're gon na be like wait. I wasn't doing that. I was doing that. It'S the same. Damn mistakes over and over again, so we're gon na talk about everything. We'Re gon na talk about what a diffuser is i'll. Also do a little demo today on how to actually properly use one and i'll be sharing my top three tips on how to use a diffuser correctly. Let'S get to fusing all right if you've never seen a diffuser before this. Is it there's even some that are like a hand i use the dice, and so for me personally, i don't see a huge difference depending on what diffuser i'm using it's really about the technique. Honestly, i i do see a difference in the blow dryer that is attached to the diffuser, but maybe one day i should do like a test on all different kinds of diffusers and see which one is actually the best. I do love this one, it's good. It'S great: it's compact, it's cute, there's a million different holes in here. All the air comes out of these holes right, but you can also see that up close. There is um holes in these little teeth coming out and they all point towards each other. That way, when you put your little curls in there, you get heat on both sides in all different directions, and it kind of makes like a little like it is great at distributing heat is what i'm trying to get at here. You use it to usually diffuse curls into your hair. It makes your curls tighter and makes them last longer when you're applying that heat, it's a great way to just dry curls in general. If you can't let them air dry, you don't have the time to do it. It adds a lot more volume, sometimes than air drying alone. Does it's great for setting hair if you put hairspray in just going and setting that hairspray, it's great for all different things, but today we're talking about the uses of it when it comes to wavy or curly hair? All right, we know what a diffuser is brad. We know which one you like so now we get into the juicy part, which is me telling you my three pro tips, i'm not ready are you? No. A couple of these tips actually has to do with the blow dryer. Okay. This goes love a good magnet, as you can see in this beautiful shot. We have a few different heat settings here. My first pro tip of the night do not use the highest heat setting when diffusing your hair. I literally never go to the max heat setting when it comes to diffusing hair. I always have it on pretty much number two at all times. This is important because curly hair is naturally really dry. We do not want to be doing things to make your hair even more dry, which then causes frizz. The diffuser is there to help you maintain your frizz, not add more of it. So when you're drying with a diffuser do not use high heat use, something in the middle or lower, if you would like and another thing that you can't do when you use the highest heat, setting is actually put your hand on the hair at the same time As the diffuser, you will end up burning your hand. It used to happen to me all the time it was so painful to try and like grab the hair and point the air. On top of my hand, my hand would be like sizzling i'd be like using your blow dryer on a lower heat setting with the diffuser attached will help you be able to morph those curls at the same time as drying them and not burn your hand off And deep fry it, i know you guys are really obsessed with your air fryers and [ __ ]. But this is not an air frying moment. We don't need that here. The next really important tip is to not go all the way up with the air settings. Do not blast your curls dry. I use either number one or number two. It is really low. It is not strong, but i have noticed that is so important to getting the perfect diffused hair moment also because curly and wavy hair is very dry. Your hair is going to dry very quickly already, and do you want enough time to actually morph those curls into position and if you're just blasting it dry really quickly? You are not going to have the time to actually put in the work to make those curls. Look dope don't put your blow dryer on the highest air setting. Okay, we have made it to the most important pro tip of all. This is the number one thing i see everybody do incorrectly and it drives me insane do not blow the air upwards, always have the air flowing towards your head or downwards. Do not blow upwards. You are going to create so much frizz and your curls are gon na look bad and some of you may be out there being like listen. I do this all the time and my curls come out. Fine, okay, you're lucky because sometimes somehow some people have no frizz in their curls at all and like whatever they do, it dries perfectly, but other people out there are not as lucky, especially when you're trying to do this kind of fast going like this is going To be bad, i will show you the technique on how to get flawlessly defined waves or curls, without going like this and scrunching your hair with the diffuser. You do not need to do that to make beautiful, extremely gorgeous tight, wavy curly, beautiful, gorgeous girl things um yeah. So so far we have learned three different things that you may be doing wrong when it comes to diffusing hair. Now, i'm going to show you how to exactly get the most out of your diffuser when actually styling your hair. My client has my clients here, she's here: okay, my client has just arrived, so i'm going to go, grab her and um we're going to show you how to make some beautiful waves using this baby. Okay, we have miss manny quinn here, she's looking gorgeous. She definitely has some straight hair. I don't know what you're thinking brad. How are you gon na make this curly? Let me tell you a damn something. If you have mastered the art of using a diffuser and hair products, you can turn this straight hair into a beautiful, curly, wavy masterpiece, and i will show you that today, and that means you know you can use these techniques on curly, hair and wavy hair. Whatever hair you have, i think, showing you on straight. Hair, really shows how much you can accomplish with just this one thing attached to your blow dryer. So when it comes to diffusing hair product is your best friend when it comes to doing anything with a natural, wavy, curly sort of look product product product and obviously nobody in the world at this point can live without their wave tech. Wavefoam guys, oh still, to this day, i'm just like i'm so glad you love this and are obsessed with it as much as i am. I spent so long creating this and i was blown away with the results when i created this a couple years ago. It'S still to this day, one of the top selling wave products in the world. I'M going to show you again why product and specifically wave tech wave foam today is so effective at waving hair. So let me show you what you should do. First, when you are using a diffuser and how you could apply product, i like foam products for most heads of wavy or curly hair um, especially when you're trying to like make waves in hair that doesn't have any a foam, is gon na, be your best friend A cream serums, a gel anything like that is gon na weigh down your hair um. So when you have already hair that has no texture to it, you wanna use a foam, so i'm gon na do what i usually do, which is grab my wide tooth. Comb. Put the wave tech on there and just get it everywhere and be generous when applying wave tech it tends to feel like shampoo is in your hair. But i promise there's no shampoo in here. Some people are really turned off with the fact that it feels like shampoo, which i find interesting like why you're not putting shampoo in your hair. So i don't know why you're like being weird about it. A lot of people also ask about the scent of wave tech. If you've ever smelt. My products before you will know that it smells damn good and all of our products have the same exact scent. It is japanese cherry blossom, bergamot, sandalwood and white jasmine. So, as you can see, i'm just getting all of that product in there it's getting foamy, it is getting funny the more you work this product, the more foamy it gets um. But that is a good thing. Please get those sideburns all covered and the underneath of the hair people always tend to miss those spots and then wonder why like half of their head is curly and half of their head isn't get it all in there and also on the root. This is a super lightweight product, so you don't have to worry about it like weighing your hair down, even if it feels like way down at first it'll dry. Gorgeously do not worry if it looks messy. This is how all of my diffusing hair moments start now. Obviously, if you have naturally wavy hair, it's gon na look a lot more clean than this, but we are trying to form curl right now and she doesn't have any. So we are going to put in the absolute most work here and if you want to see a video on how to air dry your hair properly, i'm not going to go through all of the steps today. But if you want to see that it'll be linked below for you, there's about like three different ways to do this, and i fully break down how i'm scrunching, how much to scrunch and how to form curls. If you don't have any all sorts of things like that now, this is where we want it. She looks a little crazy, but she looks good. So inside wavetech we have an amazing product called polyquaternium 72, which is such a mouthful and one of my favorites, and it actually really helps retain style without adding that, like crunchy, feel to the hair. So it keeps the hair really soft, but also retains style at the same time same with polycartonium 11. It does very similar things they're, both amazing at keeping the hair flexible, while adding just an amazing amount of hole to the hair. And, of course, we have pro vitamin b5 in the formula that way you are improving the quality of your hair and also adding thickness to the hair. At the same time, it actually swells the hair fiber, so your hair appears more full okay. That is looking perfect. I think that's enough. Her hair already looks curly like guys what how was her hair already curly, like what okay wave tag, give it to me every time i use it. I'M like shook and for my client today, because her hair is super straight. Naturally, i'm gon na be using salty in here. It has a little bit more gold, a little bit more grip. That'S salt in this product, the imported salt water from france, which i love the fact that it's imported water from france, it actually kind of gives you a grip, so the hair can kind of stick to itself, so it won't fall flat on you. If you have super straight hair, this is totally optional. You don't have to use it, but i just think it adds a little bit of that extra. Kick it's also just a great finishing product or even on dry hair um. When you want that sexy tousled. Look, we also have bob oil in here, so your hair doesn't dry out. You know how most sea salt sprays dry your hair, this one. It definitely doesn't. I made sure of that when i created it and also seaweed inside of this, actually believe it or not, which is high in vitamins and minerals, to help keep the integrity and the health of your hair alive. Okay, it's time for the part we are all waiting for, which is the diffusing technique. Now let me show you on this side quickly like my kind of technique and then i'll go over what i did after oh, and that is the power of a good technique with a diffuser wave tech, wave, foam and salty sea salt spray. Now let me break down the process. You saw a little bit of it, but i have more to share. We have this side that is actually not dried at all and remember guys. We started off with straight hair. I cannot stress you enough that this mannequin has straight hair and also listen to me here if you end up buying anything in today's video. Beware that it takes skill to make straight hair this wavy, okay and not all hair is the same. So as long as you have some sort of tiny, tiny, tiny bit of wave in your hair, you can achieve this look with a diffuser and with some good products. So now, let's walk through the process here. So what we're first gon na do is we're grabbing the hair, we're going like this with our hands, we're grabbing the hair from the middle and scrunching the hair and holding it there. We'Re now going to direct the diffuser on top of our hand and kind of let it in and just slowly and gently keep doing this until the hair is dry. You want to manipulate the hair as little as possible that way you do not get frizz and that way the curl pattern all stays intact, you're, not just creating a nest of grossness on your head. So let's do that really quick! The goal here is to get in that middle wave pattern and then we'll work on the top and the ends. Last now, i'm using this kind of like hand, cuffing method, where i'm kind of just balancing the waves we've already formed with the last technique, and now i'm just going to direct the blow dryer downwards. On top of my hand. Now i want to start working on the front of the hair, so i'm just going to pick up the front of the hair with my hand like this and add just like a little bit of a bevel and a little bit of volume up there now tilt Your head to the side, you're blow-drying currently and what you're going to do is use your fingers like this and kind of just clamp onto the hair and push it up that way. You get that wave and that volume starting at the root and remember to direct the air downwards now, after that, i'm gon na work on the ends and i'm just gon na again cup the ends and blow dry downwards. Now that we have the hair almost dry, we want to start breaking up that cast. It'S really important that you break up the cast. If you ever use like a waving product, you'll know that there is sort of like a little bit of a hold to it until you break it apart with your hands, but that is so normal, and you should feel like that. If your hair was just like silky silky soft after using a waving product, it probably isn't gon na do anything. So now what i'm gon na do now that the hair is dry and in place where i like it, i'm gon na start breaking apart. That cast and being a little bit more aggressive with the hair, because now that we have that movement that wave in there we're not as worried about like getting frizz and things kind of getting weird and gross just kind of go at it, you know dip your Head to the side scrunch it get it all in there and just remember to always direct the air flow down or towards the head even on the ends guys, i'm literally taking it and kind of going like this, like roughing up the ends to make them look. Thicker and fuller boom baby - oh my god, that is the power of a diffuser. Her hair is naturally pretty much straight. This is the type of thing you can achieve with some practice, with a diffuser and with the right products and the right diffusing techniques like this looks amazing, but, like let's shake her hair out and see what happens like. I just love, really messy waves, like imagine. If she oh wait, oh my god wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait! My god she's! So pretty like you can do so. Many different sexy looks with this hair. Oh my god. She looks divine and her hair is not crunchy like she's at the beach she's. Like i don't care movement give me movement and her hair is still not even frizzy, guys see what happens when you diffuse the hair, not upwards instead downwards or towards the head along with every other technique. I showed you in today's video. This is the result. You can get like this is what we want we're on a white background right now and she's dark hair. You don't see really any frizz, no matter how many times i shake her head and i also can't emphasize enough the importance of a good product. Hence why wave tech is one of the number one waving products in the entire world. It is because it can do things like this plus we have to mention salty salty. You really came for this one and really pulled it together. Thank you, miss manny quinn. I hope you like your uh, your new, do you look wild and i love it. So that's it you guys when you're diffusing your hair, please follow those tips at home and your results will be literally ten times better and if you can't remember everything we went over today. Just remember those three main pro tips, they're so simple. Yet they affect your diffusion, blow-dry method, so much that's it so follow me everywhere else. You guys, if you would like here, are all my social media handles. If you like any of the products listed in today's video, everything will be linked down below, as well as the ex mondo website for hair color and any kind of hair care product that is all for today. Thank you. So much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time. Bye. You

Ella Garfi: Manes by Mell made a really good video on different diffusing techniques for different results: definition, volume and elongation. Brad only really showed one here. From what she has said, blowing upward CAN work but only when done strategically: a gel cast has to have formed over the curls so they don’t frizz, and you have to cup the curls very carefully. Her videos on curls are really useful, would love to see a collab

cj: "curly girls your hair is dry so itll already dry really fast" what world is brad living in. even with a diffuser on high. my hair takes 30 mins diffusing plus an extra hour at Least to get totally dry LMAOO

Scipio: brad: "curly girls your hair is dry so itll already dry really fast" me: *laughs in low porosity, high density, thick hair*

ReticulatingSplines: I think the hair world needs to realize that curly hair is not all the same. I'm so tired of curly hair advice that doesn't apply to all curly hair.

lynettebr: Manes by Mell has demonstrated how to blow dry upwards. Shes a curly girl and a curly/textured hair specialist. And I'd like to add that curly hair does NOT dry fast. If i air dry, it takes HOURS to dry. It takes 30 minutes with the diffuser and i have shoulder length hair.

BurningheartofSILVER: Off topic, but kind of on topic: *We NEED Brad to get a Manny Quinn with any sort of type 4 hair and try to style it!* That would be such great video, and a perfect way to test out all of the skills he has learned from reacting to curly/coily har care videos on his channel. Maybe a little twist out action, or a wash n' go, or maybe even try to do some knotless briaids? I don't anticipate him blowing us away, but Brad is always so respectful and humble so I just know it'll be a good video regardless of the actual outcome of the hair.

Marion: Brad : "this is the number one waving product in the world" Me : "yes could you ship it to us, the rest of the world ?"

Bianca Domingues: Honestly, Brad lost me when he said diffusing downward creates frizz. Using the hands while diffusing creates frizz, not the direction of the diffuser. Using a bit of gel would solve the frizz issue, as long as you don't touch the hair while drying, and break the gel cast once you are done. I really would love to see Brad doing a collab with curly hair Youtubers. This a whole new world.

Stephanie Vincent: I swear Brad's just trolling us curly/wavy folks at this point.

akira4: How about a video on using diffusers on people with truly curly hair? I suspect most regular diffuser users tend to have curly hair, rather than wavy. So many hair styling videos are very straight-hair-centric.

moony thee hottie: "Hello Beautiful" always makes my day betterrrr

Tawny English: I have straight hair and using a bit of wave tech without even any styling has been amazing. The only downside is I think I might be slightly allergic to one of the ingredients because my skin gets incredibly itchy. :( So, back to square one on finding a good product for me. But I still highly highly recommend this product to anyone else!

joybartolome: Hmmm I think it really depends on your hair. I don’t have time so I use high heat high speed & don’t really have frizzy hair because of the cast from products. And if you’re gentle when drying upwards, it’s a great way to get the volume you may want instead of definition because curly girls may want different things!

Elizabeth H: I wonder if he'd ever make unscented products? Every thing he listed for the scents, I'm allergic to. I'd really like to try his products. Great video :)

GamerGirlHandSanitizer.: Other tips if ur doing it at home. - hang ur head upside down while diffusing. This will give u more plump roots and will help ur hair drying quicker. - products are important. Recommend a moose and a curling creme with a heat protectant. Gel is also excellent if u want the best anti frizz, particularly a slightly runny one. - start the ends slightly so the curl forms and has its shape, but only til then. Then work on the roots - handle the hair as if its fragile. Otherwise you'll just get frizz. - in the shower brush ur hair while wet, hang ur head upside down and then gently use a widetooth comb to comb from the roots and backwards. This will give u root lift and make it easier to dry. - when drying the back, lean back so its easier and sits nicer. Those are the usual tips i give, since im a hairdresser. Hope they help.

Revolution 2020: 3 Tbsp of epsom salt dissolved in distilled water is also a great wave spray and won't dry out your hair like regular salt. Better yet, dissolve it in aloe vera juice or rose water and you'll have an awesome leave-in conditioner.

Susan B: As a natural wavy girl, if I touched my hair as much as he is touching Ms. Mannie Quinn while diffusing, I’d be a frizz ball from hell. I appreciate your attempt. Please do a review of some curly hair specialists… such as Manes by Mell, Swavy Curly Courtney, Gena Marie, etc.

G On: It’s funny because as someone with curly hair a lot of these techniques I learned instinctively through trial and error. But some people, my mom for example, really need videos like this. Even though we have the same hair she’s never learned how to manage her curls

Kathi Murray: I have to say this technique worked really well on my wavy hair! I'd been doing it the "wrong" way for the last 2 years. No wonder my hair was not consistent in waviness. I agree with some of the comments that this isn't for everyone. I watch a variety of videos pertaining to wavy hair and take from each what works for me. Some influencers insist their way is the only way that works and that's bullshit. If it works for them awesome and if it works for other people, that's awesome too. But to insist their way is the only way is very narrowminded....

Supac’s Fake Life: I coil my hair right into the diffuser. It works really well actually. I will say that I do get some frizz, but after a couple of hours it’s gone. I tried your technique this morning and I do think it eliminated the frizz, but it took FOREVER!!! If I don’t have anywhere to be for a awhile I’m sticking with my technique- but if I am headed out soon I’m going to use your technique since I wouldn’t have time to wait for my hair to de-frizz.

ejaptiankid: This diffusing technique changed my life! I used to have such flat roots and didn’t know how to lift them without overworking the hair and causing crazy frizz. Thanks Brad!

Cat Sav: Uh oh. Brad's telling us how to style our curly hair again

Grace Lewis: Literally have been going back and forth on whether I wanted to try a diffuser for my waves and this just convinced me to buy one thanks Brad!

Laurie Stockwell: Brad: Do. Not. Blow. Upwards Me: in my defense, I'm the only one with curly hair in my family that let's their hair curl. I've never had anyone to teach me about curly hair care

Nicole Polachak: I seriously love wave tech. It's the perfect product for light waves like I have and it literally comes out perfectly. As you said mousses and creams weigh my hair down. And it's literally perfect for me

Hayley: I’ve never really known how to use it I feel dumb now but I’m excited to see what difference this will make!

YukonRoseinLV: As a wavy, my ends are dry and my roots to mids are oily. Air drying takes at least an hour, and I have a lot of very fine hair. I've found over the years that I can get more curl out of my hair than my stylists.

Crystal Ammons: I definitely needed this. My hair is so frizzy! I have 3a curls and they do not cooperate. Definitely going to try these techniques

Anna Sullivan: I have always diffused up without any frizz but I don’t dry it completely dry. I leave it just a tad bit dry and I end up with beautiful curls.

barbiedollmarley: I absolutely love this video thank you so much Brad for all these tips. I rarely ever blow dry my hair or use my diffuser anymore, but through trial and error when I do use my diffuser I can confirm that all of these tips, are helpful and do work! Also can confirm I have made some of the mistakes mentioned as I didn’t really know what I was doing at the time and realized that it made my hair look like shit so let me be the first to tell you that Brad is right and follow these steps for sure because I can tell when I do it just like this and follow it correctly like Brad explained - the hair does look way nicer and wayyy way less frizz versus when I have made those mistakes it doesn’t look as nice or neat- like a messy bed head wave - and that just ain’t the look. Great insight Brad ‼️

Rose Buddd: Started wearing my natural hair recently and literally just bought myself a blow dryer and matching diffuser specifically for curly wavy hair for the first time to try. I refuse to use it till Christmas but this is super handy. Thank you!

Nicole Chandler: Brad with straight hair: "I'm gonna give curly hair advice" Me with curls for 27 years: "No Brad, just stop."

Madison Smith: I'm literally in love with you! I've been experimenting with diffuser & this could not have come at a more perfect time!

SakaYumi: I mean..okay, doing it upwards with the warmest setting might make my hair more frizzy but for someone who has a few and thin hair it also adds volume, what i love. Or what should i do to avoid the flat look? Also, why is my hair curly but straight only at the back of my head?

Rachel Rivera: I smile every time I get a good morning text from Brad. The most genuine hairstylist that I’ve watched♥️♥️

Krista J: Thank you for this video! I had no clue what I was doing with my diffuser was defiantly doing it wrong lol so I really appreciate this! can’t wait to try this next time I do my hair

K A: Love these kind of curls. Any tips on how to sleep in curls/waves without them messing up? Doing minimum 12hr days I don't get chance to wash & style before work. Shuffling a lot in my sleep usually messes up styles.

Anna Earney: THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I have never had success diffusing and never get great volume from air drying. Just tried this and it’s AMAZING!! I think it’s because all of the other diffusing videos I have been watching are for really curly hair and mine is definitely more wavy. This gave me perfect, fluffy voluminous beach waves a la India batson. If you want a more defined look or have really curly hair check out manes by Mel.

Екатерина Захарова: Today I finally made my best wavy hairstyle ever. Thank you Brad, you are the best!!! I wish I could show the picture:)

Cirque d'Joy: Hey, could you please considering making fragrance free versions of some of your products? I have wavy to curly hair, and since figuring out that I'm sensitive to fragrance, I have noticed that there are very few products out there that are truly fragrance free, and even fewer developed for different hair types. I even went looking in a Sally's, and the person working there literally had no clue what I meant by fragrance free. She picked up a bottle and was like, "This one doesn't have a very strong scent." And I was like, "Okay, but that's not going stop it from irritating my scalp to where I want to rip my hair out" I also got my hair cut, and the salon had exactly 0 products that were safe to use on my hair. I'm in a Facebook support group with almost 800 members, helping each other figure out which brands are actually safe, and which brands are just arbitrarily slapping "free & clear" on their packaging just to make money. I can count on one hand how many fragrance free hair care products are available. It would just be nice to have more options.

rowdybliss: This is maybe the most informative video yet - I have big, loose curls, and I have never been able to get my diffuser to bring out the best in them (because I was doing it wrong, duh!!). Thank you, star! (Also going to get a hold of that Wavetech!)

Jessica Rose: THANK YOU! I’ve had curly my whole life and use a diffuser but hated how it always made my hair so frizzy and if I let it air dry the curls would drop and still go frizzy. I just tried this method today and my hair looks amazing !! I feel so stupid I’ve never properly known how to use a diffuser

Misty Archer: The timing is perfect for this video... I just got a diffuser for myself to try and tame my curly hair!

Claudia M.: Thank you so much for this video. My hair type is like Maniquin and I’m always trying to figure out how to get no fuss waves in it. I have both Wavetech and Salty so I’m set. Definitely going to try this.

Amber Hunter: Thank you for this!! My hair is super wavy/kinky on just the underneath area and on top it’s straight! It’s such a pain. I’m excited to try your wave tech!

mystic_minx: Finally got a diffuser and a new hair dryer for Christmas! Good timing always Brad

Amelia Moll: BRAD! OMG thank you! I always learn at least a little something from your videos, but THIS is the one I've been really waiting for and hoping you would make. My hair looks really good today because of you!

Ceyda H: I am so trying this out! My hair gets super dry because it's curly and thick. Thank you so much! ❤

Erin Nanasi: I have tried to boost my waves with a diffuser, and I never get it right. So happy for this video!

BeautifulDisaster: I bought the "hydrate my hair" bundle and absolutely love it. My hair feels so soft and un damaged

Cris: I love the tips, thank you Brad! I have 2b hair that is impossible to style curly once it reaches my belly button, so when it gets super long I have to straighten it (only to damage with the heat and cut 3 inches off in a couple months). I'll try with your technique, wish me luck!

James Hafers: Opened an early Xmas present earlier today and it was a new hair dryer with a diffuser lol don’t worry Brad, only used it wrong once!

Eva Maria Carlsen: Can't wait to try this method! I also learned that i am probably using a way too small amount of product in my hair. Thanks for this video!

Kristine Proco: My hair is naturally curly, and I cannot live without my diffuser, and I use a Denman brush and a really good gel. If I do to much scrunching I’ll be one big frizz head. I do not fuzz with my hair to much with running my hands and fingers throughout my hair as well. I flip my head upside down and diffuse it.

Krista Shoemaker: You don't understand how bad I needed this video!!! I own many xmondo products and I use salty after I curl my hair and it makes it so beachy. I just didn't know that I was using my diffuser all wrong. So excited to try this!!!!

Lynn: This video couldn’t have come at a better time!! I literally bought a diffuser yesterday

nnmrtin: Thank you so much for this video Brad!!! <3 I can't believe how wrong I've been using the diffuser :')

mackenzie ♡♬: brad please do curly hair tutorials on hair that's actually curly!! my hair is wavy/curly and hard to style

Elizabeth Andersen: I have got to try this my hair has been really frizzy lately. This will definitely help. Thanks for the video Brad you never disappoint.

Nena 🔥 F-'ck M'-e - Check my P'ro'fi-le🔥: Manes by Mell made a really good video on different diffusing techniques for different results: definition, volume and elongation. Brad only really showed one here. From what she has said, blowing upward CAN work but only when done strategically: a gel cast has to have formed over the curls so they don’t frizz, and you have to cup the curls very carefully. Her videos on curls are really useful, would love to see a collab

Leigh Young: DO A TEST 0N ALL THE DIFFUSERS!!! That would be so cool. Thanks Brad! And thanks for not being the "brad" of some vids that denounce "brads"! You are so cool and I hope you get all the happiness you deserve this holiday season!!!

Dianne Aguilera: Perfect timing for this video - I got a hair dryer for Christmas after always air drying. Now I know how to use the diffuser!

Goobstarrr: As someone that has super stick straight Asian hair, I think I will practice this technique. I was on the fence about getting a perm as I have bleached hair that compromised my hair health.

Sarah Benitez: Thank you Brad! Listen, my hair went 2b-2c after I had my two kids, and I have STRUGGLED figuring out how to take care of it!

Axqu7227: I thought I hated my diffuser because I was taught wrong!! Thank you Brad!!!

His Way Services Blog: Thank you for the tips, Brad! I have straight hair but prefer it wavy.

Deborah McLaughlin: So glad I stumbled onto your video. I have wavy and fine hair and diffusing it WAS making it frizzy. Now I understand why. Great video

Kace O. DaMondaze: Thank you! This is exactly what I needed. My attempts to diffuse haven’t worked out so well so I’m going to try again with these tips.


Tree of Life Bath and Beauty: Just received my order today. Super excited to try this on my short wavy hair.

Kaitlyn Stanley: THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO!!!! I have definitely not been diffusing the exact right way… I definitely need to order more product from you, I am almost out of my wavetech

Sophia El-Zahr: Bought the curl foam to hopefully make my curls look bomb! Thanks Brad!!!

Estelle Allard: That’s definitely the video I didn’t know I needed thanks gorgeous!

Katie O'Connor: Thank you! I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t let anyone blow dry my hair because it always looks incredible bad. I leave every single one of my haircuts with wet or straightened hair because it looks so bad when it’s blow dried. I’ve never had it done without using a brush and I’m wondering if using just my hands is the trick.

Sara Schriner: I very much appreciate this… I just bought my first hair dryer (at 25) and I never learned how to use a blow dryer literally at all

Summer Goodwin: Thank you so much for this video. Now it doesnt have to sit in my vanity drawer collecting dust. I can actually use it correctly.

Antiques Restoration: This video was so helpful and...yes...please do a diffuser with blow dryer comparison video!

Megan Mora: Brad, just tried all this tricks on my hair today and let me just say....GAME. CHANGER! I concluded months ago that even Wave Tech did not give any curl to my straight hair. Low and behold I was not using enough, even though I felt weird on my hair initially. Thanks for the video, always love your tips!!!

Gabi Stone: I just bought my first diffuser for my daughters hair two days ago!! Thank you

Ankyan00 Andersson: I follow your diffusing technique. And its great, i did it the other way before. And had a lot more frizz.

MsEyelinered: Brad… I really wish you wouldn’t spread misinformation about curly hair. Curly girls have been dealing with that for decades. Know what you know… and know what you don’t know.

Caroline Rose: Brad I just got the shark hairdryer and I am loving it but I’d love to see a comparison video with that and the dyson. ❤️

Rochelle’s Beautiful World: I agree with Brad on using lower heat and my curls always come out best when I blow up less but I do need to blow up some of the time to get the look I want . He’s not trolling at all as some comments suggest, it’s just his perspective based on the curly hair he’s had experience with and I’m sure lots of women will benefit from this tutorial but tutorials are meant to try and see if any techniques improve the end result , there’s so many curly types one way isn’t going To work for everyone . On my curl discovery half the videos I watched ended up not being for my curl type but I learnt from each of them what did and did not work for me ! Curly hair is truly a journey of trial an error , do what works for you but try it all you may be surprised ☺️ Manes by Mel is great at showing other techniques btw I agree with those comments ❤️ Ps I want to try wave-tech and the salt spray 100%

Kath_ f95: Omg thank you love my curls even more after this method

Chanel Diaz: I learn so much from you. Thank you for your tips truly the best Brad ❤️

Purple People: Thank you brad not only do you make me feel beautiful but your making me look beautiful too!

Susan Peterson: Thank you for the video, my hair is wavy and this will definitely help!! Love you and Merry Christmas ❤️❤️

Amanda Teichow: This was a great video, like always. Loved it!

Heidi: i have mostly straight hair, but when i do that scrunching it gets like those beach waves which i love, but trying these methods is going to be so fun

Katie Day: Thank you for this video. I have your hair product and I knew I wasn’t using it right. It was the way I was drying my hair. Let me try the product out again, doing your technique.

Jimin ‘Siii: Love the new video brad!✨ thanks for the tips!

Yvelis Clemente Sanchez: I SO NEEDED THIS VIDEO!! THANKS BRAD!!!!

Pili: I have a very slight wave and I try really hard to accentuate that and rarely succeed. This tecnique looks incredibly interesting and will definitely try it!

Mary I Hagan: Besides really knowing your stuff, you make me smile and that's a good thing especially in this day and age. Thank you for that and for all of your tips for curly hair.

shawtazz: What perfect timing for this video, I’m looking for a diffuser now because I’m starting to love my curly hair for the first time in 26years. Hard to make it look good

Modern Calmization: This video could not have come at much much perfect time. Yesterday I started to diffuse my curly hair and it was all frizzy. This will definitely help me.

Shelly Fish: massive rule for frizz avoidance. do not touch hair at the start of diffusing process. don't scrunch up while drying it, you'll ruin the curls already formed while carefully styling in your product! 100% use the hover method while carefully tilting hair in diff directions to slowly allow curls to dry with some movement. Brad's video is good for wavy/straight hair, curls not so much.

Adrienne Buchanan: I’ve been waiting for this video ahhhhh thank you ! Turns out I’ve been doing 2 of the 3 things wrong haha. Also what are your thoughts on Shay Moisture curl cream? Yay or nay?

Shelby Turner: Wow Brad thank you for giving us your knowledge holy crap ❤️ this was SO helpful

Jackie Charlene: I achieved this look everyday by just hopping out of the shower my hair naturally drys like this and while yes some of these are good tips I was looking for a video to make my wave/curl stay when it’s brushed because once I brush it dry it’s just poof. Someone help.

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