【Ibispaint】How To Paint Hair【Lecture】

【How to paint Hair】 This is Misa. This is a video explaining how to paint hair. Painting hair is an important task that can significantly change the character's impression, so be careful while painting the overall balance.

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*This video has subtitles.* *Just tap: ( click ) the maximize button.* *Turn, on subtitles from the three dots. ( or the settings ) * *How to paint Hair in ibisPaint.* This time. This tutorial is how to colour hair, which a lot of you have asked in the comments, so I'll explain in the video on how to do it. ) In another hair colouring video I uploaded on how to paint hair, except I was using a different type of Blend Mode, but -- this time. I'Ll show you how to colour hair by just using only two types of Blend Mode -- to color hair. I already explained how to draw hair in the previous video --, but if you haven't watched it yet watch it first. I also explained how to draw the face in the previous video You may watch if you're interested ^ ^. First, I will put the base colour for the hair Now open, the'Layer', window. And then tap'Add Layer' below the line, drawing layer. Open, the'Color' window and create the color you want to paint. When creating the base. Color --, I usually use the colours from this range, The ones that look like they're mixed with a little bit of gray -- a little pale and dull colors., which makes the color scheme clear and light f. You use the opposite colours for the base: -- --, the color scheme becomes heavy.. Let'S keep in mind about the pale dull colors and do the coloring for this art work Now open the'Tool Selection, window' and choose the'Bucket' tool.. If your line drawing has a gap and the tool ends up coloring, where you don't want to., you can turn on the'Gap Recognition' --, which recognizes the gaps in your line, drawing and only paint where you want to If it colors outside of the line, drawing even With the'Gap Recognition' on tap'Settings' button and adjust'Strength' to 0 %, which should help you paint properly so here I paint the whole space dark. Open, the'Layer' window and add a new layer on top of the hair's base, color layer. and turn the'Clipping' on. Change, the'Blend Mode' to'Multiply'.. If you put the shadow on the Normal Layer, the whole drawing ends up being filled with color, and so it doesn't look like shadow at all.. But if you change this layer from Normal to'Multiply' ..., the colors from below, show through and looks like a proper shadow.. If you change the layer into'Multiply' using other colors, it will look like a shadow too Use a pale dull color on a'Multiply Layer', to make the shadow Apply. The shadow on the whole area. Remember to copy the color of the shadow into the'Color Palette'. After applying the shadow to whole area, Let's put lights on outlines to make it look: three-dimensional Change, the'Brush, tool', to'Eraser, Tool', -- and change the shape of the eraser in the Brush window. To'Pencil ( Graphite )'., Applying some light to the outlines will make the drawing look more 3D, Let's first erase the head, while remembering that we want it to look 3D Once the outlines are done. Let'S draw the cuticle When I draw the cuticle. I imagine that the hair is partitioned into strands. And I try to draw the cuticle on each strand.. Let'S draw the cuticle., I make the cuticle with the'Eraser tool'.. The brush I use is the same as before: ,'Pencil (, Graphite )'.. I add one more cuticle on top.. Even one cuticle makes it look more 3D, but putting the cuticle also on top of the head, gives the drawing more depth and makes it even more 3D. Once I drew the hair cuticle Slightly, I erase the whole as not to make the cuticle disappear.. I open the Brush window and change the shape of the'Eraser' to'Airbrush (, Normal )'.. The whole area will become lighter and blurry.. I draw the flow of the hair in the places where I made the color paler with the'Eraser'.. I change to the'Brush tool' and go on with'Pencil (, Graphite )'., Since I'm now drawing on the same layer, it's important to pay attention to the overall balance and draw carefully Remember to draw properly the shadow on top of the head I'll now put borders on the Hair shading and make it more distinctly Open, the'Layer, window' and duplicate the shadow layer, by'Duplicate Layer'., While having the shadow layer chosen, Open, the'Tool, Selection' window and choose'Filter'. Tap'Style' and'Wet Edge'.. Now I separate the hair strands with deep shadows. As before add the Multiply Layer and do the clipping.. I draw the hair strands with the same color.. The brush I use is the same as before: ,'Pencil (, Graphite )'.. Now I make the cuticle shine with a blur.. I open the Layer window, Create a new layer and turn the clipping on. Tap'Blend Mode' and'Add' in the'Lighten section'.. If I just put some color on top of the Normal Layer, it just makes the color go on top, but if I change the Blend Mode to'Add', It makes there's a radiant light like this. I create a color that is a little dark. White is also okay, but it tends to radiate too much so you can adjust the radiance with the color. You choose The brush. I use is'Airbrush ( Normal )'., Making the face area radiant makes the feeling of transparency Open the Layer window. I scroll it to the top and tap'Add Layer from Canvas' to add, on the very top., Add another layer on top of that and turn the clipping on. Tap, Blend Mode and choose'Add'. Create a dull red color and make the area around the face more radiant with The'Airbrush' -- and done. I hope you try following this tutorial yourself. Thank you so much for watching )

ibisPaint: Please cooperate with the translation. 翻訳の協力をお願いします! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=2pGfxdH1BII&ref=share コメントおねがいします‼️Please comment‼️

Alexis- the black wolfie: Can we take a second to appreciate that the acctual- creater of Ibis paint drew with his/her hands

黑奈: your brain:yes you can your hands: no you can't

Brack0425: 自分用 下塗りを薄くくすんだ色で塗る ↓ 乗算で全体を暗くする ↓ 輪郭に光を入れる(影を消す) ※消しゴムは「鉛筆(グラファイト)」 ↓ キューティクルを2つ入れる(影を消す) ↓ キューティクルが見える程度に影を消す ※消しゴムは「エアブラシ(標準)」 ↓ 鉛筆(グラファイト)で加筆 ↓ フィルター(「スタイル」→「水彩境界」)で陰影を付ける ↓ 濃い影で毛束を分ける ↓ キューティクル、肌周りを加算・発光で光らせる

H•Nat Daydreams•H: Me: *Learns steps* *goes to IbisPaintX* Also me: *Forgets everything*

kasey: step one: learn how to draw hair :)

jemi- Active: Thanks now i can draw a beautiful edited hair with a simple stick man head

ok: Me: uses the bucket tool The one tiny hole i left in the lineart: *fool*

Dark Ron9c: She made it look so easy This taught me I'm bad at everything

Aikoch: Brain: OMG YES THATS VERY HELPFUL AND EASY Hands: *excuse me?*

Doris the sadistic: I really appreciate the fact that the creator teaches us how to draw=^= Oof I'm dumb uwu

caffastrophe: I love your tutorials. This app is amazingly made, but not everyone understands it. Your tutorials make it very clear, and are nice to watch. I look forward to watching more content!

hahuya: This tutorial was super helpful! I feel more confident in shading then I was before lolol

SevenMillionHobbies: This person is such a legend, painting with just her fingers like that.

piyu gupta: These are my steps to draw Step1- keep looking for inspiration Step2- always follow tutorials Step3- keep practicing and try not to lost your motivation If you like your work than it is the best no matter what others say

Idk: Can we just appreciate that the creators of this app, makes vids for people who are starting off?

KevinTFD Official: Honestly, I find coloring the hair one of the most difficult steps without learning any tutorials. By this tutorial, I finally understand how to color in my oc’s hair in a correctly way! Also, I would rate the app 5 stars!

JustAmberish: Ok but can we appreciate how beautiful their drawings are!?!?

わたがし: わかりやすいです! 私はすごく絵が下手くそなんですが、 この動画を参考にしたら、意外とうまく書けました! ありがとうございます!頑張ってください!チャンネル登録失礼します!

『Kristle•125』: The tutorial: easy! The method: easy! My result because my hands are not listening to me: ˜”*°•.˜”*°• Garbage •°*”˜.•°*”˜

Bloopdooop: My brain: lets do this My eyes: yass My legs: ok My hands: oh hell nah

Mizuki • 7 years ago: Why does this video have dislikes? You came to watch how to paint a hair and the video shows how to paint a hair

eeriedoppos: Very useful! I'll keep this in mind while shading the hair for my drawings!

aC0rps3: i really love how you always use your fingers and a phone in these videos, it shows that you dont need expensive equipment to make beautiful art

OtaKu: Damn it , it's really detail I don't even know where I want to start draw and coloring the hair please help me

Sakura Ruri: This is really helpful! I didn't know that you can use the eraser to make the cuticles and shadows. I'm gonna try this.

Iyatut: Thanks, helped alot. These days Ive been watching tutorials to improve my drawing since I realized I hardly watch any , but watching your tutorials really helped me know more about picking the right colors, shading, and pretty much more.

: 参考にしたらめっちゃ上手く塗れた✨ 凄い✨

Chibuyuu Chuu: your teaching skills are so good that my brain can't catch up anymore :'))

javed saifee: Japanese people are so so so talented in art why can't I be like them?!

Scarlet's Servant: What setup should I use on the pencil (graphite) brush to make the cuticle and shadow?

Que miras: this is just extremely amazing omg, this helped me a lot! it worked perfectly and now I make designs and commissions! tysm now I have my own style, if you pay attention to the video u will make it even more better!

Sole: This helped me so much! Thank you!!! Your artwork is also so gorgeous! これはとても役に立ちました!ありがとう!!!あなたのアートワークもとても豪華です!

ItzStarly: Here's a tip for those who don't like the other color: 1. Make sure your hair is on a different layer, otherwise lineart, etc could get destroyed 2. Make a new layer 3. Go to the options thingie for the layer, then change it to "Color" 4. Do clipping for the color layer 5. Now just get any color of your choosing, then use the thickest brush and then put it on the hair so you don't need to redo your hair colors and shading

Fatima Brian: Hello! Thank you for this tutorial. ♡ Coloring the hair was the hardest part for me in digital art as a beginner, thanks to this though, I learned so much!

Mia Black: thank you so much for these tutorials they are so helpful ^^ I'm a beginner and your videos really motivate me

もも: 今まで自分キモい塗り方してたんだなって目が覚めれることにできました。すごく参考になりすぎて怖いです。ありがとうございます!!!!

Pockey_Ez: This helped me very much to understand the app further. I'm in dilemma whenever I try to use ibis paint. I guess that's what I get for being too lazy to learn xD

Ailiyah_iz: These tutorials help me a lot! I learnt how to draw and colour anime artworks because of these!

Miraal Aftab: Thank youuu ❤️ It helped alott! Can you do a full lecture like this on colouring the eyes??

ღ Hiba_San ღ: Merciii beaucoup de cette excellente explication j'ai très bien compris

Sheeran_chan YT 10 years ago: Im struggling on shading a hair. Now this helps! :D

Mui_0906: I try to draw this hundreds time before, and finally today it work. Tysm, it helps me a lot.

Elli;;紅: aahh, thank you very much, I was really in need of this tutorial, I'm from Brazil so the subtitles helped a lot, I love this serious channel

May Autumn: I actually fell asleep watching this thankyou! I haven't slept this good since last year! You don't know how good that felt in the morning and being able to wake up!

happy - maple: HOLY CRAP THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER AHH- My art style isn’t manga or anime type but I still managed to make the hair shading better than my usual style :D Tysm!! ^^

Iida Syrjänen: Thank you so much for doing these videos, I remember waching these 2 years ago and without them I don't think I would be as good at drawing manga and coloring as now! ✨

Tushets: Thank you, you helped me a lot because I had no idea.

JustAmberish: I love how detailed but super simple these tutorials are because they are easy for someone like me to follow (I have ADHD so it’s kinda hard to focus)

Мурат Музатов: Больше спасибо за этот видео- туториал, всё ясно, вы объяснили каждые мелкие детали, и помогли мне с рисованием!☺

Itachi: Such a tutorial was very much needed! thanks you

tifanny: This is so detailed I love it! But I just started digital art and, I gotta say that this is a lot to process but I'll manage some day lol~

Bern: I really like learning how to draw in the app, But I would like to know What is the size of the canvas that you always use?

Kainou: Thanks! This helped me improve on my art a lot!

NotJiJiLicious: Its so satisfying watching your videos i love how its easy follow and understand ✨

Silvana Sessa: Tutorial maravilhoso!!!! ADOREI!!!!

H A I S S E Y: Thank you so much for this tutorial! It's sk easy to followwww!

꧁Gacha girl꧂シ: You make it look so easy to do xD

Bruna Hana: One year using Ibispaint and only NOW I'm really learning. Thank you ❤️

Biju Lawrence: Thank you so much for this video. I tried it and now I can colour hair well ❤❤

Chairunnisa: This helped me a lot, thank you very much

Bineveri: My brain trying to remember all of this steps Brain: ️️

Kittyzz: *When you're so proud of your draw, you spin the camera non-stop*

Ace_cherrygum ~: I was only doubtful about one thing: should I do each step in a different layer?

りんりん: 1:38 下塗り(Untermalung) 3:48 全体を暗く(overall dark) 5:22 光を入れる(shed light) 6:30 キューティクル(cuticle) 8:06 消しゴム(eraser) 8:51 流れ(flow) 11:42 境界(boundary) 12:28 毛束(bunch of hair) 13:08 キューティクルをフワッと(mellow the color of cuticle) 14:45 肌周りの発光(brighten up around skin)

Jessica: My mind says its easy. But when i go to the app and started drawing. I can't do it

Alexia Stedler: Thank you so much for this video it’s make my art work better than before!!

Zayan: My brains: doesnt look that hard Eyes: yaaas Lets tryy ittttt!!! Soul: simple and cute Legs: Yasss Hands: lol wtfffff

Peanut: Me : *watching this* "Ah, it's easy. I can do it" In Ibis Paint Also me : "How-"

Nesma _Abdo: This was the most helpful toturial I have seen thank you so much!

sweet bee: Большое спасибо, это было очень полезно!✨

ꨄcotton Gaming: Omg this helped me a lot tysm for doing this tutorial

OPP Ocean Pacific Peace: Me when watching the video:Ohhh like that,too easy! My brain when start colouring: *bLanK*

Penny the Hedgehog : Thank you so much for these awesome tutorials, my shading has improved because of you! ^^

Kill Me: It helped me! Thank you so much now i can edit more better to shade hair and color them :)

《Duda》: Eu adorei o tutorial muito obrigada por me ensinar

ゆっくりムーニャxxx: アイビスペイントいつも使わせてもらってます!

maria eduarda: Ela explica como se nós fossemos acéfalos, é exatamente isso que eu preciso.

whatthehellyou'redoing_Yagostoso?: thanks, it helped me a lot!

David Wilder: Wow! Thank you a lot your the best! I've wondered how to shade hair like that for years thank you!!!!

Mizuki: Thanks so much! I was really struggling to do shading properly, so now I can get cracking and continue my drawing!

Jayson Leo Soliman: Thanks to this tutorial I get to improve the way I color the cuticle

Dwayyyyttt: This video is actually helpful, helped me realise that i just dont the have talent at all

Faaiqah Aribah Ilyas: This so helpful, thank you so much

RX DONUT yT: thank you ibis paint for creating this wonderful drawing app cuz i dont have to waste some papers and money to buy some drawing materials

Azu. moon: Ты воопще твориш чудеса! Спасибо огромное за разные лайфхаки и лекции.

K4T: fun fact: this can actually work for some ppl! it did actually help me so maybe don’t doubt it too much .)

Aesmour ♡: They make it look so easy- omg

SARAH ANMAR: انتي عبارة عن كنز معلم بالنسبة لي You are a treasure teacher to me あなたは素敵だ

Ethan Biagcong: omg this helped me alot ive been doing things hard and wrong when theres an easy way T_T tysmm <33

•Sca Feer•: Muchas gracias Ibis Paint, entendí todo del vídeo y voy ha aprender a editar mejor el cabello! ^^

Its_ N.E.T: Wow u can draw so good with ur hand

Rune Quka: I was watching some of their tutorials and realised something They improved!!! I mean the instructions They are much more details T.T Thank you so much for ur hard work!!

『p i n c h u e l f』 :3: I sear Ibis paint always has the best tutorials they are not too fast and explain step by step and showing you the process in the easiest way possible, I love their app and their tutorials

ᴍᴏᴜssᴇᴛᴀᴄʜᴇ: I'm not the person who shades alot. But this video makes me feels like I need more shades. Dang cool tutorial.

꧁シYuritzi_ Phantomhiveツ꧂: thanks, your tutorial helped me a lot qwp

Just a normal artist: Wow i'm just learning digital but thanks to the gap that you showed! (about the adjust of the strength) And now, I have no trouble in coloring my art :)

Vinícius Soares: Funny how this video was more helpful than mostly of the other ones which are actually narrated and done with cintiqs

elm !: Step one: how to draw a anime character Me: one wiggly line Me: OH COME ON

Waifu Theory: The hardest part by far is adding the final shadows where you make the strands of hair separate. Couldn’t figure it out, gonna have to watch another tutorial. Everything else, learned from this video! Love the channel!

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