Blender Hair Tutorial Part 1 (Styling The Hair)

Hey guys! I've been getting a lot of requests to make a tutorial on how I create hair in Blender, so I finally did it! Hope you find this helpful:)

Eyebrow Pack:

Part 2:





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Hey guys, my name is Nasir and in this tutorial I'll show you how I create hair in blender. Here is the final renders the first step is selecting the scalp area. It'S easier. When you have a you, have I'm done, then the separator and scale-down are the Misha little bit now in particle set by creating you hair particle system, I'm gon na name. It hair underscore me next day just the links of the hair and set the hair number to zero. Now go to particle tap. I choose the odd brush and increase the number of keys up to 12. Now I drove the first L over here also have a mere enabled here, using comradeship of all the hairs down than the just them in the needed shape. Now I can disable the mirror, as dillings brush to correct the lengths of the hair to get an approximate idea. How it'll open render I go to the children settings and set the children to simple here. I'M gon na adjust the radius and increase the display to make the hair look more smooth. I go to the display settings and activate the display to make the hairless flat. I also change the roundness. If you want to adjust one strand separately, you just select the key of the strand and press out. Now I create a new level of the deep hair when I'm out of the particle mod in the display panel, I encourage the steps for better quality. The next step is creating you here particle system. I choose here underscore name and then click this to button tomato spherical system, unique name. It here underscore site. Now, I'm going to repeat the same steps estimate the first system and make the hair from the site. Now I want to change the curve of the strengths, so I'm gon na activate the clump curve and define its shape like this. Now I'm going to duplicate this site by pressing W and then choose mirror the next step is screeching the top here. So I'm gon na name it here underscore our crown. The crown here is divided into house. So I start by the new hair along the head. Then I'm gon na select just two keys of all the strands and by pressing W subdivide them. Now I disable length and roots and by selecting all particles, I'm gon na, let him down in the skull just a bit now I start defining the shape. Also, I want to change the clump curves of the roots of the hair, where thinner now it's time for that I'd say: I'm gon na hide the finish strands by pressing, H and start adding new particles. Is it the same message? They feel the back of the head. Now I'm going to create the last particle system I'll leave it here underscore key, so these are a bit naughty strands which will give one naturel loop to the whole hairdo to make em easier to see later, I'm gon na create a new material and gin. The Newport color on green now in the render panel, I send this material next, I'm gon na make you thinner by reducing the radius size now I'll change the clunkers with is very thin at the end. Now I keep adding new strands with the purpose to highlight you can exaggerate the shape of the hairdo? What'S the key here is done, it's time to play around with children settings to make the hair look more natural. First, I'm going to increase the amount of random, as you can see, if the here immediately got fuzzy. I also play with the size a bit and I may need to mix this fuzzy hair with a normal one. So I increase the threshold now. I repeat my actions for the other systems for the key hair. I usually change King and braid and then adjust the following settings. Thank you for watching. I hope you found this tutorial helpful and if you have any questions or suggestions, let me know in the comments.

Nazar Noschenko: Hey guys! Check out my store on Artstation

Tadrakyn: For anyone else watching this who is confused at 2:30 by how he creates a new layer of emissions and brushes it without affecting the original layer, make sure the original layer is selected (change selection mode to point) and hide with H, they'll still be visible but won't be affected by the brushes. Unhide all hidden layers with Alt-H. Got stuck here for a few minutes before slowing the video down and watching the keypresses. Other than that confusion, fantastic video, so far everything is working in 2.81 perfectly! Thank you for this tutorial.

NaGaa Jabessa: love the skin shader on your characters, maybe you could do a short tutorial on that

Manojlo Gulic: What a amazing work, you're skills are brilliant. And your renders are Pixar quality I'd like to learn from you, do you have online school maybe, or doing private mentoring? Amazing skills and best CG generalist I'd ever seen on internet and I'm seeing a lot. Thank you for sharing!

Darth Ithead: WOW. You make this looks so easy and beautiful. This is by far my favorite blender tutorial. Though I don't plan on doing this on such a detailed level, this will definitely help me in my projects.

Romain: For people who cant see children hair : -Press n -In tool go to viewport display and check the box "children"

Scott Petrovic: Really great tutorial. I have never really made hair before and didn't realize how many steps were involved. The results look amazing! You also have a new subscriber :)

Usucito: Amazing. I'd really like to see more tutorials or explanations about the workflow that you use in your projects. I've seen your characters and they are really something, superb.

unfa🇺🇦: This is a fantastic insight into a professional workflow giving great results! Thank you so much!

lmjuniper: I've been looking for a good hair tutorial since this spring. This is by far the best. Thanks!

M Wing: Doing hair with layers seems to be really cool! Looks like you have more control over the hair shape this way. Thank you for the idea! :O)

Kassia G: This is so useful! I've been waiting for a good hair styling tutorial for a very long time. Thank you so much for this.

Mark Hall: After struggling for like three or four hours, I came here. You make it look so easy! Thank you!

Diogo Vernier dos Santos: Great work! I would love a character concept to model tutorial, as well! :)

Cmo Money: This is the best hair tutorial for Blender I've seen.

Kingofsnow: Your work is stunning! Would you ever consider doing a character skin shader/character lighting tutorial? It's the one thing I can never get right and the resources out there, are not very helpful at all. Your tutorials are really helpful and easy to follow and you explain everything quite well.

Aws Selwi: Great tutorial, always like your work. Now my view has changed over hair particules and new way to approach it .. thank you alot

Генерал Задрот: Спасибо! Очень полезный урок!

Rohan Dalvi: hi, this is a fantastic tutorial. I use Houdini and your technique finally helped me to groom hair in Houdini in a controllable fashion. So thank you very much for the tutorial. :)

HA_VE: I need to ask - how did you get the flat, in-line effect from the children? When i try it in blender 2.9.3 then the children particles clump up all round the main in a circle and everything i've tried so far doesnt change that.

A McClure: This is, by far, the best particle hair tutorial I have seen.

scort cher: OH MY GASH BRO THAT WAS EPIC I really love your tutorials taught me alot in such small time I mean .. this 19 minute turned me into a new artist God bless you .. I wish you will upload more and more tutorials.. even if you took some time .. even months .. years But don't leave the channel for ever I will be always waiting for notifications from this amazing channel

GeryNH: So beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Pierre: Thanks you very much, I am currently working on hair and this is helping a LOT :)

Fight Games: You do a great job sharing your technique When I use polygon hair, my animation looks like stop motion with toys. Thanks to your technique it will look more like drawing..Is it possible to reproduce disney's hair with blender?(particles maybe?)

Remi Bug: Very thorough tutorial. Thank you very much ! Very useful

Dreamz Dziner: Finally you did it buddy:) kept your promise of doing a tutorial....its super cool how nicely you are explaining everything...u r a true talent my friend...

Lovely Strings: Классное видео. Спасибо. Вопрос. Подскажи, пожалуйста, как сделать волос персонажу, чтоб он был такой же реалистичный, как у тебя и в то же время, его можно было анимировать с персонажем. И чтоб он нормально ложился на плечи и спину и не пересекал бы мэш. Спасибо

MrOtu168x: Thank you for sharing such the great tutorial, I wish I could import it into Unity3D or UE4.

Fight Games: You do a great job sharing your technique When I use polygon hair, my animation looks like stop motion with toys. Thanks to your technique it will look more like drawing..Is it possible to reproduce disney's hair with blender?(particles maybe?)

David Roddick: This was a great job; you're a great artist. Can you give us some idea of how long it took to do this in real time? I figure if I double that, I'll get a ballpark of how long it'll take me.

Marlena Vongphakdy: Hi Nazar! Thanks for the awesome tutorial! I have one question! How do you get your hair strands in uniform clumps when you add a particle? I made sure I had the exact setting as yours but every time I add a particle my hair strands scatter into the air, to the side of the face and they don't connect to the head. The hair looks like it got electrocuted. lol I tried increasing the clump but it doesn't look nice as yours. Thanks in advance!

Natsh Rivera: Nice, very nice, if only more people will be as good teacher as you. thanks man.

Szymon Warunek: thank you for your own tutorial! - it looks very professional,i must learn this technique from you,how did you make eyes in Blender? can you publish tutorial how to make realistic eyes in Blender

Raul Diaz: This was a great tutorial! I hope you do one for the 2.83 system.

Alex Augustine: you make this look soo easy...Thanks, for sharing man.

ZunedaiGaming: I was watching this video and I was intrigued by how you used so few hair particles to create such a great volume of hair. In essence, you are "missing" a lot of hair, but the illusion is there to show that there is "a lot of" hair. Quite impressive.

Paul Van Gaans: Awesome hair tutorial, many thanks!

Quellyxx: Hey Nazar! I loved the tutorial! I would love a curly hair tutorial though, I've searched a bit and I can't find any good one. Thank you!

Jake and Midge: very nice... I have been working on learning to 3D model .. very helpful. thanks so much for the tutorials

Datura Hex: Hi Nazar, First up thanks for the great video and sharing the file, I wanted to use the hair you made and save it as an obj so i can use it easily in future projects , i converted all the particles and selected all of the hair and exported them as an obj , but when i opened the obj in a new file everything shows up black and adding a new material doesnt work either it`s just flat black, What have i done wrong? thanks soo much

Nick Simmons: Really incredible tutorial. How did you achieve the purple gradient for the hair in the viewport?

Isekai Express: Is there a better way to convert the hair to a solid mesh except for retopo? (for 3D printing?)

Cutting Edge Gaming: So, I've got a question. How do I animate the hair if I ever needed to? Do I need to add like amateurs or physics to the hair, or is there other better techneques?

Juli S: Fantastic tutorial!! I just had one question regarding around 7:30 where you select only 2 keys of a few hair strands. I couldn't follow in the video, how did you select only 2 like that?

Cobalt UDK: Very nice result, but there are a good way to convert these splines to a low poly mesh for games? About 3000 triangles, for example.

A2Z: Best Blender channel ever. Dude, you should have a Patreon when you share your blendes to patrons.

Ruth: Great tutorial! Would i be able to convert it into mesh as an obj file and add my own hair textures to it?

Aurora Mercury: Amazing! I hope I can be this good one day!

Juan DM: hey! Awesome work! Question: Wouldn't you want to add hair all over the scalp in order to make it more realistic? You can sort of notice on her forehead that hair is all coming out of one place

S3 Studios: Nice. This looks far easier than what I was expecting.

vovan un: Крутая работа.hair как настоящий получился!Сам даже побоялся что-то подобное пробовать-если с таким скилом как у вас,и то вон сколько времени пошло,представляю за сколько дней выполнит такую работу новичок.Назар, подскажите пожалуйста тему,установленную на вашем блендере.Удачная тема-надписи хорошо читаются,прозрачная панель инструментов.Вдохновения вам и удачи!!!

RCGames Oficial 2.0: Ótimo vídeo! Está me ajudando muito! Vou assistir o próximo! Like and Thanks, guy!

mango: if you can't see the hair when you're in particle mode, go to the options in the top right corner and click the box that says children (while in particle mode)

Michael's Corner: I am following along in Blender 2.80, and did very well up until 1:47; when I click on Simple Children, all of the children particles are floating in space, not attached to the scalp. Here is the screenshot: What am I missing here?

AM Games: For all the people wondering about 7:30, i'm pretty sure the new place for the length and root features is the top right>options>Preserve Root positions/length. Might be wrong, but that's what I'm doing lol

Megan Greene: Hi! I love this, but I am struggling a bit. Any chance you have a breakdown written? step by step? with photos?

Thezi Ndhlazi: Awesome tutorial. Thank you

Vectorized: Stopped by to learn how to edit symmetrical hair, stayed for the lesson. Thanks! (also, still looking for tips to make 100% symmetrical hair!)

Jenova Izq: Awesome tutorial I'm definitely subscribing and looking forward to learn from your tutorial friend.

Glen Bland: Great tutorial. This looks amazing! I have not seen anything else this good on YouTube. I would love to see your work flow in Marvelous designer too. I subscribed and look forward to more.

800pieds: Thanks for the tutorial and hyper nice results and, overally, characters. Is that how you would do hair for an animated character?

Yasmim Felipe Batista: Could you do a modeling tutorial in that style? (This girl maybe). I think it's incredible!

Robby Crawford: Question- After adding hair (particles) to the mesh scalp, when I join with body mesh, the hair particles disappear. But When it is not joined, when I move character, the mesh (with the hair) doesn't move with the rest.

MrSorbias: Nice tutorial! Thanks! :)

Dany M. Baribeau: I'm quite new with all this. watched the tutorial several times (really amazing work!). When I try it and activate the children hairs, it's all over the place, not nearly close to the parent hair. Anybody had the same problem?

Anish: I have been looking for a proper guide for days. God bless you mate. Great vid. Was really helpful.

Olav3D Tutorials: Good job! :) You're probably the largest channel for female characters in Blender now haha

Rhey: Beautiful work .

Sreliata: I am loving it! It is a bit hard to follow at first, but I hope I can do so myself. Though this is a rather 'realistic' hairstyle. Do you think this can be applied for characters like (example) Tifa + Aerith from FF7 as well? o.o

3vilsanta: Hey Naza, is it possible to duplicate/copy the hair strands in "Particle edit" mode and paste is onto a new Particle system?

Ville Vehmaa: Very good Results man!! Your characters skin looks super dope! Please make tutorial about your skin creation.

Jesper Bøllefrø: thx for a great tutorial Nazar, you really know what youre dooing(and trust me there is alot of ppl making theese tutorials who dont) one issue i have though is since its fast forward it difficult to see what keys you use to select different things it would be usefull if you talk some more about HOW you do thing not just WHAT you do.

Nana: Do you have any idea if creating hair this way will work when creating a hairstyle for The Sims 4? I've seen custom content creators that usually start with a shape, but this is highkey different, but easier in my opinion, but I don't know if it would be, I don't know... compatible?

WAM3D: Excelente. Thanks for share. Can you show us the render proccess.

Adelia. K: the hair is beautiful and it has my favorite color :D

Pavao Akrap: Hey great tutorial, but someone asked something related to animation...can this be used in animation as well? Not talking bout games, but in general, how to make this move with the movement of character?

Shitesh: please, can you make a full tutorial character modeling with texturing, it'll great help

Gravedrinker: Thanks Nazar. How did you do it that the first layer of the nape hair is not influenced by your combing of the second layer after you add the second layer at 2:39 min?

Claudio Malagrino: Very good tut, thank you!

3D Worldz: very talented artist . thanks for sharing i must try this

Follzie Mummzie: I think it would be really interesting if you would redo this tutorial in blender 2.8

Константин Тамбиев: awasome work, enjoyed watching, thank you

Dmitry Stogov: Thank you for the tutorial! But by a some reason I can't follow from 1:45. I change the same settings, but nothing happens in viewport. I working in 2.81 right now... Maybe someone know what can be the problem?

Activemotionpictures: Such amazing post! Thank you for sharing!

Matar Loum: For the creation of the new levels of hair he press A to select all the strands and H to "hide"

Rin Pink: Can you show us how to make the model itself? they look so cool!

Naomi: Imagine animating a character in moana's hair... Frame by frame... Day after day... Animating each strand of hair.

lupidorXVI: 7:18 can someone explain why he does this? 1. subdividing? (+ why only choose 2 keys?) 2. why disable length and roots? 3. why put the hair further in? Thanks!

Phill Nascimento: very good, make more videos like this, please

App Magician: several questions here: 1. Is this a blender plugin? 2. Is this recommended for game development for a character? 3. Can physics be added to the hair, that the hair would move based on character movement? thanks in advance

Johny: hello) nice tutor) one question, how did you do hairs of particle system looking like curves with points on segments?)

Marlison Williames: Your work and your voice are amazing!!

Owen Hand: Excellent tutorial sir, you have a new subscriber.

Rafael Moco: Very nice! Thanks a bunch!

Perry Berry: Perfect hair tutorial in blender dont exi... This guy is a genius

Vaibhav Rai: Thank you bro.. very useful and straight to point...

Lil Shadow Gaming: hey in the tutorial how did you make the character? i love the style and would love to know how you did it!

Cam Sykes: This is awesome man. It's really informative and the end result is exceptional. Just a side question about your characters, do you usually start the modelling from scratch or usually from a base mesh?

Brandy Frank: Thanks for the lovely tutorial, next time let's see some curly hair that would be great.

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