Testing Hair Extensions From Wish

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Extensions: https://bit.ly/2HWAiLH

Shampoo & conditioner I use on them: https://amzn.to/2rwscyu

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Hey guys so today we are going to be looking at hair extensions, from which I think I've kind of looked at everything from which now, like makeup, nail stuff random stuff. I think it's time we look at some hair extensions. I haven't been able to film for a while, because I had done my hair and then I didn't want to like ruin the surprise for the hair dyeing video. So of course I ordered these when I was blonde and now I'm not blonde anymore. So, let's just take a look at these and we'll go from there before we get into that. You can't tell I look a tad bit extra right now. You can see this look up on my Instagram. It should already be up. You can see all the products. I used and everything like that. Also, I am wearing a shirt. It'S just you know down here, I'm just trying to not only wear baggy shirts. So let's just get out of the way my arms have stretch marks on them. Okay, I figure. I might as well point it out before anyone else does so I ordered two different pairs of extensions and they pretty much both came in like the exact package, and there was only one option on shipping for these and it was expedited shipping, which was like $ 7 and I didn't have a choice at cheaper or a longer shipping, so I just got them. They say they're from the exact same place for both of these separate sets of extensions. So let me just pull this one out, so I only got 100 % human hair just because I don't really know synthetic hair very well, I do know regular human hair, so I got this one. This one it looks like the brand is, I don't know, is that an eye? What is that supposed to be something? No light only light? These are 16 inches and colors 60. This set was $ 19, so normally I get my extensions from VP fashion. I haven't really worn them as much anymore, just because my hair is quite long now, so these come with eight pieces, so like eight little West's here and here's each one they're pretty thick, really really thin and so far it actually feels okay. Besides the fact that's really thin, however, I've noticed that a lot of this there's a lot of breakage through it. Like already you can just kind of see. However, I do know that there seems like already kind of like a lot of layers like I'm grabbing the very very end, and you can just kind of see like how many different links are in here. Everything that fell. Was this not one length and then everything else, sticking up as well, which is kind of a lot? I wouldn't say that's normal. Usually the hair you get is pretty much all one length. It smells fine that I know that's weird, but a lot of extensions. You can kind of tell like how processed they are by how they smell, and I don't think that this is a terrible color either it's actually quite light. Let me go grab my BP fashioned extensions, the extensions that I would normally use and see like how the color compares and everything like that. Okay. So I have my VP fashioned extensions here, and this is what I would normally use, and this is their normal color. Not their like extra light, color missus b613, which i think is most brands like lightest color and here are the ones from whish here in the one through mission. Here are the VP fashion ones. They are pretty much the identical color like there is no difference at all, so that seems like the standard color, even for like the whish extensions, which is pretty good. This is mostly most of the time what you'll find like as the lightest shade, and then here's the difference between the whish ones and the VP lightest, like lightest lightest, shade ones. I don't know what these ones are called exactly. These ones are a lot more like tone, and these ones are a lot more yellow you can tell, but that's really, I think only like VP or like this is like a specialty color, but this is definitely like the standard color. So now that we've kind of looked at just like the color, this actually seems like it wouldn't even really be longer than my current hair, but it could definitely just add some like volume or just like. I don't know some extra, maybe I'd like a different color. If I want it, so let's open the second package and I think I am actually going to dye the extension. So we can just kind of see how they are, because you really really can't tell the quality of extensions until you've really washed them, because they usually come with, like some really nice like coating or whatever, and once you that coating off, you can really tell the Quality, so I think watching them and dyeing them will really show the quality before we do that, let's open the second package, here's this one, okay, so it seems like actually the same, so they are the same brand. But I didn't know that because when I ordered they're not from the same person, so this might be some sort of like wholesale extension person, and I do believe that I did get the lightest color. Although this actually looks a lot darker compared to the other colors. Here, which is kind of strange, considering it's the same brand, so this is just one piece, if I remember correctly, it's just supposed to be like one thicker piece and yep. That seems right. So it's just supposed to be like one big piece which would really stretch like really far on your head. If you just like again, one is just like some thickness just like one thicker piece of work. I finally found in my order number - and I ordered this one in blonde, and then I ordered these extensions in gold, except these. This, like one big piece, actually is darker, which is a big difference if you're going to be like dining them. If you have like, I don't know like golden blonde and then this would work or like if you're dyeing it or if you want to have gray, hair or even tone them a little bit you you want the lightest that you can possibly get. I feel like one big downside of wish, like the product selection, because you would think that gold would be darker than a blonde or at least more yellow. However, I will give it that the quality does feel nice. I'M not a super fan of these big Clips, but that's more of just like a preference, since my hair is pretty thin. I have a hard time like hiding big Clips, but again just a preference. I do like, though, that there's like sort of this lace here that makes it a lot more comfortable on your head. I'M not going to dye this one! Just because I I mean there's, it's honestly a lost cause to try to do gold and since it's the same brand, I think we're good. So what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na die this little bit pink and this little bit purple and we'll see how it goes, and I might as well just take you with me to do that. So, let's go okay, so welcome to the absolutely horrendous lighting that is my bathroom. I will show you guys dyeing these extensions, since it's such like a small piece like why not then, for each one, I'm going to do a three and two clip weft okay. So this is my sink: okay, I'm gon na watch them out now. I'M gon na use this Remi soft, because this has like a silicone serum which really helps extension. Since I want to give these like a really fair shot, as an added bonus, I'll show you guys how I get rid of the stains on your sink from dye, get something with bleach in it. Let it marinate on there for a moment, wipe it up and man clean sink. Okay, so I am back with the extensions they did pretty good, they're still really really soft after they're dry and everything like that. I have my straightener here now, so we can put that to the test. Okay, so here's extension number one. Obviously these are really really thin like seriously like the thinnest wefts. I think I've ever seen out of any extensions, but they were only 19 dollars. So, like you know, like you, can't really be like wow, I didn't get a full head of hair. You know what I mean so I'm using this straightener again. If you followed me for a while, then you know that this trigger vibrates, for whatever reason - okay, I don't know so, let's just kind of give this like a nice like slight curl, okay, it looks like a did pretty good, no points where it seems like it's Melted or anything like that, it's super soft. I could always do that like mix it up put like purple over here. No, we won't do that right now. I think I curled them a tiny bit too much. That'S okay, though, don't mush, I think it's going pretty good so far, so now this next piece, this one seems like almost thinner, I don't know - or you know sometimes if you have really really short hair, sometimes having like really really thick extensions, it doesn't go as Well, since it can look like really really out of place when you have like you know like really shore up here, then it just like you can tell some things up when someone's hair is like really really thin up here and really really thick at the bottom. Okay, so now I'm going to put the pink in okay and there they are in I'm actually really really impressed with. These, I think, are totally 100 % human hair okay, so I did actually go back and look, and it does say it is 65 grams. 16 inches and eight pieces, I didn't put all the pieces of my hair. I still have like these little left over, but it's totally like you know not that much it's like tiny bit and if you were to get eight pieces at 22, inches and 75 grams, which really isn't like much of a bump and like the longer the hair Is the less thick its gon na be if it's the same grams? You know it only goes up 10 grams. It'S gon na be like even thinner than these. I would bet since you're adding another six inches. Did I do the math right so yeah, six inches. It would for that it would be $ 32 plus, like they're, seven dollars shipping, but you definitely could always order like two bundles and then like stitch them together yourself. So you make like double wess they're lost thicker, and it would still be pretty cheap that'd, be like a hundred bucks, and you would have like a hundred and fifty grams, which isn't terrible. The hair quality is actually really really good. I don't think it's like. Exceptionally good, but it's not bad at all, it's actually. It is a little bit rough at the ends and ends are pretty crinkly, but the hair quality itself. It'S actually really good. I don't have really anything bad to say about these they're, not charging an insane price. I don't think you're gon na get like you know some insanely long and thick extensions out of these, but other than that I would actually recommend these. You know if you're looking for just like some shorter thinner extensions, maybe you can't afford to get a go full on and get like a $ 300 set. I totally get it. I would actually recommend these. I will leave the link to the set that I actually died and stuff down below, since I actually can totally vouch for that one and that, like specific one, so yeah, that's really my whole take away from getting extensions on wish. I, to be honest, I totally expected for them to be terrible. If you couldn't tell I totally expected in disaster, but I'm thoroughly impressed with it. I totally will admit that I was wrong. I can't really think of too many more things to get from wish. At this point, I've done the makeup, the nails, the hair, the random stuff. If there's anything else, specifically that you want me to get and sort of test out, feel free to, let me know down below I'm totally open to just buying some more stuff to show you guys. I know I like doing these videos. You guys seem to like these videos and I'd like to do some more, so thank you guys so much for watching. Please give this video a like if you liked the wish videos that I do or you want to support me or whatever. I would really appreciate it. Thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you later bye, oh okay, what? What is that? Hmm? What is it and they're veneers, and I do normally always wear just like really big black eye, be baggy. You want to see how pull the back of my head looks: 3 clip clip and a to quit left clip. Oh my god. What is that now? What did I? What did I do?

Allisonmarie567: I have stretch marks on my stomach that are BAD. I call them my warrior stripes and I’m proud of them:) don’t let anyone get you down about your warrior stripes! You’re beautiful and perfect the way you are, girl! You don’t have to please anyone! ❤️

Paige: wow you look stunning. i am in love with this look. good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone with your clothing that really is a huge step towards a healthy relationship with your body. ps i, like sooo many people, have stretch marks on my arms too. totally normal. :)

Nicole Nailyl: 1) you're gorgeous 2) they actually sell that brand on amazon double wefted 160g for 90 dollars I've been a customer for years I've tried all types of high end extensions and since they all seem to get messed regardless(cause i live in a tropical area so the heat doesn't help) so I just rather pay $ 90 and keep slaying new hair every few months!

Brandywine Lewis: You look stunning ❤ My boyfriend's niece is 10 and getting stretch marks from growing and she keeps freaking out about it, I wish she would understand everyone gets them and it's totally normal Nobody should judge anyone for something so silly and common.

Angiesoffgrid_art: Pink looks stunning on you loving everything your putting out too!

Madison: This is my FAVORITE look of yours so far! You look so Aphrodite! Also, I was super curious about the wish hair extensions and wigs, good timing. :)

JasperCatProductions: You look gorgeous. I didn’t expect those thin extensions to make a huge difference,but they looked very pretty in your hair.

Rebekah Marshall: You’re a beauty and you should love your body! Anyone who truly loves you won’t judge you for a couple stretch marks. None of our bodies are perfect, it just matters that we love ourselves and each other in the state we are in now :) you look beautiful in anything you wear! Thank you for another great video bb

Lorena T: Oh my god, how can someone be so gorgeous, I love your hair, your makeup, your necklace, and even your shirt though I can't see it.

Jinxxie: ive used that brand before! they actually have a white blonde that is lighter than VP fashion's (I've got the white blonde on eBay before, not wish though) they're great if you like to change your hair color a lot and don't wanna pop $100+ for something you're only gonna use for a month or two.

Jayda Jensen: Honestly I HATED how in the beginning you had to point out the fact that you have streaks marks on your arms, as if people were going to point it out for you. Stretch marks are a normal thing and almost everyone has them, I even have them on my arms. I don't understand why some people are ignorant enough to point things out like that.

Monika Kiara: You look so pretty and glowy here, also loving your eyeshadow and the new hair!

The Oubre Life Chronicles: I got 99 problems but a stretch mark ant 1. Lol I actually have more stretch marks than I can count from pregnancy. But hey that's life, wouldn't change it if I could. Btw loving the hair girl. Making me want to color mine again!


🌷 • babysanriho: wow your makeup and yourself look so amazing on this video! makeup tutorial on this look please! Extra Emily is my fav lol

michelle macias: youve easily become my favourite person to watch on youtube! your vids are so calming if that makes sense hahaha. much love

Megan WritesAlot: You look so glowy and happy girl!! Love the video ❤️

Tabitha Mannina: Emily, we all got stretch marks, don’t worry about it, woman

Olivia H: You are so amazing!!! Also, I really love that you pointed out your stretch marks, I have so many, and seeing someone specifically addressing them makes me smile!!! Have an awesome day!!!

Amber Nicole: THIS LOOK! it's everything. my god you are a queen

Izzy Paranoia: I also love the extraness you did with your makeup!! I love the hearts and the glitter flower on your chest! ❤️ keep being extra!!

Izzy Paranoia: I really love the new hair ❤️❤️ and the new edits you added ❤️ your videos get better and better with every video.

Emi Trout: Do more random wish stuff I loved that video lol

( ◜‿◝ )♡: Accessories definitely! I’ve heard everyone say that their accessories (glasses, necklaces, earrings, etc) are good, and I’ve personally experienced a few good instances, but I feel like there’s still room for things to go wrong.

DreamlikeLucy: Love you Emily your make-up & hair looks extra gorgeous in this vid

Sena Cooper: Loving the hair colors! Was getting ready to say you could see 2 sets together to make thicker extensions! As I was typing you said the same thing!

linnys vlogs: NEW SUBSCRIBER! Your hair is gorgeous! I can see how they did give you more volume. I'd would try and mix the colors next time. It'd look awesome! Alright, time to binge watch to see what ya got. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

Amanda Baker: Long hair goals am i right!! I used to have serious hair envy and then i finally purchased a ZALA seamless 20inch set and now I AM THE HAIR GOALS

Zoe The Cat: You look soooo pretty with your hair in pink/purple!!!

Melissa Salazar: I have stretchmarks on my arms thighs and belly and you know what? IM BEAUTIFUL and so are you!!! Love you lots Emily !

Alyssia Paige: You are sooo gorgeous!!! I love the wish vids, please do more!!

Frances Jimenez: Girl, you look gorgeous!! Thanks for the review!❤️❤️❤️

Jacquie Danni: I love how you beat everyone to the punch with your stretch marks, don’t feel bad girl, I’ve got them too!! ❤️

Madilyn Jessmore: Definetly going to try these! Been trying to find a cheaper set of extensions! Thank you!!!

Tia Pesi: I love how down to earth you are. I don't know if you also had not a lot of money when you were growing up, like I did - but... You make the best of it, and remember the price and show what yoi can do to make them work! And you do this everytime! I love you for that... and overall... I ADORE YOU! ❤️

Nicketti Martin.: The same company sells the synthetic extensions thru Amazon and I never got my package from them but they were nice about refunding my money. But it's awesome that they are pretty good quallity for the price !

Zoe Arellano: i just found your channel like two days ago & now im obsessed woo keep doing your thing girl❤️

Sarah Maslanka: I bought extensions from there and they, we're actually decent quality and I still use them today. I also got a wig which turned out amazing. Mabey you should do a video trying out different weed products (makeup and self care products that have weed in it) cbd oil and stuff. Love ur channel.

melanieren: You are GLOWING in this!!! Love the pink and purple on you :) Also I have stretch marks literally all over my body. IT'S NORMAL! You're beautiful regardless!

M.: Your hair is so cute! I love it. seeing you upload made me smile so big!

Kayley: i’m so here for the middle part & the half & half colored hair. sooooo beautiful and u actually post such interesting content

Tiffany Lynette Davis: I loved this! I can’t get enough of your hair!!! I absolutely in love with these colors! Ugh you look soo pretty!!!

Kenziewalkaflame: Yasssss b , I love you & you’re soooo beautiful stretch marks and all . My son said “she looks like a princess” ❤️

PeytonNoelX•X: That’s so crazy! I buy the same brand on amazon and they are thick and the best cheaper Extensions I’ve ever bought. I wonder why that is different. Wish scared me to buy from!

TNFC: I absolutely love your wish videos. And I love your hair. The two colors is probably my favorite you’ve had so far and you pull it off so well. People should never comment on another persons appearance or stretch marks. That’s so rude and just gross. It’s sad you knew you’d have to say something because some troll was gonna make a comment. Whatever. You’re gorgeous screw all the haters.


Shaye Mandy: All about you reviewing stuff like this yay lol! Your hair and background looks so good! ✨

Mich K: You can order great human hair extensions on wish, but you have to look at the grams. 9 out of 10 times they sell 70 grams, I made the same mistake. You have to look in the description box. I now got 125 grams and they're perfect for my hair.

Brianna R: Girl, your hair is gorgeous!

Auryix Grant: I’ve used snoilite branded extensions double drawn and I rate them highly! X

Allie Paige: Omg I can't get over how gorgeous you are I love the hair, I love the makeup, I love the nails I love your videos lmao

Raeline Morgan: I'm surprised it worked out so well!

AshGray: You are a beautiful woman who doesn’t need to explain herself to the internet. You do you regardless of rude people because no matter what they say your boyfriend loves you, your family loves you and your true followers love you. Keep your head up, good luck with your journey to self love I hope that you begin to see just how wonderful you are :) xoxo love you

Little Red Goddess Persephone: You look so pretty! I am loving the hair and the look! We all have stretch marks!

Lulu Hunt: You’re making me want to dye my hair the pink you have. I haven’t dyed my hair in a year or really used heat on it. It’s grown so much but I WANT PINK HAIR UGH

Kat Campirides: when she held up the extensions side by side i was SHOOK lol the difference in the amount of hair is crazy

Who is this April: My friend ordered something from wish.......last year, she just got her order last week

Caitlin McDermid: You look extra beautiful in this video Your hair and makeup is amazing

katie f: Hi! I would love to see a video on suncare: I see so many brands now offering different forms of sunscreen and makeup with sunscreen from sunscreen brands. Does it really work? Is the makeup actually good?

Ashleigh Johnson: I love when you dye extensions! <3

M: I am absolutely shook at how beautiful you look. I'm utterly obsessed with your hair

Kayla A: looooove the hair - the candy floss colour is awesome

Tamala: You look so good! Loving your new colour!!

Sydney Lindgren: Great review. I know this video is about the wish extensions. But I love love love the teal you used under your eyes!!

Kristin Xx: I always hit the like button on your vids before I even watch them lmao I just love your content. Btw I’m loving your new hair!! This look is everything

Anna Davis: This is my favorite hair on you! You look amazing but I do not miss the lighting in those bathrooms, at all.

Sandra: your hair looks so good :D

Amber Nunez: Your hair came out so great !!! Like fr ❤️❤️ love watching your channel , tbh this is my fav YouTube channel !!!!

Squeak3rz TheSquigglySquid: I love your hair and makeup <3 You look like a fairy queen :D

Yosh Sea: They came out really nice , great bargain buy

Emily Caitlynn: That hair looks so amazing on you! Omg!!!

nessa: You literally look like a goddess you are glowing!! And I really like these types of videos!

SoggyAnimalCracker: You look like an angel in this video.

Heather j: You’re beautiful! Your hair is beautiful and so are your stretch marks! Love

Jayden A: Woah! You are slaying that hair, wow. I especially love that length on you. You are glowing!

Sharon Cerretani: You are too funny and nice, you never give a really bad review. Lol

Nadine’s Makeup: You look extra beautiful in this video I don’t know what it is

Lindsay V: Keep the look for the season at least. Looks so fire on you

Leila Stone: Idk man- i got some great quality human hair extensions at my local beauty store for 13$. They won’t bleach but if I had gotten the blond then they would dye...

Pia Korkeamäki: I also bought hair extensions from Wish, and I think I got Alot more hair for a lower price than the hair that I original buy from sweden for a higher price. I could go 6 weeks with tape-on without any damage with the wish hair. But before that I had more expensive hair from a Swedish big brand and i could only go like 4 weeks with the sasme products and I had to chop of the hair or they fell out. Btw, I Love your youtube And your haircolor is amazing! :) *stay pink* ! I also have pink hair and you should totally try out the product Overtone, im using pastel pink color! it is vegan and cruelty free Hair color that also is deep hair treatment. I love that product so much!

Otaku Lunamoon: OMG your hair looks amazing!!!!!!! You're stunning stretch marks or non Ly girl ✌

Sydney B.: Trendy clothes! Btw this hair makes you look the prettiest you’ve ever looked omg

Lexi Watson: Queen❤️ love your vids been following since the old emo days

Kimberly Reece: I just adore you! im the same way at pointing out what others will. BTW you look so fucking gorgeous in this video!!

Sábrîña Stērlïñg: I Love Your Brand New Look, You Are Killing The Half Colors Look, I Wish I Was As Adorable As You❤️

Renea Momma Bear Keto: OMG ... Your hair is gourgeous. .

Fried Beans: The packages they came in look like space food lol btw you're looking gorgeous!

CallitwhatUwant2: Minihouse8888 has never done me wrong when it comes to cheap human extensions

michaela a: you look soooo amazing in this video!!!

Lady Seven: The WISH ones would be cute for rainbow hair

Asia Hill: Oh my god, your hair! I didn't watch the whole video of you doing you hair. I love it!!

EpicEmilyy. Original!: Your hair looks awesome with that background.

dani Xo: Aw Emily I feel so sad you had to show your stretch marks, but I get why you did, I'm proud of you for not wearing baggy t shirts and going out your comfort zone, I legit hate my arms, always wear baggy t shirts and long sleeve no matter how hot it is I'll be in a cardy or a boyfriend t shirt that's big enough to cover the top of my arms, also have the worstttt stretch marks under my armpit and top of harm. It's horrible. Made me feel some what happy seeing that you have them too cos I think your amazing. Makes me realise I'm not alone and I need to just not care what others think x

Hannah O.: You should try wish wigs

jung kookie: The worst hair extensions I've ever seen ahah And I love your hair color and makeup! ❤


kylie rudd: my hairs short and i like getting a couple sets of thinner extensions cause they blend better. i get mine from minihouse8888 and get two sets of 22 inch 75g extensions & cut a few inches off

Channercorn: you look SOOO GOOD in this video!!!!

Adilé: Your lips look so good!!

cunfusion: the hair the makeup...everything is A LEWK

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