Do My Hair With Me//Maintain Your Hair At Home//Daisy Flo

How to maintain your hair at home




weave brush

Edge brush


Hair extension

Foreign, fine and guys guess what and I have a good reason for that they have a very, very good so guys this is Johnny. Now I'm back and guys, every Friday I try and do my best do. I have some some issues, but now but I'll be uploading, videos guys each and every Friday I'll be uploading, one video for you guys and guess what guys I normally do: videos about cooking recipes things like that, but now I've decided to change to something else about My lifestyle about my hair, about everything, everything you want guys. So you just what you just do comment what you like for me to do, for your private share with your friends like, like my video guys, do it another video I just decided to and share it with you, for you also to learn so just like, like Okay, so on today's video I'm going to do something new, something better and something many of you have been asking me in my games. I just receive messages. How are you maintaining your hair? How are you doing this? How are you able to do this? Are you able to do this to your hair? Now today I brought you a video just to show you how I maintain my hair guys so has been about my hair. I normally don't go to the salon now and then every day, every day, every time, every time you know once I played like this month the next month, I will just maintain it myself. So after I go to the salon the next month, I'll just maintain my hair myself, even the one in a family like that, so guys, let's get to the video and before I start the video please just hit the Subscribe button subscribe here here, foreign so guys. This is my hair, as you can see, it's not long enough, but I like it the way it is that it's to continue so so guys, um just share what I do to my hair and today, I'm just getting ready to go somewhere. So obviously it's like. I get ready with me and it's like how to I should I make my hair and I'll maintain it at home. You have just these ordinary things at home. Don'T that's why I come to show you how to maintain your hair at home and how you can look beautiful, smart and when you're at home, so number one what I would normally use. I use this obtain object with gel this one, Something Free. The reason why I like this gel is because number one this gel doesn't really products like no. It doesn't leave late and number two, this one: okay, okay, your hair, it just shines, it's like it's just friends and number three, the way it holds your hair. You love it the way it holds your hair. You love it, you love it guys. So that's number one item number two. I think always have a comb ordinary curve just to comb your hair, ordinary comb. This come only number four. This is number three number four. I need an extension. I have an extension here after applying gel. Maybe, after maintain your hair, you, maybe you need to add extension to your hair, to look more beautiful, but if you don't need to add, if you don't feel to add your extension, it doesn't matter so, as for me I'll be having this extension here this one. I got you know just a nearby shop here yeah I I think it was 500 bucks, I'm not sure yet. So this one is the session that we'll be adding and for the extension. I always have this brush this one. I use YouTube, as you can see. Now it all looks nicely nicely and well done, as you can see like that now you see and then the reason why I like this extension very much as you can see it looks like Silk. It'S kind of silky yeah, it's silk and it's very nicely. You can do it whatever you can just you'll see guys we'll see what I'll do with it. So that's number four thing you need, and I guess that's all that you need no, no, no. The last thing you need is The Edge brush even coming to edges. Many people have been asking you how I do my edges now in this beginner I'll show you how I do my edges and I'll just tell you everything about you might so that's all. I think you need that's all. So, let's get started in the video guys. First of all, you start by combing your hair comb, your hair, to be easy to apply the gel on after combing your hair, and I can see the way my hair is you don't know guys if you see my hair yeah, that's how my hair is now. After combing your hair, another thing I forgot to show you guys: you need water, you need this water, this water, I just pour in this water here. So what I'll do with the water? You just touch the water when you wet your hair you're, just waiting your hair with your hair with your hair until it becomes damp. I don't know if you know I don't have hair or what hair something like that. So as for the time, it's always needs something. You can't apply it. Yes, you can, but for my hair you can just apply when the hair is damp so that you keep okay, but I normally see when I apply it when it's dry. The results are not always so, as you can see the way it becomes done, they have done like that. So after it becomes dance, and then you also come so after combing, your hair, and now you can start applying your exam. Now. After doing that, you take this brush yes, this breath, then you just brush it like that, like that, like that, don't do that with that, just slowly like that, as you can see, it becomes very thick so now I'll be taking my gel. No and let's apply it, sorry this one just take a good amount, so you just apply apply like that. Apply like that apply apply. So you see you see so after I've done with the front side. Now you go to the back. Take that good amount, as you can see, take a good amount yeah, the back side. You do like this. I thought the back side. This is where many people get lost. That'S right, but I know mine would work so because I know how I do my hair. So, as you can see guys, you can see how my hair is. Then you just take your brush brush your edges very nicely very nicely. So after you have applied your gel, you take this brush of glass. This one, then you just give me the edges very nicely very, very nicely, see guys see so after that I'll use this to try. I don't know if I'll tie it myself, but let's, let's just use something like a. What do I call it cucumber just do something like a camera, then you tie your hair tie it like that moisture. It'S very, very tight and nicely. Yes, I think. That'S okay. So guys, I'm back as you can see my hair related as for this front just play time, then you just do like this. You take your hair band, something like this and you just hold it with it, but then so after holding it, you see guys the way it looks the way it looks guys. You see the way my hair looks so after that guys. After that, then you take your an edge brush. Don'T do this just like a toothbrush guys, just I don't have the money to buy the edge but the red Edge, but so I normally use this combined toothbrush. The old one is so what to do you? Do you dip it in the water for it to become clean away wet then, after dipping in your water, you align your edges like this. The way I'm doing you align your edges with it. So after you align your edges with it, don't forget if you're seeing very well, I don't know so. Let me come here so that you can see you see so after doing that, what you do you now just do your edges, you can decide. So you see. Do this you do this and you do that again: don't worry about ascending I'll, just say it and it will dry. It will dry up. So do that the next side, so the next side. Also you do the same. You can say append the same thing now. Just draw like that, so there you go so after doing that, don't make this here! This is okay! So after doing that, you see how it looks like yeah, you take another gel, a little one like this and add it on top of your of your hairs. So that the rest here can can hold well, as you can see, I don't know if you can see guys so there you go guys there you go. The hell is good. So after you're done this now I'm gon na tie it for it to dry up and I'm gon na show you how I'm tying it so I'm going to use this one. This is so this way you tie make sure you tie all the side very well. The black and the front, and the edges too very nicely for them to dry up very, very well as you can see they have tied it. Is that too? That'S how you tie it now, I'll go and so in the meantime again do other things, maybe you're getting ready. Like me, you can do other things, foreign foreign foreign good morning,

OneG_Ke: Good job, my person must see this

Tabitha mutama: Cograts siz dear keep up.

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